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Opening and closing files in Python

Updated on 19/07/20246,493 Views


There may be times when you need to communicate with external files in Python. Python has methods for generating, writing, and accessing files. In this post, we will look at the steps of opening and closing files in Python.


An opening and closing are two essential operations when working with files in Python. Python's `open()` method grants you rights to access files, catering to various purposes like reading, writing, or appending. Python's `close()` method closes a particular file and releases allocated resources. Let’s dive into python close all open files.

Types of Files

In Python, files come in two distinct flavors: text and binary.

Text Files: Easily readable by humans, text files find their purpose in storing textual data, such as documents, configuration files, and Python source code. Python offers seamless handling of these files, facilitating straightforward text-based operations.

Binary Files: Contrary to text files, binary files store non-textual data, including images, audio, video, or any data that defies textual representation. Manipulating binary files necessitates specialized functions.

The World of Text Files

Text files, the linguistic envoys of Python, offer simplicity in their handling. A glimpse into their world:

# To access a text file in read-only mode 
file = open("sample.txt," "r") 
# Read and embrace the content within 
the content = file.read() 
# Gently close the file 
# Witness the content 

In this instance, we unlock the "sample.txt" file in read-only mode ('"r"'), partaking in its wisdom and, finally, glimpsing its essence.

Navigating Binary Files

Binary files demand specialized attention and a unique set of tools. Behold:

# Seeking a binary file in read-only mode 
file = open("image.png," "RB") 
# Embrace the binary data it harbors 
data = file.read() 
# Bid adieu to the file 
# Decode the binary treasure (libraries may play a role) 
# Note: For specific data types, supplementary libraries might be essential.

In this voyage, we venture into "image.png" in read-binary mode ('"rb"'), absorbing its binary essence, poised to decode it using the aid of external libraries.

What is File Handling in Python?

Working with files is a routine aspect of programming, involving the manipulation of computer files, which are structured as arrays of data. To facilitate file management, Python streamlines the process with its built-in functions for creating, opening, and closing files. Once a file is open, Python equips you to both read from and write to it. This post will delve into the essential facets of Python file operations, encompassing the steps for opening, reading, and writing in various modes.

Opening a file in Python

Use Python's built-in open() function to access saved files. The file name, which includes a URL or path to the file, and the mode in which the file should be opened are the first and second arguments respectively given to the open() function.

The open() function's syntax is file = open("filename", "mode")

The second input, mode, is not required and defaults to "r" (read-only mode), if it is not given.

Python's file opening modes:

"r" option for reading: This mode is utilized when we wish to read a file. If no mode is specified, the "r" option is used by default. If the file does not exist, an exception will be thrown.

Example 1: Open and read a file using Python

Here's a step-by-step guide with examples:

Step 1: Opening a File

As, we already mentioned above, open() function is used to open a file. The syntax is simple and mentioned below:

file = open('file1.txt', 'mode')
'file1.txt' is the  file name you want to open.

'mode' defines the way you want to open the file. There are 4 common modes :

'r': Read (It is a default mode.)

'w': Write (it creates a new file or if file already exists, it overwrites an existing file)

'a': Append (it opens file for writing, but appends to the end of the file)

'b': Binary mode (uses for binary file e.g., 'rb' for reading a binary file)

Step 2: Reading the File

You may read the contents of the file in a number of ways once it is open. Below , we have mentioned few such techniques:

read(): Reads the entire file as a string.

readline(): Reads one line at a time.

readlines(): Reads all lines into a list.

Example 1: Reading the Entire File

Assume you have a file called example1.txt that contains the following information:

Hello, and welcome to this sample file.

It has multiple lines.

Let's read these lines with Python.

You can open and read the entire example file like this:

Step 1: Read the file by opening it.

file = open('example1.txt', 'r')

Step 2: Read the entire file

content = file.read()

Step 3: Close the file

# Print the file content

The content variable now contains the complete contents of the file, and print(content) displays the written content in the console.

Example 2: Reading Line by Line

You can also read the file line by line using a FOR LOOP:

# Step 1: Open the file for reading

file = open('example1.txt', 'r')

# Step 2: Read and print the file line by line

for line in file:

Example 2: Open and write in a file using Python

Step 1: Opening a File for Writing

You can use the open() function to open a file in write mode. The syntax is as follows:

file = open('filename1.txt', 'w')

'filename1.txt' is the name of the file you want to create or write to.

'w' specifies that you want to open the file for writing. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. If the file doesn't exist, a new file will be created.

Step 2: Writing to the File

Once the file is open for writing, you can use the write() method to add content to the file. You can also use the writelines() method to write a list of strings to the file.

