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Top 10 Programming Languages of the Future | Future Programming Languages

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Top 10 Programming Languages of the Future |  Future Programming Languages

Programming languages form the foundation of the Information Technology and Data Science industries. Software Developers and Data Scientists use different programming languages to build innovative applications for multiple industries, including healthcare, education, IoT, banking & finance, logistics, etc.

Since software applications make almost every aspect of our lives more convenient, coding skills are among the most valuable and top-paying skills in IT, Web Design, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Business Intelligence, and AI & ML. 

While there are tons of programming languages out there, some languages are more popular than others. These languages not only enjoy a vast fanbase but are also backed by active community support. 

The recent technology’s quick progression depicts its significance for professionals in the IT sector. It facilitates them to update tier coding and web designing skills.

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In this post, we’ll take a look at the top programming languages of the future. So, if you want to know which programming language you should choose for upgrading your professional value, stick with us to the end!

Learners receive an average Salary hike of 58% with the highest being up to 400%.

Top Programming Languages of the Future

1. Python

When talking about the best programming languages, Python takes the top rank in all its crowning glory. Python is immensely popular among developers and Data Science experts because of its simplicity and versatility.

With an easy learning curve and English-like syntax, Python is a beginner-friendly language. Furthermore, Python has excellent library support for a wide range of coding requirements. For example, Python libraries like Django and Flask are ideal for web development, whereas TensorFlow, Keras, and SciPy are best for Data Science applications. Read more on why python is so popular with developers

You can use Python to develop web & desktop applications, GUI-based desktop applications, ML models, network servers, and so much more. Python’s broad ecosystem of libraries, modules, and frameworks makes application development super easy. It is the backbone of many industry giants like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey, etc. 

2. R

R is a dynamic, array-based, multi-paradigm programming language launched back in 1993. It is compatible with all the major operating systems, including macOS, Linux, and Windows. The unique aspect of R is that it doubles up as an environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R environment is an integrated suite of software tools designed for data manipulation, statistical calculation, and graphical display. Read more on career opportunities in R.

R is highly extensible and offers a host of statistical (linear/non-linear modelling, time-series analysis, regression, classification, clustering, etc.) and graphical methods. Being a multi-paradigm language, R supports object-oriented, imperative, functional, and procedural programming paradigms.

Like Python, R comes with an impressive range of libraries like ggplot, tidyr, leaflet, etc. R’s scalable qualities and capacities for statistics and data visualisation are what makes it a favourite of developers and Data Scientists.

R programming language is used for statistical computing and data analysis. It is renowned among data scientists since it provides a wide range of libraries useful for data analysis and manipulation. Being a programming language, its code can be written to automate tasks. These aspects help it to find a place in the list of top 10 programming languages of the future. One of its limitations is that it is difficult to learn, specifically for those unfamiliar with statistics.

Read: Highest Paying Programming Languages

3. Java

Java is the unrivalled organisation king when it comes to server-side application development. It is a class-based, object-oriented programming language used for building software products, mobile applications, web applications, games, web servers, and application servers. Java has long been the leading choice for Android app development. Today, Java is also quite popular among Big Data Engineers who use it to develop Big Data ecosystems. 

Java libraries, like JSTAT, Deeplearning4j, JavaML, Weka, ADAMS, Mahout, and RapidMiner, are excellent for ML development. Big names like Uber, Airbnb, Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify use Java in their tech stack. 

Read more: Java Project Ideas & Topics

4. C# 

Developed by Microsoft, C# is a general, flexible, and open-source, object-oriented programming (OOP) language. It is primarily used for backend development, game development, web/desktop applications, and mobile application development for Windows phones. It runs on the .NET framework.

C# is widely preferred thanks to its ease-of-use and well-built architecture. It has a dedicated .NET Core machine learning platform – ML.NET – to cater to Machine Learning development needs. There’s also Accord.NET and ML-Agents that allows .NET developers to develop unique ML applications.

