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15 Most Popular Sales Interview Questions & Answers [For Freshers 2024]

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15 Most Popular Sales Interview Questions & Answers [For Freshers 2024]

Most sales interviews start with a question about you and end with one about the company. While it is not possible to predict every question in a sales interview, research and experience tell us that they are usually derivatives of the most commonly asked sales interview questions. 

Success in an interview is more about presentability and confidence than about knowledge. After all, no matter how much knowledge you gain, you will barely be able to make a mark unless you understand how to tackle those sales and interview questions. Reading through top edtech sales interview questions can help you more than you know. Moreover, the latest edtech sales interview questions vary every year, but you must keep abreast of the latest trends in edtech sales interview questions.

So, today, we’re going to shed light on the top sales interview questions along with their answers to help you ace the interview round! 

Top 15 Sales Interview Questions: What They Want to Know and How to Answer

Understanding Sales Executive Interview Questions

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Additionally, you will also realize preparing via sales and marketing interview questions and answers pdf will help you curate the most prominently asked questions, leading to better performance in the sales interview. There might not be an exact answer to certain questions. However, the way you present your thoughts, the clarity you have towards your industry, and your overall confidence will help shape what impact you create at a job interview. The sales and marketing interview questions and answers pdf can be your guide and a starting point for the preparation.

While some questions may not have an exact answer, how you articulate your thoughts, demonstrate industry knowledge, and exude confidence will significantly influence the impression you make on interviewers. 

To stand out from the competition, focus on mastering key aspects such as effective communication, problem-solving, and sales strategies. Highlight your achievements and past experiences that showcase your ability to drive results.

Remember, interview success is not solely based on memorizing answers but on demonstrating authenticity, adaptability, and a genuine passion for sales. Combine your preparation with self-assurance and a growth mindset to make a lasting impact on potential employers during your sales executive interview.

Changes In Sales Executive Interview Questions

As an industry, sales have evolved over the ages. There has been an infiltration of technology to the point that interview taker will need to be sure of the current trends in the industry. Practising tough sales interview questions and best answers via pdf would allow you to incorporate and go through only the trendiest of topics to keep up with the changing sales trends. You will get brownie points for a clear awareness of innovations in the sales domain. Moreover, you might also have a better industrial understanding of what lies next. The clearer you understand sales executive interview questions and the better solutions you have up your sleeve, the more well-poised you are to find favour with the hiring team.

The sales landscape is rapidly evolving. Staying abreast of industry changes is crucial for interview success. With the increasing integration of technology, interviewees must demonstrate a deep understanding of current sales trends. By practicing sales interview questions using a comprehensive sales and marketing interview questions and answers PDF, you can focus on the most relevant and up-to-date topics, enabling you to keep pace with these dynamic trends.

Employers highly value candidates who display awareness of innovations within the sales domain. As you delve into sales executive interview questions and craft thoughtful solutions, you gain a competitive edge by showcasing your industry knowledge and forward-thinking approach. Your ability to anticipate and adapt to future developments will be valuable to the hiring team.

A robust grasp of sales executive interview questions and the ability to present solutions will undoubtedly set you apart from other candidates. Your preparation and insight will resonate positively with the hiring team, positioning you as a well-prepared and capable professional ready to thrive in the evolving sales landscape. Embrace the changes in the industry and leverage them to your advantage during your sales executive interview.

1. Tell us a Bit About Yourself.  

This question usually sets the tone for the rest of the interview. As a salesperson, consider it the most important pitch of your career. This is how interviewers get an insight into your ability to sell something. They are also trying to gain a basic idea of the kind of person you are.

Furthermore, interviewers pay close attention to how you describe yourself to see if it is in alignment with the experiences and career-related details you share in due course of the interview.

Start by stating who you are and what position you are applying for. Be honest and passionate about what the job means to you and what different skills and achievements you stand to bring to the company. 

You must highlight your core qualities and what makes you indispensable. You might say, “I’m passionate about my goals and not one to shy away from challenges.”

Or I believe my relationship-building skills are key to achieving my long-term goals. My hard work and persistence will keep me striving for greater heights.”

