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Top 20 Trending Android Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

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Top 20 Trending Android Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]


In the era laced with tech, android developers are set to experience a bright future. Android is not just a platform. There is so much more to it, and all of it can be experienced through working on android mini project topics.  As platforms for android mini project topics are becoming highly popular and more established with every passing day. 

Android Project Ideas & Topics

In this article, you will learn the top 20 trending android project ideas & topics.

Take a glimpse below.

  1. Android-based Function Generator
  2. Software-defined Radio 
  3. Home Automation System using Arduino Uno
  4. IoT-based Notification System
  5. Android Bluetooth-based Chatting App
  6. Smart Travel Guide Application
  7. Surveillance Camera
  8. Android Controlled Robot
  9. Home Automation System
  10. Arduino-based Visitor Alarm
  11. Arduino-based GPS Clock…and…so on

Check out the top reasons why android mini project topics on the platform as so popular-

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  1. There is a huge rise in the overall number of Android apps and android projects today. Android is the chosen platform for real-time apps and android projects in popular android project domains such as shopping and online payments.
  2. Google is well focused on smarter and automated stuff that use Artificial intelligence.
  3. Android Architecture from Google is helpful in defining best practices. Thus, Android development has become easier and more understandable, even for any challenging android studio project.
  4. There are a number of new things that come based on Android for android studio projects such as-
  •         Android CameraX
  •         Android for use in automated cars
  •         Biometrix prompt
  •         Improved security via Android

5. You get enhanced Security in Android applications and for any android studio project.

Everyone is well-versed with the term “Android.” In fact, Android is so popular that this Linux-based mobile operating system has now become synonymous with smartphones and tablets. Android is open-source software created by a consortium of developers – the Open Handset Alliance. It is licensed under the Apache License and is sponsored by Google. So, if you are a android programming beginner, the best thing you can do is work on some real-time Android projects.

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We, here at upGrad, believe in a practical approach as theoretical knowledge alone won’t be of help in a real-time work environment. In this article, we will be exploring some interesting Android project which beginners can work on to put their knowledge to test. In this article, you will find 20 top android project ideas for beginners to get hands-on experience.

You can also consider doing our Python Bootcamp course from upGrad to upskill your career.

But first, let’s address the more pertinent question that must be lurking in your mind: why to build Android projects?

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience.

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As an open-source platform, Android is open for all – designers, developers, and mobile device creators. Today, Android powers over 2.5 billion active devices – from 5G smartphones to tablets, Android rules the mobile market. As you start working on android projects, you will not only be able to test your strengths and weaknesses, but you will also gain exposure that can be immensely helpful to boost your career.

Android devices support third-party applications which form a majority of all the applications on such devices. You can access and download these third-party applications from Google’s PlayStore. There’s a wide range of apps you can find in the PlayStore, including banking, mHealth, product delivery (food/beauty/health & wellness/electronics, etc.), fitness, entertainment, content, and so much more. The more you experiment with different android projects, the more knowledge you gain.

What is an Android Project?

Android projects refers to a software development endeavor focused on creating applications for the Android operating system. Android is a widely used mobile operating system developed by Google, and it powers a vast majority of smartphones, tablets, and other devices around the World.

It involves designing, developing, testing, and deploying applications that can run on Android devices. These applications can range from simple utilities and games to complex productivity tools and communication platforms. Java is the primary language used for Android app development, although Kotlin has gained significant popularity as an alternative programming language for building Android apps.

Storing data is important, and there are various methods like databases or cloud storage. Testing ensures the app works well, and once ready, developers deploy their apps on the Google Play Store. It’s an evolving field with continuous improvements, like the rising popularity of Kotlin, showing the commitment to innovation in app development projects.

How to Start a Career in Android Development?

Starting a career in Android development involves acquiring the necessary skills, building a portfolio, and establishing yourself as a capable developer. Here’s a roadmap to help you get started: –

  • Learn Programming Fundamentals

If you’re new to programming, start by learning the fundamentals of a programming language. Java and Kotlin are the primary languages used for Android development. You can find online tutorials, courses, and resources to get started.

  • Understand Android Basics

Familiarize yourself with the basics of Android development. Learn about activities, layouts, user interfaces, and the overall app architecture. Online resources like the Android Developer Documentation and online tutorials can be helpful.

