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Best Jobs in IT without coding

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12th Apr, 2024
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Best Jobs in IT without coding

If you are someone who dreams of getting into the IT industry but doesn’t have a passion for learning programming, then it’s OKAY! Let me burst a prominent myth: “Not every tech-related career requires you to be an expert programmer!” 

What stops me if I am drawn to the innovative tech field and have a passion for software development? If I’m not excited about learning programming, don’t worry – not every tech-related career requires me to be an expert programmer! 

Some high-paying jobs don’t have significant coding requirements. However, my skills and interests will help me climb the ladder. Understanding basic programming is the cherry on the cake. Still, many companies have openings for people from non-tech backgrounds, and many jobs allow me to work in IT in supporting and supervisory roles. 

In this article, you will learn about the best IT jobs without coding. Take a glimpse.

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  1. IT Project Manager
  2. IT Support Specialist
  3. User Experience (UX) Designer
  4. Software Quality Tester
  5. SEO Specialist
  6. AWS Solution Architect
  7. Data analyst
  8. Network Administrator
  9. Digital Marketer

Read the full article to know more.

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Switching careers is not easy, but great things don’t come easy. While coding is an excellent skill in tech industries, my doors are still open in the IT industry if I am a non-techie. Before diving into some of the best IT jobs I can pursue without coding, let’s understand some key facts about the IT domain. 

Why Select Jobs In IT?

The IT sector has witnessed rapid growth offering employment opportunities to billions of individuals worldwide. The industry provides a plethora of opportunities for people who entertain different sets of skills and talents. The revenue generation of the industry has been growing ever since its inception shaping it into one of the sectors with rapid growth. 

The sector also offers competitive salaries and attractive compensation packages for experts in specialized areas. Additionally, the industry entertains a relatively low rate of unemployment, especially because the demand for IT professionals always remains constant, offering the security of jobs even during economic downturns. 

As technology is constantly evolving, IT professionals continuously get to learn new things and keep up with the latest trends making a provision for personal as well as professional growth opportunities. IT jobs also offer work arrangement flexibility, including remote work options, flexible hours of work, and maintaining a better work-life balance.

Best Job in IT without Programming Skills

1. IT Project Manager

Technology projects have a lot of nitty-gritty to supervise and manage. The IT project manager will have to keep an eye on the progress of the project. They monitor the project from start to finish, ensuring that no details are lost in these busy projects. 

IT project managers don’t have to do programming tasks themselves, but they do need to know the basics of what’s happening on the technical side of the project. In addition, the manager must build skills to communicate critical and technical parts of the project to the client. These skills are essential for the smooth functioning of the organization. This is why it is most sought after non coding jobs in it sector.

The project managers should also be having the skills of problem-solving and risk analysis. This is something that is crucial to this job role. The upskilling and honing of the skills are ideal for this job role.  This is why it is the most sought-after non coding jobs in IT sector.

IT Manager



Average IT Project Manager Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹18.6 Lakh
Mumbai₹17.4 Lakh
Hyderabad₹17.9 Lakh
Chennai₹17.7 Lakh
New Delhi₹16.4 Lakh
Pune₹18.6 Lakh
Gurgaon₹16.8 Lakh
Noida₹17.1 Lakh

Average IT Project Manager Salary based on Experience:

5 Year₹8.9 Lakh
6 Year₹10.1 Lakh
7 Year₹11.3 Lakh
10 Year₹14.8 Lakh
15 Year+₹19.1 Lakh

Average IT Project Manager Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹19.2 Lakh
Financial Services₹17.8 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹17.6 Lakh
Software Product₹18.3 Lakh
Edtech₹16.6 Lakh

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2. IT Support Specialist

IT support specialists facilitate clients’ and customers’ setup. They also learn to use new software, equipment and troubleshoot any errors. The main work involves extensive programs and technical equipment, but you won’t be required to code software programs. 

