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5 Interesting Web Designing Project Ideas For Beginners [2023]

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5 Interesting Web Designing Project Ideas For Beginners [2023]

Web Designing Projects & Topics

In our modern lives, every facet of our daily activities seems to be closely connected to the internet. Be it navigating through the streets, ordering our meals, connecting to our friends and families or even delivering our tasks at work, the internet has become inseparable from our existence. So, if you are a beginner, the best thing you can do is work on some real-time web designing projects.

We, here at upGrad, believe in a practical approach as theoretical knowledge alone won’t be of help in a real-time work environment. In this article, we will be exploring some interesting web designing projects which beginners can work on to put their web designing knowledge to test. In this article, you will find 5 top web designing project ideas for beginners to get hands-on experience in web designing.

UpGrad’s web design projects for beginners promote collaboration and teamwork. Students often work in groups, simulating a real-world work environment where teamwork and communication skills are essential for success. This collaborative approach enhances technical proficiency and fosters a professional and inclusive mindset, preparing learners for the collaborative nature of the web design industry.

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But first, let’s address the more pertinent question that must be lurking in your mind: why to build web designing projects?

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience. The more you experiment with different web designing projects, the more knowledge you gain.

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While, with the advent of smartphones, web applications have assumed a significant role in steering us through our everyday activities, the most common point of internet access continues to be websites. In both these domains, web designs play a pivotal role in garnering the attention of the audience and consequently increasing its web traffic. Here again, web designers are the key architect who can make or break your website or web application’s success story. As you start working on web designing project ideas, you will not only be able to test your strengths and weaknesses, but you will also gain exposure that can be immensely helpful to boost your career.

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Ideas and innovations are something that we Indians have no dearth of. Every other day, a new app, a new website seems to plonk up that caters to one or the other niche of customer needs and soon enough, a competitor comes insight with one or more incremental features. This is what germinates a whole industry and customers sooner than later are spoilt for choices.

The clinching factor that enables the business enterprises to appeal to customers and retain them is essentially the websites and web applications. Market studies reveal that despite the widespread reach of mobile-based web applications, websites remain the first and foremost entry point to any brand for the customers. Hence, irrespective of the business idea, the web designing project needs to put the customer at the center of it all and weave the design to suit the taste and preferences of the customers. 

For students and professionals specialising in web designing, there are endless web designing project ideas that come to the mind. It is the final execution of these ideas that sets their idea and design apart. An ideal web designing project idea should leverage a right combination of aesthetics and functionality to come up with a website that the customers would not only flock to but also will keep re-visiting and using as well. Let us first look at what distinguishes a good web designing project from an average one. 

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What makes a good web designing project idea?

 Ideas are the stepping stones to a world of innovation and this becomes all the more relevant to the ever evolving world of the digital industry. Today, almost every business firm, of varying scale, has a website and a lot depends upon the performance of the website for the businesses. So when a web designer conceives a project plan for a particular website or a web application, there are certain parameters that should be prioritised to yield the best results. 

Learn more: 21 Interesting Web Development Project Ideas For Beginners

Website Goal

At the helm of every good website is the purpose that it seeks to serve. Hence the primary focus of the web design needs to be on highlighting the goal of the website. Be it a catchy logo or a resonating theme, if the website makes the purpose of the business and what it means to do clear at the very outset, then customers need not rover around unnecessarily.

Clarity makes for an essential web designing principle. Websites which emphasize on the expertise of the brand and provide clear cut directions to the leads, be it service delivery or career destinations, the website must not beat around the bush to attract and then rivet the attention of the visitors. 

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Simple Content and Easy to Navigate

Closely linked to the first point is the point related to simplicity. From the colour, the imagery to the fonts, every aspect of a web design contributes to endearing a webpage to the customers. If the colour pattern of the website is visually appealing as is the font, half the battle is won. The ingenuity lies in then furthering the aesthetics of the website using intuitive and illustrative graphics.

However, it should take away from the simplicity of the design. The customers should have easy to navigate tabs and options at their disposal. The navigation key must be palpable and accessible. The best web designs are appeasing and also highly time efficient. This entails following an easy and soothing reading pattern. The style and the layout need to be in sync with the users’ convenience. 

