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15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers [2024]

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15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers [2024]


In this article, you will learn about the 15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers. Take a glimpse below.

  1. What is HTML?
  2. What is a Tag in HTML? Can you define HTML attributes?
  3. What is the key difference between HTML Elements and Tags? Also, Can you separate sections of texts in HTML?
  4. If you want to display some HTML data in a table in tabular format, which HTML tags will you use?
  5. What are Attributes in HTML?
  6. What is an Anchor tag in HTML?
  7. What are Lists in HTML?
  8. Define HTML Layout.
  9. What are Forms in HTML?
  10. What is the Use of Comments in HTML?
  11. What is HTML5?
  12. What is Semantic HTML?
  13. What is an Image Map?
  14. Why is the Embed Tag Used in HTML?
  15. What is a ‘Marquee’ Tag in HTML? 

Read the full article to read more in detail about the 15 questions and answers etc.

Tim Berners Lee, the father of HTML, has introduced this language to the world, and now it is one of the most widely used programming languages for developing web pages. Thus, it brings several opportunities and lucrative jobs, as the demand for HTML is unending. If you are wondering where to start first, we bring you HTML Interview Questions and Answersthat would help you crack those tough job interviews. Lack of upskilling is the number 1 reason to get rejected in an interview. As the industry is fast-paced, don’t fall behind. Check out our free courses to get an edge over your competition. While it is commonly known that the programming and computing world would be nowhere without HTML, it is essential for candidates to strengthen their HTML base with HTML concepts. 

As HTML is a versatile language and has evolved over the years, there are several areas where it can be applied, for example:

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  • If you are planning to become a full-fledged professional web designer and developer, you must learn HTML and CSS.
  • You create a website from scratch with HTML and also customize an existing web page with HTML.
  • If you want to boost a website’s performance and speed, you need to know some techniques in HTML.
  • With HTML as a basis, you can learn other related technologies such as JavaScript, PHP, or Angular with ease.
  • HTML is useful in the gaming development arena and provides a rich user experience.

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Along with the ones mentioned above, more project ideas can be executed with thorough learning of the technology. But why stop at HTML? Being a full stack developer means learning multiple languages. At least one server-side language is obligatory. Check out our Java bootcamp which assist you gain practical skills for your career.  

Do you know the job prospects and salary offered to HTML developers? check out the HTML developer salary in India. Your HTML learning is showcased in your interview and how you answer the HTML interview questions asked to you.

With the scope of jobs in consideration, we have prepared a list of these top 10 HTML interview questions and answers to help you succeed in your interviews. It is the first step of preparation, and you will gain an insight into the type of questions that are asked. As a bonus, we have also listed five additional HTML interview questions and answers for fueling your preparation mode! HTML is often an opening move to get into full-stack development. If you want to master full-stack, check out our Job guaranteed full stack development bootcamp which is a 100% live program developed to learn job ready skills from top industry experts.

So, without any further delay, let’s have a look at them.

When you search for top HTML CAA interview questions, or HTML and CSS interview questions, interview questions on HTML and CSS or look for an HTML interview questions and answers PDF, look up examples too. When explaining what is HTML answer, you must offer a more in-depth explanation. For instance, it is worth specifying that HTML is a standard language for markup for web browser-related display documents. However, it is also assisted with the aid of technology like Cascading Sheets as well as languages for scripting like JavaScript.

HTML Interview Questions & Answers

It might be possible that you completely miss on researching top HTML CSS interview questions, or HTML and CSS interview questions, interview questions on HTML and CSS or look for an HTML interview questions and answers PDF. This guide to what is HTML answer-question wise, is an easy way to keep such top interview questions handy.

1. What is HTML?

This is one of html basic interview questions, which is used for gauging the basic understanding you have of HTML. Therefore, you must focus on letting the interviewer know more than just a definition. Give insight into the full form of ‘HTML’ and then broadly explain the applications.


HTML is the abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the typical documents’ markup language for developing web pages to display on the web browser.

It’s a text formatting language that transforms text into interactive elements like images, tables, and links. This makes web content dynamic and engaging. This is why almost 95.5% of websites use HTML.

The extensions used to save HTML pages are .html and .htm.