  • Choose the Right Tools

Download Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android development. Android Studio provides tools for coding, debugging, testing, and deploying Android applications.

  • Learn XML Layouts

Understand XML layout files, which define the user interface components and their arrangement in an Android app. Learn how to create responsive and visually appealing layouts.

Master Activities and Intents:

Gain a deep understanding of activities representing different screens in an Android app, and learn how to use intents to navigate between them.

  • Study Android APIs

Explore the various Android APIs that allow you to access device features such as cameras, sensors, location services, and more. Understanding these APIs is crucial for creating feature-rich apps.

  • Practice with Projects

Start with small projects to apply what you’ve learned. As you gain confidence, work on progressively more complex projects. Developing a portfolio of projects will showcase your skills to potential employers.

  • Learn about Material Design

Material Design is Google’s language for creating consistent and visually appealing user interfaces. Study its principles to design user-friendly and intuitive apps.

  • Learn about Data Storage

Understand how to save and retrieve data in Android apps using SharedPreferences, SQLite databases, and more techniques.

  • Explore Networking and APIs

Learn how to integrate your apps with web services and APIs. This skill is important for building apps communicating with servers to fetch and send data.

  • Version Control

Learn how to use version control systems like Git. This is essential for collaborating with other developers and managing your codebase.

  • Optimize for Performance

Learn about best practices for optimizing app performance, including memory management, background processing, and UI responsiveness.

  • Build a Portfolio

Create a portfolio showcasing your projects. This could be a personal website or a GitHub repository. A strong portfolio demonstrates your practical skills to potential employers.

  • Continuous Learning

Stay updated with the latest Android development trends, updates, and best practices. Android is an evolving platform, so ongoing learning is essential.

  • Networking and Job Hunting

Attend local meetups, conferences, and online forums to connect with other developers. Networking can lead to job opportunities and collaborations. Look for Android developer positions on job boards, company websites, and freelance platforms.

  • Internships or Junior Positions

Consider applying for internships or junior Android developer positions to gain real-world experience and improve your skills.

Android is an excellent platform to experiment with your coding and development skills, especially for beginners. In this post, we’ve listed some unique and exciting Android projects ideas for you!

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So, here are a few Android Projects which beginners can work on:

20 Android Project Ideas To Nurture Your Development Skills

This list of android project ideas for students is suited for beginners, intermediates & experts. These android projects will get you going with all the practicalities you need to succeed in your career as an android developer.

Further, if you’re looking for Android project ideas for final year, this list should get you going. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into some simple android app projects with source code that will strengthen your base and allow you to climb up the ladder.

Here are some Android project ideas that should help you take a step forward in the right direction.

1. Android-based Function Generator

Did you know that you can use Android smartphones as signal generators for performing routine and everyday tasks? 

One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on Android projects for students is working on Android based Function Generator. This Android-based function generator features an output range of audio frequency signals around 20Hz-20,000Hz emitted through the audio port of mobile phones (usually, 3.5mm audio jack). The functions available on the Android-based function generator include sinewave, square-wave, triangular-wave, and sawtooth-wave, all within the 20Hz to 20,000Hz range. To test the signals generated by this function generator, you can use a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) and Windows PC-based CRO software (Zelscope).

You can amplify the signals using an amplifier if you want to interface the function generator with other external devices. However, you must ensure that you use an appropriate protection circuit to avoid damaging your mobile device. 

Creating an Android-based function generator is one of the most promising mobile application development projects as it addresses the practical need for a portable and versatile signal generation tool. The app can leverage the user-friendly interface of Android devices to provide easy control over waveform parameters, offering a convenient solution for electronics enthusiasts, students, and professionals. 

The project presents an opportunity to showcase skills in Android app development, signal processing, and potentially hardware integration. Additionally, integrating features like waveform visualization and frequency analysis enhances the overall functionality, making it a valuable tool with broad applications.

 Consideration of the project’s scope, potential user feedback, and the option to make it open source further contribute to its appeal as a well-rounded Android development endeavor.