Connectivity and Compatibility

Another vital parameter against which a web design is judged is its compatibility with different browsers and devices. The designer must bear in mind the diverse medium on which a website may be accessed. Accordingly, the features of the website should be compatible with the different portals, be it mobile phones, desktops, laptops, tablets and iPads.

The design features shouldn’t be too complicated thereby necessitating prolonged loading times. Innovating and interesting designs that are easily bufferable are marks of a good web design project. 

Having discussed the features of a good web design project, let us explore some tips behind designing some remarkable web designing projects. 

Limit your fonts

Web designers often love experimenting with fonts to add that designing flair to their webpage. But websites aren’t really scrapbooks so this is not an advisable practice. Anything above three in a font can confuse the customers and deter them from using your website. 

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Customise the content according to the target audience

This takes us back to the first salient feature of a good web design project; purpose. Each website is designed to meet a particular set of audience and serve a particular purpose. Content hierarchy is extremely important to establish to enable the users to be directed to exactly what they are looking for.

The landing page of your website needs to be designed in such a way that it clearly portrays the central focus of your enterprise. The layout also has a key role to play in this regard. Psychological studies ascertain that a set pattern of layout eases out the visuals of the website and helps the customers to read better. Using prominent taglines and logos also help in prioritising the content on your website. 

Fluidity in use across platforms

Websites are accessed across a wide range of gadgets and browsers. If the website doesn’t perform well with one or another browser, then the brand automatically loses a huge chunk of traffic and by extension potential customers.

Compatibility with different modes of gadgets is also an important consideration for all web designers. In today’s fast paced lifestyles, users prefer on the go access to information. Accordingly, web designers should make web designs compatible with mobiles and tablets. 

Now that we have identified the features that make a good website, let’s try identifying what are potentially some of the best web designing project ideas that designers can come up with. 

So, here are a few web designing projects which beginners can work on:

Best Web Designing Project Ideas

This list of web designing project ideas for students is suited for beginners, intermediates & experts. These web designing projects will get you going with all the practicalities you need to succeed in your career as a web designer.

Further, if you’re looking for web designing project ideas for final year, this list should get you going. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into some web designing projects that will strengthen your base and allow you to climb up the ladder.

Most web designing project ideas emanate from commissioned needs by business enterprises. However the trick of the trade lies in prudently manipulating the needs and demands of the client to display your artistic and innovative skills.

Be it building your portfolio to attract clients or enhancing the customer outreach in one or the other predominant fields, here is a list of reliable web designing project ideas that can add incremental value to your work as well as help you in expanding your portfolio

Before you embark on designing your project, you must familiarise yourself with two important factors. One, what are the general needs and desires of the public and what are your strengths as a designer. Combining these two factors can work wonders for developing an exciting web designing project idea. 

Here are some web designing projects that should help you take a step forward in the right direction.

1. Food and Dining 

One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on web designing projects for students is working on Food and Dining. With the popularity of Zomato and Swiggy taking the country by storm, it leaves hardly a doubt in anybody’s mind that food and dining is one domain that innovation can go a long way. Be it home delivery or restaurant reviews, web designing project ideas around the area of dining has become a popular theme.

Several web designing projects can be developed to improve on the current apps which either build on the gaps of the existing portals or introduce something brand new. Many of the existing websites and apps don’t offer real-time waiting lines or booking table facilities, if a portal can be designed to amalgamate all these features, customers are likely to flock to your webpage and have a one stop solution to all their queries about their dining plans.

This web designing project idea also has immense potential for collaborations with various eateries and can offer dining discounts on bookings etc. With the right partners on board and the right design to woo the customers, it can prove to be commercial success. 

Web designing gives a lot more control and flexibility to the restaurants as to how they want to be projected to their customers. This is one of the very interesting project designs where the focus could also be on comparing restaurants that have adopted web-designed and enabled technology and which have not. That could give a broader comparison. 