Share relevant experiences wherever necessary.

2. Tell us About your Most Successful Sale to Date.

When interviewers ask this question, they want to know whether it is sheer luck that brought about significant success in your career or if you possess the skills and knack to convert leads. 

This is your chance to create an impactful impression. Do not hesitate from going into details: the specific time, obstacles, people involved, how you eventually closed the deal, and what followed after that. It is imperative that whichever experience you share reflects the best traits that are attributed to a salesman. 

3. Are you Good at Making Cold Calls?

This is an important sales experience. Salespeople who are bold, outgoing, and able to start and maintain conversations have a higher chance of closing deals than those who don’t. When interviewers ask this question, they are trying to get an insight into your personality. So, answer this question with an example where you highlight that you backup cold calls by researching the person to better understand his needs.

You might say, “At my last company, I aimed at making at least X cold calls every hour, which would help me generate at least Y warm leads.” 

4. Tell me About a Time When you Encountered Failure. What do you Think you Could Have Done Differently? 

One of the trademark qualities of salespeople includes taking failures head-on and moving forward from them with lessons for future endeavours. A salesperson must know how to analyze and handle failed attempts. 

To answer this question, relate a relevant experience explaining what your objective was, what went wrong, who was involved, and what you learned from the incident. Recruiters are appreciative of honesty. 

While answering the second part, keep it short and precise. Let them know that you gathered critical lessons that you now use to avoid similar potential setbacks. 

One way of answering it would be — “I feel strongly about spending valuable selling time lamenting about the what-could-have-been and what-ifs of failures. My takeaway from it is to avoid similar mistakes in the future. I see failures are learning lessons and strive to implement the knowledge I gain at every step on fruitful prospects.”

5. Tell me About your Short-Term and Long-Term Career Goals. 

Companies want to associate with aspiring individuals who are confident about where they are headed in their careers. It shows that your decisions are backed by a strong clarity in thought. This results in motivated and driven workers who strive to meet goals.

Briefly summarise the long-term and short-term goals you wish to achieve in your career and explain why they are so important to you.

One way how you can answer this question is — “I am excited about gaining on-the-job experience and upgrading my core competencies as part of a mission-driven organization. I am eager to assess my abilities by taking on higher-level, challenging responsibilities. In the long term, I see myself in a managerial role, so my focus is on improving my leadership skills. I am confident that my near term goals will help me achieve my long term objectives.”

6. How Do you Strike a Balance Between Work and Life?

There are many reasons why an interviewer asks this question. They want to know that your personal life doesn’t affect your calibre in the workplace. Or they simply want to gauge your commitment towards your job. 

Base your answer on your research of the company’s values and culture. 

Here’s how you can answer this sales interview question — “I understand how important it is to strike a healthy balance between work and professional life. But I’ve realized that it becomes effortless when you enjoy your work and it gives you a sense of contentment. It allows you to pursue your personal life in peace without having to carry office pressures.

I am devoted to my family as much as I am devoted to my work. I ensure that my day-offs are reserved for my close ones. And it also helps that I find sales very exciting which keep me enthusiastic about getting back to work every other day.”

7. If your Colleagues Were to Describe to you, What Would They Say?

Interviewers want to know how good a fit you are for their company environment and whether you would contribute positively to their office culture. Highlight your strengths and what makes you popular amongst your peers. 

A sample answer for this would be — “I am known for my persistence and the efforts I put in to maintain healthy relationships with my clients. Also, it’s not uncommon to have disagreements in the workplace. After all, everyone has different styles of working. But, my past experiences tell me that I have a positive and cordial influence on a work atmosphere when it comes to conflict resolutions. And I think my peers would also appreciate my honesty and confidence to stand up for what I believe is right.”

8. How Would you Summarise your Entire Career?

This question is a practical test to determine your attitude towards the profession and the rationale you apply to make important choices. It also gives an insight into your preparation, communication skills, and level of professionalism. Be sure to highlight your skills, significant personal and professional accomplishments, and what keeps you motivated to pursue your goals. 

