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Bitwise operators in Python

Updated on 14/09/20247,167 Views


Bitwise operators in Python are fundamental tools for performing bit-level operations on integers. These operators manipulate individual bits, allowing for efficient and precise control over binary data. In this extensive guide, we'll delve into the details of bitwise operator in Python, exploring their purpose, functionality, and practical applications.


Bitwise operators are essential in low-level programming, embedded systems, and tasks that require fine-grained bit manipulation. Python provides several bitwise operators, each serving a unique purpose. These operators include AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and shift operators. Let's explore each of these in detail.

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Python are fundamental operations that work at the binary level, enabling precise control over binary data. They perform operations on individual bits of integers by converting the integers to binary format, performing bit-level operations, and then converting the result back to decimal form. These operators are used for tasks such as bit manipulation, flag settings, and low-level data processing.




Result (Decimal)

Bitwise AND (&)

Returns 1 if both bits are 1, else 0

5 & 3


Bitwise OR (`


Returns 1 if at least one bit is 1, else 0


Bitwise NOT (~)

Inverts all bits



Bitwise XOR (^)

Returns 1 if bits are different else, 0

5 ^ 3


Bitwise AND Operator (&)

The bitwise AND operator (&) is used to perform a binary AND operation on corresponding bits of two integers. It returns a new integer with bits set to 1 only if both operands have corresponding bits set to 1.


a = 5  # 101 in binary
b = 3  # 011 in binary
result = a & b  # 001 in binary, which is 1 in decimal

Bitwise OR Operator (|)

The bitwise OR operator (|) is used to perform a binary OR operation on corresponding bits of two integers. It returns a new integer with bits set to 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits in the operands is 1.


a = 5  # 101 in binary
b = 3  # 011 in binary
result = a | b  # 111 in binary, which is 7 in decimal

Bitwise NOT operator in Python (~)

The bitwise NOT operator in Python (~) inverts all the bits of a single integer. It returns a new integer with all bits reversed (0s become 1s, and 1s become 0s).


a = 5  # 101 in binary
result = ~a  # -6 in decimal

Bitwise XOR Operator in Python (^)

The bitwise XOR operator in Python (^) is used to perform a binary XOR operation on corresponding bits of two integers. It returns a new integer with bits set to 1 if exactly one of the corresponding bits in the operands is 1.


a = 5  # 101 in binary
b = 3  # 011 in binary
result = a ^ b  # 110 in binary, which is 6 in decimal

Here is Python code that demonstrates the bitwise logical operators in Python (&, |, ~, ^) in action:

# Bitwise AND operator (&)
a = 12  # Binary: 1100
b = 6   # Binary: 0110
result_and = a & b  # Binary result: 0100 (Decimal: 4)

# Bitwise OR operator (|)
x = 10  # Binary: 1010
y = 3   # Binary: 0011
result_or = x | y  # Binary result: 1011 (Decimal: 11)

# Bitwise NOT operator in Python (~)
m = 7   # Binary: 0111
result_not = ~m  # Binary result: 1000 (Decimal: -8)

# Bitwise XOR operator in Python(^)
p = 15  # Binary: 1111
q = 6   # Binary: 0110
result_xor = p ^ q  # Binary result: 1001 (Decimal: 9)

# Printing the results
print("Bitwise AND result:", result_and)
print("Bitwise OR result:", result_or)
print("Bitwise NOT result:", result_not)
print("Bitwise XOR result:", result_xor)

In this code:

  • result_and stores the result of the bitwise AND operation between a and b.
  • result_or stores the result of the bitwise OR operation between x and y.
  • result_not stores the result of the bitwise NOT operation on m.
  • result_xor stores the result of the bitwise XOR operation between p and q.


Bitwise AND result: 4
Bitwise OR result: 11
Bitwise NOT result: -8
Bitwise XOR result: 9

Bitwise Shift Operators

Bitwise Shift Operators are operators in Python used to shift the bits of an integer left or right by a specified number of positions. These bitwise left and right shift operators in Python manipulate the binary representation of an integer, multiplying or dividing it by powers of 2.

Bitwise left and right shift operator in Python



Result (Decimal)

Bitwise Left Shift (<<)

Shifts bits left by specified count

5 << 2


Bitwise Right Shift (>>)

Shifts bits right by specified count

16 >> 2


Bitwise Right Shift Operator in Python (>>)

The bitwise right shift operator in Python (>>) shifts the bits of an integer to the right by a specified number of positions. This operation effectively divides the integer by 2, raised to the power of the specified number.


a = 8  # 1000 in binary
result = a >> 2  # Shift right by 2 positions: 0010 in binary, which is 2 in decimal

Bitwise Left Shift Operator in Python (<<)

The bitwise left shift operator in Python (<<) shifts the bits of an integer to the left by a specified number of positions. This operation effectively multiplies the integer by 2 raised to the power of the specified number.


a = 2  # 0010 in binary
result = a << 3  # Shift left by 3 positions: 1000 in binary, which is 8 in decimal

Here's Python code that demonstrates the bitwise shift operators (<< and >>) in action:

# Bitwise Left Shift operator in Python (<<)
num_left = 5   # Binary: 0000 0101
shift_count = 2
result_left_shift = num_left << shift_count  # Shift left by 2 positions: 0001 0100 (Decimal: 20)

# Bitwise Right Shift operator in Python (>>)
num_right = 16  # Binary: 0001 0000
shift_count = 2
result_right_shift = num_right >> shift_count  # Shift right by 2 positions: 0000 0100 (Decimal: 4)

# Printing the results
print("Bitwise Left Shift result:", result_left_shift)
print("Bitwise Right Shift result:", result_right_shift)

In this code:

  • result_left_shift stores the result of the bitwise left shift operation on num_left. We shift the bits left by 2 positions.
  • result_right_shift stores the result of the bitwise right shift operation on num_right. We shift the bits right by 2 positions.


