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20 Interesting SQL Projects on GitHub For Beginners [2024]

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20 Interesting SQL Projects on GitHub For Beginners [2024]

SQL skills are in high demand in the tech job market today. It continues to dominate employers’ requirements as a top-requested competency around the world. So, if you want to be a software engineer or a web developer, you should master this top programming language. We have compiled a list of SQL projects on GitHub to helpget started and learn proficiently how to show SQL skills on GitHub!

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SQL boasts of wide-ranging functions, making it a leading choice for performing data-related tasks. You can use it for managing and querying relational databases, modifying their index structures, retrieving information, and generating tables. But before you become proficient in using SQL in your day-to-day job, you will need adequate training and practice. Recruiters also give preference to candidates with hands-on experience. So let’s delve into some freely available SQL project topics. 

Importance of SQL:

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In order to how to show SQL skills on GitHub, knowing SQL and its importance is essential.

SQL is a popular PC programming column. It helps clients to understand the knowledge bases that cover the information fields in relational databases. Information bases merge all crucial information. This is where SQL proves to be useful.  It transforms into a stage connected to both front-end and back-end information bases.

SQL is useful to all information bases. It is the default method to handle information in the data sets. It doesn’t differentiate among which stage you use. Understanding SQL is famous for professionals trained with an information base. The versatility of SQL makes it a preferred choice for both beginners and experts who search for SQL project ideas. These ideas are important because they help you to enhance your conceptual knowledge of SQL. Moreover, they help you to work on various MySQL projects GitHub. Here are some great SQL project ideas.

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SQL projects on GitHub

1. Visual Studio Code

VS Code simplifies developers’ work in the edit-build-debug cycle by providing a lightweight integration with existing tools. In other words, you get robust support for editing and debugging along with an extensible model. 

You will need to add Visual Studio Extensions to connect VS Code to SQL Server and Azure SQL databases. For this, check out the vscode-mssql project on GitHub by Microsoft. 

Read: Top 32 Microsoft Azure Interview Questions & Answers

2. DBeaver

It is a multi-platform tool for SQL programmers, database administrators, developers, and analysts. DBeaver can support any database with a JDBC driver. Also, the EE version supports non-JDBC sources, including MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis. Some of the features offered by DBeaver are given below.

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  • Meta editor
  • SQL editor
  • Rich data editor
  • Data import, export, and migration
  • ERD
  • SQL execution plans

3. Dbatools

Dbatools is an open-source library that contains SQL PowerShell modules to help you manage SQL Server. You can find many commands to automate jobs via your DBAs, while allowing them to scale with their systems. It is a community-driven project that can help you get familiar with the intricacies of SQL Server best practices. 

It is a free PowerShell module with 500+ SQL Server administration, migration commands, and best practices.

Firstly, you need to download the Dbatools module. Various download and install options are available. You can download it from GitHub, PowerShell Gallery, and chocolatey. The only requirement for Dbatools is PowerShell v3+.

You can consider Dbatools as a command-line SQL Server Management Studio. It offers plenty of commands and docs to accomplish your MySQL projects GitHub.

You can use Reset-DbaAdmin if you have lost sysadmin access and want to reclaim entry to your SQL Server. You can use Test-DbaLastBackup to test your backups. The Dbatools suite of SPN commands helps you find missing SPNs; subsequently, you can add them. You can use Find-DbaDatabase to find your database on MySQL projects GitHub.

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4. Tigertoolbox

It is a repository of the Microsoft Tiger team, comprising as-is solutions and tools. You can explore the Waits and Latches scripts, scripts to fix VLFs, and compression analysis tools. Administering an SQL Server becomes hassle-free with the Tiger toolbox scripts. 

Tigertoolbox is a Jupyter Notebook library usually used in SQL Database, Database, and Docker applications. It features zero bugs and zero vulnerabilities. It supports a Non-SPDX License which you can download from MySQL projects GitHub.

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5. Sequelize

Sequelize assists you with Object-Relational Mapping, i.e., a programming technique that lets you convert data between incompatible systems. Based on Node.js, this ORM supports MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. It follows Semantic Versioning or SemVer. Companies like BaseDash and Barogo use Sequelize in their tech stacks. You may be interested in going through the tutorials and guides on GitHub to grasp how it works. 

Sequelize is a powerful JavaScript library and is a promise-based ORM (Object Relational Mapping). It manages the database’s management versions. Moreover, it can support other databases, namely MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and SQLite. You can manage various MySQL projects with source code GitHub that use any of the aforementioned databases.