This role is a blend of technological know-how and customer support. So, you should have the basic technical skills needed for diagnosing and resolving project issues. While the role demands specialized skills in data restoration, you must also have competent interpersonal skills like time management and communication skills. Hard skills such as hardware and software installation and management, removal of viruses, etc. should be known to the IT Support Specialist.

IT Support Specialist


This role is a blend of technological know-how and customer support. So, you should have the basic technical skills needed for diagnosing and resolving project issues. The role demands specialized data restoration skills but competency in interpersonal, time management and communication skills is a must.


Average IT Support Specialist Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹6.2 Lakh
Mumbai₹4.7 Lakh
Hyderabad₹5.9 Lakh
Chennai₹5.0 Lakh
New Delhi₹4.9 Lakh
Pune₹4.0 Lakh
Gurgaon₹5.2 Lakh
Noida₹5.2 Lakh

Average IT Support Specialist Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹3.4 Lakh
2 Year₹4.3 Lakh
3 Year₹5.3 Lakh
4 Year₹6.0 Lakh
5 Year₹6.7 Lakh

Average IT Support Specialist Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹7.2 Lakh
Financial Services₹4.9 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹5.1 Lakh
Software Product₹6.3 Lakh
Hardware & Networking₹8.8 Lakh

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3. User Experience (UX) Designer

“It’s about looking at digital technology through the eyes of the user.”

Websites, applications, and other technology-related designs have a lot going on in the background. UX stands for User Experience and the term “user experience” relates to how end-users interact with a product. UX designers follow basic standards to ensure that consumers can quickly browse their products and obtain the information they need. They perform in-depth research to understand the customer’s needs and pain points to create a product that meets their requirements. This is also one of the  without coding IT jobs.

Although UX design does not mandate learning programming skills, UX designers must know how to work with applications such as Adobe Creative Suite. Besides, having strong creative, imaginative, research aptitude and problem-solving skills to develop designs to address the pain points of the target audience is a must.

The UI/UX Designers should be having the skills of testing, user research, creation of prototypes, etc. As they build the interface for the users for that, they should be known to this set of skills.

 UI/UX Designers

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Average UI/UX Designer Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹11.1 Lakh
Mumbai₹9.2 Lakh
Hyderabad₹9.8 Lakh
Chennai₹8.9 Lakh
New Delhi₹8.8 Lakh
Pune₹10.2 Lakh
Gurgaon₹11.6 Lakh
Noida₹9.5 Lakh
Kolkata₹7.9 Lakh

Average UI/UX Designer Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹6.8 Lakh
2 Year₹7.3 Lakh
3 Year₹8.8 Lakh
4 Year₹10.4 Lakh
6 Year₹12.0 Lakh

Average UI/UX Designer Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹14.0 Lakh
Hardware & Networking₹13.8 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹9.9 Lakh
Software Product₹12.5 Lakh
Financial Services₹9.9 Lakh

4. Software Quality Tester

Software quality testers (SQTs) guarantee that software products are high quality before being released to the public. The field is connected to quality assurance but distinct from its quality assurance.

SQTs execute a variety of scalability, functional, and stress tests across a variety of customer scenarios to “break” the software to find faults and enhance the quality of the product. This can be done without having any knowledge about programming and coding.

The SQTs should be known to the skills of documentation,  business mapping, report generation, logical and analytical reasoning, etc. As there work to maintain the quality of the software, they need to be assured with proper data, it does not work on ambiguity.

