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Future Scope of DevOps – 9 Reasons To Learn DevOps in 2024

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Future Scope of DevOps – 9 Reasons To Learn DevOps in 2024

As someone who’s deeply into this field, let me tell you about the future scope of DevOps. DevOps is all about making things run smoothly in a company by automating tasks. Big companies like Netflix and Amazon use DevOps to work faster and better. It helps create apps quickly and puts them out there for people to use. And guess what? The DevOps market is expected to be worth a lot of money by 2026! That means there will be many jobs, like a DevOps Engineer, and they pay well too, from 4.2 lakhs to 12.3 lakhs. So, DevOps is something to consider if you’re considering a career. Let’s explore more about it together! 

DevOps has a great and promising future. The practical applications of DevOps are increasing day by day. Let’s discuss the future of DevOps in different areas of the IT industry and where most opportunities lie. The demand for DevOps is well reflected in the salary of DevOps Engineer in India.

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DevOps is the automation of the process in an organisation. The DevOps engineers carry out this process and to carry forward the task, they understand various aspects of DevOps as well such as its culture, philosophies, and tools. Most companies in today’s times use DevOps to automate tasks. Companies like Netflix, Google, and Amazon use DevOps to increase the productivity and efficiency of their teams.

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There are frequent questions like ‘What is devops technology?’ so to answer that, the DevOps allows for creating faster and smoother development of the apps. Also, the deployment also becomes easier with the use of DevOps. It is a continuous process to take out the last mile delivery. DevOps is a continuous process of delivery and integration where automation can be executed. It makes sure to test, develop, and operate by taking the lesser time. The changes that take place during development, integration, automation, etc seem to be more stable. DevOps has various processes attached to it such as coding to develop, building and integration, ongoing testing, reporting the risks for better development, configuration, monitoring, etc. 

There is a growing market for DevOps in today’s time the market is expected to reach US$ 287.9 billion by 2026 (Source). There are various roles and responsibilities that are available in the market for DevOps professionals such as DevOps Engineer, Platform Engineer, Building Engineer, Platform Engineer, etc. Devops engineer salary in the market is  The salary of a DevOps engineer ranges from 4.2 lakhs to 12.3 lakhs and the average salary is 6.0 LPA (Source).  So the apprehension ‘Is devops a good career?’ gets answered.

Exploring Current Demand for DevOps 

As an individual actively involved in the field of DevOps, I specifically see the huge impact it has on speeding up software deployment. The strategy of combining operations with development to increase productivity and adaptability is more important than ever. Here’s the reason why I believe DevOps future scope is encouraging: 

 Market growth:  

  • The global DevOps market is estimated to be valued at USD 111.72 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 9.71%. This expansion is driven by the growing requirement for enterprises to respond rapidly to changing market requirements and provide software swiftly.
  • The need for DevOps technologies is also increasing, with the market projected to exceed USD 25.11 billion by 2027. This demonstrates an increasing demand for unified approaches that simplify DevOps procedures. 

 Driving forces:  

  1. Cloud adoption: The transition to a cloud-based platform involves shorter creation and implementation phases, making DevOps approaches vital to agility and productivity.
  2. Digital transformation: To remain profitable, businesses must embrace technological advances, which necessitate the use of DevOps to eliminate the disconnect between innovation and deployment.
  3. Security concerns: DevOps incorporates security across the entire development phases, fixing vulnerabilities and facilitating quicker reactions to security incidents. 

In the DevOps roadmap 2024 to a successful career in the industry, the learners need to focus on building relevant skills that accelerate one’s careers. Enough time should be invested in learning skillsets, some of which are mentioned below-

  1. Programming languages (Python, Ruby, Rust, Node.js, etc.)
  2. Understanding concepts of OS (Process management, Sockets, Threads and Concurrency, etc.)
  3. Understanding version control systems
  4. Managing servers
  5. Linus Concepts
  6. Web Server Concepts
  7. Infrastructure as a code
  8. Configuration of software
  9. Deploy
  10. CI/CD Pipelines
  11. Application Monitoring
  12. Cloud providers and services
  13. Cloud patterns

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The Trends and Future of DevOps

1. DevOps in the Security Field 

The field of security is peculiar because the more you automate, the higher chances of automating problems too. So all automation being done in this area is intrinsically controlled, and this brings enormous scope for DevOps philosophy.

