Learning a new language – whether it is for speaking to humans or to computers – is always a mixture of fun and challenge. Mastery is not an easy road to travel and that is why little wins along the way are so necessary for boosting self-confidence and making you preserve. The same can be achieved through projects that have a specific aim and allow you to put your new-found knowledge into practice.
When learning a coding language like Python, these projects become all the more crucial as they help you firm your grip on a vast language that you will keep refining your entire life. So, where do you begin? As a beginner, which projects do you pick up that is not overwhelming but are challenging and rewarding at the same time?
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The answer? Whatever you pick from the list below.
- What’s the number?
Concepts needed: print, while loop, if/else statements, random function, input/ output
This is a guessing game that the user plays with the program/computer. The program generates a random number using the random function. The user tries to guess it by inputting a value. The program then indicates whether the guess is right or not. If it is wrong, then the program should tell how off the guess was. If it is right, there should be another positive indicator. You can place a limit on the number of guesses allowed.
You will also need functions to compare the inputted number with the guessed number, to compute the difference between the two, and to check whether an actual number was inputted or not.
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- Spin a yarn
Concepts needed: strings, concatenation, variables, print. Things get more interesting here since strings are infinitely more complex to play with at the beginning.
The program first prompts the user to enter a series of inputs. These can be an adjective, a preposition, a proper noun, etc. Once all the inputs are in place, they are placed in a premade story template using concatenation. In the end, the full story is printed out to read some misintended madness!
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- What’s the word?
Concepts needed: strings, variables, random function, variables, input/ output
Similar to ‘What’s the Number?’, this name focuses on the user having to guess the randomly generated word. You can create a list from which the word would have to be guessed and also set a cap on the number of guesses allowed.
After this, you can create the rules yourself! When the user inputs the word, you can indicate whether the alphabet written appears in this particular position or not. You will need a function to check if the user is inputting alphabets or numbers and to display error messages appropriately.
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- Rock, paper, scissors
Concepts needed: random function, print, input/ output, variables
If you are tired of having no playmate, then a 5-minute stint of rock, paper, scissors with the computer and designed by you, yourself will improve your mood.
We again use the random function here. You make a move first and then the program makes one. To indicate the move, you can either use a single alphabet or input an entire string. A function will have to be set up to check the validity of the move. Using another function, the winner of that round is decided. You can then either give an option of playing again or decide a pre-determined number of moves in advance. A scorekeeping function will also have to be created which will return the winner at the end.
- Compute, calculate
Concepts needed: functions, input/ output, variables,
This project involves building a simple calculator that can perform mathematical functions (which you decide). You can start with the basic BODMAS, and then progress to logarithms and exponents. You’ll have to keep tabs on what the user is entering and get the answer to print at the end. Whether the values in the middle of the calculation keep showing up is up to you.
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- Leap it!
Concepts needed: functions, input/ output, boolean, print
In this program, you input a year and check whether it is a leap year or not. For this, you’ll have to create a function that recognizes the pattern of leap years and can try fitting the inputted year into the pattern. In the end, you can print the result using a boolean expression.
- Find out, Fibonacci!
Concepts needed: functions, input/output, boolean, print
You input a number and the function created checks whether the number belongs to the Fibonacci sequence or not. The underlying workings are similar to the above ‘Leap it!’ program.
One common theme in all the above projects is that they will help you to get your basics right. You will be the developer and the bug fixer. Not to mention, you’ll be closing working with creating and implementing a variety of functions along with working with variables, strings, integers, operators, etc. Just like 2 + 2 is the building block of your mathematics knowledge, so are these concepts, and learning about them in a fun way through building projects will help to understand and retain them more.
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