Software Quality Testers



Average Software Quality Tester Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹3.8 Lakh
Mumbai₹3.4 Lakh
Hyderabad₹3.6 Lakh
Chennai₹4.9 Lakh
Kolkata₹3.6 Lakh
Pune₹4.6 Lakh
Noida₹3.9 Lakh

Average Software Quality Tester Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹2.9 Lakh
2 Year₹3.5 Lakh
3 Year₹4.4 Lakh
4 Year₹5.2 Lakh
5 Year₹6.0 Lakh

Average Software Quality Tester Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹4.3 Lakh
Financial Services₹3.0 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹4.4 Lakh
Software Product₹4.0 Lakh
Analytics & KPO₹5.8 Lakh

5. SEO Specialist

An SEO specialist, a search engine optimization specialist, is usually classified under the technical field. However, while search engine optimization (SEO) is sometimes lumped in with marketing, it has its own set of technical characteristics, such as dealing with growth rankings in search engines whose algorithms are constantly being tweaked. SEO experts work with developers and web designers to ensure that SEO best practices are followed across the board.

SEO specialists also have the following responsibilities:

  • Perform keyword research.
  • Collaborate with content teams to make SEO a priority in content creation.
  • Improve search engine rankings by optimizing page copy.
  • Track and evaluate website analytics and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

The SEO specialists should be having knowledge of technical and programming,  data, creative, communication, and analysis skills. They strategize to increase the traffic of the website so that it gets placed higher when the search is done. To do it better, they search for specific keywords in order to increase the placement. This is one of the high paying best job in it without programming.


Average SEO Specialist Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹4.6 Lakh
Mumbai₹4.8 Lakh
Hyderabad₹4.8 Lakh
Chennai₹5.5 Lakh
New Delhi₹4.4 Lakh
Pune₹4.5 Lakh
Gurgaon₹4.5 Lakh
Noida₹5.1 Lakh

Average SEO Specialist Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹3.4 Lakh
3 Year₹4.1 Lakh
4 Year₹4.8 Lakh
5 Year₹5.4 Lakh
7 Year₹6.2 Lakh

Average SEO Specialist Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹5.8 Lakh
Financial Services₹4.5 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹3.9 Lakh
Software Product₹3.8 Lakh
Marketing & Advertising₹4.6 Lakh

6. AWS Solution Architect

This is a highly sought-after job role in the oeuvre of the IT industry that doesn’t require extensive programming skills. As an AWS Solution architect, the main focus is on planning, managing, and designing cloud infrastructures and solutions using Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services. Although knowing programming language might prove advantageous, it is not a mandate for this job role. 

The candidates who will be considered suitable for this job role must understand the requirements for business and design cost-effective, reliable, and scalable cloud-based solutions on the AWS platform. They must enter into a collaboration with different stakeholders, including the operations team, business leaders, and developers, and create robust architecture that would meet the need of the business effectively.

The primary skill essential for this job role is a thorough knowledge of AWS cloud services concerning storage, computing, and security, among many more. An AWS certification can enhance one’s job credibility in this particular field and help one secure high-paying non-coding IT jobs.


Average AWS Solution Architect Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹15.1 Lakh
Mumbai₹15.8 Lakh
Hyderabad₹14.3 Lakh
Chennai₹15.1 Lakh
New Delhi₹16.5 Lakh
Pune₹15.8 Lakh
Gurgaon₹14.6 Lakh
Noida₹15.9 Lakh

Average AWS Solution Architect Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹4.0 Lakh
2 Year₹5.2 Lakh
4 Year₹8.3 Lakh
6 Year₹9.4 Lakh
8 Year₹14.4 Lakh
10 Year₹19.6 Lakh

Average AWS Solution Architect Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹15.0 Lakh
Financial Services₹16.7 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹15.2 Lakh
Software Product₹14.5 Lakh
Analytics & KPO₹16.2 Lakh

7. Data Analyst

Data Analyst professions are ideal for people who enjoy analyzing large data sets, recognizing trends, and communicating their findings in simple terms. Data analysts must have strong mathematical, statistics, and analytics. They need to collect and organize vast volumes of data. Thus, data mining and processing skills are crucial for this role.

The skills of data visualization,  data management, SQL, statistical programming, etc. Possession of only the hard skills is not enough having equally soft skills is required as data analysts work with different teams. This is one of the highest paying non coding it jobs.