Here’s how you can answer “My sales career has been marked by ups and downs, more successes than failures, if I may so boldly state. This is what I love about sales because it is as challenging as it is rewarding. It’s where your dedicated efforts, strategic planning, and persistence, actually pay off. In my first year as a sales rep, I had the highest record of sales for 10 out of the 12 months. 

What I appreciate about sales is that every experience is a learning opportunity for you to hone and upgrade your skills. And I have had abundant opportunities to learn and get closer to my goals.

I believe in facing challenges head-on and overcoming them rather than running away from them. This is why I know I can fit in any organization. I am confident about my abilities and am dedicated to achieving my goals in life. It has brought me this far and will take me farther ahead.”

9. How do you Stay Updated With the Latest Trends in Sales? 

Companies are looking to hire salespeople who constantly work on honing their skills and keep up with the latest industry trends to provide the best solutions to clients. 

Let the interviewer know that you are passionate about sales and gaining knowledge. And reading about the industry, checking out the latest blogs and podcasts, and learning ways to improve your craft are a few things that keep sales exciting. Make sure to mention the names of the magazines, books, or blogs you follow.

If you have enlisted in any online or offline sales training program, it is a good idea to talk about it as it shows you are passionate about a long-term career in the field. 

10. What is your Process of Generating Leads and Closing Sales Deals?

By asking this question, interviewers want to gauge how effective your sales process is. So, give them step-by-step insight into your mechanism.

Irrespective of which industry you interview for, some core sales qualities are considered valuable by all companies. These include strategic planning, strong listening and communication skills, identifying customer needs and providing appropriate solutions, and time management skills, to name a few. So, be sure to demonstrate these in your sales process. Building and maintaining relationships, negotiation skills, and persuasive powers are also among the leading traits in a successful salesperson. 

11. What Do you Know About Our Organization?

This is your big chance to demonstrate your researching skills and your level of interest in securing a job at the company. So, make sure you are prepared with ample background information on the company. Refer credible sources to read about the company and gather input from ex-employees and current employees.

Briefly describe what the organization stands for as per your knowledge, what solutions they provide, and who their targets are. You can also cite the names of their top competitors and draw brief comparisons if you are knowledgeable enough. Let them know that you appreciate specific details about the company. For example, “I appreciate the steps your company takes to make employees feel comfortable and cared for.”

12. Have you Managed to Meet your Sales Goals?

This is to get an idea of your sales history and ideally, an interviewer would be looking for a track record of exceeding sales goals. 

There are three key points to touch while answering this: 

  • Speak of your sales record spanning your career by highlighting your toughest and most significant achievements. You must prepare this list in advance. 
  • Talk about any failures or rejections you have faced. Let the interviewer know that you believe in putting yourself out there time and again to meet your sales goals. Succeeding in sales means persevering in the face of failures. To say that it doesn’t bother you can sound insensitive as rejections are disappointing. Assert that failures are learning lessons and they keep you grounded and practical.
  • Talk about what keeps you motivated to pursue your goals. 

Here’s a possible answer to show you are motivated — “The prospect of facing new challenges every day, devising strategies to overcome them, and the unending desire to succeed, keeps me motivated on my career path. This is how I have consistently exceeded or met my sales goals.”

13. Have you Ever Had to Let go of a Client? What Was your Approach?

This question explores a salesperson’s behaviour and the strategies he uses disagreeable circumstances. It shows you are capable of dealing with the unpleasant aspects of a sales job. Through your answer, you should let them know that you feel strongly about preserving a company’s resources and are motivated to provide the best service to a customer. 

In challenging sales scenarios, parting ways with a client may be necessary. It requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach to preserve company resources and a commitment to excellent customer service. By engaging in open dialogue and actively listening to client feedback, we can identify potential areas for improvement. If it becomes evident that the partnership is no longer mutually beneficial, we can communicate the decision and leave the door open for future collaboration. Maintaining positive relationships and upholding high integrity in such situations drives the motivation to provide exceptional service and leave a positive impression on existing and potential customers.

14. Who Was your Favourite Boss and What Would They Say About you?

This is to judge your flexibility in a work environment. You can’t be too affirmative of them since that might make you come across as someone rigid and inflexible. You might also want to avoid being too critical of their style.