Implementation of DevOps should ensure the security of the product being developed in production and even int the test environments. This stands as the governance and codes of ethics of DevOps philosophy. DevOps must ensure security protocols that ensure the application’s integrity and conformance with the security policies of the company.

Security is of the utmost importance for any organization today. Data is central to businesses and they want to protect it from any unauthorized access. The data could be either the company’s data or the user’s which the organization does not aim to compromise with. DevOps is also utilized to safeguard the application that is aligned with the terms and conditions of the organization’s policies.

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To ensure the safety of the system, the DevOps engineers decipher the potential threats the system is prone to and brainstorm about them. And in order to safeguard the system from threats the engineering focus on creating processes immune to breaches. They invest time in coding and continuous security testing to safeguard the system. Various other measures are also carried forward, such as monitoring and conducting a security development lifecycle (SDL).

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2. AI/ML in the DevOps Framework

The software development life cycle is revolutionized with the DevOps methodology, cloud-native approach, and microservices architecture. DevOps integrates testing and production environments, and developers get to see the problems before applications go live.

Applying AI and ML to the DevOps pipelines can help you run builds and automation in a much better with closer insights a control. People are moving from DevOps to DataOps and AIOps, which focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to learn from logs and monitoring metrics to drive the DevOps in a controlled fashion.

Tools like Moogsoft and BigPanda are market pioneers in AIOps that collect data from different monitoring and logging systems, apply artificial intelligence to it, and provide the engineer with more detailed insights and actionable data. Read more about DevOps tools. DevOps is maturing with AI making like simpler for developers, operations guys, and the DevOps engineers.

Technology is getting matured with each passing day, and AI/ ML brings a revolution in the digital world. Artificial intelligence allows organisations to work with a huge volume of data. The enormous amount of data can be scanned very quickly. The configuration is done quickly reducing any scope of human-induced errors that reduce the cost and increase productivity. 

There is a lot of scope in the AI/ ML industry where engineers can use the technology to increase the efficiency of tasks. The AI/ ML in the DevOps can be used in quality checking, tracking the progress of the application, increasing the security of productions, the threats can be detected early by running processes or algorithms to prevent damage to the process, and many more.

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3. Automation for Every Company

In today’s world, everything happens over the internet. Most companies are changing to be like IT company that provides some particular services. For example, was a travel company that now functions as an IT company that provides travel services.

For every company, its software is the critical element that brings in sales and business. Hence automation of software deployment and infrastructure provisioning is key to all modern businesses. It plays a crucial role in improving efficiency and bringing out the best software. DevOps methodologies thus play a significant role in all modern companies today.

Automation of the software is becoming important to companies, there are many advantages attached to it, for example, the reduction in errors. In manual functioning, there are lot many scopes for errors that are human-induced and those errors become a setback to the process where the time, cost, or resources are over utilised. But automation reduces the scope of an error where it saves time, effort, and cost, and utilise the resources well and in the end, it enhances the productivity of the team. The automation increases the feedback loops among development and operations teams. Because of this feature, new features can be deployed faster which enhances the quality. The automation allows the faster development of the products that address the existing problem and quicker maintenance of the existing systems.

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4. Container Technology

Container technology is evolving and emerging faster than before. Containers can be used in various ways to provide different benefits. Containers can be used to sandbox applications for security and resource constraints. Research is going around using containers per user or user session.

This idea brings a limitless array of opportunities for improving user security, system security, and performing user analytics. As containerization technology improves, containers will become more cost-effective to deploy.

