

C Tutorial



C Tutorial

C Program for String Palindrome

Writing an effective 'c program for string palindrome' is an excellent way to master basic string handling and loop control structures in C programming. This article will provide you with several examples and explanations of palindrome string programs in C and delve into how to implement these without using inbuilt string functions.

String in C Programming

Before we dive deep into the 'c program for string palindrome', it's essential to understand what a string is in C programming. A string in C is a sequence of characters stored in an array. Each character can be accessed individually by its index, starting from 0 for the first character.

What is a Palindrome String?

A palindrome string is a type of string that exhibits symmetry when read forwards and backwards. The term 'palindrome' originates from the Greek words 'palin', meaning 'again', and 'dromos', meaning 'way' or 'direction'.

Palindromes are not limited to single words but can also include sequences of words, phrases, or even sentences. When determining whether a sequence is a palindrome, punctuation, spaces, and capitalisation are typically ignored to maintain the symmetry property. Examples of palindromic sentences include "Able was I where I saw Elba" and "Madam, in Eden, I'm Adam."

In the field of computer science and programming, the concept of palindromes is often used as an introductory problem for algorithm design and string manipulation exercises. Detecting palindrome strings often involves comparing the original string with its reversed version, and hence, it's a great way to understand and implement various string manipulation techniques.

Importance of Palindrome Program in C

A palindrome program in C, while relatively simple, holds quite a significant importance for beginners. It not only helps in understanding string manipulation and the nuances of loops in C but also introduces one to the concept of algorithmic thinking - a crucial skill for any software developer.

The Logic Behind Palindrome String Program in C

When writing a palindrome string program in C, we essentially compare each character from the beginning of the string with the corresponding character from the end of the string. If all characters match, the string is a palindrome.

For example, the string "madam" is a palindrome because "m" matches with "m", "a" matches with "a", and "d" is the same forward and backwards.

Here's a simple pseudocode to determine whether a given string is a palindrome:

1. Start

2. Declare a string variable and input a string from the user

3. Calculate the length of the string

4. Initialize a flag variable to 0 (This flag will be used to identify if the string is a palindrome or not)

5. Compare the first character and the last character of the string. If they are the same, compare the second character with the second last character, and so on. Continue this process until the middle of the string is reached.

6. If any pair of characters are not the same, set the flag variable to 1 and break the loop.

7. After the loop, check the flag variable. If the flag is 0, print "The string is a palindrome." If the flag is 1, print "The string is not a palindrome."

8. End

Implementing a Palindrome String Program in C

Let's see how to implement a palindrome string program in C. Here's a simple example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
   char string[100], rev_string[100];

   printf("Enter a string: ");

   strcpy(rev_string, string);

   if(strcmp(string, rev_string) == 0)
      printf("%s is a palindrome string.\n", string);
      printf("%s is not a palindrome string.\n", string);

   return 0;

This program prompts the user for a string, reverses the string, and checks if the original and reversed strings are the same. If they are the same, it means the string is a palindrome.

Palindrome String Program in C without using String Functions

Let's see how to implement a palindrome string program in C without using string functions. This is a bit more complicated, but it will enhance your understanding of how the process works:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   char string[100];
   int i, length, flag = 0;

   printf("Enter a string: ");

   for(length = 0; string[length] != '\0'; length++);

   for(i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
      if(string[i] != string[length-i-1]) {
         flag = 1;

   if(flag == 0)
      printf("%s is a palindrome string.\n", string);
      printf("%s is not a palindrome string.\n", string);

   return 0;

In this palindrome string example, we manually calculate the length of the string and compare each character in the string from the beginning with the corresponding character from the end.

Palindrome String Program in C using For Loop

Let's look at a slight modification to the above code where we use a for loop for the comparison:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   char string[100];
   int i, length, flag = 0;

   printf("Enter a string: ");

   for(length = 0; string[length] != '\0'; length++);

   for(i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
      if(string[i] != string[length-i-1]) {
         flag = 1;

   if(flag == 0)
      printf("%s is a palindrome string.\n", string);
      printf("%s is not a palindrome string.\n", string);

   return 0;

The palindrome string program in C using a for loop is an implementation that checks whether a given string is a palindrome without any inbuilt string functions. Let's go through a brief explanation of the code:

1. We start by declaring variables string (to store the input string), length (to store the length of the string), and flag (to determine whether the string is a palindrome).

2. We prompt the user to enter a string using printf and retrieve the input using gets.

3. The next step is to calculate the length of the string. We initialize the length to 0 and use a for loop to iterate through the string until we reach the null character (\0), incrementing the length for each character encountered.

4. Now, we use another for loop to compare each character from the beginning of the string with the corresponding character from the end. The loop runs until it is less than length/2, as we only need to check half the string due to the symmetry of palindromes.