Along with that, web-designing is useful for the restaurant in telling its background or story. This allows the restaurants in establishing a unique value proposition and set them apart from the competition. And because the restaurants work closely with the web developers, they can control what is portrayed to their customers.

In the digital age, restaurants can use digital media to create an aura or excitement about their restaurant, food, or vibe to attract crowds from near or far away places as well. So we understood how web designing is a huge tool that can be used for a restaurant’s growth. And the most important thing among all of this is the data that accumulates in all of this process, the restaurants can utlise this data and track their activities to improve their business.

2. Talent Management Portal

This is an excellent web designing projects for beginners. The social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and even TikTok have emerged as launching pads for several budding artists. Now one need not go from pillar to post to get a much sought after chance to showcase their talent. A simple touch of a button can expose them to a global audience and all this for free. Social media has indeed realised the dreams of many who hope to make a career using their artistic talents.

All this must be attributed to the initial conceptions of a web designer. While the existing portals have paved a new path for connecting talent to their target audience, not everyone is able to make a successful stint out of the social media portals.

A web designing project idea that is able to unify the platforms and channelise the target audience to the respective talents can be a win win for the creators, who will have easy access to audience who will be interested in the particular act as well as the audience who wouldn’t have to surf through unnecessary content before laying their hands on something that they truly appreciate.

Added with features like call to action or paid services can put the artists in direct nexus with the audience. Different areas of interest like music, theatre, cooking, pottery and many more can be covered in a single platform. And this is the perfect idea for your next web designing project!

There are many more talent management apps that are coming up every day. While approaching this particular project, certain features should be given extra attention, such as an easy posting feature that makes the whole website or app easier to use secondly a direct communication feature that could be in the form of comments or direct messages. Now, this direct communication feature has various aspects attached to it, for example, the appreciation of the content, feedback, easy contact if someone to book the artist or give commissioned work, etc.

It will add a stream of revenue to the app. Another feature that should be clearly identified should be the sharing feature, where the content is not limited to a few people, but inter-sharing or cross-sharing within apps is also allowed so that the content is more reachable and is app or website is driving more traffic.

And lastly, another very important feature that shall not be ignored while designing should be the restriction of content, language, etc. The idea is not to monitor but to create an ecosystem that is clean and safe for the users.

A well-designed portal for talent management is one of the easy project designs where beginners can create new projects because this objective is very relatable. The beginners can also be very smart while designing where they can add the features which they find missing in the already existing portals that they use. This will give them an edge them also a scope of experimentation. 

3. Customised Healthcare App

As the world moves onto a digital space in a wider aspect, the need for physical presence for consultation will become redundant. From meetings to classes, most interpersonal interactions can take place online through video conferencing. In fact, recently even court hearings have moved online. This sets the stage for adapting a critical aspect of our lives to web portals; healthcare.

At some point in our lives we feel the need to consult a doctor for some ailment or the other. Then comes the hassle of getting an appointment and long waits at the clinic. All that can be avoided with a unique web designing project idea of an online clinic. This website or a web application can potentially match a patient with the particular specialist and can have a virtual consultation with diagnosis and prescription handed over virtually.

Linking the portal with e-wallets can also take care of the payments for the services. For follow up processes like test samples etc., features like home collection and home delivery of reports would enhance the value of the website. Mentioning web designing projects can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

The website design ideas for this particular project should be more focused on how user-centric the website can be. While designing this project the developers can focus upon they could bridge the gap between the patients and the doctors and this can be the broader objective.

Within this broader objective, other topics should take place. For example, how the portal can be utilised to bring more reachability to remote areas, where there are fewer facilities. And from these remote areas, good doctors can be accessed with one click.

The portal can also have the feature of getting prescriptions through chatting with the doctors and video conferencing as well. This will create a real-meet-up environment where the patients who cannot physically visit the doctors can get diagnosed.

Most importantly, the portal should be having the doctors differentiated through their specialisations so that the navigation through the app becomes smoother. The patients can directly go to the section for which they are seeking advice or diagnosis and get a better experience. 

Another feature that can be added to the portal should be an easy upload where the patients can easily upload their medical history, earlier prescriptions, or even the X-Rays so the doctors can assess the situation better. 