Source Code: Android-based Function Generator

Learn more: Android SDK: A Detailed Tutorial for Beginners

2. Software-defined Radio 

This is an excellent Android projects for beginners. Previously, SDR hardware was exclusively designed to support high-end computer systems, but thanks to the latest technological advancements (mainly, in the field of smartphones), SDR tech is now used for mobile phones as well. This project aims to demonstrate how RTL-SDR dongles can function as an SDR receiver by combining an Android smartphone with on-the-go (OTG) technology. RTL-SDR dongles can usually receive signals ranging between 25MHz-1.75GHz.

This SDR system, combined with an Android smartphone has the following features:

  • The RTL-SDR dongle makes the Android device compatible with FM signal reception so you can listen to FM broadcasts.
  • You can demodulate the amplitude modulation (AM) signal by modifying and tweaking the setup between the supported frequency ranges.
  • You can access the Radio Data System (RDS) values of FM broadcast signals.
  • You can view the FM signal spectrum via the Android app.

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Developing a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) allows users to tune into and process a wide range of radio frequencies using software, making it a versatile tool for various applications. This is one of the commonly pursued Android projects because it offers a portable and accessible solution for radio enthusiasts, hobbyists, or professionals. It involves combining aspects of signal processing, user interface design, and potentially hardware interaction. 

App development projects like these allow you to delve into advanced topics such as radio frequency (RF) communication and modulation techniques while leveraging the capabilities of Android devices. Moreover, building an SDR app for Android provides a valuable learning experience and an opportunity to contribute to the growing field of software-defined radio applications.

Source Code: Software-defined Radio

3. Home Automation System using Arduino Uno

As the name suggests, this project involves designing and building an Android-based home automation system by leveraging Arduino Uno and using Bluetooth as the wireless communication medium. This home automation system flaunts a simplistic design and is used to control 3 appliances. However, you can extend the system to control 6 or more devices. 

The project includes relatively few electronic components and does not involve any intricate soldering. The core components are Arduino Uno R3 (Board1), three relays (RL1 through RL3), and the HC-05 Bluetooth module. The main goal of this project is to depict how to switch on/off electronic appliances that are connected via three relays using a smartphone/tablet with an Android app. Mentioning Android projects can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

Designing a Home Automation System using Arduino Uno, coupled with an Android application, is one of the best mobile application development project with source code that beginners can pursue. It combines hardware and software expertise enhances user convenience by providing a seamless interface for monitoring and managing the home environment.

Android projects such as these, not only offer practical experience in Arduino programming and Android app development but also aligns with the current trend of smart homes and the Internet of Things (IoT). Its relevance and potential impact on daily life make it an engaging and valuable endeavor for both personal learning and inclusion in a professional portfolio.

Source Code: Home Automation System using Arduino Uno

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4. IoT-based Notification System

In the light of ever-increasing security incidents, the demand for IoT-powered smart home systems is escalating rapidly. Typically, IoT-enabled home security solutions make use of different sensors to collect and share data from multiple devices. So, in any case, an outsider threatens to violate or breach the system, the underlying functional logic of the smart system will alert the owner of the property who can then take the necessary actions. 

This project aims to build an IoT-based notification system, including a fire alarm, door sensor, doorbell, and motion detector. Sensors used are a magnetic reed switch for a door or window, PIR sensor for motion detection, and an NTC thermistor for fire alarm. In case of a breach in your property, this IoT-based notification system will trigger an event via its various sensors and send relevant notifications to your smartphone.

Pushover app and Raspberry Pi (RPi) will serve as the tech base for this IoT solution. For those who don’t know, Pushover is a Web/mobile service that serves as a gateway for notifications. It can send notifications for almost anything, from job postings, emails, home alerts, etc. The best part about IoT-based security systems is that you can access alarm indications from any location in the world.

Source Code: IoT-based Notification System

Learn more: Top 9 IoT Real World Applications

5. Android Bluetooth-based Chatting App

One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on Android projects for students is working on Android based chatting app. Bluetooth technology is excellent for facilitating wireless communication at low-costs. Today, every Android device has Bluetooth integrated into it for wireless communication. In this project, you will leverage Android’s open-source API to build a Bluetooth-based chatting application that can establish a connection between smartphones via Bluetooth to facilitate the exchange of messages between the devices.

