Blockchain Developer Salary in India 2024 [For Freshers & Experienced]

Updated on 12 February, 2024

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Blockchain Developer Salary in India

The Blockchain Era is has arrived, and it is now. Enterprises across various sectors of the industry are warming up to the concept of the decentralized ledger. There’s a global wave of Blockchain adoption among companies and businesses to address fundamental business problems. In fact, the adoption of Blockchain technology is occurring at such a rapid scale that Gartner predicts the business value of Blockchain tech will exceed $3 trillion by 2030.

Blockchain technology has a number of applications usable across many industries. The most popular uses are reflective in identity management, supply chain analysis, and smart contracts. This technology’s complete range of benefits is set to see further discovery in the future.

According to a 2018 PwC survey conducted on 600 executives hailing from 15 different regions, nearly 84% of the respondents claimed to be leveraging Blockchain in some way of the other. India is also catching up with the rising trend in Blockchain Adoption. With both the government and private companies showing increasing interest in Blockchain, the job market in this domain is booming at present.

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A common search query online remains, blockchain developer salary and blockchain engineer salary in India, implying its emergence and growing interest among young aspirants.

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Who Is a Blockchain Developer?

Developing blockchain protocols, including developing a network that can be used for both data centralisation and decentralization, is the responsibility of a blockchain developer. Moreover, companies offer a good Blockchain developer salary to ask these professionals to be in charge of producing smart contracts. 

To put it another way, the Core Blockchain Developer creates the foundation upon which others can develop. He utilizes web-based solutions built on the blockchain. Anyone who earns a reasonable blockchain developer salary in India is responsible for the company’s advancement in blockchain technology.

The growing demand for Blockchain Developers in India

Being an emerging technology that has just started gaining traction in the past few years, Blockchain talent is challenging to find. Today, Blockchain is one of the fastest-growing skill sets with jobs in this domain growing at a mindblowing rate of 2,000-6,000% and the salaries of Blockchain Developers being 50-100% higher than conventional developer jobs. No wonder there are lots of questions around blockchain developer salary and blockchain engineer salary.

While the employment opportunities in Blockchain are many, there’s a limited talent pool in this domain. The demand for Blockchain techies, particularly Blockchain Developers in India is not only being created by the BFSI sector, but also by healthcare, education, supply chain management, cloud computing, stock trading, real estate, and even government agencies. 

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The job landscape in India is currently seeing a heightened demand for blockchain developers, making it one of the most sustained and fast-growing skills to flaunt. Average Blockchain Developer pay scales are at least 50 to 100 percent higher than that of a traditional developer. 

The most in-demand Blockchain skills right now are Hyperledger, Solidity, Ripple, and Ethereum. However, since this space is relatively new, companies often settle for professionals with a specific skill set. For instance, Blockchain Developers must have a basic knowledge of mathematics and algorithms. They must be well-versed in C, C++, Java, and Python since a majority of Blockchain projects are written in these languages. The solidity developer salary India is high in those companies that are looking for Blockchain developers with Solidity as one of the key skills.

Also, Blockchain Developers must be aware of at least a few tools required for Blockchain development such as Geth, Remix, Mist, Solium, Parity, BaaS, and Truffle, to name a few. Also, they should have some experience of working on open-source projects. Usually, most companies hire Blockchain Developers having at least a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or Computer Science.

All data in Blockchain gets stored in the form of blocks instead of tables. This ability to create such a data structure from the basics is part of the skill sets of a blockchain developer. Knowledge of languages for programming such as C-Sharp, C++, C, Java, Scala, and Python are also required.

Most Blockchain certificates that the Blockchain Council offers are designed or intended for completion in the form of self-paced instruction. Generally, the course span ranges around 6-8 hours. Once you obtain certification, you get to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts of Blockchain and related implementation. You also get to demonstrate the knowledge and abilities in Blockchain you developed.

In the last few years, using blockchain technology for exchanging loans, cryptocurrencies, assets, and other things has proved to be a massive success. The versatility of Blockchain implies the soaring blockchain developer salary. In addition to the fintech industry, other industries like Agtech, EdTech, healthcare, etc., have started to include Blockchain in their financial services. Though India is not in a steady or legal position to manage cryptocurrency, a few industries have started implementing Blockchain technology.

Indian blockchain developers are demanding that domestic businesses prepare a digital transaction book that can’t be modified or hacked. Companies use this advanced technology to offer supreme security for sensitive and confidential data against cyber criminals. Also, this technology avoids Cyber-attacks on computer systems. The blockchain jobs salary India is admirable because the Indian companies have acknowledged Blockchain as the forthcoming big generation of cutting-edge technology. It will modernise the entire process of business operation.

Blockchain developers are experts at developing and enhancing Blockchain technology protocols, building a network via Blockchain architecture for decentralised systems, and building Blockchain-focused online applications. Owing to these outstanding skills, these developers earn praiseworthy blockchain jobs salary.

Two types of demanding Blockchain developers in India are Blockchain software developers and Core blockchain developers. Moreover, Blockchain engineers are familiar with programming languages like Javascript and Python and other technologies like hyper ledger fabric, smart contracts, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solium, Mist, etc. The blockchain engineer salary is decent enough for those Blockchain engineers experts in all these programming languages and technologies.

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Blockchain professionals are demanding in several sectors, including the supply chain, healthcare, BFSI sector (Banking, financial services, and insurance). The key requisites for becoming a Blockchain developer are a powerful base in algorithms and mathematics, detailed knowledge of programming, and an understanding of Blockchain technology fundamentals.

Candidates aspiring to become Blockchain developers must focus on learning foundational skills by pursuing a certificate program in fintech and financial blockchain. For blockchain developers aiming to enter the finance industry and earn decent blockchain jobs salary India, the fintech certification courses can help build a strong foundation.

The digital revolution has significantly influenced the finance industry. The growing technological advancements have generated a market gap between the demand and supply for skilled Blockchain professionals. Upskilling via certification programs in Fintech and Financial Blockchain not only offers a competitive edge to the learners but also guarantees decent blockchain jobs salary.

Our Learners also read: Career opportunities in Blockchain!

On the whole, a Blockchain Developer must have a solid technical background and be ever-curious in learning about new technologies. 

The Salary of Blockchain Developers in India

Owing to the shortage of talent and skills in this domain, employers are always willing to pay high remuneration to Blockchain professionals if they are worthy. In fact, the salary of a Blockchain techie is way higher than an average IT professional. If you have the right Blockchain skills, you can make double, even three times the salary of what a Software Engineer makes in a year.  

As more Indian companies and organizations are joining the Blockchain bandwagon, the average annual salary of a Blockchain Developer in India has a broad spectrum. Usually, the salary of a Blockchain Developer in India ranges anywhere between Rs. 5,00,000-30,00,000 LPA. According to estimates based on data with GlassDoor, the average national salary for Blockchain Developers in India stands at around Rs. 7,14,775 every year.

As is visible, the higher your experience and the more profound your skillset, the higher will be your yearly compensation. Also, the salary package depends on whether or not a candidate has advanced certifications and the job position as well (entry-level, mid-level, senior-level).

Furthermore, the salary packages of Blockchain jobs are highly dynamic. For instance, if a professional has around three years of Blockchain experience, the annual remuneration can be as high as Rs 45,00,000 or even more. This happens to be more than double of what a professional with five years of work experience (however, with no experience in Blockchain tech) would get. 

Skillset is an important determining factor for blockchain developer salary. A strong foundation of distributed systems and networking is advantageous. Their salary varies based on one’s knowledge of various decentralised applications, including Ethereum, HyperLedger, EOS, and NEO.

Apart from all these factors, having a certification is another key element contributing to admirable salaries. These certification courses help them demonstrate their abilities leading to increased scope of blockchain developer, ample career opportunities, and industry recognition. After gaining one of these certifications, the blockchain developer salary Chennai and other megacities of India can range from 5 LPA to 30 LPA.

In fact, one thing to take note of here is that the average salary in the domain, even for a fresher, is significantly higher compared to other job profiles.

According to Paul Dupuis, the MD of Randstad, India, 

“Salaries for ready-to-be deployed techies with blockchain experience are twice that of a techie without blockchain expertise.” 

Reinstating this fact, Lohit Bhatia, the Chief Executive (Staffing) of IKYA Human Capital Solutions, states, “Salary offered to a blockchain techie with just five years of experience is almost at par with that of a general manager in a bank with three decades of experience.”

As for senior-level salaries for technology roles (without Blockchain expertise) was around Rs 1.5-2.5 crore in 2018. However, as the need for security has increased considerably across various sectors, particularly the BFSI sector, companies are willing to pay over Rs. 4 crores to senior-level Security professionals and Blockchain techies.

Source: Payscale, Glassdoor

There is a significant gap in the demand and supply of Blockchain professionals in India. Out of the 2 million Software Developers in India, only 5,000 professionals possess Blockchain skills. At present, public sector banks are leading the game by creating the highest demand for Blockchain Developers with about 4,000 specialists in this domain (as of 2018) compared to 2,300 experts in 2017. This depicts a 75% increase in the demand for Blockchain specialists. According to TeamLease research, there are about 2,000 Blockchain professionals in NBFCs and 2,400 in public sector companies.

Also read, Blockchain career and its future growth 

Among the top blockchain jobs available in India, we have compiled a list of the most in-demand, as per rankings-

Blockchain Developers: Of course, this is the topper on the list, with salaries touching even a whooping Rs 82 lakh per year for highly experienced or skilled people. Blockchain developers help design the best solutions for establishing the new technologies to utilize superior expertise.