Average Data Analyst Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹6.9 Lakh
Mumbai₹6.7 Lakh
Hyderabad₹6.6 Lakh
Chennai₹6.6 Lakh
New Delhi₹6.7 Lakh
Pune₹6.4 Lakh
Gurgaon₹7.1 Lakh
Noida₹6.7 Lakh
Kolkata₹6.6 Lakh

Average Data Analyst Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹4.6 Lakh
2 Year₹5.3 Lakh
3 Year₹6.0 Lakh
4 Year₹6.8 Lakh
5 Year₹7.7 Lakh

Average Data Analyst Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹7.5 Lakh
Analytics & KPO₹7.1 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹6.1 Lakh
Software Product₹6.8 Lakh
Financial Services₹7.1 Lakh

8. Network Administrator

Network administrators are in charge of setting up, configuring, and maintaining the hardware and software systems that keep a company’s equipment linked. Though this position requires a high level of technical knowledge, it does not require advanced coding or programming expertise (though they can come in handy for automating tedious processes). They serve a critical role in keeping a company or organization operational. For example, they are frequently the first people called in the case of a significant outage or network breakdown.

Network administrators should be having the skills in IT, technical, problem-solving, etc. Their work creates a bigger impact on a daily basis as the network is the core of any business operation. They ensure stable network operations, for that they plan, design, and execute the network hardware, software, etc. With basic education skills, this makes a good career option for non coding IT jobs for freshers.


Average Network Administrator Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹5.9 Lakh
Mumbai₹6.0 Lakh
Hyderabad₹5.9 Lakh
Chennai₹5.9 Lakh
New Delhi₹5.9 Lakh
Pune₹5.8 Lakh
Gurgaon₹6.1 Lakh
Noida₹6.0 Lakh
Kolkata₹6.0 Lakh

Average Network Administrator Salary based on Experience:

1 Year₹2.8 Lakh
2 Year₹3.4 Lakh
3 Year₹4.1 Lakh
4 Year₹4.7 Lakh
5 Year₹5.2 Lakh

Average Network Administrator Salary based on Industry:

Internet₹5.6 Lakh
Hardware & Networking₹4.9 Lakh
IT Services & Consulting₹5.8 Lakh
Software Product₹6.1 Lakh
Financial Services₹6.8 Lakh

9. Digital Marketer

Another popular non-coding IT job role within the industry that doesn’t include the requirement to learn programming skills is digital marketing. It is a specialized field that aims at promoting various products and services as well as brands making use of digital channels and technologies. All a digital marketer needs to do, is leverage online platforms and adopt various strategies to reach their target audience and engage them. 

This often includes the creation and efficient management of digital advertising campaigns, conducting market research, producing content, managing social media accounts, analyzing data, and optimizing websites for SEO. As clarified earlier, the skill set required for this job doesn’t involve any programming. Still, it requires a diverse skill set which typically involves data analysis, creativity, email marketing, SEO knowledge, and adaptability to different tools available for digital marketing. 

With the world going online in the age of digitalization, there has been a significant increase in the online presence of companies as a strategy for marketing. This enhanced the demand for digital marketers making the job role quite demandable and high paying.

Another advantage of opting for this job role is that it isn’t stressful at all and doesn’t involve a lot of time. Therefore one can get ample time for enjoying every day and every moment of your life. It doesn’t even require a degree but relevant certifications and the acquisition of a unique set of skills that would offer a competitive advantage for companies.


