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Python input and output

Updated on 04/03/20244,535 Views


In programming, the ability to effectively handle Python input and output operations is paramount for crafting efficient applications. As we navigate through the digital era, professionals often encounter situations where mastering these basic functionalities of Python proves indispensable. This tutorial aims to give the reader in-depth insights into Python's input/output dynamics, ensuring a holistic understanding.


The Python input and output ecosystem is vast, encompassing not only simple interactions but also complex file operations. This tutorial offers a structured exploration, from the foundational input() and print() functions to advanced file handling techniques, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of Python's I/O functionalities.

How to Take Input from User in Python

In Python, you can take input from the user using the input() function. The input() function reads a line of text entered by the user and returns it as a string. Here's how you can use it:


user_input = input("Enter something: ")  # Display a prompt and wait for user input
print("You entered:", user_input)  # Display the user's input

In this example:

  • input("Enter something: ") displays the text "Enter something: " as a prompt for the user to enter something.
  • The user enters text followed by pressing the "Enter" key.
  • The entered text is stored in the variable user_input as a string.
  • The print() function is used to display the user's input back to the console.

The input() always returns a string. If you want to work with numerical values, you'll need to convert the string to the appropriate data type (e.g., int or float) using functions like int() or float():


user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
number = int(user_input)  # Convert the user's input to an integer
print("You entered:", number)

Getting User Input with a Message

In Python, you can get user input with a message by using the input() function along with a string that serves as the input prompt or message. Here's how you can do it:


user_input = input("Please enter your name: ")
print("Hello,", user_input)

In this example:

  • input("Please enter your name: ") displays the message "Please enter your name: " as a prompt for the user to input their name.
  • The user enters their name followed by pressing the "Enter" key.
  • The entered name is stored in the variable user_input as a string.
  • The print() function is used to display a greeting along with the user's name.

You can replace "Please enter your name: " with any custom message or prompt that you want to show to the user. Just make sure to enclose the message in double or single quotes within the input() function.

Integer Input in Python

To receive an integer input from the user in Python, you can use the input() function to collect a string from the user and then convert it to an integer using the int() function. Here's an example:


user_input = input("Enter an integer: ")  # Get user input as a string
    integer_value = int(user_input)  # Convert the string to an integer
    print("You entered:", integer_value)
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid integer.")

In this example:

  • input("Enter an integer: ") prompts the user to enter an integer.
  • The user enters a value, which is stored in user_input as a string.
  • The int(user_input) attempts to convert the string to an integer. If the conversion succeeds, the integer value is stored in the variable integer_value.
  • If the user enters something that cannot be converted to an integer (e.g., a non-numeric string), a ValueError exception will be raised. To handle this, we use a try...except block to catch the exception and provide an error message.

This code ensures that the user provides a valid integer input and handles cases where the input is not a valid integer.

How to Take Multiple in Python

In Python, you can use the map() function to apply a given function to each element of one or more iterable objects (such as lists) and get the result as a map object. If you want to take multiple inputs from the user using the map() method, you can follow these steps:

  • Use the input() function to take a single string input that contains multiple values separated by a delimiter (e.g., space or comma).
  • Split the input string into individual values using the split() method or a custom delimiter.
  • Use the map() function to convert the individual values to the desired data type (e.g., int, float).

Here's an example of how to take multiple integer inputs from the user using the map() method:


# Step 1: Take a single string input containing integers separated by space
input_string = input("Enter multiple integers separated by space: ")

# Step 2: Split the input string into individual values using space as the delimiter
input_values = input_string.split()

# Step 3: Use the map() function to convert the values to integers
integer_values = list(map(int, input_values))

# Display the result
print("You entered the following integers:", integer_values)

Here's an example of how to take multiple float inputs using the same approach:


# Step 1: Take a single string input containing floats separated by space
input_string = input("Enter multiple floats separated by space: ")

# Step 2: Split the input string into individual values using space as the delimiter
input_values = input_string.split()

# Step 3: Use the map() function to convert the values to floats
float_values = list(map(float, input_values))

# Display the result
print("You entered the following floats:", float_values)

This code allows you to take multiple inputs from the user and convert them to the desired data type using the map() function.

Taking Input for Sequence Data Types like List, Set, Tuple, etc.

Taking List/Set Elements With the append() and add() methods

Taking inputs for a list using append():


# Initialize an empty list
my_list = []

# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the list: "))

# Loop to take inputs and add them to the list
for i in range(num_elements):
    element = input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: ")

# Display the list
print("List:", my_list)

Taking inputs for a set using add():


# Initialize an empty set
my_set = set()

# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the set: "))

# Loop to take inputs and add them to the set
for i in range(num_elements):
    element = input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: ")

# Display the set
print("Set:", my_set)

Taking inputs for a tuple:


# Initialize an empty list to store elements temporarily
temp_list = []

# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the tuple: "))

# Loop to take inputs and add them to the temporary list
for i in range(num_elements):
    element = input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: ")

# Convert the temporary list to a tuple
my_tuple = tuple(temp_list)

# Display the tuple
print("Tuple:", my_tuple)

Taking Inputs With map() and list() or set() Methods

Taking Inputs for a List Using map() and list():


# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the list: "))

# Use map() and list() to take inputs and create a list
my_list = list(map(str, input("Enter elements separated by space: ").split()[:num_elements]))

# Display the list
print("List:", my_list)

Taking inputs for a set using map() and set():


# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the set: "))

# Use map() and set() to take inputs and create a set
my_set = set(map(str, input("Enter elements separated by space: ").split()[:num_elements]))

# Display the set
print("Set:", my_set)

Taking inputs for a tuple directly:


# Define the number of elements you want to add
num_elements = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the tuple: "))

# Use a generator expression to create a tuple
my_tuple = tuple(input(f"Enter element {i + 1}: ") for i in range(num_elements))

# Display the tuple
print("Tuple:", my_tuple)

How to Display Output in Python

Displaying Output


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:

Printing Output Using Custom sep and end Parameter


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
print("Fruits:", *fruits, sep=", ", end="!\n")

Formatting Output

Using Formatted String Literals

Formatted String Literals, often referred to as f-strings, provide a powerful and convenient way to format strings in Python. Introduced in Python 3.6, f-strings offer a concise and readable syntax for embedding expressions and variables within string literals. Here's a breakdown of the theory behind f-strings:

1. Syntax:

  • F-strings are created by prefixing a string literal with the letter 'f' or 'F'.
  • Inside an f-string, expressions and variables are enclosed in curly braces {}.

2. Embedding Expressions:

  • F-strings allow you to embed Python expressions directly within a string.
  • Expressions are evaluated at runtime and their results are inserted into the string.

3. Embedding Variables:

  • You can include variables inside f-strings by placing the variable name within curly braces.
  • F-strings automatically convert variables to strings, so there's no need for explicit type conversion.

4. Formatting Options:

  • F-strings support a wide range of formatting options, including:
    • Specifying the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers.
    • Controlling alignment (left, right, or center) and width for text.
    • Padding with zeros or other characters.
    • Specifying the type of variable (e.g., integer, float, hexadecimal).

Here is an example:


name = "Alice"
age = 30
price = 19.99

# Basic string formatting
formatted_string = f"Name: {name}, Age: {age}"
print (formatted_string)

# Number formatting
formatted_price = f"Price: ${price:.2f}"
print (formatted_price)

# Combining variables and expressions
total_years = age + 10
combined_output = f"Name: {name}, Age in 10 years: {total_years}"
print (combined_output)
# Advanced formatting
formatted_number = f"Number: {7:03d}"  # Padded with zeros

5. Advantages:

  • F-strings offer concise and readable syntax for string formatting.
  • They improve code readability by embedding variables and expressions directly within strings.
  • F-strings are evaluated at runtime, making them suitable for dynamic content.

6. Compatibility:

  • F-strings are available in Python 3.6 and later versions.
  • They are backward-compatible with earlier versions by using external libraries like f-strings (for Python 2.7 and 3.5).

F-strings have become the preferred way to format strings in Python due to their clarity, simplicity, and ability to handle a wide range of formatting tasks. They are especially useful when creating strings with dynamic content or when dealing with complex formatting requirements.

String Formatting Using F-String


name = "Alice"
age = 30
print(f"Name: {name}, Age: {age}")

Formatting With format()

Formatting output using the format() method is a powerful and flexible way to create formatted strings in Python. This method is available for string objects and allows you to replace placeholders in a string with values or expressions. Here's the theory behind using format() for string formatting:


name = "Alice"
age = 30
price = 19.99

# Basic string formatting
formatted_string = "Name: {}, Age: {}".format(name, age)

# Number formatting
formatted_price = "Price: {:.2f}".format(price)

# Combining positional and named arguments
formatted_output = "Name: {0}, Age: {1}, Price: {price:.2f}".format(name, age, price=price)

# Advanced formatting with field names and specifiers
formatted_number = "Number: {:03d}".format(7)

Using % Operator

Formatting output using the % operator in Python is a traditional approach that allows you to create formatted strings by inserting values into placeholders within a string. Here's an example where we use the % operator for string formatting:


name = "Alice"
age = 30
formatted_string = "Name: %s, Age: %d" % (name, age)


Navigating the complexities of Python input and output operations is an invaluable skill for today's professionals, especially as Python continues to dominate various industry sectors. Throughout this tutorial, we've unveiled the tools and techniques that transform these operations from mere tasks to powerful functionalities. With a clearer understanding, you're well-equipped to leverage these skills in real-world applications. For those committed to further refining their expertise, upGrad offers a diverse range of courses tailored to the ever-evolving landscape of Python programming.


  1. What are some common Python input output questions?

Professionals often grapple with file-related operations, converting input data types, and customizing outputs.

  1. How can I use the Python code output generator effectively?

A Python code output generator can predict a given code's output. Ensure your code is correct and enter the segment.

  1. Can you explain the output statement in Python?

The principal output statement in Python is the print() function, allowing data display on the console.

  1. How does Python input differ from other languages?

Python's input() always returns a string, unlike some languages where the input type varies based on entered data.

  1. Are there any advanced libraries for I/O operations in Python?

Python offers advanced I/O libraries such as os, shutil, and sys for varied functionalities.

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