Now the differentiating factor here becomes the cost, the approach here can be two-fold where the cost should be set keeping the patients in mind and their affordability. And the doctors or the hospital in mind as well. The developer should be the voice of reason here to give a perspective to the healthcare institution that which type of costing will drive more traffic keeping the users in consideration.

Lastly, the portal should be made in such a manner that it becomes easy to navigate for mostly all age groups, especially the older ones. They should be able to access and see the necessary features and use them easily. Also, more inclusivity can also be made a point of importance while designing the portal.

4. Honest Review Apps and Sites

This is one of the interesting web designing projects. You must be familiar with the cautionary warnings of consumer courts that ask you to beware of fraudulent practices on e-commerce sites. One could think of a web portal which will monitor such fake and fraud accounts and review the products, across industries. This will save millions of customers millions of bucks. One stop verification before you make any purchase is one such web designing project idea which can taste enormous success. 

The page design for the project can be segregated into categories. The reviews for the products can be posted in those categories. It can provide easy access to the users when they come up to search for any reviews. Along with this, the portal can have the feature for the service provider for whom the review has been written so they can access the feedback and take corrective measures.

The portal can also have access for the users to post visuals so the feedback can be authenticated. The categories can be put into industry-wise for a better organised approach. 

5. Stock of Photos and Templates

One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on web designing projects for students is working on stock of photos and templates. In today’s corporate world, presentations and graphics lead the way be it sales pitch or a follow up meeting. Often getting stock photos without flouting copyrights issues becomes a problem. Web portals like shutterstock often have certain limitations on usage, quality and even watermark.

One of the most widely appreciated web designing project ideas would be around developing an accessible and well stocked portal of graphics including images and templates which may have free or paid access. The key here would be availability and avoiding the hassle of dreadful hours of surfing the net to find one relevant picture. Here, everything that you may foreseeably need will be a mouse click away for you. 

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The project design ideas used for this portal can be made in such a manner that looking up pictures becomes easy. Also, the portal can be made in such a way that the users can put filters and customise their search. The developers can create categories here that the users can use while searching. 

Also, the templates or the pictures can be put into such a dimension that can have a multi-purpose to it which can be used either for presentations, posters, or classroom projects. Among all of these one of the most important features that can be added by the developers is the feature to contribute to the collection.

The artists should be able to contribute to the network for the work to be used. And not only the contribution but the artists should also be given a certain amount of autonomy to set the pricing for their work. It will attract good talent and users to the portal and increase the quality of the product. Lastly, another feature that shall not be missed is the channel of communication between the parties.

Website Project Ideas for Students

Here are some website project ideas for students:

  1. Portfolio Website: Create a personal portfolio to showcase your skills, projects, and achievements. Include sections like About Me, Resume/CV, Projects, Contact, and a Blog to share your experiences and insights.
  2. E-Learning Platform: Build a platform where students can access educational resources, video tutorials, quizzes, and interactive lessons on various subjects. Allow users to track their progress and earn certificates upon completion.
  3. Event Management Website: Design a website to facilitate event planning and management. Users can create and promote events, manage registrations, and provide event-related information like schedules, speakers, and location details.
  4. Book Exchange Platform: Develop a website where students can buy, sell, or exchange textbooks and other study materials. Implement user profiles, search functionality, and secure payment options.
  5. Charity or Nonprofit Website: Create a website for a charitable organization or nonprofit group. Include sections for donations, volunteering opportunities, success stories, and information about the organization’s mission and impact.
  6. Recipe Sharing Platform: Design a website where users can share their favorite recipes, cooking tips, and food-related experiences. Implement a rating system and search filters to find recipes based on ingredients or cuisine.
  7. Fitness and Wellness Blog: Build a fitness, health, and wellness blog. Include workout routines, healthy recipes, motivational articles, and tips for a balanced lifestyle.
  8. Travel Blog: Develop a travel blog to document your adventures, share travel tips, and inspire others to explore new destinations. Add interactive maps and photo galleries to enhance the user experience.
  9. E-Commerce Store: Create an online store selling products for a niche or interest. Implement secure payment gateways, shopping carts, and product reviews to enhance user trust and engagement.