Possible answer: “I believe in establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with my bosses. My last boss might say I started as an independent thinker who didn’t understand the importance of being a team player. Since I had experience and an excellent sales record, she believed my team could learn from me which would further bolster my abilities. So, I truly appreciate her for having imparted the necessary values in me. At the same time, I enjoyed the space I had to pursue my process without being micromanaged. That’s another thing I appreciate about her.” 

15. Do you Have Any Questions For Me? 

This may be the final question an interviewer asks you but it’s not one to take lightly. Make sure you have a list of insightful and well-thought-out questions ready to display your interest and passion for the job. If you encountered some detail you would like to explore during the course of the interview, this is the time to do it.

This is also your chance to get an idea about the inner workings of the company and what would be expected of you if hired.

Here are some questions you can ask: 

  1. What does a typical day for a salesperson look like at your company?”
  2. “What are your expectations from someone in this role?”
  3. “Please tell me about the company culture.”
  4. “What would you say is the most enjoyable aspect of working at this company?”
  5. “How would you rate my performance? Is my skill set or level of experience of any concern to you?”
  6. “How does the hiring process proceed from here?”

Little edgy questions, such as your personal take on strategies to enhance sales or quick hacks to hike those numbers, are solid topics to prepare well on. These days, interviewers are more fluid regarding what they expect from employees. The traditional way of making sales has taken a backseat. However, you have to ensure that you have a solid dedication that comes across through your ideas in the sales interview questions and answers. India is currently experiencing great growth in sales, so much so that the retail sales industry is set to stand at 450 billion dollars in market size. Moreover, it is set to be among the top five retail markets globally in the context of economic value.

Be prepared to talk about your personal motivation to join the industry with sales interview questions and answers. Moreover, as a sales professional, you must be convincing in terms of personality. This trait will not just get you a green signal at the interview bit also at closing sales around your career more than the initial interview phase dealing with theoretical sales interview questions and answers.

What is Sales in Interview? 

If you are thinking about sales questions for interview you need to know first what sales in interview is all about. Sales interview questions are a critical element in the recruiting process of sales representatives that assesses candidates’ suitability and aptitude in sales-related positions. It allows companies to assess a candidate’s mastery of sales concepts, interpersonal skills, and ability to express value propositions successfully. 

During a sales job interview question and answers, applicants are frequently asked about their past sales experience, target-setting tactics, and approach to overcoming objections. Employers may also consider communication skills, flexibility, and a candidate’s knowledge of the items or services they will be selling. The interview process may involve role-playing scenarios designed to imitate real-world sales circumstances, allowing employers to assess the candidate’s problem-solving talents and resilience under pressure.

Successful applicants not only show proficiency in sales tactics, but also excitement, resilience, and a customer-centric attitude. These will help you understand what goes inside Sales interview questions and answers for freshers.

Who is A Sales Representative?  

To know in detail about sales executive interview questions and sales and marketing interview questions, you need to know who a sales representative is. A sales representative, also known as a salesperson or sales associate, is a professional who promotes and sells products or services on behalf of a firm. This position is critical in increasing revenue and developing client connections. Sales representatives are crucial in bridging the gap between a company and its target market, acting as the firm’s public face.

One of the key roles of a sales representative is to discover new clients and contact them to market their company’s products or services. They use several sales strategies to highlight the benefits of their products and services, as well as to resolve consumer problems. This requires a combination of communication skills, product expertise, and the ability to establish rapport.

To ace in sales questions for interview, a sales representative must have a thorough grasp of the items or services he or she is selling. This information enables them to personalize their presentation to each customer’s specific demands and handle any issues that may occur during the sales process. Furthermore, maintaining current on industry developments, competition goods, and market dynamics improves the representative’s efficacy.

Sales executive career path 

A career as a Sales Executive is dynamic, with several prospects for professional development and progress. Sales executives are important to a company’s revenue growth, and their career paths are often progressive and complex.

Entry-Level Positions

Aspiring sales executives sometimes begin their careers in entry-level sales jobs, such as Sales Development Representative (SDR) or Junior Sales Representative. In these positions, individuals obtain basic experience by prospecting, qualifying prospects, and assisting more senior members of the sales team. 