All the software components are put into one unit that is a container and this is what container technology is. And this single container is used to run all the microservices to the large services. And this container and unit hold everything such as codes, libraries, configuration information, etc that are used for smoother deployment of the software across the network.

These containers are very lightweight that they can be very easily deployed across the systems without adding any extra load. These containers can be deployed to multiple operating systems as well. They share the same host operating systems rather than requiring multiple operating systems. This adds to another advantage of using container technology. 

5. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a growing field with a lot of applications for DevOps concepts. Gone are those days when people worried about building an entire infrastructure for the application. Today people only ask for the platform on which their applications can be hosted.

DevOps has a lot of applications in providing PaaS solutions in terms of configuration management, continuous security, and containerization. Whose knows, in the coming days, the technology might very well improve that developers would only need to define a couple of markers or entry points in their application, and this alone would be sufficient for the application to be hosted or deployed by itself. 

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Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides a platform as a service to the users. The platforms that are developed allow the users or the organsations to utilise the platforms to build, innovate, develop, or run their applications according to the business needs. 

PaaS provides an ecosystem that is browser-based. It is a very advantageous feature that allows the users to develop the platform for their business growth. And this platform can be developed using the technology of Application Programming Interface or point-and-click tools.

PaaS provides the system that allows the users to build platforms that are scalable and secure which adds to more acceptance of PaaS. The business can develop applications rapidly making the organsiations more agile. This is facilitated by the continuous integration and deployment that the technology uses. Some of the examples of PaaS are Azure, AWS, Digital Ocean, Beanstalk, etc. Just to explain a few Azure is commonly known as Windows Azure provides many cloud services that facilitate computing, networking, storage, etc. Azure DevOps scope is really high as the demand for Azure professionals is increasing and going upwards.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides a platform as a service to the users. The platforms that are developed allow the users or the organsations to utilise the platforms to build, innovate, develop, or run their applications according to the business needs. 

PaaS provides an ecosystem that is browser-based. It is a very advantageous feature that allows the users to develop the platform for their business growth. And this platform can be developed using the technology of Application Programming Interface or point-and-click tools.

PaaS provides the system that allows the users to build platforms that are scalable and secure which adds to more acceptance of PaaS. The business can develop applications rapidly making the organsiations more agile. This is facilitated by the continuous integration and deployment that the technology uses. Some of the examples of PaaS are Azure, AWS, Digital Ocean, Beanstalk, etc. Just to explain a few Azure is commonly known as Windows Azure provides many cloud services that facilitate computing, networking, storage, etc. Azure DevOps scope is really high as the demand for Azure professionals is increasing and going upwards.

6. DevOps and Focus on Integration Between Edge Services

The traditional model of on-premises is clearly changing. In the last few years, companies have moved to Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Database as a Service (DBaaS), and Platform as a Service (Paas) solutions. With cloud technologies pitching in heavily and containerization technologies going widespread, DevOps has to play a significant role in the integration of all these services that are hosted on different platforms.

Public clouds are gaining popularity and acceptance, and today, even traditional companies are moving to cloud-based solutions because of the cost savings that they can offer. Companies are now planning to use configuration management tools along with container technologies to fully automate infrastructure provisioning and management. This calls for a bright future for DevOps.

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7. DevOps Will Play a Role in Seamless Security Integration

Most of the security breaches result from the vulnerability at the application layer. Companies are now trying to adopt a mature and secure software development approach that helps to evade all these threats. Companies are currently moving towards a programmatic approach to application security that embeds security in the early stages of the software development lifecycle.

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Companies want a security approach that goes beyond just scanning and fixing security flaws. DevOps can play a vital role here. With the continuous security philosophy, DevOps can enable seamless security integration to allow the development teams to develop secure software code faster than before. DevOps continuous security ensures testings are done along the development lifecycle and not at the end of it.

Thus developers will be able to find code bugs during the development phase itself, ensuring the security of the software before the formal test phase.

