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What Is REST API? How Does It Work?

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What Is REST API? How Does It Work?

Introduction to Rest API

REST API is a popular method for developing web-based communication systems. It follows the REST principles, enabling software applications to exchange data over the internet using standard HTTP methods.

Following the principles of REST API, developers can design versatile systems that support various applications and platforms. If you are seeking answers to what is RESTful API and its applications, join a Full Stack Software Development Bootcamp.

What Is Rest API?

A REST API is an interface that follows the REST model, enabling communication between systems over a network. It allows applications to exchange data and integrates various endpoints within an application ecosystem.

Why Use Rest API?

Rest API offers several advantages and is widely used due to its adherence to REST API principles. Some of the key reasons to use REST are:

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  • Flexibility: REST APIs handle diverse requests and support various data formats.
  • Scalability: Regardless of size or capability, REST APIs facilitate communication between software components and efficiently handle increasing requests as applications grow.
  • Easy integration: REST APIs leverage existing web technologies, simplifying development and usage. Requesting a resource requires the resource’s URL.

Rest API Architecture

Caching and scalability

REST APIs can benefit from caching mechanisms to boost performance and reduce the load on the server.

By employing caching strategies, such as setting appropriate caching headers, the API can serve responses from a cache instead of processing every request, improving scalability.

Security and authentication

REST API architecture should consider security aspects, including authentication and authorisation mechanisms. It may involve protocols like OAuth, JWT, or API keys to ensure secure access to resources and protect sensitive data.

Documentation and discoverability

Providing clear and comprehensive documentation is crucial for REST API architecture. It helps developers understand the API’s capabilities, available resources, request/response formats, authentication requirements, and additional guidelines.

Versioning and evolution

APIs evolve, and it’s essential to plan for backward compatibility and versioning strategies. It allows existing clients to continue functioning even as the API undergoes changes or enhancements.

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HTTP Verbs Used in REST API

In RESTful API, different actions on resources are performed through various HTTP methods, following the principles of REST API design. Some of the widely used verbs are: 

  • GET: Retrieves data from the server.
  • POST: Constructs new data on the server.
  • PATCH/PUT: Modifies existing data on the server.
  • DELETE: Removes data from the server.

How Does REST API Work?

REST APIs use parameters to specify search criteria and modify requests. Parameters can be in the URL path, query, header, or cookie.

Path parameters guide users to specific resources, query parameters filter the data, and header parameters are part of the HTTP protocol.

Endpoints in a REST API are unique URLs representing data objects. Requests are directed to these endpoints using HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

JSON and XML Formats in REST API

JSON and XML are popular data formats used in REST API for structuring and representing data.


  • Lightweight, easy to read and write.
  • Uses key-value pairs supporting objects, arrays, and primitive types
  • Widely adopted and compatible with various programming languages.


  • Markup language using tags to define elements and hierarchy
  • Human-readable and machine-readable.
  • Supports nested elements and attributes

JSON is commonly used for its simplicity and compatibility, while XML is used for its complex data structures and compatibility with legacy systems. The choice depends on the data nature and interoperability requirements.

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Creating Rest API

Aligning with REST API design principles, a RESTful API development involves the following steps:

1. Define API requirements

  • Determine the purpose and functionality of the API.
  • Identify the resources and actions to be exposed.
  • Choose the data format (e.g., JSON, XML) for request/response payloads.

2. Design API endpoints

  • Define the URLs (endpoints) for resource access.
  • Assign appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to endpoints based on actions.
  • Set up the Development Environment
  • Select a programming language or framework (e.g., Node.js with Express, Python with Django).
  • Install necessary tools and dependencies.

3. Implement the API

  • Write code to handle the defined endpoints and actions.
  • Incorporate business logic for request processing and response generation.
  • Integrate with databases or external services if required.

4. Handle request and response formats

  • Parse incoming requests and extract relevant data.
  • Validate and sanitise received data.
  • Generate appropriate responses with desired HTTP status codes and response formats.

5. Implement authentication and authorisation

  • Choose suitable authentication methods (e.g., API keys, OAuth, JWT).
  • Develop mechanisms for authentication and authorisation to secure API resources.