In terms of being a developer, you can pick from becoming a core blockchain developer or even a software blockchain developer. The top skills relevant to such profiles are clarity on blockchain architecture, understanding of cryptography, awareness of data structures, web development knowledge, and expertise in main programming languages including Java, Solidity, C++, and Python. The solidity developer salary India highlights the Blockchain developers’ versatility.

Blockchain Architects: With such a profile, candidates can plan, oversee, and integrate multiple components in a blockchain system.

A blockchain developer should have an in-depth understanding of what blockchain is. They are later introduced with concepts like cryptographic hash functions and ledger technology. After learning all fundamental concepts, the scope of blockchain developer for a job in leading firms significantly increases.

One of the excellent methods to learn Blockchain fundamental concepts is reading the Bitcoin blockchain whitepaper. Adopting this method can unlock opportunities for admirable blockchain developer salary Chennai.

Blockchain developers should be able to apply data structures whenever required. Being a blockchain engineer, you would have to deal with various data structures and complex cryptography throughout your career. The ability to manage all these accounts for a decent blockchain engineer salary.

Blockchain Security Engineers:

The profile with shining high with a scope of blockchain developer has steadily become prominent over the years in the IT business. Blockchain Security Engineers occupy a crucial role in building robust decentralised networks making blockchain future scope in India rising. They harden blockchain platforms against vulnerabilities like data tampering, DDoS attacks or theft of encryption keys making this profile a high blockchain package, with a decent blockchain developer salary in India. Daily responsibilities include analysing test cases for failure points and optimising cryptographic security protocols. These specialised engineers ensure attributes that make blockchain valuable for business – transparency, integrity and auditability – remain intact through proactive threat modelling.

Their niche skillset with deep knowledge of encryption, cryptography and networking allows companies to safely develop blockchain applications, executing smart contracts or digital asset transfers without compromise. Top-notch security engineers can earn over ₹20 lakh annually in India, with providing blockchain developer fresher salary in India to newbie. This blockchain technology and profile in this is no less than an opportunity to ,make a good money with blockchain developer salary, or blockchain salary in India, on a constant rise especially for blockchain developers in India

Blockchain Product Managers:

As blockchain project managers, you get to oversee projects and also help maintain contact between a company and the blockchain experts and gain a handsome blockchain developer salary in India, beataing blockchain developer salary for freshers in India. Blockchain Product Managers act as the bridge between business needs and technical development. They conceptualise and oversee building end-to-end blockchain solutions tailored to market demands. Conducting research, framing requirements based on industry insights and coordinating engineering teams are core responsibilities of the developer and gaining a good blockchain developer salary per month in India .

Excellent communication coupled with functional knowledge of blockchain enables collaboration across functions. They govern the product lifecycle – from ideation to launch, including prototyping and testing blockchain apps or platforms. Their balance of project management skills, commercial awareness and technical grasp of decentralised systems warrants annual salaries exceeding ₹15 lakh in India, this is no less than an average salary of blockchain developers in India.

Blockchain UX Designers:

UX designers work on creating distinctive as well as user-friendly interfaces, which is a friedly space with ample opportunities for having a good blockchain technology salary. Blockchain UX Designers specialise in crafting intuitive user experiences that drive mass adoption of decentralised applications. Their speciality is understanding complex blockchain technology and translating that into simple, elegant interfaces for the average consumer.

Conceptualising wireframes, building prototypes and implementing slick front-end designs are day-to-day activities. Their vision to make blockchain solutions extremely user-friendly and front-end development skills warrant salaries above ₹10 lakh yearly in India, which is considered handsome blockchian developer salary in India. As blockchain permeates industries, UX Designers will grow more pivotal in boosting accessibility and ease of use for decentralised apps across domains.

Blockchain Quality Engineers: 

Such engineers look at all testing-related stuff around apps for performance evaluation. Blockchain Quality Engineers, get a good blockchain engineer salary in India ensure decentralised applications reliably function as intended. They create test cases to validate software across security, functionality, stability and scalability parameters.

Rigorously running tests to identify bugs and then debugging and optimising blockchain codebases is their speciality. Strong analytical abilities allow for recognising issues before product launch. Adhering to quality standards, they guarantee blockchain apps or platforms meet specifications in production environments. With acute attention to detail, Blockchain Quality Engineers in India earn approximately ₹8-12 lakhs yearly, wich is not even a blockchain package, Their work is vital for building trust in blockchain technology across industries. It is a rising industry, with a high blockchain future scope in India.

Blockchain Developer Salary In India: Based on Job Location

The amount of experience a developer has in the field of blockchain also affects their Blockchain salary in India. The likelihood of making more money increases with a city’s technical sophistication. You will have more chances to prove your qualifications if you are prepared to move to a more senior position.

Here is a table representing the average salary of a Blockchain Developer in India based on their job location: 

Job Location Blockchain Developer Salary Per Annum
Mumbai INR 707,000
Delhi INR 599,000
Chennai INR 729,228
Bangalore INR 619,000
Pune INR 883,000
Hyderabad INR 500,000

Blockchain Developer Salary In India: Based on Job Role

The two criteria that determine job roles are. The candidate’s background and the tech stack they are most familiar with. The pay based on experience has been discussed. Here is a table representing the Blockchain developer salary in India based on the various work roles: 

Job Role Blockchain Developer Salary Per Annum
Integrations Engineer INR 672,449
Smart Contract Developer INR 550,000
Core Engineer INR 450,000
Smart Contract Engineer INR 722,698

Blockchain Developer Salary In India: Based on Job Experience Level

It is a common belief in the sector that a developer’s pay is based on the amount of experience he or she has. Depending on their level of domain experience, employees are divided into various categories. Let’s examine the blockchain developer salary india for the various groups. 

Blockchain Developer Salary For Freshers

Workers with no prior software experience and 0–1 year of blockchain technology experience are considered full beginners. In this instance, the blockchain developer salary in India for freshers may be roughly INR 600,000 annually. 

Blockchain Developer Salary For Developers With 1-2 Yrs Experience

Workers with 1-2 years of software experience and 0–1 years of familiarity with blockchain technology are considered new developers. In this instance, the pay might be roughly INR 700,000 per year.

Blockchain Developer Salary With 2-4 yrs of Experience

Workers with 2-4 years of software experience and 0–1 year of familiarity with blockchain technology are regarded as experienced developers. In this instance, the pay may be roughly around INR 7,50,000 and INR 8,50,000. 

Blockchain Developer Salary For Blockchain Master

Blockchain technology salary in india are considered according to the experience they have. 2-4 years of software experience and 0–1 year of exposure to blockchain technology. In this case, the salary might be around INR 800,000 and INR 900,000.

Blockchain Engineer Salary Based on Company

Here is a table representing the top companies hiring Blockchain developers and the average blockchain engineer salary each offer:  

Company  Blockchain Developer Salary Per Annum
Accenture INR 10,00,000
Bosch India INR 11,00,000
TCS INR 6,00,000
Tech Mahindra INR 7,50,000
HCL Technologies INR 20,00,000

Skills Required For Becoming a Blockchain Developer

1. Blockchain Design/ Blockchain Architecture Design:

Firstly, Blockchain developers should have a strong understanding of Blockchain, its working, and how it’s built. Without learning the design of Blockchain/Blockchain Architecture, these developers can’t get a decent blockchain salary. Studying the same from courses/blogs is beneficial and time-saving.

Experimenting with building basic DApps, minting NFTs or writing Solidity contracts allows developers to confront real-world limitations and considerations when designing robust decentralized platforms and applications, ensuring nft developer salary for work which is no less than a blockchain developer salary per month

The space progresses rapidly, so keeping up with latest innovations also ensures competitive relevancy. For example, understanding differences between chains like Bitcoin vs Ethereum or NFT trends brings practical insights reflecting where industry opportunities for developers and professionals lie. 

2. Data Structures:

Blockchain developers should be able to use the data structures when they are needed. Many Blockchain developers are constantly experimenting with existing data structures, for example, Merkle trees, to fulfil their network requirements.

Learning Blockchain data structures can increase the odds of getting a blockchain developer salary Hyderabad. They can work with a wide range of data structures and complex cryptography to construct a safe system.

Experimenting with data structures by building prototypes allows understanding nuanced considerations in using options like Patricia tries instead of binary tries for use cases like Ethereum. Factors like optimizations in data access, traversal, lookups and migrations make data structuring choices pivotal. Evaluation skills assist in selecting ideal options and balancing scalability and efficiency for target network requirements. Beyond foundational data structure knowledge, keeping current with innovations equally helps as the field constantly evolves. 

3. Cryptography:

Data architectures and cryptography are equally important. During blockchain development, several algorithms and hash functions like KECCAK256, SHA256, and others are used. Blockchain developers should be familiar with essential Cryptography related aspects required in their job profiles.

Testing implementations by creating small experimental public-private key encryption workflows or consensus models allows a grasp of considerations like computational tradeoffs, randomness and security proofs. A hands-on understanding of the latest innovations like zero-knowledge proofs, trusted execution environments, and homomorphic encryption keeps skillsets relevant as the space pushes boundaries of what securely decentralized systems can achieve a blockchain developer fresher salary in India.

4. Smart Contract Development:

Smart contracts are programs that execute when determining criteria are fulfilled. Usually, they help automate an agreement’s implementation to ensure all the parties can be immediately assured of the conclusion without any intermediaries.