Freelancer’s Marketplace: Design a platform where freelancers can showcase their skills and offer services to potential clients. Include profiles, reviews, and a messaging system to facilitate communication between freelancers and employers.

Best Tools For Web Project Design Ideas

The web design industry is one where things may change quickly. Not only do fashion trends in design appear to shift overnight, but so does the software we employ.

However, web development and design are here to stay.

Today’s online design environment may best be defined as a race to offer the greatest adaptable, all-in-one design-to-code solution for developers, designers, and small company owners. 

Here are some amazing paid and free web project designs tools that are currently on the market.

  • WordPress

WordPress is the platform for 40% of websites worldwide, which makes sense. This web builder is ideal for creating a website that fits your business since it provides thousands of pre-made themes and a high degree of customization. Additionally, WordPress offers a top-notch content management system (CMS). In a flash, information may be published with ease and clarity. Additionally, it is reputed to be the greatest CMS for SEO. This would be a great tool to help you design page for project

  • Hubspot

Although HubSpot is mostly known as a CRM tool, it also provides a free set of content management tools (CMS) for developers who want to increase their online visibility through automatic security, SEO, and other features.

Using HubSpot’s CMS capabilities, which include configurable themes, a drag-and-drop page builder, and other features, creating a professional website is quick and simple. Additionally, you may use services like a custom name and premium hosting for free, unlike many other free trials. Additionally, you’ll get access to additional HubSpot free products like live chat, presentations, email marketing, and meetings. Another great tool for easy project designs.

  • Webflow

An all-in-one, no-code platform for responsive web project designs, Webflow combines a CMS, managed web hosting, and a free SSL certificate. Create animations and interactions for your website by dragging and dropping unstyled HTML components. Alternately, utilize pre-made components like sliders, tabs, and video backgrounds. A master component library comprising essential layouts, components, and patterns is included with the program. Additionally, Webflow enables you to prototype websites and export code for developers to work with if you don’t want to build a website on its default subdomain. A great tool for web page design for project

  • Ghost

Ghost is a straightforward, expert content management system. The blogging program Ghost includes built-in memberships and email newsletters in addition to its normal functions. The user-friendly and lightweight CMS, site performance, and sophisticated yet simple editor are other outstanding characteristics. Look no more if you wish to easily set up a website! This is the perfect tool for easy project designs

  • Wix

Wix is an easy-to-use site creation tool for total beginners. Not sure where to begin?  Answer a few questions from Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) or select from more than 800 templates. ADI will create a website automatically, depending on your comments. Drag and drop components onto the screen, then modify as necessary to personalize it.

We have learned about the best web development tools that will help you create the best web page design for project. Let’s learn about some web design editors that will help you further. 

Best Web Editing Tools

  • Adobe Dreamweaver

With the help of the streamlined coding engine Adobe Dreamweaver, you can see your material in real time as you make changes to the code. Use a template to get your next project design ideas for a responsive website started or start from scratch. 

  • Atom

Atom is a free, desktop code editor that may be modified. Utilize this tool to work with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript while exploring the hundreds of open-source packages that are available. Teletype for Atom may be used to synchronize workspaces for real-time code editing. You can use this tool to design page for project. 

  • RapidWeaver

Only for Macs, RapidWeaver is a native web design program. Choose from 50 pre-built themes or more than 100 themes created by the community to preview how your designs will appear on different Apple devices right away. The program contains Unsplash integration and focuses heavily on providing you with code that is SEO-friendly and can help you design page for project

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the website project ideas tailored for students with reference to upGrad offer a fantastic opportunity to combine their web development skills with upGrad’s educational resources and expertise. These projects go beyond traditional academic exercises, allowing students to create practical and meaningful solutions that can benefit the upGrad community and beyond.