HTML features- 

  • Documents contain HTML tags and plain text.
  • HTML documents are also called web pages.
  • The tags describe the document content.
  • Publish the documents with headings, texts, tables, etc.
  • Retrieve online information via hypertext links.
  • Design form to conduct transactions with remote services. 
  • It can be easily understood and modified. 
  • It has various formatting tags thus making it ideal for effective presentation.
  • Platform independent as it can be displayed on a platform like Windows, Linux, etc.
  • It is a case sensitive language making the tags usable for both lower-case and upper-case.
  • It can be used to create simple video games.
  • HTML can efficiently handle media content, including videos, images, and audio. This demonstrates how smooth it is in running media.

In the html interview questions, make sure to also include the features along with answering with basic definitions as it adds value to the answer.

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2. What is a Tag in HTML? Can you define HTML attributes?


In an HTML page, tags used are to place the content and format the pages. They always defined between (<) and (>) symbols. For example, <h1>text</h1>.

An opening tag must be preceded with a closing tag and indicated with a ‘/’ symbol.

A tag instructs the browser to format the HTML. Tags have many uses, such as changing the appearance of text, displaying a graphic, or linking another page. Coming to the other part of the question, HTML attributes are properties you can add to an HTML tag. Such attributes alter the way a tag behaves or the way it is displayed. For instance, <img> tag comes with an src attribute that you use for adding image sources. We can add attributes after the name of an HTML tag, within the brackets. Remember, we can add attributes to the opening and self-closing tag only.  No attributes are added to closing tags.

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Read: HTML Developer Salary in India: For Freshers & Experienced

The HTML tags are keywords which are used in HTML that are used to display the web-pages. Theta re also used to define the HTML elements. Each HTML tag defines a new property that helps in the website rendering. Some of the HTML tags are mentioned below-

  • Head Tags
  • Link Tags
  • Scripting Tags
  • Table Tags
  • Text- formatting Tags
  • List Tags
  • Form Tags
  • Image and Object Tags 

This makes for the html basic interview questions, make sure to prepare well for this question.

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3. What is the key difference between HTML Elements and Tags? Also, Can you separate sections of texts in HTML?


This is one of the most asked HTML basic interview questions.

HTML Elements

The sections of the web page, such as a paragraph, an image, or a link is an element, and an element has a certain way of execution. For example, the link is used to be clicked, and the text boxes can be used to input text.


HTML elements communicate with the browser how to represent the text and become HTML tags when enclosed within angular brackets <>.

As for the latter part of the question, here is the answer. Yes, you can separate section of texts in HTML with the following tags:

  • <p> tag–Use this tag for writing a paragraph of any text.
  • <br> tag – Use this for separating a line of text. This will break a current line and also shift the flow of a text over to new line.
  • <blockquote> tag–Use this tag to define any large quoted section.

It is one of the vey basic html interview questions, make sure to be well thorough with this topic.

4. If you want to display some HTML data in a table in tabular format, which HTML tags will you use?


The HTML has a specific tag, i.e., the table tag to display data in tabular form. Below is the list of the HTML tags used to display data in tabular form in HTML:




For defining a table.


For mentioning a caption to the table.


For defining a row in a table.


For defining a cell in a table.


For defining a header cell in a table.


For grouping the body’s content in a table.


For specifying the column properties for each column of the table.

5. What are Attributes in HTML?


An additional attribute is given to each tag to alter the behavior of the tag. Attributes are defined directly after the tag name, inside the angular brackets. They appear in opening tags and can never appear in closing tags.

For example:

You can define an attribute for the <input> tag, such as a text field, checkbox, radio button, or many more ways.

Also Read: Javascript Interview Questions

The properties of tags are called as attributes. These are used to add certain additional information in a tag content. All HTML elements are said to be having the attributes.They are said to be always specified in the start tag.

Refer to the below mentioned table to learn about various HTML attributes-

srcSpecifies the URL (web address) for an image.
styleSpecifies the inline CSS style for an element.
altSpecifies an alternative style for an image. 
disabledSpecifies for an input element to be disabled. 
hrefSpecifies the URL (web adress) for a link.
titleSpecifies extra information about an element.

These types of questions can be asked during html interview questions for freshers so make sure to respond to these html questions by elaborating and structuring your answers.

6. What is an Anchor tag in HTML?


An anchor tag is used to link two sections, web pages, or website templates in HTML.

The anchor tags are web page elements that are used to link to nother location on the same page.  These are also used to hyperlinks to other webpages, emails, applications and items. These anchor tags also allow the users to send emails from their outlook installed on their computers. 