C# is extensively used to develop desktop apps, web apps, games, and much more. Essentially, Microsoft developed C# to rival Java. It is widely used in the business environment as well as for game development along with the Unity engine. It allows you to develop applications not just for websites but for mobile applications too.

It shares similarities with structured programming languages but is accepted as an object-oriented programming language. You can find a huge number of innovative solutions in C#. For example, you can explore the crypto library, tools for unit testing, multi-threading, and Marvellous collections handling.

Another prominent benefit of using C# is that it provides type safety. This feature helps decrease the number of errors generated by incorrect code. These advantages suggest that it is one of the top 10 programming languages of the future. One of its limitations is that it can be challenging to find skilled developers.

5. C++

C++ is a general-purpose, cross-platform programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of C. As a result, C++ combines the features of OOP, imperative, and generic programming languages. It offers developers a high level of control over memory and system resources. Speed and efficiency are the two core features of C++ that allow developers to design and build high-performance applications. 

C++ is used for developing operating systems, embedded systems, and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Since it is portable, C++ can help build applications that can adapt to multiple platforms/environments. For Machine Learning, C++ has designated ML repositories like Turi Create, TensorFlow, and LightGBM.

It is used to develop browsers, operating systems, games, and more. It supports various ways of programming, such as object-oriented, procedural, functional, and more. Therefore, it is flexible and powerful. It is extensively used for professional software game development as well as high-performance applications, including machine learning.

It equips programmers with superior control over the system’s memory and resources. You can also find the widespread usage of C++ in embedded systems, graphical user interfaces, and the latest operating systems. It is quite easy for programmers to switch to C from C++ or vice versa. It is one of those future programming languages that was developed to improve the C language to embrace an object-oriented paradigm.

6. Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language. Its design is fully interoperable with Java. Since Kotlin’s primary target is the JVM, it also compiles to JavaScript or native code. The seamless interoperation between Kotlin and Java makes Android application development much faster and more efficient. This is why Kotlin has a bright future in Android development. 

Kotlin has a relatively easy-to-learn structure, and apart from Android development, it can be used for web development, desktop app development, and server-side development. Kotlin is concise, safe, and tool-friendly (you can bundle it with any Java IDE or even build via the command line).

It is a general-purpose, statically typed, cross-platform programming language featuring Type inference. Primarily, it is developed to completely inter-operate with Java.

The convenient interoperation between Kotlin and Java Android development is faster. Scotland solved the key issues that occurred in Java, and the developers have rewritten various Java apps in Kotlin. Kotlin’s syntax is easy to learn for novices and provides a wide range of powerful features. It could prove to be an outstanding programming language for experienced programmers.

It features a shallow learning curve, specifically for those who are experienced in Java or Python. Lately, Google declared that Android development would be progressively Kotlin- first. Moreover, it mentioned that several top apps have migrated to Kotlin. Therefore, it is one of the best future programming languages.

Also Read: Highest Paying Programming Language in India

7. JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level, multi-paradigm, web scripting languages. It supports object-oriented, imperative, and declarative programming styles. JavaScript includes application programming interfaces (APIs) for text, dates, regular expressions, and standard data structures. It is one of the three core technologies (alongside HTML and CSS) powering the World Wide Web. 

Although JavaScript shares similarities with Java regarding their naming convention, syntax, and standard libraries, they are innately different. It syncs well with Java and is very easy to implement thanks to its HTML integration. JavaScript has several libraries for developing ML models such as TensorFlow.js, Brain.js, machinelearn.js, ConvNetJS, Mind, Synaptic, and Neuro.js.

It is a highly popular language, as per a Stack overflow survey. It is the future programming language that is extensively renowned for adding interactive elements to browsers and web applications.  You can say that it is the ultimate language of the web. This is because all web and mobile applications run JavaScript. It is a client-side language, so several simple applications don’t require server support. It generates a server load in the case of complex applications.