Features of Sequelize

Here are some of the prominent features of Sequelize:

  • Promises
  • Transaction support
  • Model Hooks
  • Database migrations
  • Database synchronization
  • Model Validations
  • Data seeding
  • Raw queries
  • Scopes

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6. SQL Job Scripter

As the name suggests, it is a command-line utility that scripts SQL Agent jobs. It produces scripts either to one file per job or to a single file altogether. 

7. SQL Server Maintenance

It is a library from Ola Hallengren that supports SQL Server versions between 2005 and 2016. It provides you with the functionalities of backups, integrity checking, index, and statistics maintenance. With this solution, you can execute smart backups to multiple files without running into size issues. 

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8. Kingshard

It is a Go-powered proxy for MySQL that enables you to split the read/write sqls in the same way as other MySQL proxies. Kingshard supports basic SQL statements like Select, Insert, Delete, Replace, and Update. It also provides an efficient, sharding solution. You can enjoy significant performance gains by using kingshard over connecting to MySQL directly. 

Kingshard simplifies MySQL’s sharding solution. Its performance is nearly 80% compared to directly connecting to MySQL. The following features of Kingshard help you to manage various types of MySQL projects with source code GitHub.

  • Splits reads and writes
  • Client’s IP ACL control.
  • Transaction in a single node.
  • Support restricting the max count of connections to MySQL database.
  • Support deploying the backend database offline or online dynamically.
  • Supports prepared statements like COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_PREPARE, etc.
  • Allows load balancing among slaves and multi slaves.
  • Support dynamically modifying the kingshard’s config value.
  • Allows sending SQL to the specified node
  • Support widely used functions like min, max, sum, count, limit, join limit, order by, and group by.
  • Supports range, hash, and date sharding over multiple nodes.
  • Other features supported are last_insert_id(), MySQL backends HA, SQL blacklist, and setting the proxy’s charset.

9. Bolt

This SQL project offers a simple content management tool written in PHP and based on Silex and Symfony components. It supports MySQL. PostgreSQL and SQLite, and is best suited to build HTML5 websites with modern markup. Bolt is a straightforward yet sophisticated CMS that is easy to learn and fun to use.

It combines several significant MySQL features with the NoSQL database’s scalability. The built-in sharding features facilitate your database’s growth without including sharding logic in your application.

It automatically manages functions like backups and failovers. Moreover, it uses a lock server to track and manage servers. So, your application stays unaffected by database topology.

It automatically rewrites queries that degrade database performance. Its caching mechanisms can mediate queries and avoid duplicate queries from concurrently approaching your database. The nightly benchmarks monitor the performance.

Vitess removes the MySQL connections’ high-memory overhead. You can use Vitess servers to simultaneously manage thousands of connections in your MySQL projects with source code GitHub.

It tracks all the metadata related to your cluster configuration. Hence, the cluster view is always consistent and updated for various clients.

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10. Vitess

With Vitess, your application code and database queries remain agnostic to the data distribution onto multiple shards. It is a database clustering system that uses shard-routing logic, allowing horizontal scaling of MySQL. Additionally, you can split and merge shards within a few seconds. The database infrastructure of YouTube has Vitess as a core component.

Learn: SQL for Data Science: Why SQL, List of Benefits & Commands

11. Microsoft JDBC Driver 

Search for the Msphpsql project on GitHub to acquaint yourself with a Type 4 JDBC driver for SQL Server. With this solution, you get database connectivity through the standard JDBC API in the Java EE. You can access Azure SQL Database and Microsoft SQL from any Java application, Java-enabled applet, or application server.

JDBC is an API for the Java programming language. It defines how a client can access any type of tabular data, specifically relational databases. It is a subset of the Java Standard Edition platform. Furthermore, it works as a middle layer interface between database and Java applications. Completing the Microsoft JDBC Driver project can clear your confusion on how to show SQLskills on GitHub.

The JDBC classes are included in the Java Package javax.sql and java.sql. JDBC is a very useful SQL project idea if you know how to show SQLskills on GitHub.

Which Microsoft JDBC Driver to use when?

  • You can use Type-4 to access one type of databases like IBM, Sybase, or Oracle.
  • You can use Type-3 if your Java application simultaneously accesses multiple types of databases.
  • You can use Type-2 when the Type-3 or Type -4 driver is not still available for your database.
  • You can use Type-1 only for development and testing purposes.