Average Digital Marketer Salary based on Locations:

Bangalore₹5.5 Lakh
New Delhi₹4.2 Lakh
Mumbai₹3.7 Lakh
Hyderabad₹4.8 Lakh
Pune₹4.6 Lakh
Chennai₹4.1 Lakh
Noida₹3.7 Lakh
Ahmedabad₹3.9 Lakh

Average Digital Marketer Salary based on Experience:

Fresher₹2.7 Lakh
1 Year₹2.8 Lakh
2 Year₹3.5 Lakh
3 Year₹3.9 Lakh
5 Year₹6.0 Lakh

Average Digital Marketer Salary based on Industry:

IT Services₹6.8 Lakh
Internet₹6.7 Lakh
Software Product₹5.1 Lakh
Financial Services₹6.7 Lakh
KPO₹5.1 Lakh

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Key Facts About the IT domain 

1. Not everyone can code

Even though technical jobs are the core of any industry, this field hosts other non-coding IT jobs too. Taking a product like Spotify as an example, you will need a product and tech team to build the primary interface to play music. But many people are working hard to provide you with an excellent product experience. 

Many teams are associated with a successful brand like marketing, PR, growth hackers, content creators, etc. Then there are also professionals like graphic designers/UX designers who build an efficient and functional interface for better customer experience.   

Basically, there are many without coding IT jobs in the industry which are in the field of designing, analysis, program or project management, etc. Knowing only coding to enter a field is not mandatory, having a good understanding of the recently mentioned skills will open many new gates to entering the industry.

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2. Easy ways to pick up tech skills

In earlier days, the choices you made after 12th grade dictated your career trajectory, but it is not the case anymore. With the increased number of options and availability of courses, one can acquire tech skills easily. So, if you have a thirst for knowledge and upskilling, mastering industry-relevant tech skills shouldn’t be an issue.  

Today with the advent of technology and online learning, many resources are there for curious minds to gain knowledge. Anyone having the will and the efforts can take advantage of these available resources. Also, today’s time is different because there are more opportunities with the advent of technology so the choice of subject one chooses after 12th, they have not to live with it for the rest of their career. People can switch their fields by upskilling themselves.

3. A wide spectrum of choices 

You can choose to switch from a non-technical field to a technical job at any time in your career. Tech roles like business analyst, project manager, and market research analyst are some of the examples of non-coding jobs in the IT sector. This is one of the best aspects of the technical domain – it is Now that the myth of having tech skills to enter the IT industry has been burst, let’s get to know some of the many IT jobs without coding.

A broad umbrella encompassing numerous tech and non-tech roles giving opportunities for non coding IT jobs for freshers.  In order to get into non coding jobs, one must upskill themselves. One can upskill in data analysis, project management, program management, market research, etc. There are opportunities to upskill nowadays, the time should be invested to upskill now.

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Our learners also read: Java free online courses!

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it – I’ve just shared seven best jobs in IT without programming skills! Now that you are aware of these well-paying roles, it’s time for you to upskill and gain the right expertise to make yourself an attractive candidate for potential employers. You can enroll in professional certification programs such as upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Machine Learning & AI. It is a 12-month course that provides deep learning, NLP, Reinforcement Learning, and much more. 

Don’t procrastinate – choose the right course that aligns with your career interests and get going! 



Blog Author
Meet Sriram, an SEO executive and blog content marketing whiz. He has a knack for crafting compelling content that not only engages readers but also boosts website traffic and conversions. When he's not busy optimizing websites or brainstorming blog ideas, you can find him lost in fictional books that transport him to magical worlds full of dragons, wizards, and aliens.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the top three jobs in IT without learning Programming skills?

Three most tech-friendly jobs are: a). Computer Technician, b). Graphic Designer. c). Software Developer

2Which courses in IT don't require coding?

Courses that are part of the tech field but doesn’t don't require coding are as follows: a). Business Analyst, b). Project Manager, c). Customer Support

3Does SEO require coding skills?

No, SEO is search engine operation, primarily done to optimize search operation activities. One can do SEO functions without any coding or programming training.

4Is learning to code hard?

Coding is not hard to learn, but beginners could take time to get a hang of it. One needs to give time and patience. It is a relevant skill, the notion of it being difficult comes from various factors such as “it being a new topic”, “patience and time is required to learn the skill”, etc.

5How to get tech jobs without coding?