The security operations are used for increasing the security of the system. There are many potential threats that the systems are prone to. Engineers run many functions that detect potential breaches or threats to the systems. The security of the data can be secured by these operating systems. 

The secure cultures that are adopted by the engineers bring more credibility to the system. This brings more control to vulnerability management. And security management can be inculcated in all the steps of the software.

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8. Job as a Code

The development-to-operations handshake is still a manual and tedious process. In 2019, it is expected that the DevOps philosophy would emphasize “jobs-as-code” in the software delivery lifecycle. This could act as coding automation instrumentation. This approach with the Infrastructure as a Code methodology and CI/CD pipelines will help reduce the time gap for the development-to-operations handshake.

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Job as a Code brings more features to the DevOps technology where more integration of version control, test control, and maintenance control can be initiated.  This defines how the applications run on automation. This basically defines “Automation rules”. 

Some of the examples of the Job as a code are warehouse management, customer billing, etc. These rules define how to run, what to run, identification of success or failure, and what strategy to use to address the failure. In the earlier times, there was no scope to identify the gaps in the technology in the development stage, and this contributed to wasted efforts, more cost, and time which reduces the productivity of the team. 

But now with a job as a code technology, the developers can use the technology in the continuous process and test or run the applications while building. Control M or AI is used to include consistency in the application development, testing, and securing process. It increases productivity, saves time, automates scheduling, etc.

9. Containers Will Override Configuration Management

In 2019, the world of DevOps is being shaken by container orchestration platforms. Container orchestration mechanisms are so powerful that they can grow to replace configuration management tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet.

Kubernetes is today the best known and most widely used container orchestration system, but many more are yet to hit the industry. If appropriately implemented, container orchestration systems can simplify the infrastructure provisioning and many of the complexities around it.

The DevOps world will have to adopt this new method of Infrastructure as Code. The industry will also move towards standardizing the frameworks for software versions minimizing the need for software configurations. For example, companies can release different docker images of the same software with different configurations as per customer needs. Thus the need for configuration management tools will get reduced.  

Future Impact of DevOps Across Industries  

DevOps, an integrated software development and procedures approach, is currently changing numerous sectors. Its effect will only grow in years to come, promoting better efficiency, agility, and creativity throughout the organization.   

Still, wondering what the future of DevOps engineers is?  

Let me provide you with some perspective on how DevOps will impact various important industries and what this entails for its longer-term scope, particularly for aspiring engineers wondering is DevOps a good career in future?:  

1. IT Industry  

Hyper-scalability and Automation: DevOps will automate infrastructure setup and implementations, allowing IT teams to scale services up or down as required to meet the needs of dynamic cloud platforms.  

Microservices and Continuous Deployment: Breaking down massive programs into smaller, autonomous microservices would shorten the process of development and enable continuous delivery of services. This technique is critical for rapid market adoption, demonstrating DevOps scope in future in improving organizational adaptability and efficiency.  

AI and Machine Learning Integration: DevOps will use AI and ML to streamline processes, forecast and prevent problems, and optimize resource usage, resulting in regeneration and self-optimizing platforms. 

2. Telecom  

Faster Deployment of 5G and Edge Computing: Simplified workflows will hasten the implementation of future-proof networks and computational edge solutions, allowing for real-time applications and enhanced accessibility. The scope of DevOps in future is powering forthcoming telecom infrastructures is enormous.  

Enhanced Network Automation: DevOps approaches will automate network management operations, resulting in faster responses to network concerns and a higher level of service.  

Personalization and Data-Driven Operations: DevOps will enable customer-focused network services using data analysis and automation, resulting in enhanced customer service and improved network efficiency. 

3. Healthcare  

Accelerated Development of Medical Technologies: DevOps will speed up the growth and implementation of breakthrough healthcare apps like telemedicine services and AI-powered diagnostics.  

Improved Data Security and Adherence: Automation and collaborative safety responsibility will enhance data protection and maintain regulatory compliance in healthcare.  