This stage is critical for learning core sales abilities, understanding the sales process, and being acquainted with the company’s products and services.

Sales Representative

Individuals can graduate to Sales Representative positions by answering sales representative interview questions and answers after having experience in entry-level employment. During this intermediate stage, professionals actively connect with clients, manage sales pipelines, and try to meet individual and team sales objectives. 

Sales representatives frequently prioritize developing and sustaining customer connections, sharpening their bargaining abilities, and responding to market circumstances. Sales quotas must be met or exceeded continuously to be successful in this job.

Senior Sales Roles

Individuals who have demonstrated success as a Sales Representative may advance to more senior positions such as Senior Sales Executive or Key Account Manager. 

Professionals in these roles frequently have increased duties, such as directing bigger client portfolios or managing significant strategic clients. Senior Sales Executives have an important role in driving revenue development, devising sales strategies, and ensuring the success of the whole sales force. This level may include cooperating with cross-functional teams, participating in strategy planning, and coaching junior salespeople. Sales executive interview questions are applicable for people who want to apply for such senior-level sales roles.

Sales Management

Individuals with leadership ambitions, need to answer sales and marketing interview questions to get this job, and advancing to sales management positions such as Sales Manager or Sales Director. Individuals in these jobs lead and direct sales teams. 

Their focus extends beyond individual sales objectives to encompass team performance, sales training, and strategy implementation. Sales managers play an important role in connecting the sales staff with overall corporate goals and ensuring that sales strategies are carried out successfully.

Executive Leadership

The peak of a sales executive’s career path may include executive leadership positions such as Vice President of Sales or Chief Sales Officer. Executives at this level play an important role in establishing the company’s overall sales strategy, generating innovation, and contributing to strategic growth. They frequently interact with other C-suite executives to connect sales strategies with overall business objectives.

Do’s and Dont’s for Sales Interview 

The main purpose of Sales interview questions for Freshers is to find individuals who have the traits required to produce revenue, establish client connections, and contribute to the sales team’s overall performance. Here we have listed some of the things you should do and avoid as an interviewee:-


  • Research the Firm: Show your interest in the firm by investigating its goods, services, and market positioning. Understand the company’s culture and values to tailor your comments properly.
  • Understand the Role: Familiarize yourself with the specifics of the sales role. Tailor your comments to show how your abilities and expertise make you an excellent candidate for the position.
  • Prepare Success Stories: Be prepared to provide concrete instances of your previous sales accomplishments. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to properly communicate your success stories.
  • Customer Focus: Highlight your customer-centric strategy. Showcase instances where you went above and beyond to fulfill consumer demands and develop long-term connections.
  • Demonstrate adaptability: Sales settings may be changing. Demonstrate your capacity to adapt to changing situations and overcome obstacles, focusing on your resilience and problem-solving abilities.
  • Ask Thoughtful Questions: Prepare intelligent questions about the organization, team, and sales issues. This implies that you are genuinely interested and think strategically.
  • Describe Sales Techniques: Be prepared to describe your sales strategy, from prospecting to closing transactions. Demonstrate your understanding of numerous sales approaches and how you adapt your plan to diverse scenarios.


  • Don’t Oversell Yourself: While it’s good to showcase your talents, don’t exaggerate. To gain the interviewer’s trust, be genuine about your achievements and ability.
  • Avoid Lack of Preparation: Being unprepared may indicate a lack of enthusiasm or professionalism. Research the firm, learn about the sector, and practice your replies to common sales interview questions.
  • Do not Interrupt: Allow the interviewer to finish their questions before answering. Interrupting might be seen as impatience or a lack of listening skills, which are essential in sales professions.
  • Avoid Negativity: Do not speak adversely about previous employment or coworkers. Instead, concentrate on positive experiences and what you’ve gained from obstacles.
  • Do Not Ignore Nonverbal Cues: Pay attention to nonverbal indications from the interviewer. If they appear indifferent or confused, adapt your communication approach accordingly.
  • Avoid Overlooking Follow-Up: Following the interview, send a thank-you email to convey your gratitude for the chance and repeat your interest in the role. Failure to follow up may be interpreted as a lack of passion.
  • Do Not Lack Excitement: Demonstrate real excitement for the position and the organization. A lack of enthusiasm might be a red sign for businesses seeking enthusiastic and driven salespeople.