Must Read: SQL Interview Questions. 

12. TypeORM

This ORM runs in platforms like NodeJS, Ionic, React Native, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, and Electron. You can use it with JavaScript (ES5 to ES8) and TypeScript. If you want to develop an application that uses databases, you can utilize the feature-packed TypeORM to build it.  

13. Program O

Program O is an AIML chatbot written in PHP that uses the MySQL database to store information. The AIML files formulate the chatbot responses and are stored in the database along with the bot-specific settings and variables. Furthermore, Program O gives you a fully-loaded admin area and lets you create multiple chatbots with foreign language support.

14. HeidiSQL

It is designed to help you browse and edit data, tables, views, procedures, scheduled events, triggers, etc. You can also export data to SQL files or other servers. Therefore, HeidiSQL is a reliable tool for working with the MySQL server, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL databases, and MariaDB. 

15. Sqlcheck

With sqlcheck, you can automatically detect common anti-patterns that slow down your SQL queries. It addresses this specific performance-related issue head-on, resulting in considerably reducing the query time. 

Also Read: SQL Project Ideas and Topics

16. Requery

Requery demonstrates the capability of creating databases and performing queries and updates from any Java-enabled platform. It can represent relationships with Java 8 streams and RxJava observables. Its lightweight object-mapping and SQL generation support for Java, Android, Kotlin make it a highly useful modern SQL project. 

17. TiDB

It is a Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) database compatible with MySQL. Have a look at the source code of this distributed scalable data warehouse that takes care of horizontal scalability and consistency. TiDB provides a database solution for OLTP and OLAP workloads, i.e., Online Transactional Processing and Online Analytical Processing. 

18. Franchise 

This SQL tool offers a notebook interface and a unique layout engine. You can make single-click charts and perform side-by-side view comparisons by dragging and dropping cells on the same line. It also has an online version for you to try. 

19. AliSQL 

It is a technology developed by the Alibaba Group that intends to become an enhanced replacement for MySQL. AliSQL can work with stability and efficiency in production environments as an open-source MySQL branch. You can find out more about the details and features of this project on GitHub. 

20. Mycli

This SQL project will help you with two critical tasks, namely auto-completion and syntax highlighting (using Pygments). Mycli is a command-line client for MySQL that comes with additional functionalities, viz. smart completion with context-sensitive suggestions, multiline query support, and SSL connections. 

Check out: SQL Developer Salary in India

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Wrapping Up

Now that we have described 20 highly rated open-source projects, you can explore their source codes and practice to build and improve your SQL skills. Selecting the right project can be challenging, but with the above examples, you have reliable resources to guide you in your learning journey! 

If you’re interested to learn more about full-stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Program in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects, and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.


Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why is GitHub so popular?

GitHub is the leading open-source cloud-based repository and software development platform. Programmers can directly access the source code of various computer programs and network with a global community of developers to learn through exchanging ideas. GitHub offers the perfect platform where millions of developers can check in, download, review, view, and evaluate coding projects developed by other contributors. GitHub's contributors include software developers from giant organizations like IBM, Microsoft, Google, PayPal, SAP, etc. This platform comes with useful version-control capabilities. It also offers safe cloud storage and an extensive range of options for continuous integration that facilitates easier code development and automation, error monitoring, performance tuning, and task management.

2What is meant by SQL and NoSQL?

SQL or Structured Query Language is the programming language used to interact with relational databases. And NoSQL is a type of non-relational database that does not need SQL. NoSQL is a hugely popular alternative to relational databases that have found high acceptance today. While SQL is more appropriate for smaller databases where consistency is critical, NoSQL is suitable for hierarchical data that is massive in volume and dynamic and scalable. However, NoSQL supports SQL-like programming and coexists with relational databases, making its applicability generic and inclusive of all types of databases. As such, NoSQL is also referred to as Not Only SQL.

3Is SQL tough to learn?

Structured Query Language or SQL is generally easy to learn if one is already familiar with basic programming concepts. If you are familiar with other programming languages, you can learn SQL in a span of a few weeks. SQL is the most popular programming language used for interacting with databases and is a globally accepted standard for interacting with databases like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. So naturally, there is always a high demand for well-versed in SQL for database programming professionals. To qualify as a full-stack developer, you need to learn SQL and the other necessary skills.

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