In recent years, smart contracts have become increasingly crucial. Since business logic can be easily employed with Blockchain technology, the majority of Blockchain developers aim to incorporate it into their services. So, being an expert at Smart Contract Development can help you get a promising blockchain salary.

5. Web-Development:

One of the critical elements of becoming a Blockchain developer is developing and designing decentralised applications. Therefore, learning both the front-end and back-end web developments are critical.Server-side fluency in JavaScript/TypeScript/Go empowers crafting high-performance smart contracts and distributed business logic. On the client side, React’s expertise in building responsive cross-platform UIs, using Web3 wallets or integrating NFT functionality creates holistic DApps aligned with ecosystem growth into crypto payments, social, gaming and metaverses. Practice creating intuitive interfaces masking blockchain complexities enables mainstream accessibility.

 6. Understanding of Enterprise Business Processes

Understanding enterprise business processes increase the odds of cracking Blockchain coding interview. The corresponding skills are essential for thinking and employing a plan for the solution.

Procurement, logistics, supply chain, distribution, treasury operations, and other associated areas demand a fundamental understanding. It helps impress an HR manager during an interview and finally land a job with a decent blockchain developer salary Hyderabad.

 Topmost companies hiring Blockchain Developers in India

  • Hyperlink InfoSystem
  • Tata Consultancy Services
  • Infosys
  • Capgemini India Pvt ltd
  • Accenture
  • Tech Mahindra
  • WillowTree Apps
  • Zensar Technologies
  • HData Systems
  • Fueled

7.DApp Development Skills

As blockchain technology redefines how to build secure, transparent and decentralized applications with capabilities like digital asset creation, exchange and programmability, expertise in decentralized app (DApp) development becomes pivotal for blockchain developers to drive adoption. Designing intuitive user interfaces, integrating Web3 wallet connectivity for seamless crypto transactions, and ensuring gas-optimized smart contract logic comes together to shape positive user experiences across industries. Practical DApp development skills bridging blockchain protocols to an application layer accessible for end-users provides the last mile that unlocks embracing decentralisation at scale.

8. Network Security Skills

Robust security abilities enable blockchain developers to architect the sophisticated mechanisms underpinning trust minimisation in decentralised ecosystems. Capabilities like multi-party computation for privacy or formal verification of contract code promote resilience against risks like data tampering or wallet hacks. Testing implementations against attack scenarios through red teaming uncovers vulnerabilities early, especially vital as decentralised apps manage high-value assets. Staying updated on innovations around zero-knowledge proofs, trusted execution environments, and consensus optimisations allows matching security assurances with enterprise-grade-level performance.

9. Distributed Ledger Technology

Fluency in distributed systems architecture allows the crafting of decentralised applications optimised for attributes like fault tolerance, accountability and transparency by spreading control across participant nodes. Developer familiarity with consensus protocols (PoW, PoS etc), peer-to-peer data transmission, cryptographic identities and other building blocks enable reliably recording state without central intermediaries. As solutions scale managing heavier transaction loads, a deep grasp of sharding approaches, off-chain computation and sidechains promise greater throughput and interoperability, unlocking decentralisation for complex data scenarios.

10. Financial Principles

As blockchain redefines digital ownership, exchange and programmability of assets, deep familiarity with financial contexts sharpens dApp designs to reimagine processes across banking, capital markets, insurance and more. For instance, structuring parametric policies as smart contracts instead of paperwork streamlines payouts in insurance. Expertise of domains combined with fluency of representing asset logic digitally as tokenised securities or synthetic derivatives under decentralisation paradigms allows market reach and access unhindered by conventional intermediaries.

The Future Potential of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has captured the imagination of industries worldwide, promising to revolutionize how businesses operate and interact. While its current applications in identity management, supply chain analysis, and smart contracts have shown immense promise, the future potential of blockchain technology is even more intriguing.

1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi has gained significant attention, offering decentralized financial services such as lending, borrowing, trading, and yield farming without intermediaries. This trend can reshape traditional financial systems, making them more accessible, transparent, and inclusive.

Allowing crypto collateral to unlock everything from easy cross-border payments to transparent derivative exposures managed by smart contracts instead of paperwork streamlines processes to boost efficiency. As composable DeFi protocols unlock programmable money stacks together into an open financial system rather than siloed services, the possibilities span instant cross-asset swaps to large-scale crypto-backed loans with algorithmically determined interest rates.

2. Tokenization of Assets

Blockchain enables the fractional ownership of real-world assets through tokenization. This could transform how we invest in real estate, art, commodities, and intellectual property. Tokenizing assets can provide liquidity, reduce barriers to entry, and increase market efficiency.

Providing 24/7 markets with settlement finality in seconds rather than days can boost previously illiquid market efficiency. As asset tokenisation standards and regulations evolve across jurisdictions to manage considerations like compliance, blockchain-based digitisation unlocks capital access and exposure to new asset classes for regular investors by simply transacting programmable digital tokens.

3. Supply Chain Traceability

While Blockchain has already been used for supply chain transparency, the technology’s future potential lies in creating end-to-end traceability. Consumers could scan a product’s QR code to access its entire journey from raw materials to the store shelf, ensuring authenticity, ethical sourcing, and quality control.

Bringing end-to-end life cycle traceability to categories like food or pharmaceuticals enables authenticity while minimising counterfeits – high priorities for consumer trust.

4. Healthcare and Medical Records

Blockchain could revolutionize healthcare by securely storing and sharing patient data across healthcare providers. This would give patients control over their medical records while ensuring privacy, data accuracy, and interoperability between healthcare systems.

As healthcare interoperability matures across global regions, standardised health records on blockchain usher portability, empowering patient ownership instead of opaque systems holding data. With appropriate consent mechanisms for sharing sensitive personal information, blockchain offers a bridge to patient-centric healthcare through distributed yet unified data.

5. Renewable Energy and Carbon Credits

Blockchain could play a vital role in creating transparent systems for tracking and trading renewable energy and carbon credits. This could incentivize sustainable practices and contribute to combating climate change.

Tokenising carbon mitigation into freely tradable units on a transparent ledger promises more accessible offset marketplaces connecting emission producers and offset buyers.

6. Digital Identity and Authentication

Blockchain has the potential to create secure and verifiable digital identities, reducing the risk of identity theft and providing individuals with control over their personal information. This is particularly valuable in a world where digital interactions are increasingly common.

Allowing respondents to disclose attributes to service providers via cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs selectively upholds privacy while proving authenticity. As standards converge across regions, blockchain digital IDs can enable seamless international banking and healthcare transactions by always putting individuals owning their identity data first yet facilitating qualified disclosure as required.

7. Voting Systems

Blockchain-based voting systems could enhance election transparency, security, and accessibility. This technology could help eliminate voter fraud and ensure tamper-proof election results.Option for multi-party oversight over tallying using smart contracts rather than opaque processes uplifts accountability. As adoption accelerates globally, standardised blockchain voting systems could enable enforcement of identity verification coupled with the distribution of digital access passkeys, unlocking the ballot box conveniently from any location. While exploratory today with small-scale trials, blockchain voting offers a pathway to fortifying the very heart of democracy as countries increasingly embrace digital governance.

8. Cross-Border Payments and Remittances

Blockchain’s ability to facilitate near-instant cross-border payments could revolutionize international trade and remittances, reducing fees, transaction times, and reliance on intermediaries.

Service reach even to remote areas leaps forward by only requiring internet access for accessing wallets. As specialised blockchain payment systems and stablecoin-focused initiatives gain maturity, interconnecting with localised payment partners globally, the next decades promise a reinvented architecture for authorised payments, unlocking trillions in latent economic upside through open, connected and borderless value transfer underpinned by cryptography.

Blockchain Development Challenges

While offering numerous benefits, blockchain development also comes with its fair share of challenges and considerations. Here are some of the key challenges and considerations in blockchain development:

1. Scalability

Traditional blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum often face scalability issues due to their limited transaction processing capabilities. As more users join the network, the time and cost of transactions can increase significantly. Blockchain developers must explore solutions such as sharding, layer 2 protocols, and optimized consensus mechanisms to address scalability concerns.

2. Interoperability

The blockchain ecosystem is highly fragmented, with multiple platforms and protocols existing independently. Ensuring interoperability between different blockchains is essential to facilitate seamless communication and data exchange across networks. Projects like Polkadot and Cosmos aim to address this challenge by enabling cross-chain interoperability.

3. Security

Blockchains are considered secure due to their cryptographic principles, but they are not immune to vulnerabilities. Smart contract bugs, 51% attacks, and vulnerabilities in consensus algorithms can compromise the integrity of the Blockchain. Thorough security audits, code reviews, and continuous monitoring are essential to mitigate these risks.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Blockchain technology often operates in a regulatory grey area, especially regarding data privacy, ownership, and legal frameworks. Blockchain developers and businesses must navigate evolving regulatory landscapes to ensure compliance with laws while maintaining the core principles of decentralization and immutability.

5. User Experience

The user experience on many blockchain applications can be challenging for non-technical users. Wallet management, private key security, and transaction confirmation times can deter mainstream adoption. Improving user interfaces and simplifying onboarding processes are critical to making blockchain applications more user-friendly.

6. Energy Consumption

Proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanisms, as used in Bitcoin, consume substantial amounts of energy, leading to concerns about environmental impact. Transitioning to more energy-efficient consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS) or delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) is a consideration for blockchain developers to minimize carbon footprints.