Focus on building your other skill sets apart from the coding. For example, problem-solving, business analytics, data analytics, etc. These skills will help you in cracking non- coding IT jobs.

6Does data science require coding?

Data science and coding are closely related, some renowned data scientists have started their careers without an understanding of coding. But data scientists require to analyze the data to extract meaningful insights from them. Basic R, Python, and SQL make the work easier.

7How tough is it to learn Python?

Python is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. It is not only easy but is used widely. It takes a few weeks to be able to learn python.

8What is a project manager?

Project Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and making sure the projects are completed on time meeting the business requirements while ensuring the projects are meeting deadlines, budget, vision, etc.

9What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, it improves the visibility of the site. Whenever a search for any product would be made related to the business, the better visibility the business page has, the more it will be placed higher in search results and better traffic the business will have.

10What is the average salary of a Data Analyst?

Data analysts are Data Science professionals who use their skills and knowledge to get meaningful and useful insights from the data. A Data Analyst with less than one year of experience can expect to make ₹3,67,113 yearly on average. Data Analysts with 1-4 years and 5-9 years of experience can expect an average salary of ₹4,53,560 to ₹7,09,750 a year. Data Analysts with 10 to 19 years of experience can earn ₹9,85,710 annually. And lastly, Data Analysts with 20 years or more experience receive an average total remuneration of ₹16,00,000 per year.

11What is the average salary of an SEO specialist?

Search Engine Optimization plays a very crucial role in the current technological world as the ranking of the websites is done according to the SEOs present in the websites.With less than a year of experience, an entry-level SEO Specialist can expect to earn an average annual pay of ₹1,92,887. SEO Specialists with 1-9 years of experience earn about ₹2,41,861 to ₹4,76,875 annually. Finally, the yearly salary for an experienced SEO Specialist with 10-19 years of experience is ₹5,00,000.

12How much does a UX designer earn?

UX designers are professionals who are responsible for making the user's experience of a particular product easy and enjoyable. They do this by making guided videos, illustrative manuals, etc. Entry-level UX Designers can expect to earn an average total pay of ₹3,94,677 a year. With 1-9 years of experience, UX Designers can gets an average total salary of ₹5,48,283 to ₹9,33,538 in one year. Experienced UX Designer with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,388,709 each year. Employees with more than 20 years of experience get an average total remuneration of ₹18,00,000 a year too.

13What is the average salary of a Data Analyst?

Data analysts are Data Science professionals who use their skills and knowledge to get meaningful and useful insights from the data. A Data Analyst with less than one year of experience can expect to make ₹3,67,113 yearly on average. Data Analysts with 1-4 years and 5-9 years of experience can expect an average salary of ₹4,53,560 to ₹7,09,750 a year. Data Analysts with 10 to 19 years of experience can earn ₹9,85,710 annually. And lastly, Data Analysts with 20 years or more experience receive an average total remuneration of ₹16,00,000 per year.

14What is the average salary of an SEO specialist?

Search Engine Optimization plays a very crucial role in the current technological world as the ranking of the websites is done according to the SEOs present in the websites.With less than a year of experience, an entry-level SEO Specialist can expect to earn an average annual pay of ₹1,92,887. SEO Specialists with 1-9 years of experience earn about ₹2,41,861 to ₹4,76,875 annually. Finally, the yearly salary for an experienced SEO Specialist with 10-19 years of experience is ₹5,00,000.

15How much does a UX designer earn?

UX designers are professionals who are responsible for making the user's experience of a particular product easy and enjoyable. They do this by making guided videos, illustrative manuals, etc. Entry-level UX Designers can expect to earn an average total pay of ₹3,94,677 a year. With 1-9 years of experience, UX Designers can gets an average total salary of ₹5,48,283 to ₹9,33,538 in one year. Experienced UX Designer with 10-19 years of experience gets an average total salary of ₹1,388,709 each year. Employees with more than 20 years of experience get an average total remuneration of ₹18,00,000 a year too.

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