Bitwise Left Shift result: 20
Bitwise Right Shift result: 4

Bitwise Operator Overloading

Python allows you to overload some bitwise operators (&, |, ~, ^) for custom classes by defining special methods such as __and__(), __or__(), __invert__(), and __xor__().

Overloading these operators lets you define custom behavior for bitwise operations when working with your objects.

Operator Overloading for Addition (+):

class ComplexNumber:
    def __init__(self, real, imaginary):
        self.real = real
        self.imaginary = imaginary

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.real} {self.imaginary}i"

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, ComplexNumber):
            real_sum = self.real other.real
            imag_sum = self.imaginary other.imaginary
            return ComplexNumber(real_sum, imag_sum)
            raise ValueError("Addition is only supported for ComplexNumber objects.")

# Usage
num1 = ComplexNumber(2, 3)
num2 = ComplexNumber(1, 4)
result = num1+num2
print(result)  # Output: 3+7i

Operator Overloading for Subtraction (-):

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Point({self.x}, {self.y})"

    def __sub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Point):
            x_diff = self.x - other.x
            y_diff = self.y - other.y
            return Point(x_diff, y_diff)
            raise ValueError("Subtraction is only supported for Point objects.")

# Usage
point1 = Point(5, 3)
point2 = Point(2, 2)
result = point1 - point2
print(result)  # Output: Point(3, 1)

Operator Overloading for Multiplication (*):

class Matrix:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def __str__(self):
        return "\n".join([" ".join(map(str, row)) for row in self.data])

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Matrix):
            result = [[0 for _ in range(len(other.data[0]))] for _ in range(len(self.data))]
            for i in range(len(self.data)):
                for j in range(len(other.data[0])):
                    for k in range(len(other.data)):
                        result[i][j] = self.data[i][k] * other.data[k][j]
            return Matrix(result)
            raise ValueError("Multiplication is only supported for Matrix objects.")

# Usage
matrix1 = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
matrix2 = Matrix([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
result = matrix1 * matrix2
# Output:
# 19 22
# 43 50

Operator Overloading for Division (/):

class Fraction:
    def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
        self.numerator = numerator
        self.denominator = denominator

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.numerator}/{self.denominator}"

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Fraction):
            result_numerator = self.numerator * other.denominator
            result_denominator = self.denominator * other.numerator
            return Fraction(result_numerator, result_denominator)
            raise ValueError("Division is only supported for Fraction objects.")

# Usage
fraction1 = Fraction(1, 2)
fraction2 = Fraction(3, 4)
result = fraction1 / fraction2
print(result)  # Output: 2/3

Practical Applications

Now that we understand the bitwise operators and their functionality, let's explore some practical applications of these operators in Python.

1. Binary Data Manipulation:

Bitwise operators are invaluable when dealing with binary data, such as file I/O, image processing, or cryptography. For example, you can use bitwise AND to apply masks to specific bits in a binary stream or perform bitwise XOR operations for encryption.

2. Embedded Systems and Microcontrollers:

In embedded systems programming, where resource efficiency is crucial, bitwise operations are extensively used. Controlling hardware peripherals, setting configuration registers, and handling communication protocols often require precise bit manipulation.

3. Networking and IP Addressing:

In networking, IP address manipulation often involves bitwise operations. For instance, subnet masking and CIDR notation rely on bitwise AND to determine network and host portions of an IP address.

4. Graphics and Image Processing:

Bitwise operators are fundamental in graphics and image processing applications. They are used to manipulate pixel values, apply filters, and create various visual effects.

5. Game Development:

Game developers use bitwise operations for tasks such as collision detection, game state management, and rendering optimizations. These operations help enhance the performance and visual appeal of video games.

6. Ethical and Societal Implications:

While bitwise operators themselves are tools, the applications built on top of them can have profound ethical and societal implications. Here are some key considerations.


Bitwise operators in Python are powerful tools for working with binary data and performing bit-level operations on integers. It is essential for developers to understand their functionality and practical applications, especially those working in low-level programming, embedded systems, or data manipulation tasks.


1. What are bitwise operators?

Bitwise operators in Python are used to perform bit-level operations on integers. They include AND (&), OR (|), NOT (~), XOR (^), and shift operators (>> and <<).

2. Where are bitwise operators commonly used?

Bitwise operators are commonly used in low-level programming, embedded systems, binary data manipulation, networking, image processing, game development, and more.

3. How do I use bitwise operators in Python?

You can use bitwise operators by applying them to integers in binary representation. For example, to perform a bitwise AND operation between a and b, use the expression result = a & b.



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