Its format is:

<a href=”#” target=”link”></a>

Where ‘href’ is an attribute of the anchor tag used to identify the sections in a document, the ‘link’ is defined in the target attribute, which is to be linked.

The html interview questions and answers should be responded like this. Make sure to also mention the format of tags along with the descriptive answers.

7. What are Lists in HTML?


HTML lists are used to group a set of related items in lists. It is defined with an <li> tag.

Some commonly used HTML lists:

  • Ordered List (HTML tag: <ol>)
  • Unordered List (HTML tag: <ul>)
  • Description List (HTML tag: <dl>)
  • Menu List (HTML tag: <menu>)
  • Directory List (HTML tag: <dir>)

8. Define HTML Layout.


An HTML web page is arranged in a specific layout (format). Here are the sections of an HTML webpage to specify the different parts of a webpage:

The primary sections of the layout are:

  • Header to define a document or a section header.
  • Main content where the entire web page content is included.
  • Footer to define a document or a section footer.

There are also sections such as articles and the navigation bar that are the parts of a layout.

Learn more: Top 10 Fun CSS Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners

The HTML forms are a document that stores information of a user on a web server. The form contains various information, such as –

  • Username
  • Password
  • Contact Number
  • Email ID

There are also various input elements in the HTML forms. Some of the common input elements include-

  • Text field
  • Check box
  • Password field
  • Radio Button 
  • Submit Button 

9. What are Forms in HTML?


Forms are used to collect the user information when they are filled, and details are provided to save into the database. They serve as essential components of interactive web pages, offering users the scope of iterating with web applications and providing a means for the performance of various actions on the website and submission of data.

10. What is the Use of Comments in HTML?


Comments are used in an HTML document to make important notes and help developers mention any modification to be incorporated afterward. They are not displayed in the browser when the code is executed. A comment is always written in between the ‘—‘ symbol at the beginning and end of the angular brackets.


<!—‘Comment’ !–>

Five Additional HTML Interview Questions and Answers

11. What is HTML5?


HTML5 is the improved HTML version released in 2014 by the World Wide Web consortium. Nowadays, every employer wants to put this as one of the HTML interview questions.

It has set forth the following new characteristics to be learned by professionals:

  • DOCTYPE declaration: To declare the HTML document type to instruct the web browser about the markup language.
  • Main: The main tag defines the primary section in the document related to the central content of a document with a <main> tag.
  • Section: It is used to define specific sections in a document such as a chapter, header, footer, or any other section, and is specified with the <section> tag.
  • Header: The header tag defines the title or heading of a document or its section. It is specified with the <header> tag.
  • Footer: The footer tag defines the section of a document that contains information such as copyright or author’s information. It is designated with the <footer> tag.
  • Article: The article tag represents an independent or self-contained part of the content of a document with the tag <article>.

Advantages of HTML 5-

  • Cleaner Markup/ Improved Code: It will enable the designers to use cleaner, neater code. 
  • Elegant forms: It enables the designers to use the fancier forms.
  • Consistency: More consistency will be seen in terms of HTML to code a web page on one site. 
  • Supports rich media elements: It has an inbuilt capacity to play audio and video to let go of plug-in tags.
  • Offline Application Cache: It will load the page the user has visited if the user is temporarily offline. 

12. What is Semantic HTML?


Semantic HTML is one style of coding, where the tags convey the meaning of the text. Rather than the simple use of HTML elements for visual appearance, semantic HTML elements represent the structure and meaning of the content on a web page. HTML uses semantics to reinforce the semantics or purpose of the content.

Through the use of semantic HTML, search engines and web developers can ensure a better understanding of the content and its relevance. This often leads to improved search engine optimization, overall user experience as well as improved accessibility.

For Example:

<b> </b> and <i> </i> tags which are used to bold and italic statements in HTML are replaced with <strong></strong> and <em></em> tags in semantic HTML. 

This is because they represent formatting and provide no meaning or structure.

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Uses of semantic HTML:

  • It helps the search engines to determine the importance and context of web pages. 
  • It is much easier to read with semantic elements.
  • It has a greater accessibility.
  • They offer better user experience.

Refer to the below-metioned table for HTML Semantic elements-

<aside>It defines some content aside from the content it is placed.
<nav>Defines a set of navigation links.
<article>Specifies the independent, self- contained content.
<section>Represents the section of a document.
<header>Represents a container for introductory content.
<footer>Represents a footer for the document.
<main>Specifies the main page.
<summary>Specifies the header for the <details> element.
<mark>Specifies the text that is highlighted.