While designing this project, you will need to pair the Bluetooth-enabled devices before using the Bluetooth communication portal for security reasons. All the connected devices will then be shared with an RFCOMM channel for data transmission. The Bluetooth communication process will incorporate Query Bluetooth. To get the Bluetooth Activity, you can use a Bluetooth Adapter, and to obtain the Bluetooth connection intent, you can use the onActivityResult () method. 

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Hence, creating an Android Bluetooth-based chatting app can be one of the best project ideas for Android app development. Beginners and final year students can easily demonstrate their proficiency in Android app development with the hands-on experience they will receive with Bluetooth communication protocols. 

The app can be a great learning tool for understanding networking concepts, user interface design, and background service handling. Moreover, it’s a practical and fun project that showcases the potential of mobile applications for peer-to-peer communication, making your resume or portfolio more compelling.

Source Code: Android Bluetooth-based Chatting App

Read: Java Project Ideas & Topics

6. Smart Travel Guide Application

The main objective of this Android project is to provide rich and relevant travel-related information to users on the move. The idea is to create a smart travel guide app that users can access anytime and from anywhere. Since the proposed app is based on request and response, it does not require the continual acquisition of bandwidth. 

While visiting new places, tourists often have a complaint that they cannot access and obtain travel information timely and on-the-go. This smart travel guide app seeks to solve that problem by generating feature-rich texts, pictures, videos, and any other guidance-related details requested by the users so that they can explore tourist destinations better. Modules of the app include Find Current Location, Locate in Map, Video Search, Weather Forecast, and Calculate Distance between two Cities,  

Mashup technology is used for designing this travel app because Mashups, based on open web APIs, holds the potential to integrate applications and data sources to create unique and situational web services to cater to the needs of users.

Android development projects like these offer users personalized travel recommendations, local insights, and interactive maps to enhance their travel experience. Features may include information on tourist attractions, dining recommendations, local events, and real-time navigation. 

Integrating machine learning algorithms or AI for personalized suggestions can add a sophisticated touch. This is one of the best Android project ideas for beginners as it allows you to explore various aspects of Android development like UI/UX design, integration of APIs and more. 

Source Code: Smart Travel Guide Application

7. Surveillance Camera

Security and surveillance cameras are extensively used everywhere – from homes to office buildings and industrial areas, they can monitor every activity at all times. In this project, you’ll learn how to build a surveillance camera based on Raspberry Pi (Raspi). However, this camera is designed to record HD videos only when it detects movement within a monitored area. You can view the live feed of the camera footage from a Web browser or even on a smartphone/tablet. To view the Raspi camera module on your Android device, you need to install the RaspiCam Remote.

For building the camera, you must connect Raspi camera to Raspberry Pi and stream live video from it. Raspberry Pi is the ideal choice for this project owing to its small form factor, affordability, high extensibility, and low power consumption. You can also snap photographs using the surveillance camera with different effects. 

Creating a Surveillance Camera app is considered one of the most valuable and practical app development projects for CSE students. It offers a hands-on experience in networking, security protocols, and mobile application design, making it an ideal choice for students looking to enhance their skills in software development and gain insights into the broader field of computer science and engineering. Additionally, the potential integration of cloud services for video storage and retrieval could further elevate the complexity and practicality of the project.

Source Code: Surveillance Camera

8. Android Controlled Robot

As you can guess by the name, this is a phone-controlled robot that you can control using an app on your Android device. The robot’s circuit includes an ultrasonic transceiver module HC-SR04, Arduino UNO board (BOARD1), Bluetooth module JY MCU BT, DC motors M1 and M2, motor driver L293D (IC1), and other standard parts used to build such systems. Two 9V batteries power the circuit – while one powers the Arduino board, the other powers the motors. You can control the robot using different commands that will be sent through the Bluetooth. 

The two core features of the robot are:

  • You can control the robot via touch or voice commands. Its speed can be controlled as well. 
  • It can sense the presence of an obstacle, calculate its approximate distance, and inform the user about the same on their Android phone. Also, it can send information regarding the direction of the obstacle. 

Also Read: AI Project Ideas For Beginners

Creating an Android Controlled Robot is a great Android app project idea for several reasons. It lets you use your Android device to control a physical robot, providing hands-on experience in both software and hardware. It’s interactive and fun, and is one of the most ideal Android app project ideas for beginners as they can see their commands affect the robot in real life. 

