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CPA Marketing Tips: What is it and How to Start?

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CPA Marketing Tips: What is it and How to Start?

Affiliate marketing and its different models like CPA marketing have become buzzwords in today’s time. Everyone seems to be talking about them, and that shows the growing importance of digital marketing. 

While traditional marketing channels, like TV, newspaper advertisements, etc., still hold importance, more and more companies today are moving towards promoting their products and business through the Internet. 

One method of digital marketing that is gaining much attention is Cost Per Action or CPA marketing. 

In this article, we’ll explore what it means, how it works, and how you can get started as a CPA marketer. 

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What is CPA marketing?

Cost Per Action, or sometimes, Cost Per Acquisition marketing, is an affiliate model of marketing. Here, the affiliate generates a commission whenever a user takes a specific action.

Now, this Action doesn’t necessarily mean making a purchase. It can be anything like:

  • Filling out a form
  • Submitting an email 
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Downloading an ebook 
  • Creating an account
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Taking a survey, etc.

In CPA marketing, the affiliate is paid a fixed amount when the user fulfills the specific Action, irrespective of whether they purchase.

CPA marketing is a type of affiliate marketing used by businesses irrespective of their sizes. It helps businesses to reach a bigger audience and effectively scale their marketing efforts. Bloggers, influencers, and publishers are responsible for marketing a product in lieu of commissions.

Contrasting third-party advertising, CPA would pay a commission on sales. Usually, partners earn commissions when the visitors make purchases, subscribe to newsletters, or fill out forms. Currently, the CPA model is quite popular in businesses.

Two Categories of CPA Marketing:

After thoroughly understanding what is CPA marketing, let’s understand its categories. 

CPA marketing is of two main types:

  1. Pay Per Sale:

You are paid depending on your sales. You may be paid depending on your conversion rate by generating leads from the content and managing a blog.

2. Pay Per Action:

You are paid whenever somebody takes some action after your content marketing campaign or lead capture. It can support a trial or purchase.

How does CPA Marketing exactly work?

The working of CPA Marketing is explained below under two different heads. first we will discuss some terminologies then the working process of CPA Marketing:

1. CPA Marketing Terminologies

CPA marketing works in a very simple and interesting way. But to understand the whole process, let’s first understand a few terms associated with it.

  • Affiliates or Publishers

Bloggers, influencers, or marketers who promote a particular business’ products and drive quality traffic to their website or landing page.

  • Advertisers

They are businesses that want to promote their products by using the affiliate’s network and audience.

  • CPA networks

They are websites that bring the affiliate and the advertiser together. Advertisers can sign up on these platforms to start with CPA marketing while businesses post their offers here.

  • Visitors

They are the people to whom the affiliate promotes the products and help them earn commissions by fulfilling the Action

2. CPA Marketing Process Explained

  • Businesses that want to promote their products contact CPA networks, providing offers, product details, commission rates, etc. 
  • On the same platforms, affiliates browse offers to find those that match their niche and audience. Once they find a suitable offer, they get in touch with the respective business through the network. 
  • So, the CPA network helps the affiliate and the business find each other and work together. 
  • After everything has been agreed upon, affiliates can start promoting the company’s product on their website or wherever they have an audience. 
  • Creating relevant content around the product or its niche entices visitors to check out the company’s page and take specific actions like filling a form, giving their email, etc. 
  • For every visitor that completes the Action, the affiliate earns a fixed amount.  

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Why is CPA marketing popular?

CPA marketing owes its popularity to the many benefits it offers like:

1. It’s easy to get started

All you practically need to get started with CPA marketing is a website that gets considerable traffic. In some cases, you can even start without a website — by promoting products through channels like Facebook, YouTube. The important point here is to have an audience interested in what you share and get you commissions.

2. Low risk

You don’t need a substantial monetary investment to get started as an affiliate. As for businesses, they only have to pay when the visitor completes the Action. Unlike the per click or per impressions model, they only pay when a visitor converts.

3. Low investment

CPA marketing is not only profitable for affiliates but also businesses. Instead of spending a huge sum on their marketing efforts, companies advertise their products through their affiliates. The only major cost involved is the commission they pay, and that too is paid after they get the desired result.

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4. Simple to manage

It can take time to understand how it works and get the ball rolling. But once you’ve established yourself, CPA marketing doesn’t require a lot of effort and is simple to manage.