Make sure to tackle these html questions and answers by mentioning the elements and advantages as well. 

13. What is an Image Map?


This falls under HTML important topics and one must prepare it well.

An Image map lets you link different web pages with a single image. It is represented with the <map> tag. Every employer expects the applicant to know about this, and this has been one of the most commonly asked HTML interview questions.

14. Why is the Embed Tag Used in HTML?


An Embed Tag is used for including a Video or Audio in an HTML Document. A source of audio or video file to be displayed on the webpage is defined within an Embed tag as:

<EMBED> Source </EMBED>.

15. What is a ‘Marquee’ Tag in HTML?

This is one of the HTML important questions that you must prepare.


You can put scrolling text with a Marquee tag. With the help of this tag, an image or text can be scrolled up, down, left, or right.

The text which is scrolled is defined within the <marquee>……</marquee> tag.

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Properties of Marquee Tags in HTML:

  • It is used to create a scroll over the text.
  • It allows all types of scrolls like left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top.

Features of Marquee Tags in HTML:

  • Behaviour- It is the action of scrolling the text which can be one of the values.
  • Bgcolor- Gives background colour.
  • Direction- Sepcifies the direction of scrolling the text.
  • Height- Defines the height of marquee.
  • Hspace- Provides the horizontal space around the marquee element.
  • Loop- Defines how many times the text can be scrolled.
  • Scrollamount- Specifies the scrolling amount for each element.
  • Scrolldelay- Gives the scrolling delay in milliseconds.
  • Truespeed- Indicate the scrolldelay value of 60.
  • VSpace- Provides the vertical space around the marquee element.
  • Width- Defines the width for the marquee.

The html basic questions like such can be asked during the interview. The html coding questions, should be tackled with intelligence and must be elaborated. 

Here are some HTML interview questions for experienced professionals:

16. How do we add a copyright symbol on a browser page?


A copyright symbol can be inserted by using &copy; or &#169; in an HTML file.

17. How many tags can one use to segregate a section of texts?

You cannot miss this one when preparing for simple HTML questions and answers.


Three tags can be used to segregate text sections:

<br> tag: This tag is commonly used to break the current line of text, moving the flow to the next line.

<p> tag: Text enclosed within the <p> tag is presented as a new paragraph. It encapsulates large quotations. If the quote is large, you may enclose the entire text within <blockquote>…</blockquote> tags.

18. Why do we use alternative texts in images?


Alternative texts are used to describe the content of an image. Alternative texts come into play in image mapping. By describing each link, these texts simplify the understanding of hotspot links for users.

19. Is the <!DOCTYPE html> tag considered as an HTML tag?


The declaration <!DOCTYPE html> is not classified as an HTML tag. Various HTML types exist, including HTML 4.01 Strict, HTML 4.01 Transitional, HTML 4.01 Frameset, XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Frameset, XHTML 1.1, etc. Therefore, the purpose of <!DOCTYPE html> is to provide instructions to the web browser regarding the type and version of the HTML page being used. 

20. Explain the key differences between SessionStorage and LocalStorage objects.


Here are the differences between SessionStorage and LocalStorage objects:

  • localStorage retains data indefinitely without an expiration date. On the other hand, sessionStorage holds data only for the duration of a single session.
  • In localStorage, data persists even when the browser window is closed. For sessionStorage, data is removed upon closing the browser window.
  • sessionStorage data is confined to the current browser window. Conversely, localStorage data can be shared across multiple windows within the same browser.

21. How are active links different from normal links?


Different browsers determine an active link through different criteria. Some identify it when the mouse cursor hovers over the link, while others recognize it when the link is in focus. A link without the mouse cursor over it is regarded as a normal link.

22. What is the difference between HTML and XHTML?


Here are the differences between HTML and XHTML:

  1. HTML is an implementation of Standard Generalized Markup Language, while XHTML is an implementation of Extensible Markup Language (XML).
  2. HTML creates static web pages, whereas XHTML creates dynamic web pages.
  3. HTML permits programmers to modify tags and utilize attribute minimization. On the other hand, in XHTML, users can define new markup tags when required.
  4. HTML primarily focuses on presenting information, while XHTML is centered around describing the information.

23. How to add a favicon in HTML?


To include a favicon, open your webpage’s code and within the <HEAD> section, insert the following code:

link rel=”icon” type=”image/png” href=”/favicon.png”/> 

<link rel=”icon” type=”image/png” href=””/>

24. What is meant by URL Encoding? Why should you encode URLs in HTML?

HTML basic questions and answers include URL encoding. 