Exploring wireless communication like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enhances your understanding of mobile app connectivity. This project introduces you to robotics basics, including motor control and sensors. It showcases your Android app development skills while encouraging creativity by allowing customization of the robot’s features. Overall, it’s a dynamic and engaging project that combines technology and creativity.

Source Code: Android Controlled Robot

9. Home Automation System

This is one of the interesting Android project ideas to create. The proposed system seeks to create a simple home automation system using an Android app. You can use this automation system to control several electrical appliances by clicking specific buttons or using voice commands. These commands will be relayed via Bluetooth to Arduino Uno, thereby completely automating specific tasks for you. 

The circuit of this home automation system comprises of an Arduino Uno board, a Bluetooth module HC-05, and a 3-channel relay board. You can alter the number of channels depending on the number of appliances you want to control. A 12V DC adaptor powers the Arduino Uno. Both the Bluetooth module and relay module can be powered via a board power supply of Arduino Uno. The software program for this home automation system is written in Processing, an Arduino programming language.

This is one of the best Android projects for final year could enable users to remotely manage and monitor home appliances, lighting, security systems, and more. Integrating features like voice control, scheduling, and energy monitoring can add sophistication. Connecting the app to IoT (Internet of Things) devices using technologies such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth provides a comprehensive understanding of smart home ecosystems. 

This project not only showcases your skills in Android app development but also delves into IoT, user experience design, and potentially cloud integration for data storage and analytics. The Home Automation System project is relevant, aligns with industry trends, and allows for customization based on the scope of your final year project requirements.

Source Code: Home Automation System

10. Arduino-based Visitor Alarm

This project proposes to develop an alarm system based on Arduino Uno that can be used in shops, clinics, and front offices. The idea behind this alarm system is to alert the owner of an establishment about the entry of a visitor by generating a beep sound each time the door opens. The alarm will automatically switch off after a few seconds. 

The circuit of this alarm system is built around an Arduino Uno board (Board1), a piezo buzzer, and a reed switch (S1). A 9V DC power supply is used for powering the Arduino Uno. The system is based on an ATmega328 microcontroller, including 14 digital input/output pins, six analog input pins, an ICSP header, a 9V-12V DC power jack, a reset button, and a USB connection for programming the onboard microcontroller. To operate it, you need a 16MHz crystal oscillator.

Source Code: Visitor Alarm

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11. Arduino-based GPS Clock

GPS (global positioning systems) clocks are synchronized clocks that are well-known for providing accurate time information. Usually, GPS clocks are used widely in public areas of importance, such as bus stands, railway stations, and airports. They are used by the military and other defense wings as well.

The GRS clock’s circuit includes an Arduino Uno board (BOARD1), a SIM28M GPS receiver module (GPS1), a 9V DC power supply adaptor, a GPS antenna (ANT.1), and jumpers for header connections. Here, Arduino Uno controls all the processes and also receives GPS output signals. Once it gets the GPS output, Arduino reads all the strings and stores required strings in a string or an array in an Arduino program. Then, Arduino extracts the time and date from the stored string and relays the info to the LCD system for displaying the date and time. And this is the perfect idea for your next android project!

Creating an Arduino-based GPS Clock with an associated Android app is a compelling project that merges hardware and software components. This is one of the best Android app projects to choose from because it serves as a user-friendly interface, enabling users to customize clock settings, view satellite information, and set alarms.

This project offers valuable learning opportunities in GPS data parsing, Arduino programming, Android app development, and hardware-software integration. Moreover, it allows for customization and additional features, making it an engaging and practical Android app project that aligns with real-world applications.

Source Code: Arduino-based GPS Clock

12. DC Motor Controller

In this project, you will build an Android-powered DC motor controller that can control the DC motor’s speed in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. An Android application controls the entire system.

The Bluetooth modem receives both direction and PWM commands. When you send these commands via an Android device, the Bluetooth modem receives them and sends them forward to the microcontroller. While the microcontroller controls the DC motor via the motor driver, an LCD screen shows the DC motor’s status and speed. 