How to Prepare for A Sales Interview 

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By combining comprehensive study, great communication, and a focus on your accomplishments, you can successfully navigate a sales interview and make a good impression on potential employers. Here are some elements you need to consider when preparing for sales interview questions and answers.

  • Research: Learn about the company’s products or services, as well as its market position. Investigate the industry, rivals, and recent news to demonstrate your expertise and interest.
  • Know the Role: Familiarize yourself with the exact duties and requirements of the sales role. Customize your replies to demonstrate how your talents match the position.
  • Practice Responses: Practice answering typical sales interview questions by stressing your accomplishments and utilizing the STAR approach (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for clarity. Be prepared to share your sales strategy and strategies.
  • Highlight Achievements: Create success stories that highlight your effect in past jobs. Focus on real accomplishments, stressing how you exceeded expectations and contributed to your team’s success.
  • Understand Sales Techniques: Demonstrate your understanding of various sales methods. Discuss how you react to diverse scenarios and demonstrate your knowledge of the sales process, from prospecting to closing.
  • Ask Questions: Prepare intelligent inquiries on the business, the team, and the difficulties encountered in the sales division. This implies that you are genuinely interested and think strategically.
  • Dress Professionally: Select professional and acceptable clothing. First impressions are important; wearing them correctly indicates respect for the interview process.


These were the top sales interview questions that are asked in a typical sales interview. As we have mentioned a couple of times, preparation is key to ace the interview and land your dream job. So, make sure you go in well-prepared with the above-mentioned Sales interview questions and answers for experienced and freshers.

If you are just starting out a career in sales, there is a lot you will need to learn to bolster your management skills along the way. Luckily, there are online programs that have made this easier than ever. upGrad’s PG Program in Management, Specialisation in Sales and Digital Marketing is not just confined to imparting in-demand sales skills and hands-on training. It also prepares aspiring young professionals for career advancement opportunities.


Kamal Jacob

Blog Author
Kamal is an experienced Online marketing consultant with a high degree of expertise in SEO, Web Analytics, Content/Technical planning and marketing.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is the difference between marketing and sales?

Both marketing and sales are integral business functions that deeply impact an organisation's revenues and lead generation outcomes. They are closely linked but with many differences. Marketing is the practice of developing awareness among the general population about your brand or product, or services. On the other hand, sales is a more individual customer-centric approach to turning people's awareness or followership into profit. While marketing generates market demand, sales help fulfil that demand. Sales actually focus on the company's needs, while marketing is more about market needs. Through marketing, a company moves its offerings to the market, while sales push it from the market to the customers.

2Is a sales job difficult?

The most common thing we hear about sales jobs is that it is a very tough job. And indeed, working in sales is not at all easy with its client-facing demands and hectic targets. If you plan to take up a job in sales, you need to understand from the very first that you will be up for a high challenge and will also need to put in long hours of very hard work. There will be sales targets that you need to achieve in order to attain the common goals of your firm or employer. You need to be able to handle rejections, be patient with customer outcomes, and keep up your levels of self-motivation.

3Can you succeed at a sales job without lying?

Generally, people working in sales do not have a very clear reputation concerning honesty; it is said that you often have to lie to make sales. But that is not an accurate idea about sales jobs that many of us have. Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to sales and can also be a more profitable approach in many cases. Actually, you do not need to be dishonest to sell a product or service. You need to be tactful and build honest and lasting customer relationships to make a difference.

4What is sales best answer for interview?

Sales is the process of identifying potential customers' needs, presenting a product or service that meets those needs, and persuading the customer to make a purchase, ultimately driving revenue for the business.

5Why should you hire me as the salesperson?

You should hire me as a salesperson because I have a proven track record of exceeding sales targets, strong interpersonal skills that enable me to build lasting customer relationships, and a deep understanding of the sales process, which allows me to effectively identify and address customer needs.

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