6. Test and debug

  • Create unit tests and integration tests to verify API functionality.
  • Use tools like Postman or cURL to send requests and validate responses.
  • Debug and resolve any identified issues.

7. Document your API

  • Create comprehensive documentation describing endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication.
  • Consider using tools like Swagger or OpenAPI for automated documentation generation.

8. Deploy and maintain

  • Choose a hosting environment (e.g., AWS, Azure, Heroku).
  • Configure deployment settings and deploy the API.
  • Monitor performance, handle errors, and apply updates or bug fixes as needed.

Tools and Libraries for REST API Development

Tools and libraries tailored to specific programming languages and frameworks can facilitate RESTful API development. Here are some widely used options:

Express.js: A versatile web application framework for Node.js, simplifying routing and request handling.

Swagger (OpenAPI): A specification and toolset enabling API design, documentation, and testing.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT): A secure method for exchanging claims between parties, commonly used for authentication and authorisation.

MongoDB: A flexible NoSQL database often employed in RESTful API development for storing and retrieving JSON-like documents.

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Examples of REST API Implementation

  • Amazon S3: Amazon S3 offers REST APIs for secure data exchange, especially in AI, data science, and machine learning applications, enhancing adaptability and intelligent interactions.
  • Twitter: With a vast user base, the Twitter API enables developers to integrate Twitter’s functionality, streamline registration, display relevant tweets, and leverage Twitter’s data for effective marketing.
  • Instagram: The Instagram Basic Display API provides access to profile data, images, and videos, allowing developers to integrate user data from Instagram into their applications. Instagram also offers a Graph API for professional account management.

Best Practices for REST API Design and Development

  • Use meaningful and consistent resource naming: Choose clear, descriptive names for resources and endpoints to enhance understanding and maintainability.
  • Follow REST principles: Adhere to the core principles of REST, such as statelessness, uniform interface, and resource-oriented architecture.
  • Use HTTP methods correctly: Assign the appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to endpoints based on the intended actions, following their semantics.
  • Version your API: Include versioning in the API’s URL or headers to manage changes and ensure backward compatibility for clients.

Challenges in REST API Development and Solutions

  • Lack of standardisation: REST implementations can vary with an official specification, leading to inconsistency and compatibility issues. Follow best practices and guidelines to ensure consistency and provide clear documentation.
  • Performance and scalability: REST may only sometimes offer optimal performance for complex applications. Improve performance and scalability using techniques like compression, pagination, caching, and tools like GraphQL or gRPC.
  • Security and authorisation: REST lacks built-in security mechanisms, requiring you to implement your protocols. Use HTTPS, OAuth 2.0, JWT, API keys, and CORS headers to secure and authorise access to your API.

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Security in Rest API

Security is a vital part of RESTful API development. Ensure security in REST API implementations with these best practices:

  • Use HTTPS: Always enforce secure communication over HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS) to encrypt the data exchanged between clients and the server. It helps prevent eavesdropping and data tampering.
  • Authentication: Implement robust authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of clients accessing the API. Common approaches include API keys, OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), or traditional username/password authentication.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS): Use CORS headers to control access to your API from different domains. Properly configure allowed origins, methods, and headers to prevent unauthorised cross-origin requests.
  • Security Auditing and Logging: Monitor and log API activities, including authentication failures, access attempts, and critical operations. Regularly review logs and implement security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities or unauthorised access attempts.


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RESTful APIs are gaining widespread acceptance as the future standard for web-based communication. They enable seamless data exchange between applications, regardless of their scale or capabilities.

Whether a small startup or a large government organisation, RESTful API principles empower diverse platforms to collaborate and create robust software systems.

Consider enrolling in the Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU programme to learn more about REST principles to create a successful future in computer science.

Frequently Asked Questions


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How does REST API differ from API?

API is a broader term for interfaces, while REST API follows REST API principles.

2Is REST API a framework?

REST API is not a framework. It is an architectural style or set of principles that guide the design and development of web services.

3What is the full form of REST?

The full form of REST is Representational State Transfer.

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