There is a massive growth noticed in the usage of this programming language. Moreover, it is the foundation of most frameworks and libraries for Vue, React, and Node. It can operate in almost all contemporary web browsers. Primarily, web browsers use this programming to develop a dynamic and interactive experience for the users.

8. TypeScript

TypeScript is a compiled OOP language designed to extend the capabilities of JavaScript by adding types. Types allow you to define and describe object shapes, thereby providing better documentation and allowing TypeScript to validate your code. You can use TypeScript to build large-scale applications with a clearly defined syntax and minimal errors. Developed by Microsoft in 2012, TypeScript is not only one of the fastest-growing languages in the world. 

TypeScript is gaining massive popularity in the developer circle since it simplifies JavaScript code, making it easier for developers to read and debug. Also, it includes many development tools for JavaScript IDEs and practices. Many companies have started using TypeScript for ML applications via Kalimdor, a browser-based Machine Learning library written in TypeScript.

You can easily understand the TypeScript tutorial if you have a decent understanding of basic JavaScript and OOP concepts. It is a typed superset of JavaScript, which compiles to plain JavaScript. In other words, it is fully object-oriented with interfaces, classes, and statically typed like Java or C#. The famous JavaScript framework Angular 2.0 is written using TypeScript.

Mastering it can assist programmers in writing object-oriented programs and compiling them to JavaScript on the client and server sides.

Integrating TypeScript into JavaScript projects is easier because TypeScript code is transformed into JavaScript code. Using it for a large-scale project may lead to a more robust software and would stay as deployable, wherein a standard JavaScript application will run. Moreover, the future programming language avoids plenty of type-related errors.

9. Scala

Scala is a type-safe, general-purpose JVM language that combines the best of both worlds – OOP and functional programming languages – into an integrated high-level language. It features a robust static type design that helps minimise and eliminate bugs in large and complex applications. Scala’s JVM and JavaScript runtimes facilitate the development of scalable and high-performance systems. 

Scala allows developers to easily access JVM features and Java libraries to build applications for various use cases, ranging from web applications to complex ML models. It is used by companies like LinkedIn, AT&T, eBay, and Bloomberg.

It features a powerful static type system and is designed to be concise. It is a fusion of two programming paradigms. It runs on the JVM.  Moreover, it attempts to address many limitations of Java.

It is frequently used in data science. It is an extremely compatible language and can be easily installed into Unix and Windows OS. It is one of the future programming languages 2025 that is beneficial for developers to enhance their business applications and productivity. Besides, it is reliable and scalable. It doesn’t involve the concept of primitive data because everything is treated as an object in Scala. This programming language is designed to specify the general programming patterns in a concise, refined, and type-safety manner.

10. Swift

Swift is a compiled, general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Apple as an upgrade over Objective-C. Swift operates in collaboration with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. Swift can readily interoperate with the already existing pool of Objective-C code.

With a neat and cohesive syntax, Swift boasts of being a beginner-friendly language. It is a highly expressive and enjoyable scripting language that lets you experiment with the code and view the real-time results. By combining type inference with a modern, lightweight syntax, Swift allows developers to express complex ideas clearly and concisely.

It helps if you have the knowledge and mastery over multiple programming languages in the modern competitive market. As these ten languages have a wide range of industry applications, they often garner high salary packages and promise commendable career growth. What’s interesting to note is, coding skills are valued by companies and organizations worldwide. Thus, if you master at least two to three programming languages, you can find job opportunities in established institutions all over the world.

Swift is perfect for mobile developers. Apple developed it for developing mac OS and iOS applications.  It is an easy-to-learn, multi-program, and general-purpose compiled programming language. Mastering Swift can help you make a significant amount of money.

Some of its key benefits include being efficient, fast, secure, and facilitating a high level of interactivity. It is developed using a contemporary approach to boost the performance of the software design patterns. The swift project aims to develop the best language for users, whether mobile programming, desktop apps, or Cloud services.