5. Enhancing reach:

A CPC advertisement markets targeted and highly relevant ads over multiple platforms simultaneously.

6. Enhanced marketing range

An effective CPA marketing campaign can assist in enhancing the capacity of an affiliate’s brand. It allows their brand to grow and quickly become more visible to a wider audience. Irrespective of the industry, CPA marketing can help boost an affiliate’s brand awareness and might occasionally reach afar the advertiser’s audience.

7. Implements a low-risk marketing strategy:

Affiliates are only paid when an advertiser or brand finishes a specific action. The cost-per-action marketing only pays affiliates when followers adopt the desired action.

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8. Enhanced brand visibility:

A CPA marketing model helps advertisers and brands to boost their visibility online. More visibility means more business. Moreover, it helps the brand build relationships with customers worldwide.

When working with affiliates, brands can extend their reach and becomes visible to consumers who are unfamiliar with them. It implies that they can easily connect with potential customers. CPA marketing also measures the effectiveness of an affiliate’s or brand’s ads. It helps marketers to analyze their existing efforts to determine how they can adapt the strategy to generate optimal results.

9. Develops niches and target markets:

CPA marketing also involves recognizing influencers whose niche or expertise matches the brand’s category. Brands and advertisers can effectively advertise by targeting relevant consumers.

How to get started with CPA Marketing? 

Here’s how you can get started with CPA marketing in five simple steps:

1. Create a website

If you don’t already have a website, you should consider starting one. While you can also get accepted into CPA networks without a website, having one increases your chances of getting through.

2. Drive traffic to your website

To be successful at CPA marketing, you need to get significant traffic on your website. The best way to go about it is to learn Search Engine Optimization and use targeted keywords in the content you create. This takes time to take off, but you can get good organic traffic once ranking for these keywords.

You can also use your social media handles to promote your website or create videos on YouTube with a link to your website.

3. Choose a niche

Pick a niche for yourself based on the content you create on your website and your audience. Your niche is the market you would like to step into and the kind of products you offer your audience. Some examples of niches are fitness, health, beauty, sports, gaming, etc.

4. Find an offer

Once your website starts getting good traffic, it’s time to look up advertisers selling products in your niche and study their recommendations. For this, you can use websites like oDigger and OfferVault.

When you find a suitable offer, check whether it’s available for your country and traffic type. Moreover, check out the product or company’s landing page — make sure it looks neat, presentable, and attractive. Don’t take up offers that look shady. 

5. Join the CPA network

After you find an offer you like, you have to join the network where it is posted. For this, you’ll need to fill out application forms. Even if you’re starting as a CPA marketer, be honest in your application and make unrealistic claims.

6. Build your site around the offer

Once you get accepted into the network, you can promote the offer on your website. Market the product in a way that doesn’t look very sales and doesn’t put off your audience. For instance, you can avoid banner advertising.

By following the above-mentioned steps, you can start your journey with CPA marketing. 

How to earn money with CPA marketing?

CPA marketing provides various legit ways to make money. Various opportunities are available based on interests, skills, and targeting. Follow these tips:

1) Identify Niche:

Finding a niche in CPA affiliate marketing can be challenging initially. You can use the following methods to determine the most suitable niche. 

  1. Use Google Adwords:

Targeting specific industries or keywords will help you to recognize potential markets.

2. Use CPA Offers:

These offers allow businesses to pay a set fee for every lead generated from their ad campaign.

2) Join a CPA Network:

Determine your marketing objectives to find the appropriate CPA network. The next step is to submit appropriate offers to the chosen network. You would be accepted as an affiliate after fulfilling all requisites and passing the evaluation procedure.

3) Design Site Around CPA:

CPAs can be used as features rather than obstacles. You can reward users for finishing the tasks. Occasionally, third-party offers can show up on visitor landing pages. A CPA-based design site makes sure all marketing tactics work effectively.

4) Drive Traffic To Site:

You can better understand this point if you thoroughly know what is CPA marketing and its features. Traffic originates in several ways; each has its strengths and weaknesses. It is crucial to select the appropriate option matching your budget and project. The three most widespread CPA methods to drive traffic to the site are:

  1. SEO:

Most websites use SEO to drive traffic. Its parameters like meta descriptions, title tags, etc. can boost click-through rates (CTRs).

  1. PPC Ads:

Businesses can target specific audiences through paid search ads. The news headlines and online searches allow businesses to organically reach their target audience without spending excess money on advertising.