URL encoding involves transforming non-ASCII characters in URLs into a universally accepted format for web browsers. Since URLs are transmitted over the internet using the ASCII character set, any characters beyond this set need to be converted. In HTML, URL encoding is employed to convert non-ASCII characters into a format suitable for web transmission. This encoding substitutes non-ASCII characters with “%,” followed by hexadecimal digits.

25. What is a datalist tag?

This is one of the most asked HTML short questions and answers.


The <datalist> tag offers an autocomplete feature in HTML files, allowing users to add a form with predefined options. When used in conjunction with an input tag, it makes way for filling forms.  

26. What are the different ways to display HTML elements?


Here are the various methods to present HTML elements: 

Inline: This technique allows any block-level element to be displayed as an inline element. Height and width values do not affect the element’s appearance.

None: This property can conceal or hide the HTML element. 

Block: It presents an inline element as a block element.

Inline-Block: Similar to inline, this property allows formatting the element using height and width values.

Flex: The element and its container are displayed as a flexible structure. This adheres to flexbox properties.

Inline-Flex: Although the content aligns with flexbox specifications, the flex container is presented as an inline element.

Grid: It showcases HTML elements in a grid container.

27. What is the difference between <em>, <i> and <strong>, <b> tags?


The impact of the tags <strong>, <b>, <em>, and <i> on a regular web page is the same. The tags <b> and <i> are used to signify italic and bold style. This primarily influences the font’s appearance without conveying extra semantic meaning.

In contrast, the <strong> and <em> tags indicate that a specific text section holds greater significance, both in terms of importance and emphatic stress. These tags carry semantic meanings. This distinguishes them from <b> and <i>, which primarily deal with stylistic modifications.

28. What is an SVG tag in HTML?


SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics in HTML. HTML SVG is a modularized language used to depict visuals using XML. XML is used to articulate two-dimensional vector and hybrid vector/raster graphics. Actions of SVG images are delineated in text files containing XML.

29. What is the advantage of collapsing white space? 


White spaces in an HTML document refer to a series of blank space characters treated as a singular space character. 

Collapsing white space offers several benefits:

  • Enhances code readability and comprehensibility for users.
  • Reduces transmission time between the server and the client. This eliminates unnecessary bytes occupied by white spaces.
  • If extra white space is left, browsers will disregard it, ensuring proper content display.

30. Describe the HTML layout structure.


An HTML page layout defines the visual structure of a website, aiding users in easy navigation through web pages. The layout ensures a well-organized and well-structured presentation.

HTML layouts can be organized using various methods:

  • Using tables by defining rows and columns and assigning text accordingly.
  • Implementing multiple columns layout through tables.
  • Employing the DIV and SPAN tags for structuring.

Key HTML layout elements include:

<header>: Defines a header section for a document.

<nav>: Specifies navigation links.

<section>: Defines a section in a document.

<article>: Defines independent content.

<aside>: Specifies sidebar content.

<footer>: Defines a footer for a section.

<details>: Used to define additional details.

<summary>: Specifies a heading for the <details> element.

Bonus: Tips For Making Your Interview Successful

The impression you create on your interviewer can often outweigh the real credentials that you possess. Your ability to communicate effectively, attitude, poise and basic social skills are often evaluated minutely by the interviewer, along with your educational degree and experience. It is through communication that your interviewer, as well as you, will be able to determine whether you are a perfect fit for the job. Here are some tips that will help you to make it a success:

  • Ensure that you reach the interview on time. In fact, reaching on time may often mean reaching the spot 10-15 minutes early. In most cases, interviewers seem to be ready before the stipulated time for the appointment.
  • Make sure that you know the name and pronunciation of the interviewer well. If you are unaware of the name, call the secretary and ask beforehand. Just remember that the hiring decision is often influenced by secretaries; therefore, noting the name of the secretary is also a good idea.
  • Have your own questions prepared in advance. This will reflect that you are curious and want to gain more information regarding the organisation and the particular position.
  • Carry several copies of your resume, and make sure that your papers are well-organised.
  • Put a smile on your face and greet the interviewer with a warm handshake. Indulge in eye contact but make sure it’s not a staredown.
  • Don’t jump into business immediately. Follow the lead of the interviewer.
  • As a fresher, feeling nervous during the interview process is normal. There’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. It is with experience that you will feel more at ease during the entire interview procedure.
  • Focus on your transferable skills, interest in learning new things and your attributes. Give a detailed description of your strengths and how they may help the organisation.
  • Always tell the trust. Remember, exaggerations and lies will not serve as a way out but only haunt you.
  • Ensure that you have understood the question correctly. If not, ask again for clarification. Answer the question concisely and stick to the particular subject.
  • Never expect a job offer after completing the first round of interviews. You may be invited for a second or third interview.
  • Close the interview with an enthusiastic and positive note. Express your job interest in the particular field and thank the interviewer for their precious time. 
  • Following up with a note of thanks makes all the difference. Always remember that the interview never ends without this.
  • Make sure you clearly communicate your thoughts when solving problems or explaining concepts.
  • Be open to discussing your approach to problem-solving and be open to receiving any kind of feedback.
  • Another important tip that can work in your favor is showcasing any relevant projects in your portfolio that exhibit your HTML skills. Make sure you properly explain your role and contributions to these projects during the interview.
  • Keep yourself updated about the latest developments in HTML and web technologies. Make sure you are aware of any changes in HTML specifications.


We have tried our best to get you well equipped with HTML concepts presenting ‘10+5’ HTML interview questions along with tips to make your interview successful  in this article hope that they will help you in your interview preparations. Research well and present your answers with confidence. Incorporate examples and easy references to display the clarity of knowledge you have around HTML.

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Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is front-end web development?

Front-end development is the part of web development that involves the building of elements such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Front-end developers specialize in improving and polishing the user's experience on the website. Front-end developers use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to communicate with the user. This communication is done through web design, graphics, and interactivity. Front-end developers are responsible for the user's first impression and experience of a website. Good web design is crucial to good front-end development. A good front-end developer is one that is able to develop websites that are both functional and easy to use.

2What is the use of HTML in web-development?

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the markup language used to create web pages. It is the most common language used to display content on the web. Whether you realize it or not, you are probably using HTML every day. HTML can be used to display text, images, animations, sound and even video. HTML is made up of tags, which are surrounded by angle brackets. Tags are used to describe a certain piece of information.

3How does HTML and CSS work together?

HTML and CSS work together to build webpages. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the structural code behind most webpages. HTML is what creates the layout of the webpage, and creates the various headers, footers, text, and images you see when you view a page. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is applied on top of the HTML and allows you to modify the look and feel of the HTML structure. It's important to note that when you edit the HTML, you can't see the changes in the CSS due to the separation, but you will see the changes if you view the page in a different browser.

4What are the 12 basic HTML tags?

Some of the 12 basic HTML tags include- Doctype Tag HTML Tag Head Tag Link Tag Body Tag Division Tag Heading Tag Paragraph Tag Anchor Tag Image Tag Address Tag Link Break Tag

5What are the four main elements of HTML?

The four elements of HTML are- The head element The title element The base element The link element

6Which HTML version is the best?

HTML 5 has become a standard language and is widely accepted by various browsers.

7What is metatag in HTML?

Metatags are a form of meta data that describes a webpage’s content. These are code snippets that tells search engines important information about their web pages. They also direct the web browsers the ways to display to its visitors.

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One of the best ways to learn a skill is to use it, and what better way to do this than to work on projects? So in this article, we’re sharing t
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by Rohan Vats

04 Mar 2024

Salesforce Developer Salary in India in 2024 [For Freshers &#038; Experienced]
Wondering what is the range of salesforce salary in India? Businesses thrive because of customers. It does not matter whether the operations are B2B
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by Rohan Vats

04 Mar 2024

15 Must-Know Spring MVC Interview Questions
Spring has become one of the most used Java frameworks for the development of web-applications. All the new Java applications are by default using Spr
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by Arjun Mathur

04 Mar 2024

Front End Developer Salary in India in 2023 [For Freshers &#038; Experienced]
Wondering what is the range of front end developer salary in India? Do you know what front end developers do and the salary they earn? Do you know wh
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by Rohan Vats

04 Mar 2024

Method Overloading in Java [With Examples]
Java is a versatile language that follows the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. Many features of object-oriented programming make the code modu
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by Rohan Vats

27 Feb 2024

50 Most Asked Javascript Interview Questions &#038; Answers [2024]
Javascript Interview Question and Answers In this article, we have compiled the most frequently asked JavaScript Interview Questions. These questions
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by Kechit Goyal

26 Feb 2024

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