5. Inside the loop, we compare string[i] with string[length-i-1]. If any pair of characters don't match, we set a flag to 1 and break out of the loop.

6. After the loop, we check the value of the flag. If it remains 0, it means the string is a palindrome, so we print the appropriate message using printf. If the flag is 1, it indicates that the string is not a palindrome.

7. Finally, we return 0 to indicate successful program execution.

This implementation demonstrates how to iterate through the string using a for loop, compare characters, and determine if the string is a palindrome by checking for any mismatches. It allows you to understand the logic behind identifying palindromes and reinforces your understanding of loops and string manipulation in the C programming language.

Dealing with Case Sensitivity in Palindrome String Program in C

Often when dealing with strings, the case of the characters can be a deciding factor in whether a string is a palindrome or not. For instance, "Madam" would not be considered a palindrome if we consider case sensitivity due to the capital "M". Here's how you can modify the palindrome program to ignore case:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main() {
   char string[100];
   int i, length, flag = 0;

   printf("Enter a string: ");

   for(length = 0; string[length] != '\0'; length++);

   for(i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
      if(tolower(string[i]) != tolower(string[length-i-1])) {
         flag = 1;

   if(flag == 0)
      printf("%s is a palindrome string.\n", string);
      printf("%s is not a palindrome string.\n", string);

   return 0;

Here, we use the tolower function from the ctype.h library to convert all characters to lowercase before comparing them.

Dealing with Spaces and Special Characters in Palindrome String Program in C

Often, strings may contain spaces and special characters. For example, the string "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" is a palindrome if we ignore spaces, punctuation, and case. Here's how you can modify the palindrome program to handle this scenario:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int isAlphanumeric(char c) {
   return isalpha(c) || isdigit(c);

int main() {
   char string[100], mod_string[100];
   int i, j = 0, length, flag = 0;

   printf("Enter a string: ");

   // Create a modified string without spaces or special characters
   for(i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
      if(isAlphanumeric(string[i])) {
         mod_string[j++] = tolower(string[i]);

   length = j;

   for(i=0; i<length/2; i++) {
      if(mod_string[i] != mod_string[length-i-1]) {
         flag = 1;

   if(flag == 0)
      printf("\"%s\" is a palindrome string.\n", string);
      printf("\"%s\" is not a palindrome string.\n", string);

   return 0;

This code creates a modified string without spaces or special characters and then checks if this modified string is a palindrome.

Questions for Practice

1. Write a palindrome string program in C that accepts a string of numbers and checks whether it's a palindrome or not.
Hint: Treat the string of numbers like any other string and follow the logic you would use to determine a palindrome string.

2. Write a C program to check if a sentence is a palindrome or not. Ignore the case, spaces, and punctuation.
Hint: Use the isAlphanumeric function to create a modified string without spaces or special characters before checking for palindrome.

3. Write a program to find the longest palindromic substring in a given string.
Hint: Use a dynamic programming approach where you store whether substrings of the given string are palindromes, and then use this information to find the longest palindromic substring.

Debugging a Palindrome Program in C

Often, when you're writing a palindrome program in C, you might encounter some bugs or errors. Debugging is an essential skill in programming. It involves identifying and removing errors from your code. In the context of a palindrome string program, common errors might involve incorrect comparisons or off-by-one errors in the loop that checks for the palindrome.

Testing Your Palindrome String Program

After writing your palindrome string program in C, it is crucial to test it with various inputs. Testing with edge cases, such as an empty string or a string with special characters, will ensure your program is robust and can handle all possible inputs.

Beyond Palindrome: Expanding Your C Programming Skills

Once you have mastered the palindrome string program in C using a for loop and without using string functions, you are ready to take on more complex programming challenges. It is crucial to continuously work on different types of problems to improve your coding skills.


A 'c program for string palindrome' is a fundamental coding problem that helps you understand key programming concepts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, tackling such problems can significantly improve your skills. Explore the fascinating world of programming further, Check out upGrad's Data Science & Analytics Bootcamp course. This course offers a wide array of topics to study, from basic programming concepts to advanced algorithm design. 


1. What is a 'c program for string palindrome'?

A 'c program for string palindrome' is a program written in the C language that assesses whether a provided string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a sequence of characters, such as a word, phrase, or number, that can be read the same way, forward and backwards.

2. How can I write a palindrome string program in C?

To write a palindrome string program in C, you will need to read the input string, reverse it, and further compare the resulting reversed string with the original one. If they match, the string is a palindrome; if they don't, it isn't.

3. Can I create a palindrome program in C without using string functions?

Yes, you can write a palindrome program in C without using string functions. This is done by manually calculating the length of the string and comparing each character from the start of the string with the corresponding character from the end.

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