Real-Time Patient Monitoring and Analytics: The ongoing distribution of analytics programs will enable continual tracking of patient data, resulting in faster diagnosis and better care. 

4. Hospitality  

Dynamic Pricing and Personalized Experiences: DevOps will enable immediate changes to pricing and services based on consumer data, resulting in customized interactions and revenue management.  

Automation of Back-Office Operations: Automated workflows will simplify booking, check-in, and numerous other administrative tasks, increasing operating efficiency and lowering expenses. 

5. Banking  

Advanced Fraud Detection and Safety: Regular integration and distribution will allow for real-time monitoring and reaction to any security risks, protecting consumer data and banking transactions.  

Improved Automation and Regulation Compliance: Automated workflows will simplify banking processes while ensuring compliance with challenging banking regulations.  

Future Impact of DevOps Across Countries 

DevOps, the ideology that encourages cooperation between operations and development, can potentially transform the technology conditions of nations, shaping the DevOps engineer future scope. Let me walk you through how it could influence certain countries:  

1. India  

Growth Driver: With an emphasis on digitization and enormous fresh tech talent, India is well-positioned to adopt DevOps practices. Growing automation and utilization of cloud services will fuel this expansion, resulting in more efficiency and creativity.  

It is critical to fill the gap between skilled IT professionals’ needs and DevOps skill availability. Investing in educational and training opportunities will be critical for empowering employees.  

2. US 

Maturing Market: As a nation pioneering DevOps technology, the United States will witness sustained industry adoption. The emphasis is going to change toward modern methods such as security-integrated DevOps and driven by AI automation.  

Cybersecurity Concerns: Safeguarding DevOps processes and cloud services will be critical in dealing with changing cyber-attacks.  

3. Canada  

Government Use: As the Canadian government focuses on digitized services, DevOps will play an important role in improving the execution of public services.  

SME Focus: Small and medium-sized organizations (SMEs) will use DevOps to stand out efficiently in the global economy. 

4. UK  

Financial Sector: DevOps is going to be essential to London’s financial hub to preserve its competitive advantage in flexible banking and finance.  

Emphasis on Open Source: The UK’s significant open-source ecosystem will help to create and utilize open-source DevOps technologies.  

5. Australia  

Digital Transformation: DevOps will be essential in Australia’s efforts to digitally transform, notably in the fields of education and healthcare.  

Developing Technologies: Reliable and effective DevOps processes will help to accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies such as blockchain and AI.  

Future of DevOps Jobs

The future scope of DevOps careers is thrilling and optimistic, with consistent demand and changing requirements. Here’s why:  

First, let’s address the positive information: demand is increasing. The DevOps market is expected to reach $51 billion by 2030, which means there will be lots of chances for qualified people. But here’s the catch: skills may change.  

Consider repetitive duties like deployment. Robots have that covered. However, you’ll be honing your skills in automation, infrastructure engineering, and ensuring security and compliance. Cloud platforms like AWS and Azure will grow to be your primary language, while data analytic abilities will be your hidden weapon. 

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So, would your job vanish? Not a chance! It will evolve, requiring higher-level talents and constant learning. But nevertheless, that’s what makes things thrilling, right? Consider yourself at the leading edge of innovation, developing and implementing software like a pro while keeping the safety doors closed tight. Pretty nice, right?  

The DevOps future scope is promising for those who are capable of adapting and accepting innovation. So, keep learning and improving while keeping that DevOps enthusiasm alive. The world requires your abilities, and believe me, the benefits will be worthwhile! 


The future scope of DevOps is incredibly promising, with a growing number of companies embracing this methodology. As a mid-career professional, I’ve witnessed firsthand how DevOps methodologies are evolving alongside new tools and technologies. In this article, we’ve delved into the future prospects of DevOps and its potential to further revolutionize the industry. If you’re considering a career as a DevOps engineer, I highly recommend exploring IIIT-B & upGrad’s PG Diploma in Full Stack Software Development Program. It’s a fantastic opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in this dynamic field. 