To start the motor, you click the start button on the Android application, and the motor will start running in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. The LCD screen will then display the system’s status along with the motor speed. You can tweak (increase or decrease) the speed of the motor either in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction from the Android application.

Creating a DC Motor Controller is one of the easiest Android mini project topics for beginners. The app could feature sliders or buttons to adjust the speed and direction of the motor in real-time. It provides a practical introduction to motor control, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), and communication protocols between the Android app and the microcontroller, which could be achieved via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Additionally, it allows for customization, enabling you to explore advanced features such as sensor integration or real-time data feedback, depending on the project scope and your interests. Overall, this is one of the best mobile application development project topics that serves as an engaging and applicable Android app project for enthusiasts interested in both software and hardware development.

Source Code: DC Motor Controller

13. Automatic Battery Charger

This project involves building a battery charger that can automatically charge a 12V, 7Ah battery or higher. The battery charger’s circuit includes an Arduino Uno (Board1), 16×2 LCD (LCD1), a 12V voltage regulator 7812 (IC2), an adjustable voltage regulator LM338 (IC1), and other standard parts.

The software program for this project is written in the Arduino programming language, and to compile and upload the code, you need to use the Arduino IDE. ATmega328P on the Arduino Uno board incorporates a pre-programmed bootloader that lets you upload a new program without using an external hardware programmer.

A unique aspect of this battery charger is that it can automatically control the charging current as per the battery status. Arduino will identify the status of the battery connection and voltage, and then indicate them on the LCD. The LCD will show both the battery voltage levels and charging status. In case the battery is fully charged, the charger will maintain a float voltage.

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The Android app can serve as a user interface, allowing users to monitor and control the charging process remotely. Features might include real-time battery status, charging history, and notifications. The hardware component typically includes a microcontroller (such as Arduino) connected to a charging circuit, while the Android app communicates with the microcontroller, providing a seamless user experience.

This is one of the best Android studio projects that can enhance your skills in embedded systems and mobile app development and address a practical need for efficient and intelligent battery charging solutions. It is an ideal project idea for those interested in IoT, energy management, and smart device control.

Source Code: Automatic Battery Charger

14. Railway Level Gate Crossing

Traditionally, a manual lever pulling method is used for opening/closing of the railway gate, which often leads to many complications, lever jamming being one of the primary reasons. This project aims to create a railway level crossing gate (opening/closing) system that can be operated through an Android application, thereby simplifying the process. All you need to do is send the appropriate commands via an Android app to perform the opening or closing functions of the railway gate.

The remote controlling Android application can run on any Android device. The railway gate will have a Bluetooth device attached to it, and this will receive all commands from the Android app. After receiving these commands, they will then be passed on to an 8051 microcontroller, which will perform the necessary action. If it receives the command for opening the gate, it will trigger the motors to open the gate, and if it receives the closing command, the motors will close the gate. And this is the perfect idea for your next Java project!

Developing a Railway Level Gate Crossing system with an Android app is a highly impactful and practical project idea, especially for students. It not only allows students to apply their Android app development skills but also incorporates aspects of hardware integration, safety measures, and real-time monitoring.

Additionally, the multidisciplinary nature of this project, involving both software and hardware components, provides students with a well-rounded learning experience. Overall, it can be considered one of the best Android app ideas for students who are looking to work on meaningful projects with real-world applications.

Source Code: Railway Level Gate Crossing

15. Military Spying and Bomb Disposal Robot

So, why not use your skills to develop an impressive android project in robot industry? This is a unique and highly innovative project where you’ll design a robot specialized in high-risk military operations, as in those tasks where it becomes too risky for human soldiers. However, the focus of the robotic system will remain on spying and bomb disposal functions. This is one of the interesting Java projects.

The robotic system is controlled via an Android application. It involves the use of a robotic arm along with a robotic vehicle that will allow military personnel to enter a high-risk area and extract (pick) the desired object from the location. The robotic system also includes a night vision camera that can record both during the day and at night. 

Commands are sent to the receiving circuit mounted on the robotic vehicle via the Android app. The receiving circuit combines an 8051 microcontroller and a Bluetooth device. The Android app has six buttons – A, B, C, D, E, and F – for controlling the robotic arm.

