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Top Languages For The Full Stack Developers in 2024

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Top Languages For The Full Stack Developers in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is essential for any professional aiming to excel in their field. As we navigate through 2024, the significance of choosing the right languages for full-stack developers has never been more critical. My experience in the industry has taught me the importance of not just being a coder but being a versatile developer who can efficiently leverage different programming languages to build robust, scalable, and efficient applications from the ground up.

When there are too many choices, there is confusion, and to help you tackle this confusion, we’ve compiled a list of the top full stack developer languages you can learn. As the demand for full stack developers increase, so are their salaries. By learning these primary languages, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proper developer! We’ll explore essential languages that bridge the gap between client-side and server-side development, offering a comprehensive guide to Full Stack Developer Languages You Should Know. 

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Who is a Full-stack Developer?

Full stack developers work on the development of both the front-end (client side) and back-end (server side) parts of a web application. They are skilled at designing whole websites and web applications. They also work on databases and debugging websites or web applications.

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Understanding the full-stack developer languages is crucial for those looking to pursue a career in this field. These developers require a comprehensive knowledge of several programming languages. It is vital to learn multiple programming languages because no single programming language can work in all situations.

They work with text editors to use shortcuts and features like Atom, Visual Studio, Sublime, etc. They implement design skills to prepare the layout. The following sections help you to understand which full stack developer is best based on the programming language.

Let’s get started.

Full Stack Developer Languages You Should Know


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and you use it for creating web pages. A web page can contain text, audio, and other elements. Writing it in HTML lets the web browser interpret what the web page should display. 

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It is the primary language for web development and has received many updates. These days, people use HTML5, which is the latest version of HTML and has many features. HTML also helps you create a structure for your web page. HTML5 has plenty of features which make it an exciting language to learn.

For example, you can use HTML5 to create web applications that can work offline (you don’t need to be connected to the internet) as well as add fresh graphics. 

With HTML, you’ll also have to learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). While HTML gives your web page structure, CSS affects its appearance. How your web page looks and feels is determined by its CSS code.

HTML is easy to use but has some caveats like optgroup, cite, abbr, and acronym.  HTML provides you with the webpages’ anticipated page layout when used with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. Some of its best features are easy syntax, easy to learn, search engine friendly, and supported by all development tools and browsers.

It is also one of the significant full stack languages you’ll have to learn. HTML has a few features to affect the appearance of its elements, but it’s constrained in comparison to CSS. Apart from that, CSS helps you save a lot of time because you can use one CSS file for multiple web pages. The World Wide Web Consortium developed CSS. 

You can think of CSS as the colors and shapes of lego bricks. It makes your websites appear elegant. It is not difficult to learn CSS. It is vital for web development.  Make sure you follow some effective practices and rules.

CSS lets you control the web pages during their development. A few of its great features include the potential to generate web pages, the ability to create print-friendly and customized web pages, compatibility with all web browsers, and consistency of the web pages. Companies prioritize which full stack developer is best for their project. So, you must own all the essential full stack developer skills.

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2. JavaScript

Once you’ve gotten familiar with simple languages like HTML and CSS, you can move on to a more complicated one, JavaScript. JavaScript is the third most popular language among developers for a reason; it’s essential to excellent front-end development. Many popular sites such as YouTube and Facebook rely on JS for creating their fantastic web pages.

It is a scripting language, which lets you do animation, update the content, and perform many powerful functions. HTML and CSS affect the structure and appearance of the web page, and JS affects its interface. 

The JS code of a web page determines how it interacts with the user. It calculates, manipulates as well as validates data. JS also gets regular updates. Recently, it got the ECMAScript 2019, which released last year. JavaScript is vital for any full-stack developer because unlike the two languages we discussed before, it’s quite vast and you can use it for server-side programming too through NodeJS. Javascript is one of the top programming languages a coder needs to learn.

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As a beginner, you can use JavaScript to learn about data structures and algorithms as well. These concepts are necessary for any novice developer to learn because they help you solve programming problems.

JavaScript is the best programming language to consider if you want to make webpages interactive and provide an awesome experience to the users. It helps you to create pop-up messages on your site and add various effects to web pages. Moreover, it helps your website to attract traffic. The ability to provide an aesthetic appearance creates an impressive visual effect.

Companies focus on which full stack developer is best for their requirements. They accordingly hire skilled full stack developers who can create appealing websites. All web developers need JavaScript as the scripting language.

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3. Python

Now that we’ve discussed front-end languages, let’s consider a back-end language. There are many full stack developer languages dedicated to server-side programming. However, Python is the most popular one. It’s a versatile language and finds applications in many fields, including Machine Learning, data science, as well as back-end web development. Do you wonder why everyone talks about and prefers python? Read why python is so popular with developers.

It’s also effortless to learn as a beginner. You can use it to create apps too. The precise syntax of Python is quite similar to the English language, so interpreting the code and learning new things isn’t difficult. For back-end web development, you will have to get familiar with the Django framework, which is developed in Python.

Django is open-source, and like Python, it doesn’t require much effort to learn. Some big companies that are built on Django include Spotify and Mozilla. The flexibility and simplicity of Python make it a preferred choice for many developers and programmers.

Full-stack web developers use Python specifically when working on academic, research, and scientific-based applications. Python provides quick execution and simplifies mathematical calculations. This stack language is quite beneficial for beginners. Cybersecurity experts and hackers also use it.

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MEAN is a stack of web frameworks, which has gotten quite popular among full-stack developers. 

It contains the following web frameworks:

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • AngularJS
  • NodeJS

Thus the name MEAN. 

Each framework serves a specific purpose, and by learning them all, you can quickly get started on full stack development. The best thing is you don’t need to learn multiple full stack programming languages to use the MEAN stack.