7. Lack of Standards

The lack of universally accepted standards in blockchain development can lead to fragmentation and compatibility issues. Establishing common protocols, data formats, and development practices is crucial to fostering a cohesive blockchain ecosystem.

8. Data Privacy

Public blockchains store data in a transparent and immutable manner, which may conflict with privacy requirements in certain use cases. Developing solutions that allow for private transactions, data encryption, and permission access to certain information is essential for applications that deal with sensitive data.

9. Legal and Ethical Challenges

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and smart contracts can raise legal and ethical questions. Determining liability, resolving disputes, and managing unintended consequences of automated code execution need careful consideration.

Wrapping up…

However, since Blockchain skills are mainly being developed and encouraged in-house by employers, hopefully, there’ll be more talented Blockchain professionals in the near future. 

If you are interested to learn blockchain and take your career to the next level, check out IIIT-B & upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development- Specialisation in Blockchain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between bitcoin and Ethereum?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that works on the Proof-of-work mechanism. Ethereum has many similarities with Bitcoin, though it differs from Bitcoin in certain aspects. Ethereum, apart from being a digital currency, has many use cases such as DeFi, NFTs, and Smart Contracts. Bitcoin is a leader in the cryptocurrency world with a 48% market share, while Ethereum comes second with a 23.4% market share. The competition between the two is narrowing down with each passing day. Ethereum grew 510% in 2021 compared to a 93% gain in Bitcoin in 2021. With this rate, there is a high possibility that Ethereum can surpass Bitcoin in terms of market share and currency value in the near future.

2. What is the difference between DeFi and DApps?

DeFi and DApps are two of the most popular innovations in the Fintech Industry. As both run on the Ethereum Blockchain, people often get confused between the two. Decentralized Finance or DeFi is slowly disrupting the finance industry with the various advantages it offers, such as transparency security, to name a few. It is based on distributed ledgers and provides the different financial services offered by traditional financial institutions such as lending, borrowing, asset management, etc. DApps are applications developed using the Ethereum blockchain. It is similar to standard applications. The main difference is that DeFi is built on DApps and is concerned with financial use cases, while DApps can develop many other applications based on gaming, education, etc.

3. What Is Ether?

Ether is a cryptocurrency or a digital currency that runs on the Ethereum blockchain network. It is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and uses a Proof-of-work consensus mechanism. As the value of Ether sky-rocketed, several smaller units of the currency were introduced to facilitate transactions in the cryptocurrency world and facilitate exchange with the traditional currency. The smallest currency of Ether is Wei, equal to 10-18ETH.

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Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector


Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector

The blockchain technology has successfully disrupted many industries, and the banking sector is one of the main beneficiaries, dare we say. The fintech sector is truly up and running, and companies everywhere are building blockchain solutions. With use cases such as international payments, KYC, and optimized cash management, the blockchain is truly the next big thing when it comes to the finance. Learn Online Software Engineer Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. According to surveys, 90% of executives surveyed said that their firm was looking into using blockchain for their operations. Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, it is easier to form a global banking network where international transactions and other operations could be carried out easily. Santander, a Spain-based bank, reports savings of USD 20 billion a year if blockchain is incorporated. Different consortiums and organizations have started taking collective steps toward blockchain adoption. Talking about the current scenario, there exist many potential use cases for blockchain in the banking sector. What follows is a brief description of each of these use cases, their comparisons with traditional methods, and their benefits. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Know your customer (KYC) regulations As of now, banks and other financial institutions spend up to USD 500 million per year to comply with KYC regulations. KYC is intended to reduce or completely eradicate terrorism or money laundering, with comprehensive background checks of all bank customers, in accordance with some requirements. The current scenario is that every company has their own independent KYC procedures. With the introduction of the blockchain, the independent verification of a particular client could be accessed by different companies, so that the whole KYC process need not be done again. For instance, if Carl opens an account in Axis bank, and has a KYC done over there, his details are stored in a blockchain node on the global network. This way, when he wants to open another account in Citibank, the staff then need not carry out the KYC process all over again; instead, they just read the data from the blockchain, and Carl’s identity is confirmed. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Blockchain Payments: local and international Low security and a lot of intermediaries in the payment processes are two factors hurting this area in the present scenario.  more and more commercial banks are looking to introduce blockchain into the payment process, without waiting for central banks to make a move. For example, UBS of Switzerland has come up with a utility settlement coin, which is a digital currency for use in international financial markets. The blockchain firm Ripple developed a payment application that settles transactions, even international, instantly, and partnered with a consortium of 61 Japanese banks for the same. According to Ripple, this app would make it extremely easy for banks to settle round-the-clock transactions and payments. The customers will just require a bank account, phone number, and a QR code/barcode to use the application. While Ripple was created in an attempt to solve the problems related to international payments, Stellar Lumens (XLM) was created to solve Ripple. Stellar was initially built keeping Ripple’s system as the base with the aim to make the global economy much more inclusive. But, looking at the complexity of the said system, Stellar redesigned itself with a brand new system. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps  For Ripple, banks and MNCs need to transfer the XRP token through the Ripple network, whereas Stellar allows individuals to trade money directly with one another using XLM (Lumens) as a medium, and “anchors” to take care of the fiat currency aspects. Basically, suppose you need to transfer money overseas, using Ripple, your bank will directly send the Ripple to the recipient’s account and the payment is made at whatever exchange rates and fees the bank decides. Whereas, using Stellar, the currency conversion takes place first, after which an “anchor” helps in transferring the converted currency to the recipient’s account. Anchors are basically money transferring companies, and you can pick the anchor of your choosing. All in all, Ripple allows MNCs and large banks to make cost-effective international transfers and currency conversions, Stellar allows individuals to make much more cost-effective currency and money transfers. Stellar is a non-profit with the goal of increasing the inclusiveness in the global payment system. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Syndicated loans This is one area of banking where multiple institutions have come together to form consortiums to facilitate blockchain adoption. Credit Suisse is one of those 19 institutions, which are working towards putting syndicated loans on the blockchain using distributed ledger technology, more commonly known as blockchain technology. Currently, this is an area which is still quite behind in terms of the technology used. Fax communications, large delays in settling loans and other hurdles are faced while processing syndicate loans. What blockchain technology aims to do is create a method of communication between different institutions, so that loan ownership changes can quickly be reflected across all of them. The aforementioned consortium already has plans to put out one or two loans within the next year on this blockchain concept. Fraud reductions The current banking scenario, even after cutting-edge innovations in security, is not safe from fraudulent activities. Due to being based on centralized databases, banking systems are susceptible to cyber-attacks and hacks, as all the information is stored in one place. Frauds and malicious activities lead to huge losses for both banks and their customers. What blockchain technology can accomplish here is that due to its distributed nature, it substantially reduces the risk of network failure due to one or two nodes being taken down or hacked. Storage and encryption of every single byte of data is carried out on the blockchain, in addition to the verification process. In the event of a data breach or hack, each node which has access to the transaction data is made aware of the breach and can take remedial steps immediately. Financial inclusion Access to basic banking services is still a herculean task for many poverty-stricken and underdeveloped nations of the world.. More than 200 million small business owners still do not have access to basic financial institutions, and financial inclusion will only help in making them independent. Blockchain technology can help in a few different areas here. As discussed earlier, use cases like KYC are already a step in the right direction. Low-cost transactions, seamless international payments, and easy loans are just a few of the many banking processes that can be made easier using blockchain, thus helping us achieve financial inclusion. Master the Technology of the Future – Blockchain The blockchain technology has indeed a bright and exciting future. As real-time, open-source, and trusted platforms that transfer data and value without hassles, they can help not only reduce the cost of processing payments, but also help develop new services, products, and solutions that can generate new revenue streams. If you’re interested to become a blockchain developer and build smart contracts and chain codes, checkout IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced certificate program in blockchain technology.
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by Radhika Maloo