You can press these buttons to control the movement of the vehicle in forward, backward, right, and left directions. Every single movement of the vehicle and the arm are recorded wirelessly, and you can view it on a PC. Mentioning Java projects for the final year can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

However, there is one thing to keep in mind before delving into Android project ideas like these. Developing technology for military or security purposes involves strict rules and ethical considerations because such projects can be misused.

It’s additionally important to prioritize safety and follow the law when working on projects related to security. If you’re interested in robotics, consider projects that have civilian uses, like search and rescue robots or systems for handling dangerous materials, while being careful about responsible technology use. Always think about the ethical implications and legal rules when working on projects that could have security-related applications.

Source Code: Bomb Disposal Robot

16. Remote Password Security

This is one of the interesting Android projects. Security is a crucial matter for all, be it regarding private property, or commercial property, or intellectual property. Security breaches not only lead to the loss of sensitive data but also lead to significant financial losses. This remote password security project is a system where only an authorized user can change the password, as and when required. 

In this security system, one can change the password remotely by using an Android application from an Android device. The Android app will offer an interactive GUI for the system that is operated via an 8051 microcontroller.

The user password will be stored in an EEPROM. Once you enter the password via the Android app, the Bluetooth receiver will pick up the signal and forward it to the 8051 microcontrollers which will process it, verify its validity against the user’s stored password. If the verification is complete, the system will unlock.

Source Code: Remote Password Security

17. Password-based Circuit Breaker 

This is one of the trending Android projects. When electrical accidents occur, they pose a threat to the safety of linemen who take great risks for repairing the issue with electrical lines. This is primarily due to a lack of clear communication between the maintenance staff and the electrical substation. This project seeks to address the issue of linemen safety by creating a password-cased circuit breaker that can control electrical lines by using a password.

The core component in the circuit of the password-cased circuit breaker is an 8051 microcontroller. In this password-based system, the control (on/off functions) of the electrical lines lies with the linemen. So, before starting to work on electrical lines, linemen can enter the password to cut off the electrical connection on the particular line.

After the repair is done, they can resume the connection by re-entering the password. In the proposed system, each electrical line will have a unique password to avoid confusion. The load (Light Bulbs) indicates the activation and deactivation of the electrical lines (circuit breaker). 

Source Code: Password-based Circuit Breaker 

18. Firefighter Robot

Fire fighting is a risky business. Firefighters are always at the risk of burning, scorching, and suffocating in the fire when they are on rescue missions. This project is designed to promote unmanned firefighting by creating a robot that uses Bluetooth, an Android application, and a microcontroller to function. This is one of the interesting Java projects.

It works something like this – the Android application installed in the Android device will send commands via Bluetooth to the receiver module connected to the microcontroller of the robot. These commands can move the robot forward, backward, or in the right and left directions. The receiver part of the robot includes a Bluetooth receiver, a Bluetooth decoder, a microcontroller, a relay, and two motor drivers.

Once the Bluetooth receiver gets the signal transmitted by the Bluetooth transmitter in the Android device, it decodes the signal. The decoded signal is then further processed by the microcontroller, which then drives the motor according to the signal received and moves the robot. The user can also control the movement of the water sprinkler nozzle. 

Source Code: Firefighter Robot

19. Antenna Positioning System

You will design an Android-based antenna positioning system that can position the antenna by using an Android application. This allows the antenna to point straight towards the device sending the signal. 

The antenna positioning system uses an 8051 family microcontroller and LCD screen to display the status of the antenna’s angle. A 12V transformer powers the system. The user can send the appropriate commands to move the antenna via the Android application. A Bluetooth receiver modem receives these commands and moves the antenna based on the input parameters provided.

There are precisely three input parameters:

  • The first parameter step determines the angle in which the antenna should move. 
  • The second parameter specifies whether the antenna should move in a clockwise or an anticlockwise direction. 
  • The third parameter determines the speed in which the antenna should move. The speed parameter includes L for low, M for medium, and H for high speed. 

Source Code: Antenna Positioning System

20. Hovercraft

This project involves the creation of a hovercraft that can be controlled via an Android application. The Android app sends commands to the hovercraft circuit for moving the device. The circuit comprises a Bluetooth receiver that receives and processes the commands. The commands received by the Bluetooth receiver are further processed by the microcontroller, which dictates the final movement of the hovercraft. 