Example: Writing to a File

Here's an example of how to open a file and write some text to it:

Step 1: Open the file for writing

with open('example.txt', 'w') as file:

Step 2: Write content to the file

    file.write("This is a line of text.\n")
    file.write("Here is another line of text.\n")
    file.write("And a third line.\n")

The 'with' statement automatically closes the file when the block is exited.

In this example, we open a file named example.txt in write mode and use the write() method to add three lines of text to the file. Each call to write() adds text to the file, and \n is used to create newlines between the lines.

Appending to a File:

If you want to add content to an existing file without overwriting it, you can open the file in append mode ('a') instead of write mode ('w'). Here's an example:

Step 1: Open the file for appending

with open('example.txt', 'a') as file:

Step 2: Append content to the file

    file.write("This is an appended line.\n")

This will add the new line of text to the end of the existing example.txt file without erasing the previous content.

Remember to use the with statement as shown in the examples to ensure that the file is properly closed after writing. This helps prevent data loss and ensures that any changes are saved to the file.

Example 3: Open and overwrite a file using Python

To open and overwrite a file in Python, you can use the built-in open() function with the 'w' (write) mode. When you open a file in write mode, any existing content in the file will be overwritten. Here's a step-by-step guide with a code example:

Step 1: Opening a File for Overwriting

You can use the open() function to open a file in write mode with the 'w' option. Here's the syntax:

file = open('filename.txt', 'w')

'filename.txt' is the name of the file you want to overwrite.

'w' specifies that you want to open the file for writing. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. If the file doesn't exist, a new file will be created.

Step 2: Overwriting the File

Once the file is open for writing, you can use the write() method to overwrite its content.

Example: Overwriting a File

Here's an example of how to open a file and overwrite its content:

# Step 1: Open the file for overwriting

with open('example.txt', 'w') as file:

# Step 2: Overwrite the file's content

    file.write("This is the new content that overwrites the file.\n")
    file.write("Previous content has been replaced.\n")

In this example, we open a file named example.txt in write mode ('w') and use the write() method to replace the entire content of the file with the provided text. Any previous content in the file is overwritten.

Example 4: Create a file if not exists in Python

You can create a file if it doesn't exist in Python using the open() function with the 'x' mode. Here's how you can do it:

# Specify the file name
file_name = 'new_file.txt'
    # Attempt to open the file in 'x' (exclusive creation) mode
    with open(file_name, 'x') as file:
        # You can write to the file if needed
        file.write("This is the content of the new file.")
 print(f"The file '{file_name}' has been created.")
except FileExistsError:
print(f"The file '{file_name}' already exists.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

In this code:

We specify the name of the file we want to create (e.g., 'new_file.txt').

We use a try...except block to handle exceptions.

Within the try block, we use the open() function with the 'x' mode, which is exclusive creation mode. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, a FileExistsError exception will be raised.

Inside the with statement, you can write to the file or perform any other operations on it.

We print messages based on whether the file was created successfully, already existed, or if an error occurred during the process.

This code snippet ensures that the file is created only if it doesn't already exist, and it handles potential errors gracefully.

Closing a file in Python

After you have completed reading and writing files in Python, you must shut it using the close() function. It also frees up any system resources that the particular file was using while ensuring that all data is written to the file.

Example: Read and close the file using Python

file = open("example1.txt", "r")
content = file.read()

In this example, a file was opened in read mode, its data were read, and then the file was closed using the close() function.

Guidelines for closing files:

Always Python close file after reading when you have completed working with it.

Using the with statement, you may force a file to close automatically whenever you are done working with it.

Avoid leaving files open for long periods of time when dealing with several files.


Proper file handling practices are essential to ensuring the security and integrity of your data. Best practices should always be followed to avoid performance issues, security breaches, and data loss. As you develop and improve your Python abilities, it is crucial to keep practicing effective file handling procedures and to remain up to date on market trends and best practices. This ensures that your code is dependable, efficient, and secure.


1. How to open a file in python?

The open() method is crucial for interacting with files in Python. Filename and mode are the two arguments that the open() function accepts.

2. What in Python does file close () do?

An open file is closed with the Python File close() method. You must always close your files; owing to buffering, changes to a file may not be seen unless you close the file.

3. What various file formats does Python support?

Text files and binary files are the two primary file formats used in file management in Python. Binary files hold non-text data like pictures or music files, whereas text files store text in ASCII, Python close opened excel file or Unicode format.

4. Why is it important to close a file in python?

Closing a file in Python is important to release system resources and ensure that any pending data is written to the file.

5. How to close a file in python?

In Python, you can close a file using the `close()` method on the file object, like this: `file_object.close()`.



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