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By working on these projects, students can gain hands-on experience in web development, sharpen their problem-solving abilities, and demonstrate their creativity in designing user-friendly and innovative websites. Moreover, these projects align with upGrad’s focus on practical learning, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

These are merely some prompts which can be developed into fascinating web designing project ideas that have the potential to enhance the usability of several services and make life easier for millions of users while giving that added boost to the developers’ respective portfolios.

In this article, we have covered top web designing project ideas. If you wish to improve your web designing skills, you need to get your hands on these web designing projects. Only by working with tools and practise can you understand how infrastructures work in reality. Now go ahead and put to test all the knowledge that you’ve gathered through our web designing project ideas guide to build your very own web designing projects!

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Arjun Mathur

Blog Author
Arjun is Program marketing manager at UpGrad for the Software development program. Prior to UpGrad, he was a part of the French ride-sharing unicorn "BlaBlaCar" in India. He is a B.Tech in Computers Science from IIT Delhi and loves writing about technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How easy it is to implement these projects?

These projects are very basic, someone with a good knowledge of web designing can easily manage to pick and finish any of these projects.

2Can I do this projects during Web Designing Internship?

Yes, as mentioned, these project ideas are basically for Students or Beginners. There is a high possibility that you get to work on any of these project ideas during your internship.

3Why do we need to build Web Designing projects?

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience.

4What are some website ideas?

The website ideas are depended upon the type of industry and product the website is being built for. Some of the project ideas are mentioned below- Blog (Pottery, Fashion, E-learning, Lifestyle, etc.) Service based Job searching sites Education websites Service based websites Informational websites

5What types of websites are in demand?

The demand for the websites is depended upon how user-centric the website is. The relevancy of the websites is one of the key driving factors behind the success of a website. Some of the types of websites that are in demand are mentioned below- E-Commerce Educational Websites Service Based Websites Business Website News Wesbite Portfolio Website

6What is a web-based project?

A web-based project is determined by the usage of software to showcase the product that is expected to reach out to the users. The provider has a product and objective that it and a website facilitates to be discovered easily.

7How can I develop a website?

The websites that are developed in the market, are created to showcase the projects. The website can be developed in such a manner- Create a plan. Create a wireframe Create a sitemap Create codes for the website Create back-end and front-end of the website Set a domain name

8What is a web app examples?

Some of the examples of the web app are- Netflix Facebook Youtube Amazon Flipkart Gmail Google

9What software do web designers use?

Some of the software that can be used for building the websites are mentioned below- Weebly WordPress Adobe Dreamweaver InVision Studio Wix

10How do web designers work?

The web designers work closely with the stakeholders. They first understand the business product line for which the website is being developed and then create the website keeping the product in consideration that showcases the business to the users. The developers design and develop the website keeping it visually appealing and technologically sound both back-end and front-end.

11What is web development?

Web development is the process of designing and building websites. It's the operating system for the internet. Regardless of the website's purpose, it's the underlying code that gives it purpose and enables users to interact with it. Web development is largely divided into server-side and client-side development. Server-side development entails functions in which a web server executes. Common server-side development technologies include PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, Java and .NET. Client-side development is the process of building the components of a website that are shown to the user, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

12Which programming languages can be used for web development?

In order to create websites, a basic understanding of website structure is needed. The language used for creating web pages is HTML and is used for structuring the content of the web pages, for marking the characters, for defining the fonts, for creating links to other web pages, for creating tables and other structured elements, and for defining the colors and the backgrounds of the web pages. For the backend, you can use scripting languages like JavaScript, PHP, etc. or core languages like Python, Java, etc. You will also require some knowledge of CSS for styling your website. For the database, you can use MongoDb or SQL.

13What is the average salary of a web developer?

According to, a Web Developer makes between $49,360 and $69,980 per year (average $59,375). The salary ranges between $31,570-$57,300 for a Junior Web Developer (average $45,077). People with the job title Web Developer make the most at $79,600 with an average hourly rate of $37.97. The US national average salary for a Web Developer is $67,790 per year. In India, the average payscale for a web developer starts somewhere around 3 to 4 lakhs per annum and can go as high as 10-15 lakhs per annum. It depends on which company and which position you are applying for. Most product-based MNCs pay web developers at a higher range than service-based companies.

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