The hovercraft you will design will require high RPM motors interfaced with an AVR family microcontroller to achieve the desired functionality. There are three motors involved in the design of this hovercraft. The motor situated below the hovercraft rotates at a very high RPM, thereby imparting to it enough force so it can hover above the surface level.

The friction remains at a minimum. A motor propeller is mounted behind the hovercraft to allow it to move in the forward direction. The servo motor attached to the hovercraft rudder helps it to move in every direction by bending the air at accurate angles. 

Also Read: 20 Exciting Software Development Project Ideas & Topics

Before you begin to work on Android with android studio projects or other complex mobile application development mini project topics, you need to install the plug-in Eclipse, for Android. Visit the Top Menu. Click on Help -> Install new software. In the opening window key in the address: “”.

An installation wizard will take you through the download process.

Source Code: Hovercraft

Structure for Android Studio Projects and Mobile Application Development Mini Project Topics 

After plug-in installation, you can begin working on the new android studio projects and mobile application development mini project topics following these steps.

From top menu, select File -> Project, and under the “New Project window”, pick “Android Project“. Follow the project setup wizard and once you are done finishing this wizard, you get a basic Android application. Each Android project comprises several folders:

src: The folder contains all Java source files under a roof.

gen: Generated Java library, that Android uses internally.

Res: Storage for all resource files like pictures, XML for defining the layout and so on. Within the folder there exist additional folders like Drawable, Values and Layout.

AndroidManifest.xml: The definition file contains all information about Android apps such as the minimum Android version, and the permission to access an Android device capability.

MainLayout.xml: The file describes the layout of the page. The placement of each component like textboxes, labels, radio buttons, user-defined components and so on, over the app screen

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Activity class: Each application occupying an entire device screen must at least have one class that inherits from the Activity class. One big method is referred to as OnCreate. The method initiates the Android app and also loads a layout page.

Wrapping up

So, these are a few interesting Android project ideas that you can explore. In this article, we have covered top android projects. As you build your own Android projects, you will gain mastery over the platform and improve your real-world development skills. 

Only by working with tools and practise can you understand how infrastructures work in reality. Now go ahead and put to test all the knowledge that you’ve gathered through our android projects guide to build your very own android projects!

If you wish to improve your android skills, you need to get your hands on these android projects. If you’re interested to learn more about full-stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Program in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects, and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.


Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How easy it is to implement these projects?

These projects are very basic, someone with a good knowledge of android development can easily manage to pick and finish any of these projects.

2Can I do this projects on Android Internship?

Yes, as mentioned, these project ideas are basically for Students or Beginners. There is a high possibility that you get to work on any of these project ideas during your internship.

3Why do we need to build Android projects?

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience.

4What is the role of an engineer in the government sector?

After engineering, joining a government firm is considered the next step in a long career. This choice can mean forming relationships with coworkers and managers, working on challenging problem sets, and helping to solve the world’s problems. After doing engineering, engineers often continue to use their expertise as an engineer to help address social and environmental issues. Joining a government firm is a great way to use your knowledge and experience to help people from low-income families. Engineers often help in advancing the technology for a safer and sustainable future.

5What is artificial intelligence and machine learning?

There are many different types of technology and science that are constantly being developed and improved upon. Artificial intelligence (also known as AI) is the intelligence of machines. It is the ability of a machine to behave like a human or the ability of a machine to learn and improve its performance over time. Machine learning is the use of algorithms to improve a system’s performance without being explicitly programmed. Both AI and machine learning are becoming more sophisticated and are used in a wide range of applications, from computer vision to speech recognition and even to autonomous vehicles.

6What is the job of engineers in the army?

Engineers have an important strategic role in the armed forces, as they are the people who plan the development of new weapons, the planning of new missions, and the design of new vehicles. This role involves the design and development of systems, processes, or products, and ensures that they meet the requirements of the army men and have sound engineering and design principles. One of the most important roles of an engineer is to build and maintain the equipment used to keep the soldiers safe while they are in combat. They are responsible for ensuring that the soldiers are well equipped with the tools they need in the war.

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