It is entirely based on JavaScript. All the frameworks in the MEAN stack use JavaScript. So, you can start learning the MEAN stack as soon as you learn JavaScript. MEAN has plenty of features which make it perfect for any full-stack developer. 

You can use MongoDB for the database, Express.js for creating web applications, AngularJS for front-end development, and NodeJS for back-end development.They all are powerful tools and give you the ability to perform full-stack development without putting in too much effort.

These frameworks enable you to program faster and save time. MEAN is quite popular among companies because of its versatile use and fast deployment. Amazon, Google, and many major organizations are using this technology. So learning MEAN will surely give you an edge. 

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5. PHP

It is a server-side scripting language that is extensively used by web developers. It can develop a database or handle data on a web server. This back-end technology is useful for developing web pages that are written in HTML. It is seamlessly compatible with several platforms.

This open-source utility is useful to full-stack web developers because it is broadly supported by a huge online community. Moreover, it is one of the finest languages for developing web-based applications. It can also be used for developing advertising and media apps.

PHP full-stack developers are applications developers skilled with design, testing, and implementing software in PHP. They should know both front and backend technologies. You will eliminate your confusion on is python a full stack language when you use the relevant programming languages in your projects.

Full-stack developers must focus on websites’ appearance, feel, interface, interaction, and digital aspects when working on their front end using PHP. They should be experienced in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other relevant languages. They must focus on server-side apps and solve logic problems when working as backend developers.

6. Ruby

It is a dynamic programming language renowned for presenting a programmer-friendly interface for web development. It is one of the best programming languages for those willing to develop creative designs because it is an object-oriented language.

It is used by plenty of web developers owing to the simplicity and effectiveness of its coding techniques. Beginners will find it comfortable to use because it is easy to learn. Primarily, it is used for developing mobile and web apps.

Full-stack developers use it to build social platforms, SaaS, and online stores. Moreover, it is extensively used to develop leading platforms like Shopify, Twitch, SoundCloud, Zendesk, and Instacart. It is alternatively termed “opinionated” software because it provides predictions for what a full-stack developer requires while coding. Consequently, it can improve these developers’ productivity. You can clear your doubts like – is python a full stack language? Or is Ruby recommended for full stack development? when you start using them.

7. Perl

Per (Practical Extraction and Report Language) is an interpreted language. Being a full-stack web developer, Perl is suggested for text processing. Moreover, it assimilates features of other programming languages.

It can simplify web development and deployment with its frameworks like Dancer, Catalyst, Mojolicious, and toolkits. This stack language is the potential to handle texts and glue systems. So, it is a useful tool in web development.

8. C++

C++ is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It is beginner-friendly because it can be written in simple English. This server-side web development language offers portability so that programmers can use it efficiently and easily.

C++ is suitable for full stack web developers because of its code reusability and high-level performance. The queries like – is python a full stack language? or is C++ useful for full-stack web development can be solved when you start using the corresponding programming languages.

9. SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose programming language. Web developers use it to access necessary data from databases. It can access and handle data in Oracle, MySQL, and Sybase database systems. So, it can be used on data-driven websites.

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Full-stack developers use this stack language for extracting and managing data in an RDBMS (relational data management system). They use SQL to create rules for storing, accessing, or changing server data. This helps the backend components like the database or server to communicate with each other.

Learn Full Stack Programming Languages

Mastering the top languages for full-stack development is paramount for professionals seeking to thrive in the ever-evolving tech industry in 2024. Learning these programming languages not only equips developers with the tools necessary for building robust, scalable applications but also ensures their versatility across both front-end and back-end development tasks. As we have explored various languages essential for full-stack developers, it’s clear that a broad skill set, encompassing both client and server-side languages, is crucial for success. Embracing these languages will undoubtedly open doors to innovative projects, enhance career prospects, and keep developers at the forefront of technological advancements. For professionals aiming to remain relevant and competitive, learning and mastering these full-stack programming languages is not just an option—it’s a necessity. 

If you want to find out more about full-stack web development and its programming languages, you can take a look at our Executive PG Program Full-Stack Development Course. Not only will it provide you with the necessary knowledge, but it will also give you a properly structured curriculum. You’ll be able to learn the skill efficiently and effectively. 


Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the differences between back-end and front-end programming?

Backend and frontend programming is two different fields in programming. Backend programming is knowledge about the database, database structure, and database programming. The database is the main structure of a software program that stores data from the user and displays data to the user. A backend programmer will do a lot of the technical work to work with the database. The front end usually refers to the visual aspects of a program. A frontend programmer will create the look and feel of a program. The frontend side of a program will change how the database displays the information to the user. This can be done through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

2What does a software developer do?

A software developer is a person with deep knowledge of software development and programming. A software developer is responsible for implementing software design and analysis and writing programming code. Software developer is also responsible for detecting and eliminating bugs in software developed by the team. Software developer would work on various programming platforms, including C, C++, java, JavaScript, HTML and PHP. He would also work on server-side programming language like ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails, JSP and Cold Fusion. He would also deal with database management system of a particular product, like Oracle or SQL server.

3Which languages are used by full stack developers?

There are a lot of full stack developers, but most of them focus mainly on either the front-end or the backend. Here is the list of languages used by full stack developers. Currently, the most popular languages for full stack developers are Node.js, Python, C#. ASP.NET, and PHP. It’s believed that the most common languages for full stack developers in future will be HTML/CSS, and some of the newer ones like AngularJS, Node.js, React.js and so on. Full stack developers are polyglots. They need to be good at more than one language. The most common ones are Java, Ruby, Python and PHP. However, there are many more. There is a big demand for multi lingual developers because the Internet is global in nature.

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