It will be one of the highly demanding languages of 2021. It will continue to be demanding in 2025 and beyond.  Therefore, it is considered one of the future programming languages 2025.

Dominant Languages and Their Modern Uses:  

As an expert in programming, I’ve observed the evolution of dominant languages and their modern applications. In today’s tech landscape, languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java reign supreme. Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, powers web development, data science, and artificial intelligence projects. Meanwhile, JavaScript dominates front-end web development, while Java remains a staple for enterprise applications. These languages offer diverse opportunities for professionals and are likely to continue shaping the programming landscape of the future.  

Challenges Facing New Programming Languages:  

Despite the dominance of established languages, new programming languages continually emerge, aiming to address evolving needs and trends. However, these languages face significant challenges in gaining widespread adoption. Competition is fierce, and gaining traction requires overcoming barriers such as limited community support, compatibility issues, and proving their relevance in a crowded market. Additionally, breaking into established domains requires considerable effort and innovation. Nonetheless, future-proof programming languages will need to demonstrate unique advantages to succeed in the competitive programming landscape.  

Predictions for the Next Decade of Programming:  

Looking ahead, the next decade of programming promises further innovation and evolution. Trends indicate a continued emphasis on languages like Python, JavaScript, and Kotlin, which are versatile and well-suited to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mobile development. Additionally, languages like Rust and Go are gaining momentum, offering unique features like improved performance and concurrency. As technology continues to advance, we can expect the programming landscape to diversify further, with new languages and paradigms emerging to meet the demands of an ever-changing industry.

Preparing for the Future of Programming: 

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To thrive in the future of programming, professionals must adapt and evolve alongside technological advancements. This involves staying abreast of emerging languages and paradigms, continuously honing skills, and embracing lifelong learning. Investing in versatile languages like Python and JavaScript, as well as exploring niche languages like Rust and Swift, can future-proof your skill set and open doors to diverse opportunities. Additionally, cultivating a deep understanding of fundamental programming concepts will provide a solid foundation for navigating the dynamic landscape of future programming languages.  

Wrapping up

Now that you know which are the Top programming languages in the job market, you can upgrade your skillset to include at least one (better if multiple!) of these high paying programming languages.

If you’re interested to learn more about full-stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s PG Diploma in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.


Dilip Guru

Blog Author
He is a Growth Hacker, Digital Marketer & Blogger. He loves solving problems of scale and long term digital strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are programming languages?

Throughout the world, languages are used to communicate. Innumerable languages are there to ease communication with people, including those who are specially abled. Similarly, there is a need for language to liaise between a machine and a human. Here comes the role of programming languages. These are the computer languages used by programmers to communicate with computers or machines. It includes a set of instructions clearly defining the task to be performed. Obscurity determines the type of programming language, bifurcating them among low level, middle level, and high-level programming languages. Umpteen languages are already in these categories, and numerous are being added with each passing year. Some of them are Python, Java, HTML, C++, and Ruby.

2Why is Python so popular?

Numerous factors work together to put something to success. This is also the case with Python becoming one of the most used programming languages globally. Its facile interface makes it easy to learn and use, making it a top choice for beginners. With the decades of use of the language, it framed a community to support new as well as expert developers, thus providing necessary support in all forms. The language is also institutionally and financially supported by significant technology involving players in the market like Google, Facebook, Capital One, etc., contributing to its enormous success. The availability of libraries and frameworks also pitch in to extend its sphere.

3What are the highest-paying programming languages in India?

A career in a programming language can be pursued as a freelancer or working for another company. In any case, the demand for a particular language determines its worth in terms of paying capacity. The highest salary being paid in India is to a Go language programmer, followed by Scala. Numerous others make it to the top of the list. Objective-C, Kotlin, Ruby on Rails, Python, Java, Swift, etc., are a few to be mentioned. The data varies for India and the world. Languages like CoffeeScript, R, TypeScript, SQL, etc., are among the highest-paid in the world.

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