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Career Development in HRM: Meaning, Stages, Process, Skills

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Career Development in HRM: Meaning, Stages, Process, Skills

In the vast world of business, the role of Human Resource Management or HRM goes beyond just hiring, training, and managing employees. One of the most pivotal aspects of HRM is career development– a continuous journey that shapes an individual’s professional path and growth within an organisation. 

Career management in HRM is not just about climbing the corporate ladder. It’s about equipping employees with the skills, knowledge, and experience they require to thrive in their current and future roles. 

Whether you’re an HR professional, a manager, or an employee on your way to becoming an industry leader, this article will provide you with valuable information into the world of career development in HRM

What is Career Development in HRM?

Every individual understands the need for career development when it comes to implementing career goals. It refers to the systematic process of planning, managing, and fostering the growth of an individual’s career within an organisation. In terms of HRM, it comprises more than just personal growth but a range of activities, strategies, and practices designed to align an individual’s skills, aspirations, and growth potential with the strategic goals and needs of the organisation. 

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Importance and Objective of Career Planning and Development in HRM

Career planning and development in HRM is of utmost importance, here’s why – 

  • Growth – Modern organisations understand the trend of frequent job changes. The HRM team can help the organisations cultivate a growth-centric environment, which will help the employees envision a long-term journey within the company.
  • Relevance – As the business landscape shifts, employers and employees need to become adaptable. Employees should constantly enhance their skills to remain relevant, and employers should maintain a workforce ready for future evolving challenges.
  • New Opportunities – New hires need to be informed about the growth paths available within the organisation. This will help them have a clear road map to their career aspirations and future in the company. 
  • Strategic Edge – An organisation that prioritises and understands the nuances of career development often enjoys a competitive advantage in the market. Employers need to invest in development strategies and employee growth to expect heightened productivity and, consequently, better financial outcomes.
  • Employee Assessment – Career development is not just about training but also honing skills for current and future roles. Thus, every employee should undergo an assessment to help them understand where they stand and what they need to do for growth. 

Role of HRM in Career Development

Wondering how HRM works its magic to ensure career development for employees?

Let’s explore how!

  • Career Pathing: HRM plays a pivotal role in defining clear career paths for employees, ensuring they understand the progression opportunities within the organisation.
  • Training & Development: HRM is responsible for identifying skill gaps and organising training sessions to enhance employees’ skills, ensuring they are prepared for future roles.
  • Performance Appraisals: Through regular evaluations, HRM identifies high-performing employees and provides them with opportunities for growth and advancement.
  • Succession Planning: HRM identifies potential leaders within the organisation and prepares them for future leadership roles, ensuring smooth transitions.
  • Employee Engagement: HRM ensures employees are engaged and motivated by addressing their career concerns and aspirations, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention.
  • Feedback Mechanism: HRM establishes a two-way communication channel where employees can voice their career aspirations and receive feedback on their performance and potential.
  • Alignment with Organisational Goals: HRM ensures that individual career development plans align with the organisation’s broader objectives, ensuring mutual growth.

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Career Development Methods

HRM professionals employ sophisticated methods to assist employees in their career development methods. Let’s see some of these methods. 

  • Engaging with Experts: Collaborative discussions between subordinates and superiors help outline the most suitable career development activities. In academic settings, specialised career guidance is often provided by professors or dedicated counsellors, ensuring students are well-prepared for their future endeavours.
  • Participating in Workshops: Organisations frequently host multi-day workshops, enabling employees to align their career goals with the company’s objectives. Some workshops even extend beyond the organization, offering community-level insights and opportunities.
  • Utilising Organisational Resources: Many companies craft specific materials tailored to their needs, aiding in employee development. Job descriptions, for instance, offer insights into role requirements, helping employees gauge if their skills align with internal job opportunities.

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Stages of Career Development in HRM

HRM navigates through an array of detailed stages, paving the way for consistent development. Here’s what these steps look like:


  • Purpose: Helps employees understand their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values.
  • Methods: Use of psychometric tests, interest inventories, and self-reflection exercises.