3. Social Media:

Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote businesses. You can approach potential customers to let other members of your niche understand the importance of checking out your products.

Best CPA Marketing Networks:

CPA networks in CPA affiliate marketing connect lead capture firms and online merchants. They help businesses to boost revenue by connecting the right leads and earning commissions for lead capture firms.

Few of the leading CPA networks:

  • MaxBounty
  • OGAds
  • Crack Revenue
  • CPAlead
  • ClickDealer
  • Admitad
  • Adstart Media
  • CPAMatica
  • Advidi

CPA Promotional Methods:

The following four CPA Promotional methods are the most effective and widespread.

  1. Instagram:

You can include a clocked link within the website section of the bio editing panel to promote CPA offers. You can message your followers and guide them to the CPA offer through an auto-DM tool. Following those who engage with your competitors’ posts is one of the best tricks to gain more followers.

2. Facebook:

You can endorse CPA offers on Facebook. You can select certain pages related to the CPA offer you are focusing on.  Your CTA (Call to Action) must be fascinating and motivate people to interact. Usually, Facebook groups offer highly targeted traffic for your CPA offers.

3. YouTube:

YouTube traffic has assisted many CPA marketers to flourish. Many CPA marketers earn thousands of dollars per month through YouTube video marketing.

 4. Tiktok:

You need to carefully select the CPA affiliate marketing products and strengthen your TikTok channel by focusing on them. Advertising on TikTok needs payment. So, you need to organically place the product in the videos.

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CPA marketing is a win-win situation for both businesses and affiliates. The former get to increase their profits by cutting down on marketing costs and getting qualified leads, while the latter get commissions when their visitors take specific Action. 

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CPA marketing can prove extremely profitable, provided you understand the basics well and get started the right way. 

To learn more about digital marketing and get hands-on experience, you can check out upGrad’sDigital Marketing Online Programs. It covers SEO, SEM, branding, content marketing and digs deep into 70 digital marketing platforms and tools. The program comes from MICA and upGrad, offering you the best of both. 

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Kamal Jacob

Blog Author
Kamal is an experienced Online marketing consultant with a high degree of expertise in SEO, Web Analytics, Content/Technical planning and marketing.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement where a business pays you for every visitor or customer you get them through your marketing efforts. You get paid every time you generate a lead or drive a sale for the business, depending upon the agreement.

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative source of passive income, provided you create quality content. You have built a decent following for yourself.

2What is the difference between CPA marketing and affiliate marketing?

Both affiliate marketing and CPA marketing involve the same visitor-affiliate-business relationship. However, in CPA marketing, you don't necessarily have to make a sale to earn a commission. The users only have to take a specific action, whatever it may be.

Secondly, in CPA marketing, the commission is mostly a flat rate or a fixed price. In other affiliate marketing models, you generally get a percentage of the conversions you drive. For example, 10% of the purchase the customer made.

3What are some of the best CPA networks for beginners?

Top CPA networks include MaxBounty, PeerFly, AdGateMedia, CPALead, Perform(cb) (previously Clickbooth), etc.

4Is CPA marketing good for your business?

Yes, CPA marketing is a powerful business growth move. There are some significant benefits of adopting this CPA marketing method. Firstly, it helps widen the audience base of a company when it collaborates with influencers. CPA can help strengthen the reputation of a brand and enhance recognition. This helps further build customer trust. This marketing mode is suitable for any size of business and is also very affordable, which makes it versatile for any product or service. Since it is based on performance, it involves much less risk for both affiliates and companies.

5How does a CPA network function?

A CPA network is a model of advertising in which a specific publisher receives payment or commission when an individual or viewer takes some particular action on their website. The individual might not have to purchase the publisher to receive that payment, i.e., generating sales is not mandatory here for receiving a commission. This is what differentiates it from traditional affiliate marketing techniques. In a CPA network, the publisher is the advertiser's affiliate marketer, via which the consumer can request some service or product. The primary intent of a CPA network is to generate leads for the advertiser to achieve their targeted business actions.

6What is a dropshipping business?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfilment method where a store or seller does not have to stock its products physically. The store purchases the products from a third-party source and gets them shipped directly to the customer. So, the seller does not physically handle the products in a dropshipping business. Dropshipping can be an excellent way to start a business if the person has no prior experience setting up their own venture. It is flexible in terms of location, involves lesser funds for setting up the business, and requires low overhead expenses since there is no need to set up a store or manage inventory.

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