02 Aug'18
All You Need to Know About Bitcoin


All You Need to Know About Bitcoin

Not long ago, Bitcoin was the new buzz of the town and all everyone wanted was to get their hands on this new currency which continues to rock the world economy even today. But a very few people are aware of what exactly is Bitcoin and how it works. Learn Software Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which began as a decentralised digital currency in the year 2008. The currency was introduced by an unknown individual/organisation using the pseudo-name of Satoshi Nakamoto. The motive of creating the Bitcoin was to introduce a secure, immutable and verifiable means of currency exchange without any central regulatory authority (bank or payment gateway). Operating with the help of Blockchain (a decentralised and open digital ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions), Bitcoin has changed the way we transact and has been considered as a revolution by several tech enthusiasts. Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses How does it work? Bitcoins are self-contained digital currency tokens that have a value of their own. There is no need for any bank to store them or maintain their value. This self-regulating currency works on the principle of Blockchain and several different cryptographic technologies. Public key cryptography is one of the most fundamental cryptographic technologies that make up the essence of Bitcoin. Each of the Bitcoin is associated with the owner’s ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) key. When a transaction is made, the key gets attached to the number of coins and the message thus formed is signed with the owner’s private key. This message is then broadcasted to the Bitcoin network (network based on Blockchain) for the peers to know that the new owner of these coins is the individual who possesses the new key. The signature of the previous owner ensures authenticity and the transaction is stored as a record with everyone for future verification. These transaction records are stored in the form of blocks, forming the complete Blockchain ledger. All participant computers in the network keep a copy of the Blockchain which is updated by passing new blocks. In order to ensure that the blocks are secured and immutable, each new block confirms the integrity of its predecessor, back to the very first addition in the chain – the genesis block. The chain, therefore, remains protected as no party can overwrite any record. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript An added layer of security The Hashcash cost function is used in regulating the generation of bitcoins. The Hashcash function, first of its kind, is a verifiable and secure cost function which happens to be non-interactive. It has no secret keys that need to be managed. Hashcash uses the widely known SHA1 or SHA-256 symmetric key cryptography. The Hash Function (not to be confused with Hashcash function used in regulating the generation of bitcoin) is one of the most secure ways of protecting the integrity of the blocks in the blockchain. The input data is transformed into a compact string through an irreversible method. The slightest change in the data completely changes the hash or the compact string, ensuring that no one can create a block of data with the same hash code. Each hash matches one unique input stream, which is why Bitcoin blocks need not contain serial numbers for identification. Using the hash function ensures both identification and integrity verification of the blocks. Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses The generation and Mining When Bitcoin circulation first began, only a limited number of Bitcoins were released and distributed. Bitcoins are constantly being generated, even at this very moment. The generation of the bitcoins can be understood from the process of Bitcoin mining, which helps in the production and addition of a valid block. Understanding Mining Adding a block to the existing Blockchain requires time as well as processing power, making it a difficult task.  In order for a successful addition of a block to the Blockchain, the miners or users need to solve a hard mathematical puzzle/problem, which requires high computational abilities, thus the time and the processing power. However, the addition of the block is necessary to ensure that the transactions are updated regularly. As a reward or incentive for contributing electricity, processing power as well as time to achieve the same, the individual gets a few numbers of bitcoins (the number is fixed by the Bitcoin network). Apart from that, the transaction fees present in the block’s transaction is also claimed by the producer of the block. The unlocking of Bitcoin bounty by contributing processing power is known as ‘Bitcoin Mining’. The rules of mining are fixed and the difficulty adjusted to limit the block production rate to 1 block per 10 minutes. Thus as the number of contributors or minors increases, it becomes increasingly more difficult for each of the participants to add a block. The increased difficulty also ensures higher security of the transactions. Rise in popularity Whenever something revolutionary is introduced, it takes time for people to accept it. However, Bitcoin has risen to popularity very fast. The rise in popularity of this cryptocurrency can be attributed to its new approach towards currency distribution. Here are a few reasons that made Bitcoin very popular and continue to attract new investors – Decentralised nature: There is no regulating authority. Each participant computer or individual contributes to the maintenance of the Blockchain and hence, no financial policy or fraud can ever take away the value of Bitcoin. Anonymity: Another beauty of using the bitcoins or being a part of the blockchain is that you do not need to confirm your identity. You can be anonymous and still control or use bitcoin and trade with them. Easy to set up and transact: Bitcoin system is fairly easy to adapt and set up. No questions are asked of any authority and you can become a part of the network within a few minutes or even seconds. Another advantage that attracted a lot of investors, as well as individuals, is that Bitcoin has negligible transfer fees. This means that all international transfers are easy and cheaper to conduct through Bitcoin. Transparent, and fast: The Bitcoin ledger is an open record, that maintains the record of all transactions held till now, accessible to all members of the network. Also, the transactions are quite fast. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Close Competitors And Bitcoin doesn’t happen to be the only cryptocurrency in the market today. Following in the footsteps, are more than 1500 listed cryptocurrencies, out of which some have managed to gain support and popularity. These include names like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple and Litecoin. Each of these currencies is focused on different motives but function on the same Blockchain Technology. Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare The Road Ahead History shows that Bitcoin’s value has been very volatile and continues to fluctuate throughout. Its rising popularity and the revolutionary Blockchain technology has already promoted several firms to embrace the change. However, it is too early to say whether Bitcoin will remain and prevail as the universal digital currency. Like any other venture, it needs time to mature. But one thing is for sure – our financial system and the economy are never going to be the same. If you’re interested to become a blockchain developer and build smart contracts and chain codes, checkout IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced certificate program in blockchain technology.
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by Radhika Maloo

05 Sep'18
7 Ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry


7 Ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is witnessing huge growth with every passing year. In 2017 alone, 73.5 million cars were produced globally. It has been projected that by the end of 2018, the global sales of cars can increase up to a total of 81.5 million units! The fact that this is such a profitable industry showcases why blockchain technology is tapping into it. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Learn Software Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Wait, what is blockchain exactly? Don’t know what blockchain is? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. Since the technology is relatively new, a lot of people are not entirely sure what it is and how it functions. Well, you can understand blockchain with the help of two terms. Digital. Ledger. That’s all it really is. The blockchain is a decentralized as well as a digital ledger that allows effective recording and sharing of information. While the traditional mode of transactions takes time to record and be available to see, this is not the case with blockchain. Instead, the transactions are recorded instantaneously, leaving little room for friction. Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN) Since making alterations to a blockchain without detection is impossible, this makes this technology very safe to use. There are fewer chances of scam and fraud when blockchain is involved. The fact that the world is moving towards digital solutions have made blockchain a lucrative technology. The need for mobility and innovation in the automotive industry have also made it an attractive tool for consumers, dealers, manufacturers and OEMs alike. How is Blockchain changing the automotive industry? When we buy cars today, we have the option of doing so with digital currencies. For instance, the AutoBlock allows you to purchase and sell cars using the blockchain technology. It does so while ensuring the security of the mode of transaction. This is just one example of how blockchain technology has been changing the automotive industry. There are other ways technology can revolutionize the automotive industry as well. Here is how it can be done: Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp.   The development of user-friendly cars Let’s face it. Physical keys to cars can be easily stolen. And if they are stolen, you are basically giving an opportunity for anyone to drive off your car to the sunset. However, with the development of private keys, this can be stopped. How so? Through the use of blockchain which is operated by the manufacturer. The consumer can be given a private key (a code) to unlock their car. The only time the car unlocks was when the key entered matches the public key that the manufacturer has. Rather than giving others your keys when the need arises, you can form smart contracts with them, whereby they are given fleeting access to your car. This can come in handy when you want a courier service to leave the delivered package in your car in your absence. Blockchain can do it for you without the process being unsafe. Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Cars without drivers We already see some driverless cars on the road. Blockchain can effectively redefine how these cars function. The idea of being in an autonomous car seems scary. After all, how can a car know about the condition of a given road or even be safe enough to be used? Well, blockchain can truly revolutionize this niche by making such cars as safe as possible. The technology can allow for different cars to communicate with one another as well as access data. This, in turn, ensures that the cars know everything about the prevalent traffic in the route, the conditions of the road and any other data needed for a safe trip. The blockchain is the technology, if used properly, that can change the experience of driving in a driverless car. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Security of data The Autoblock service we mentioned, in the beginning, is an example of how transactions can be secure via blockchain. By getting into a smart contract, both parties are aware of the contract, and the deal is only finalized when the two parties agree to the contract. There is little room for fraud, which makes the transactions secure. Streamlining of car insurance processes A very important part of the automotive industry is the car insurance niche. When you buy a car, you get it insured. This process is usually marked by hassles. Blockchain can transform this process for the better. Not only can claims be processed at a faster pace, but the process can be streamlined as well. Again, smart contracts come in handy as well. Also, blockchain reduces the need for middlemen in insurance, therefore reducing cost. Managing vehicle data Blockchain allows the industry players to manage the data of various vehicles efficiently. This involves updating data in real time to allow it to be used by the industry as needed. For example, odometer fraud can be detected using blockchain. A connector present in the car can send real-time data about the vehicle mileage. This information, when available to OEMs, can be used to sell cars and value it correctly. Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector Easy authentication of ownership of cars Even though we have entered the modern age, we still do a lot of old school things like carrying our vehicle registration and licenses when traveling in our cars. Surely, in a digital world like today, there has to be a better solution. Blockchain can be such a solution. Normally, the process of getting ownership of a car or changing the owner is lengthy. Blockchain has the power to make it instantaneous. Even in the case of rental cars, the law enforcers can authenticate the ownership quickly. This can ensure that the police can have more time for other aspects of their jobs. So, it doesn’t just make things easier for automobile users but also for the law enforcers. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Purchasing used cars Blockchain also has the power to transform how used cars are purchased. Normally, you rely on the word of the mechanic and car dealership to assess if the used car is as used as it claims. With blockchain, you can have real-time data about its life. You can know about its mileage, repair history and if it has been in any accidents. This makes purchasing used cars a safe and transparent process. Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare All in all, blockchain can revolutionize the automotive industry as we know it. However, only time will tell if its potential can truly be utilized. If you’re interested to become a blockchain developer and build smart contracts and chain codes, checkout IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced certificate program in blockchain technology.
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by Michelle Joe

22 Oct'18
What is Blockchain Technology? [Explained]


What is Blockchain Technology? [Explained]