Arjun Mathur

Blog Author
Arjun is Program marketing manager at UpGrad for the Software development program. Prior to UpGrad, he was a part of the French ride-sharing unicorn "BlaBlaCar" in India. He is a B.Tech in Computers Science from IIT Delhi and loves writing about technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why we should learn DevOps?

DevOps is a very advanced technology that reduces the time taken to operate the processes. It is useful for better maintenance of the existing software. DevOps uses various technologies such as container technology that allows the engineers to maintain using a single unit across the networks.

2Do software engineers need to know DevOps?

Yes, software engineers should be aware of DevOps. The professionals are required to work on many IT tools and technologies that are useful for them to work on the software in a much smoother manner.

3What does DevOps engineer do?

The DevOps engineers work on many aspects. Some of the tasks are mentioned below- Introduces process Utilise tools Devise methodologies Code Deploy Maintain Secure the technologies Send updates

4What is latest in DevOps?

Among many recent updates, serverless computing and autonomous DevOps automation are going to take the technology to new heights.

5ow is the market for DevOps?

DevOps is a growing market and is expected to reach high in the coming times. The projections are good for the market. It is expected to reach USD 10.31 Billion by 2023

6What is the salary of DevOps engineer in India?

The professionals in the DevOps industry get good growth. The salary of a DevOps engineer ranges from 4.2 lakhs to 12.3 lakhs and the average salary is 6.0 LPA. This salary growth of the DevOps professionals may vary and could be more depending upon the skillset, experience, and upskilling history.

7What is DevOps full form?

DevOps is a combination of two words. Dev stands for development and Ops stands for operations.

8Why do we need DevOps?

DevOps allows the users to work with the data in a more smoother manner to make better decisions. It allows for better development, running, maintaining, testing, and updating of the applications across the networks.

9Can a fresher learn DevOps?

Yes, a fresher can definitely learn devOps. They need to be focused and disciplined. A proper training and foundation is required for them in order to stay on the track throughout the learning process.

10What is the scope of DevOps?

The scope of DevOps is really high. The developers require DevOps to build a robust mechanism. They maintain the applications and build better security operations. The AI/ML is a game changer that the organisations focus a lot on including better in their system. DevOps reduces the scope of error and its many more features are really attractive to the businesses that the acceptance is growing the market.

11Why should you learn DevOps in 2021?

The way people look at software now has completely changed. They find it extremely challenging to learn DevOps or any other high-demand skill that is flowing in the market right now. However, given the current scenario, DevOps is a great addition to your skill set especially if you are coming from an IT background. Moreover, DevOps will also reap benefits for security specialists and system admin. It will lay out an extensive path for you that will take you up the road to success. Due to the scarcity of DevOps intellect, the scope of hiring DevOps engineers is unlimited. Therefore, if you are planning to learn DevOps, now is the time.

12How can DevOps contribute to accelerating your career growth?

As a software engineer, the word DevOps must be familiar to you. The tech sector knows DevOps, and the industry is booming due to its endless opportunities. DevOps helps companies to create products, at a fast rate. Furthermore, working in a DevOps team helps you through the deployment cycle followed by learning the basics of code integration and testing. The combination of development and operations assists teams to work together closely and deliver products in a smooth way. Once you are well-versed with the Agile methodology, and incorporate the communication skills, DevOps will be effortless for you.

13In regards to career, is DevOps a good choice?

The need for skilled DevOps resources is rising in the market and demand needs to be met. Today, every company has its setup on the cloud, and they need highly-skilled professionals to conduct their process. The future of DevOps is promising for computer intellects. Another added advantage is a handsome salary. Companies use DevOps to provide reliable, furnished, and fast solutions to their end customers. In the past few years, DevOps has given 40-45% of jobs to employees. The demand will only increase in the coming years. The right knowledge of tools and technologies being used in DevOps can automatically boost your chances to knock a high-paying job.

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