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How to answer for Reason for Job Change in Interview

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How to answer for Reason for Job Change in Interview

Changing jobs can be a complicated process. A survey shows more than 65% of US residents are actively changing and seeking new job opportunities in the market. But with a positive attitude, we must recognize the fact that change is healthy! While giving an interview with your potential employer, one thing to be certain about is to never disparage your previous company, regardless of the cause for change in employment, which could range from poor management to a terrible supervisor.

When you appear for a new interview, you may be required to answer the question, ‘What was the reason for a job change?’. Preparing for such questions beforehand will help you get a clear answer and help the employer understand your aspirations. 

In this article, we will discuss how you can answer this question with some positive replies to make you a better candidate than the rest.

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Top reasons for job change 

  • Looking for a better learning opportunity.

If you work for a company for a very long time, you might feel like your learning opportunities are limited. Say you were at your company for 3 years; it is more than enough to gather all the knowledge you can from your seniors and colleagues. If you are still knowledge hungry and feel your opportunities are confined, it is one of the top reasons for job change.

What to say: I am looking for better opportunities due to the increased expenses and inflation.

  • Develop your skills further.

You can use this reason as justification if your present position isn’t paying you what you’d anticipate. The process of developing new skills never stops. You will acquire new abilities when you switch jobs because every organization has a unique working process. A person who works for several different businesses will have more abilities and expertise than someone who just works for one.

What to say: I want to raise my skill level, and I believe that this is the finest option to do so.

  • Looking for growth.

You can use the fact that you aren’t getting promoted at work as justification for changing jobs. If you are not experiencing professional growth in your current position, it is best to move on.

What to say: I have stayed at the current company for a while now and am looking for opportunities to help me grow in my field and gain more finesse.

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  • Wanting to pursue new challenges.

Over a significant amount of time working at the same place of employment, all of your responsibilities and duties become part of the routine. As a result, even while there isn’t much more to learn in your current role, you can feel as though you are prepared for a tougher challenge. It’s a regular component of career growth, especially if you’re motivated to learn new skills and broaden your horizons.

What to say: My current job is not challenging me enough. I want to work in a place that will constantly challenge my knowledge and help me grow as an individual and a professional.

  • Lack of motivation.

Even though you were initially enthusiastic about a new opportunity, you’ll probably become tired of it eventually. A great way to renew or maintain your love for your career is by finding a new job in a similar or completely new role. However, the beliefs and mission of your future place of employment must coincide with your own, as your present company might not offer you meaningful employment.

What to say: My current employment does not motivate me to work with the same energy that it did when I just joined. I am looking for a company with interesting projects and opportunities for motivated work life. I think this is a great opportunity to do that.

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  • Require more input.

While some people like an authoritarian work environment, others flourish in a more inclusive one. Many people quit their careers when employees are unsure how their supervisors view their progress and effort.

For you to improve your performance, your firm must offer frequent feedback. Make every effort to land a job with frequent performance reviews which will be a massive factor in your growth and promotion. 

What to say: Unfortunately, at my current employment, I don’t receive any support or interest for my ideas; thus, I’m looking for a new position where I can get that support from the management.

  • Hope to work in a new setting.

The work environment differs in every company. This broad category may include private cubicles, open floor plans, and closed offices. Workplace comfort is crucial for many employees when searching for a new career. While some prefer a relaxed and casual environment, others prefer a more professional workspace. 

What to say: I have stayed at this company for a very long and have tried everything I can. I want to join a new work setting with great learning opportunities and interesting clients.

  • Better work-life balance.

Personal life is as vital as professional life, and it is a fact that many people face problems in balancing their work and personal life. Maintaining a balance means making time for family and friends as easily as you give importance to your work. Your boss may require you to work after hours at your current job; if this is an obstacle in your personal life, it is a valid reason to find a new job. This is a great ‘reason for job change’ answer.

What to say: Since there is no set schedule at my current employment, I have to work various shifts, which is terrible for my health, mental and physical. Therefore, I’m seeking a job with set hours or, at the very least, a set shift.

  • Looking to become more self-reliant.

Your current boss may sometimes micromanage you, trying to keep track of all your movements. You could consider requesting more discretion and flexibility in your new employment space to eliminate this sensation. To increase productivity, a good manager puts their employees’ faith in them and gives them the freedom to solve problems independently.

What to say: I have been guided and managed by my superiors for most of my career. Now it is time for me to get little assistance and grow as an individual by giving refreshing ideas.

  • More security.

Most companies, especially start-ups, can face cutbacks in budget or resources, which makes it difficult to feel a sense of security in any position in the company. To see your company go through any financial struggle is difficult because it puts your employment in jeopardy as well. This is a great ‘reason for job change’ answer.

What to say: Job security is vital to me, and I feel that working for [business name] will give me that assurance.

  • Clear future vision.

A meaningful job depends on working for an organization with a clear objective. If the goals and missions of your present employment are unclear, you may go elsewhere to find a company with clearer values and vision. With this knowledge, you can better understand how you contribute to the business’s overall success.

What to say: While my current employment provides excellent benefits, the company’s future vision is not clear, and I don’t understand my future in the company. Your business shows growth and has a clear vision which aligns with my goals and is a great opportunity for me.

  • Promotion is not possible.

This might justify a career change if, despite your efforts and experience, you are not receiving any promotions. However, you must outline the amount of effort you put into the job and your primary duties so that it is clear that you are not incompetent for the job.

What to say: Since my current employment does not offer the opportunity for advancement, which I have been seeking for a very long time, I am currently looking for a new position that fits my expertise and skill set.

  • The company’s values have changed.

The firm outlines its rights and duties when a new employee is hired. You may discover after some time that you are no longer doing the same work as you once did. It’s possible that some of your benefits have been reduced, or you could be doing work for which you did not apply. This is the best answer for reason for job change in interview.

What to say: When I joined my current job, my company’s values were very different at the time I joined, and I am looking for a new opportunity for me.

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There may be several factors to consider while changing jobs. Maybe you want to leave a toxic workplace or work for a firm with more specific goals. You can approach this the right way if you use the above-mentioned advice. 

At UpGrad, you can explore various courses which will help you enhance your career. You can advance by taking several courses designed specifically for working professionals, such as ‘MBA (Global) | Deakin Business School’ and ‘‘Professional Certificate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics’ which are provided in collaboration with top institutions.


Karan Raturi

Blog Author
Karan Raturi is the General Manager of upGrad North America. He has also led various finance, strategy, and operations teams at Wayfair, Kurt Salmon, and IBM.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are things you should consider before joining a new company?

While there are several reasons to consider, you must initially look at the appreciation of employees, work-life balance, and growth.

2What can a company change to improve the life of employees?

Healthy criticism, fast feedback, offering opportunities for growth, and improving communication between management and their subordinates.

3What reason is the best answer for reason for job change in interview?

This is subjective. There is no best reason. An employee must consider their growth and comfort before considering this change.

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