If ‘Blockchain’ is the word you’re hearing a tad too much nowadays, then by now you must have understood that the latest hype behind Blockchain technology is real. Blockchain has emerged as one of the hottest buzzwords of the tech world today. In fact, in just the past one year, there’s been a 250% increase in the Google search requests for the word ‘Blockchain.’ Companies and organizations around the world are embracing this pioneering technology to shape and enhance their business operations. Learn Software Development Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition   But, let’s move over this hype for a sec, and focus on the question – What is Blockchain? What is Blockchain? The brainchild of Satoshi Nakamoto, Blockchain came to the spotlight in 2009 with its first major application – Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, Blockchain is the technology that resides at its core. In simple words, Blockchain is an open-source, distributed ledger capable of recording and storing information (primarily financial transactions) which is then secured by unique cryptographical designs. As the name suggests, the Blockchain infrastructure is made up of numerous ‘blocks,’ each of which contains the transaction data, a timestamp, and the link (cryptographic hash) to the preceding block. 7 ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry This unique and innovative design makes Blockchain a safe space for data – the data cannot be deleted, modified, manipulated, or misused in any way. Another crucial aspect of Blockchain technology is that it is consensus-oriented which further reduces the possibility of data being manipulated or misused. Its design is such that a large number of computers (nodes) are connected over a network. So, every time one wishes to add a transaction to a blockchain, he/she must solve a mathematical test, the results of which are shared with all the machines connected to the network. Only when every computer on the network mutually agrees on the result can the user add transactions to the chain. Furthermore, in Blockchain, data is never stored in one particular location, thereby, making it harder for cybercriminals to access it. Blockchain is, thus, the first technology that facilitates the transfer of digital ownership in a decentralized manner. These features are what make Blockchain so appealing to the magnates of the tech world. Now that we’ve answered what is Blockchain, arises the question – How to become a Blockchain expert? Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript How To Become A Blockchain Expert? As more and more companies and institutions adopt the Blockchain technology, the demand for skilled and qualified Blockchain professionals is also escalating rapidly. Bloomberg maintains that in 2017 itself, the number of Blockchain related job postings increased by four times on LinkedIn. So, there’s never been a better time to launch a successful career in Blockchain! However, to become a Blockchain Expert, you must first develop the skill set required for this technology. Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Get Acquainted With Blockchain Architecture When working with Blockchain technology, it is needless to say that, you must possess a thorough understanding of Blockchain and its innate architecture. This means that you must be well-versed with Blockchain concepts like cryptography, cryptographic hash functions, distributed ledger technology, consensus, decentralized consensus, smart contracts, and trusted computing, to name a few. This first step is crucial to building a strong foundational knowledge in Blockchain technology. Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare To get an in-depth understanding of the working of Blockchain, you can read this whitepaper on Bitcoin. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Learn How Cryptocurrency Works Since Blockchain’s star application is cryptocurrency (Bitcoin), you must know how the system works. There are numerous platforms such as Coinbase and Coinmama where you can learn how to handle cryptocurrency and digital transactions. All you need to do is to register on any of these platforms (choose one that is accessible in your country) and purchase coins. Take baby steps and start by purchasing a few coins first. Build your portfolio as you go. Since your primary focus here is to learn the process, you do not need to buy a lump sum amount of coins. For small transactions, online wallets are the best choice. As you continue to make purchases using your wallet, the idea of how digital financial transactions are conducted using cryptocurrencies will gradually become clear to you. Data Structures and Cryptography Just as data structures are an integral part of coding, so it is also a fundamental aspect of Blockchain technology. As a matter of fact, Blockchain uses a combination of data structures and cryptography to create a secure and robust environment for data. Thus, to become a Blockchain expert you must build a solid grasp on data structures and cryptographic designs and functions including hash functions like MD5, CRC32, and SHA1. Web Development Web development is a pivotal aspect of Blockchain technology. In fact, Blockchain developers and experts often begin their career with building and designing decentralized applications. This entails that a Blockchain expert must possess both front-end and back-end development skills. As a Blockchain developer, you will be expected to be well-versed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, and Python, among others. So, make sure you brush up on these programming languages while honing your database skills as well. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Know Your Platform If you wish to become a Blockchain expert, merely understanding Blockchain architecture and concepts will not suffice – you must know your platforms well. Choosing the right Blockchain platform that’s best suited for a particular task is the mark of a great Blockchain expert. So, get ready to dive deep into the various Blockchain platforms like Fabric, Ethereum, Ripple, and R3 Corda. An in-depth knowledge about these platforms will help you identify which platform will work best for which use case. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Why Should You Consider Transitioning To Blockchain Based Roles? As we said earlier, Blockchain is the hottest trend and buzzword in the industry right now, so opportunities in this domain are growing rapidly too. The foremost reason as to why you should consider transitioning to Blockchain is, of course, that it is exciting, innovative, and is here to stay. Tech giants like Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, and many more have already started harnessing the benefits of Blockchain. While the demand for Blockchain experts is ever-increasing, what’s lacking is the supply of befitting talent. There are not many people in this field, which makes it the perfect playing field for individuals who’re upskilling in Blockchain. Also, since there’s hardly any competition, the pay for most Blockchain jobs is huge. Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector Blockchain is no rocket science. If you bear the passion for learning something new and exciting, then Blockchain should be yet another challenge for you to accomplish. Once you have a clear understanding of Blockchain technology, its concepts, and working, making a career transition to Blockchain shouldn’t be difficult. If anything, you’ll embark on the road to a promising future. If you’re interested to become a blockchain developer and build smart contracts and chain codes, checkout IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced certificate program in blockchain technology.
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by Arjun Mathur

31 Oct'18
What are Hashing, Signatures and Public-Private Keys


What are Hashing, Signatures and Public-Private Keys

Once you know what is blockchain technology, you understand that the sealing mechanism is the key to the successful and accurate maintenance of a blockchain. But how can these stringent requirements be fulfilled? The conditions imposed on the sealing mechanism of a blockchain are satisfied using a hash function. Learn Online Software Development Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. The mathematical definition of a hash function is a function that takes a variable length numerical input and returns a number of fixed length as output. In order to work with strings of characters, ASCII codes can be used to convert characters into integers and vice versa. The output returned by the hash function is known as the hash value. Most popular hash functions have a fixed hash value size lying between 160 and 512 bits. All blockchains impose target conditions on the output of the hash function when a block is an input to it. To fulfil these target conditions, a seal is computed and concatenated to the block being stored. This seal encrypts the contents of the block and preserves their integrity. This is because any change to the block would drastically change its corresponding hash value, and cause it to escape the target conditions. The computed seal is commonly known as a nonce. A common target condition that the nonce must satisfy is ensuring that the leading ‘n’ characters of the output hash be zero. The value of ‘n’ sets the level of difficulty in the blockchain, which may be adjusted periodically as per the requirements of the network. Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition  There are three important properties that hash functions must satisfy in order to be used effectively in the blockchain. Given the hash value output by the function, it must be computationally difficult to find any input that, when hashed, returns the given output. This is known as pre-image resistance. In other words, the hash function should be computationally expensive to reverse. Similarly, given the input to the function, it must be difficult to compute any other input to the same function that outputs the same hash value as the original input. This is known as collision resistance. However, given any input to the hash function, it should be easy to compute the corresponding value output by the hash function. This is to ensure easy verification of the integrity of the contents of the blockchain. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses The first two properties given above are critical because they slow down the rate of computation of the nonce, or proof of work. This causes the rate at which blocks are added to the chain to be limited by the rate of computation of the nonce, and not the rate at which transactions occur. This is absolutely crucial because it prevents dishonest individuals in the network from generating and adding blocks of false transactions to the chain at a quicker rate than the network itself. This is because a single individual cannot compete with the computing power of a large network, and thus the longest chain of blocks always belongs to the majority in the network itself. This allows us to be able to safely accept the longest chain as the real blockchain under the assumption that the majority in the network is honest. The vulnerabilities of a blockchain in the case of a dishonest majority have already been discussed in a prior article. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp  Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare There are many different forms of hash functions that are used in cryptography. MD5 is the most popular hash function of the Message Digest family, which also consists of MD2, MD4 and MD6. The SHA family, consisting of SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-3, is another popular set of algorithms used for hashing. RIPEMD and Whirlpool are other common hash functions. These functions all implement different techniques to obtain the properties of pre-image and collision resistance. The sealing mechanism of the blockchain ensures that transactions cannot be falsified after the blocks have been added to the chain. But how are any imposters in the network prevented from faking a transaction between two members of the network? In other words, how can the identity of the members involved in the transaction be verified in an anonymous network distributed across the globe? upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); Verification of any transaction conducted in a blockchain network requires a digital signature. Each member of the blockchain network is assigned a public key and a private key. The public key of each member is known to all members of the network, but the private key remains secret and is known only to the individual it is assigned to. Any message encrypted using the private key of a member node can only be decrypted using the corresponding public key of the pair, and vice versa. This allows nodes to approve transactions by signing them with their private key. This can now only be decrypted by their corresponding public key, thus verifying them as the senders. The transaction can similarly be encrypted by the receiver as well in order to confirm their involvement in the transaction. 7 ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  This mechanism allows nodes to authenticate transactions by verifying the identities of the nodes involved while still maintaining their anonymity. The digital signature and the concept of public and private keys prevents other nodes from making false transactions on your behalf even in the event of a 51% attack. Thus, it is an elegant way of ensuring the security as well as the anonymity of individual members of the network. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? If you are interested to create blockchain applications from scratch, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive Certification in Blockchain from IIITB.
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by Drish Mahnot

16 Jan'19
51% Attack in Blockchain Technology [Explained]


51% Attack in Blockchain Technology [Explained]