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Career Exploration:

  • Purpose: Provide employees with information about various career paths and opportunities.
  • Methods: Career workshops, job shadowing, informational interviews, and industry research.

Goal Setting and Career Planning:

  • Purpose: Employees set career goals based on their self-assessment and exploration and then create a roadmap for achieving those goals.
  • Methods: SMART goal setting, individual development plans, and development of a career action plan.

Skill Development:

  • Purpose: Equips employees with the necessary skills and competencies for their desired career path.
  • Methods: Training programs, workshops, e-learning courses, and mentorship programs.

Performance Evaluation and Feedback:

  • Purpose: Assesses the employee’s progress toward their career goals and provides feedback for improvement.
  • Methods: Regular performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and self-assessment tools.

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Challenges in the Career Development

There are multiple challenges in career development – 

  • Lack of Clear Direction: Many individuals are uncertain about their true passions and career aspirations, leading to confusion about their career path.
  • Rapid Technological Changes: The swift evolution of technology can make certain skills obsolete quickly, necessitating continuous upskilling and adaptation to remain relevant in one’s field.
  • Limited Growth Opportunities: In certain organizations or sectors, there might be a scarcity of opportunities for advancement, causing career stagnation.
  • Mismatch of Skills and Job Requirements: There can be a gap between an individual’s skills and what employers demand, leading to difficulties in securing desired roles.
  • Balancing Work-Life Priorities: As professionals advance in their careers, they often grapple with managing increasing responsibilities at work while maintaining a healthy personal life, potentially leading to burnout.

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Career Anchors in HRM

Career anchors in HRM are a concept developed by Edgar Schein, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. They represent an individual’s self-perceived talents, motives, and values related to their work. Career anchors are deeply embedded aspects of our professional identities that guide our career decisions and influence our satisfaction with different job roles.

  • Technical/Functional Competence: Individuals with this anchor derive satisfaction from being excellent in a specific technical or functional area.
  • General Managerial Competence: These individuals aspire to manage and are motivated by the challenges of coordinating people and resources.
  • Autonomy/Independence: Individuals with this anchor value freedom and independence in their jobs.
  • Security/Stability: These individuals prioritise job security and long-term stability.
  • Entrepreneurial Creativity: Individuals with this anchor are driven by the desire to create something new or run their own business.
  • Service/Dedication to a Cause: These individuals are motivated to make a difference in the world.
  • Pure Challenge: Individuals with this anchor are driven by overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.
  • Lifestyle: These individuals prioritise work-life balance and seek roles that allow them to integrate their personal and professional lives. 

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Career development in HRM is a dynamic and integral aspect of an organization’s growth and success. It encompasses an individual’s journey from the initial stages of understanding their professional aspirations to mastering the skills required for their desired roles.

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The structured career development process ensures that employees are aligned with the organization’s goals and empowered to achieve their personal career milestones. 

As the world of work continues to evolve, the importance of acquiring new skills and competencies cannot be overstated. 

For those looking to further enhance their career trajectory, especially in product management, upGrad’s Post Graduate Certificate in Product Management course offers a comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace. 


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the steps of career development in HRM?

Career development in HRM typically involves self-assessment, goal setting, career planning, skill development, and periodic evaluations.

2How does HRM facilitate career planning and development for employees?

HRM plays a pivotal role by offering tools for self-assessment, providing training and development opportunities, facilitating mentorship programs, and ensuring alignment between individual aspirations and organisational goals.

3How does career development in HRM contribute to the overall growth and success of an organisation?

Career development ensures employees are skilled, motivated, and aligned with organisational objectives. As employees grow professionally, they contribute more effectively to their roles, leading to increased productivity, innovation, and overall organisational success.

4Are there any challenges or obstacles HRM faces while managing employees' career development?

HRM often faces challenges like balancing individual aspirations with organisational needs, addressing skill gaps in a rapidly changing work environment, managing expectations, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all employees, preventing biases or favouritism.

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