Through the design of the technology, we know that the blockchain is immune to attack from any individual member of the network. However, what happens if the blockchain comes under attack from a large group of participants? More precisely, what happens if a group successfully takes control of over 50% of the computing power of the blockchain? Such a scenario is known as a 51% attack, and it is one of the few real vulnerabilities of a blockchain. Learn Software Engineering Programs from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. To understand the problems posed by a 51% attack, we must return to the fundamentals of the blockchain and recall the process of adding a new block to the chain. Members of a network compete to be the first to compute a valid seal for the block and claim a reward. Inevitably, a group of individuals in control of over half the computing power of the network can monopolize this process and claim all the rewards for themselves. Such a situation allows this group to be the only entity to benefit from the rewards of the blockchain by preventing other members from adding blocks to the chain. This is possible because majority rule is among the fundamental concepts of a blockchain. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition.  Another possible consequence of a 51% attack is known as double spending, and this is significantly more harmful than the prior one. Double spending occurs when a group of individuals successfully reverse completed transactions in a blockchain, allowing them to retrieve their money and spend it again. This is the digital equivalent of counterfeiting. It is made possible during a 51% attack due to the fundamental idea that the longest chain of a blockchain is the true one. Ironically, this is the same safeguard that makes double spending impossible when attempted by an ordinary member of the network. 7 ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry In order to understand how double spending may occur, let us consider the following example. Imagine a network in which there exists an alliance that controls over half the computing power of the network. Suppose that A, a member of the alliance, buys a house from B, an ordinary member of the blockchain. The transfer of money from A to B is recorded by each ordinary member of the network, but all members of the alliance secretly do not add this transaction to their records. The ongoing block is then completed and added to the chain by the honest individuals but secretly ignored by the alliance. There are now two versions of the blockchain in the network- the actual one with the recorded transaction, and the false one. As of this moment, the true blockchain is longer and accepted by the network, so the false version is kept secret by the alliance temporarily. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps  The alliance now continue to record the ongoing transactions in the network, as well as privately conducting meaningless transactions among themselves. These transactions are not announced to the network and allow the alliance to generate blocks at a faster rate than the true blockchain. As the alliance possesses over half the computing power of the network, it is possible for it to add blocks to the false blockchain at a higher rate than the blocks added to the true blockchain. At some point, the length of the false blockchain exceeds that of the true blockchain, and the alliance now broadcasts this to the entire network. The network is then forced to accept this version of the blockchain as it is the longest version, and the transaction conducted between A and B is effectively reversed, allowing A to spend the same money on something else. What is Blockchain Technology? [Explained] Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Thus, the alliance can monopolize the claiming of rewards and double spend money. They can also block transactions of other members using a similar procedure to that of double spending. They cannot forge a new transaction between ordinary members, however, as this requires the private keys of the members between which the transaction occurs. It is also quite difficult for them to modify blocks that have already been stored in the blockchain as this requires a very vast majority of the computing power of the blockchain to be feasible. The further back the blocks in the chain, the more secure they are. The frailties of the blockchain exposed by a 51% attack lead us to the conclusion that the more nodes in a network, the more secure it is. This is simply because it is significantly easier to gain the majority in a network of 10 people than in a network of a million. In order to compete with the computing power of a distributed network with nodes worldwide, an ordinary individual would have to spend vast amounts resources in the form of money, electricity and time, or form an alliance that is far too large and distributed to organize efficiently. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN) In general, the largest blockchains are quite safe from a 51% attack. However, there have been some significant instances of 51% attacks in notable blockchains in the past. For example,, a mining pool in the bitcoin network, briefly controlled over half the blockchain’s computing power in July 2014, which resulted in the pool voluntarily relinquishing some of its shares so as to not monopolize the mining of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Gold was not quite as fortunate when it suffered a 51% attack during May 2018, and the malicious attackers successfully managed to double spend over 18 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency. Growing Demand for Software Engineers in Blockchain Technology The very fundamentals of a blockchain rely on the assumption that the majority in the blockchain is honest. This exposes the biggest weakness of a blockchain and its main true area of vulnerability. A dishonest majority can cause vast damage to the blockchain. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? If you are interested to create blockchain applications from scratch, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive Certification in Blockchain from IIITB.
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by Drish Mahnot

16 Jan'19
The Rise of Careers in Blockchain and What You Should Know


The Rise of Careers in Blockchain and What You Should Know

Time is changing fast! The onset of technologies such as blockchain has tremendously changed the very face of the technology industry forever. While the tech space is no stranger to rapidly changing skills demanded from professionals, the rise of blockchain has uniquely affected the industry in terms of the explosive growth in opportunities it is currently experiencing. How has blockchain necessitated new skills and learning goals? What does the future look like in terms of blockchain jobs and careers? This article discusses the career dynamics in the blockchain space and how those with a profound understanding of the technology will be valuable assets for cutting-edge projects of the future. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition Learn Software Development Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Demand surges for blockchain roles The rise of blockchain resulted in more and more companies and start-ups raising the requisite capital to grow and scale, necessitating the need to hire experienced professionals with the desired skill set for the venture to eventually scale. The demand soon catapulted over the supply. According to Glassdoor, the average starting salary in the blockchain space is $32,000 higher than the median US salary. The writing on the wall is clear. What’s more? ‘Blockchain developer’ topped LinkedIn’s recently published list of the top 5 emerging careers in 2018. This comes despite the fact that these last few months have seen fluctuations in cryptocurrency trends. In fact, recent data from Hired has revealed that blockchain developers command salaries of the order of $175,000. This is, in fact, quite expected considering the scarcity of talent in this booming niche. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing  Some of the companies hiring blockchain experts include leading enterprises such as IBM, ConsenSys, and Chainyard. The two former companies are responsible for posting 12% of the open jobs each according to Glassdoor reports. 51% Attack in Blockchain Technology [Explained] Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Blockchain developer This boom in Blockchain has led to the most in-demand role of ‘Blockchain Developer’. This technical role necessitates skills in languages like Solidity and Go Language which is used to create automatically executing agreements called smart contracts or chain codes on blockchain platforms. In addition, proficiency in C++, Java, Javascript, NODE.JS, and HTML can prove valuable. A blockchain developer will greatly benefit from having a deep understanding of data structure and possessing algorithm skills. ” upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); ” Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cyber Security Other Job Roles in Blockchain Like other firms, blockchain companies and start-ups will need project managers to help steer the company’s efforts in the desired direction. Enterprises have also been seeking talented blockchain architects with expertise in designing and leveraging blockchain platforms such as the Hyperledger fabric, Ethereum, and Corda to name a few. Blockchain quality engineers are tasked with ensuring the maintenance of quality in all aspects of blockchain implementation. Blockchain technology has created some roles which are not all technical in nature and function. It is increasingly common to come across openings for roles in blockchain operations,  business, and design as data reveals. Blockchain attorneys and legal consultants are highly sought after professionals who advise companies over regulatory compliance— a space that has seen a lot of activity in recent months. Blockchain jobs and roles will only continue to increase with time if experts are to be believed and this will usher in an era where blockchain administrators, blockchain architects, blockchain sales professionals, and blockchain security experts will help make Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) products, services, and projects a part and parcel of the real world. The rise of the freelance economy In recent years, the freelance economy has grown by leaps and bounds. More and more professionals are now opting to work remotely, ditching offices in favour of flexible workspaces. When it comes to freelancing, blockchain development has grown by a rate of more than 6000% since the previous year. According to Upwork, the well-known freelancing portal, blockchain freelancers earn anywhere between $65/hour and $250/hour. The company has also revealed that blockchain is the fastest growing of the 5000+ skills listed on the website. Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector[Explained] Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses India and Blockchain Jobs As per latest reports released by LinkedIn, 1 out of 10 jobs announced in the blockchain niches posted from India. Blockchain developers, smart contract developers, and blockchain generalists are in high demand. Several conglomerates and leading players across sectors in India have announced large blockchain projects to tackle different use cases. Even the country’s Government think tank, NITI Aayog has announced IndiaChain –  an indicator of the immense opportunities for growth in this sector in the nation. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Ever Increasing Demand Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has been disrupting businesses and industries with the promise of greater trust, security, and transparency. Blockchain, the immutable ledger that stores data in a redundant and cryptographically secure manner needs a new generation of experts who understand the nuances of the technology to help enterprises and start-ups build chains that are efficient, secure, and scalable. From supply chain to healthcare and education to real estate, the blockchain has found uses in multiple spheres. The true potential of the technology will be further amplified when skilled minds join forces to create powerful solutions to bring blockchain applications to the real world. Given the fast-paced transformation, the demand for blockchain developers and other roles is ever increasing and immediate. The success of these endeavours though depends on effective instructional learning and courses that could help bright minds harness their talents. Arming them with all essential tools and knowledge resources, such programs will form the pillars of strength on which will rest the success of the blockchain revolution. Only a great foundation, after all, bears the weight of a colossal edifice. If you are interested to create blockchain applications from scratch, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive Certification in Blockchain from IIITB. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know?
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by Drish Mahnot

22 Jan'19
Blockchain is Transforming Indian Industries: Here’s How


Blockchain is Transforming Indian Industries: Here’s How

Blockchain has taken the world by storm. The distributed ledger has proven its mettle in every sphere of activity and the Indian industries have jumped on the bandwagon, even pioneering path-breaking blockchain-based solutions that set the stage for more developments to follow. From the banking sector to production, blockchain has made its way into the Indian Fintech ecosystem and is marking its presence in more profound ways with each passing day. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Blockchain, as the name suggests, uses a chain of cryptographically-linked blocks that are immutably stored. This ensures transparency through the decentralization of information which is shared across the network, replicated on all participating nodes rather than being stored on a central server prone to attacks. This is, in fact, the key to the power of this technology. Learn Software Development Programs from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Blockchain and KYC in the Indian Banking Space Banks have quickly realized the limitless opportunities this new technology holds in improving the efficiency of banking operations to guarantee, at the end of the day, a better customer experience. Amongst the multiple uses of the blockchain are the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures so critical to the banking sector. Rapid globalization has transformed regions into globally positioned local units that are connected to the intercontinental network. Transactions frequently cross boundaries and necessitate KYC checks to ensure regulatory compliance. Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN) Needless to say though, the KYC data quickly becomes huge and often unmanageable. It is here that the Indian banks, like their peers elsewhere in the world, have recognized the efficacy of blockchain to store KYC records in an unalterable, secure, and accessible manner. The State Bank of India (SBI), the largest Indian bank with a 450 million customer base, has taken the lead, becoming the first Indian bank to use KYC procedures, in addition, to automatically executing codes called smart contracts, all powered by blockchain. HDFC Bank too plans to use blockchain in its KYC and trade finance procedures. This, however, is not where the use of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) ends. blockchain will enable AML (Anti Money Laundering), asset inventory audits, and the validation of land records as well.   In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp.   BankChain Blockchain and Indian Banks: A Step Further SBI, taking a step further, has now become one of the first Asian banks to have rolled out the use of blockchain for facilitating remittance. The technology promises cost-effective remittances, which can quickly add up in the voluminous equation that spans both retail and corporate ecosystems. BankChain,  a “community of banks” and currently has 37 members working on as many as 22 live projects. The consortium aims to usher in an era of the “internet of value” which could facilitate the easy, cost-effective, and secure movement of value across the world. Towards the realization of this aim, BankChain has developed what it calls B2 or the BankChain Blockchain. The platform allows member banks to set up nodes on the cloud or on-premise, becoming participants in this one of a kind “permission blockchain for the world’s banks”. 7 ways Blockchain is Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry Claims Management in The Insurance Industry The Indian insurance industry has been rapidly keeping up with the blockchain, which promises relief from the inefficiencies inherent in the claims management process leading to losses of the order of Rs. 10,000 crore each year. Cognizant, the IT behemoth recently partnered with Indian insurers including SBI Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, HDFC Life, and Kotak Life to name a few, developing a secure data-sharing solution based on the Corda blockchain platform. Similar to the banking sector, the use of the distributed ledger will help facilitate record-keeping, due diligence, regulatory compliance, and of course, the prevention of frauds. The blockchain, as a true Six Sigma torchbearer, will ensure better customer experience through real-time data availability and transparency. Coupled with technologies based on Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning, the blockchain will help underwriters accomplish their jobs in a much more efficient way, thanks to the power of peer-to-peer networking that forms the core of the technology. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript IndiaChain: Blockchain For Public Good Announced by the NITI Aayog in 2017, IndiaChain is a mammoth project that will forever transform public administration, bringing in greater efficiency, transparency, and trust through the use of the blockchain. IndiaChain will be a colossal blockchain project that will allow streamlined record-keeping, efficient and transparent disbursement of government subsidies, well-regulated supply chain management, and systematic tax monitoring, to name just a few applications that immediately come to mind. Armed with the blockchain, the system would feature useful apps encouraging organizations to use the platform to make their own, similar to the UPI interface so ubiquitous today. IndiaChain would also integrate several “sidechains” which could be utilized for industry-specific functions with their own logic set but maintaining their links with the main blockchain. IndiaChain will also help breathe new life into the education sector that struggles with fraudulent degrees and certifications. Partnering with IIT Bombay and the DU colleges, the project will develop a platform to issue digital certificates for degrees secured with the distributed ledger. The digital certification platform will help eliminate the huge costs associated with the routine degree verification procedures used by companies hiring candidates. What’s more, IndiaChain will be integrated with the digital infrastructure developed around the Aadhar database, termed IndiaStack.   Another potential use of IndiaChain is in the healthcare and pharmaceuticals industry that necessitates the management of massive data. Beyond doubt, such industries need a secure and efficient system for optimal functioning; one that the blockchain so realistically promises to deliver. Growing Demand for Software Engineers in Blockchain Technology Looking into the Future The world as we know it is changing. Bleeding-edge technologies such as blockchain, AI, cloud computing, machine learning, and big data have made their presence felt in India, a constitutional republic that stands to benefit tremendously with the might of decentralization, the paradigm shift that resonates so deeply with the spirit of our nation; a revolution we have known closely as the largest democracy in the world. Blockchain brings the power back where it belongs – Into the hands of the people. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses If you are interested to create blockchain applications from scratch, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive Certification in Blockchain from IIITB.
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by Drish Mahnot

22 Jan'19
Growing Demand for Software Engineers in Blockchain Technology


Growing Demand for Software Engineers in Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology makes use of a centralized, peer-to-peer (P2P) network of databases, also called nodes, to validate and record digital transactions between individual users located anywhere across the globe. These transactions often take place through the exchange of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoins. The craze for blockchain technology stems from its hack-proof architecture which renders all user transactions transparent, authentic, and authorized. Each node updates its database in real-time as and when transactions occur. The transaction gets authorized only when a majority of the nodes in the network validate the transaction. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition Once the verification is complete, a block, consisting of hash and keys, is generated for each new transaction and is linked to previous transactions in every database. Every node updates its database with the new block. A hacker would have to break down every node in the system to commit fraud. Since the nodes are located globally and all the transactions are visible to every user, it is impossible to commit fraud for a digital transaction implementing blockchain technology. Learn Software Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. The security and transparency that is in inherently present in these sort of digital transactions place blockchain technology in high demand across various industrial applications. What is Blockchain Technology? [Explained] upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Industrial Applications of Blockchain Technology: Banking Financial service demands high security and hackproof technologies. Blockchain fits right in. Cryptocurrencies will allow users to become bankers themselves, lending, borrowing, and exchanging money over a centralized, transparent, and secure framework. The currencies are not regulated by any central agencies. Blockchain technology eliminates the need of a middleman, decreasing chances of hacking, identity theft, and fraud. Every transaction can be digitally stored and verified. Since every transaction is verified, implementation of blockchain in financial institutions and Fintech companies can curb illegal activities such as money laundering. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Blockchain Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Security Cybersecurity attacks and data breaches have been a cause of major concern for individuals. Often hackers steal sensitive information of users such as a PAN/Aadhar number to use it for fraudulent transactions. However, blockchain as mentioned above securely authenticates and authorizes the identity of a user without needing any sort of sensitive information. Even the user’s name is not required. Blockchain could play a major role in maintaining cybersecurity of digital transactions in the future. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps  Charity Charity in the form of food, clothes, cash, vouchers etc. is vulnerable because they can be stolen. In many cases, it does not reach the intended recipients due to a corrupt administration. Blockchain technology can be implemented to keep an end-to-end digital flow of donated material from the donor to the recipient. The United Nations implemented an iris-based blockchain system in refugee camps in Jordan. Refugees pay for their purchases in supermarkets through iris scanning, which is then recorded in a blockchain platform. The UN gets full access to these transactions and is able to verify the identity of the person and ensures that the food reaches the intended people. This eliminates the need for the UN to deliver cash, vouchers, and supplies through middlemen. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Education Deploying blockchain technologies in this sector can help verify the academic credentials of a student in a secure manner. Transcripts and related material could be uploaded to an online system which uses blockchain technology. Since it is centrally deployed it is accessible to all concerned party and is easily verifiable. Every modification is recorded and linked to a previous entry. Thus, a student cannot record incorrect/fraudulent data of unearned degrees since it will not pass the blockchain verification processes. Medical records This is an industry where blockchain can radically transform lives. If patient data is uploaded to a centralized server, doctors can access their patient’s real-time medical condition to make the most appropriate diagnoses. This allows timely, efficient, and cost-effective treatment saving lives. It can also help protect the medical records of patients. Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Career opportunities in Blockchain: More and more industries are coming to realize the immense benefits of deploying a blockchain system. Thus, there is a sharp demand for professionals who have the knowledge to develop, manage, implement, and execute this technology. According to CNBC stats, blockchain developers and managers are the highest-paid professionals among software engineers comparable only to those working on Artificial Intelligence. The demand for software engineers is expected to maintain an astounding growth rate of 24% up till 2026. Hired, a talent recruitment firm for tech companies, says that there has been a 400 percent increase in demand for talents with blockchain skills in the past one year from its clients. It has been estimated that there are around 1,520 blockchain startups looking to hire experts in this technology. Accordingly, blockchain developers are paid premium salaries, ranging from $150,000 to $1,75,000 on a yearly average. Skillsets required for a blockchain engineer It is essential that professionals know to code in a variety of programming languages, such as Java, C, Python, NodeJs, Apis, database design skills, networking, SQL, .Net, Ajax, Agile Scrum, cryptography computing skills etc. Blockchain Technology Use Cases in the Banking Sector Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? What the future holds There is a tremendous demand for blockchain engineers in the market., Industries are recruiting software engineers with the requisite skills and knowledge to help them develop and implement this nascent technology. According to TechCrunch, there are 14 jobs in the market per blockchain engineer. This is an absurd ratio and the future in this field looks exceptionally bright for software engineers. Monetary benefits aside, this is a great opportunity for them to help implement technologies that will make the world a digitally-safer place to live in. If you are interested to create blockchain applications from scratch, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive Certification in Blockchain from IIITB.
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by Arjun Mathur

31 Jul'19