Top 130+ Java Interview Questions & Answers 2024

Updated on 27 June, 2024

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Java Interview Questions & Answers

Java Interview Questions & Answers

In this article, we have compiled the most frequently asked Java Interview Questions. These questions will give you an acquaintance with the type of questions that an interviewer might ask you during you interview for Java Programming

As a fresher, you have either just attended an interview or planning to attend one soon. An Entry Level jobseeker looking to grow your career in software programming, may be nervous about your upcoming interviews. All of us have those moments of panic where we blank out and might even forget what a thread is. We will simplify it for you, all you need to do is take a deep breath and check the questions that are most likely to be asked.

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Embrace the opportunity to showcase your passion for software programming. These carefully curated interview questions encompass core Java concepts, offering a solid foundation to build upon. Whether unraveling the mysteries of threads or delving into fundamental programming paradigms, remember that preparation is vital. Embrace each question as a chance to demonstrate your enthusiasm and potential. With each response, you paint a picture of your capabilities. So, take a moment, absorb these questions, and approach your interview with newfound confidence. Your journey to a fulfilling software programming career begins here.

You can’t avoid panicking, but you can definitely prepare yourself so that when you step in that interview room. You are confident and know you can handle anything the interviewer might throw at you.

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Here is a compiled list of comprehensive 24 Java Interview Questions with Answers (latest 2022) that will help you nail that confidence, and ensure you sail through the interview.

1. What all does JVM comprise of?
JVM, short for Java Virtual Machine is required by any system to run Java programs. Its architecture essentially comprises of:
● Classloader: It is a subsystem of JVM and its main function is to load class files whenever a Java program is run.
● Heap: it is the runtime data that is used for allocating objects.
● Class area: it holds the class level of each class file such as static variables, metadata, and constant run pool.
● Stack: used for storing temporary variables.
● Register: the register contains the address of the JVM instruction currently being executed
● Execution engine: the EE consists of a virtual processor, an interpreter that executes instructions after reading the bytecode, and a JIT compiler which improves performance when the rate of execution is slow.
● Java Native Interface: it acts as the communication medium for interacting with other application developed in C, C++, etc.

  • Method Area: It is a storage area for compiled code of conventional language. 
  • Native  Method Libraries: The library consists of various lists of programming languages such as C, C++, or more. 

Java interview questions and answers like such make for a confident start in any interview. Whenever the interviewer asks you any component-related question, always categorise it and give one line description. This helps in creating a positive impression on the recruiter. 

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2. What is object-oriented programming? Is Java an object-oriented language?
Essentially, object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that works on the concept of objects. Simply put, objects are containers – they contain data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedures. Following that logic, an object-oriented language is a language that works on objects and procedures.

The object-oriented programming language consists of classes of objects that is linked with methods (functions) they are associated with.  

These concepts of object-oriented programming can contain data and code. The procedures are a common feature of objects that are attached to them. This helps in easy access and modification.

Some of the programming languages that consist of OOPs are C, C++, Python,  and Javascript. 

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Since Java utilizes eight primitive datatypes — boolean, byte, char, int, float, long, short and double — which are not objects, Java cannot be considered a 100% object-oriented language.

These types of java interview questions for freshers 2024 will stay relevant and will be asked in the coming times. Stay updated with your answers, and always be prepared to handle these fundamental questions, so brush up on the basics before appearing for your interview.

3. What do you understand by Aggregation in context of Java?
Aggregation is a form of association in which each object is assigned its own lifecycle. But, there is ownership in this, and the child object cannot belong to any other parent object in any manner.

It helps in reusing code. It builds a relationship between two classes that builds a ‘has-a’ and ‘whole/ part’ relationship. It contains a reference to another class and is said to be having ownership of that class. 

These technical-based java interview questions are asked to gauge the depth of your technical knowledge. Make sure not to keep your answers til a bookish definition; rather, mention how the technology is important or useful in the domain.

4. Name the superclass in Java.
Java.lang. All different non-primitive are inherited directly or indirectly from this class.

It is the ultimate base class for all non-primitive data types, directly or indirectly. This fundamental class provides essential methods like equals(), hashCode(), and toString(), which are throughout Java’s class hierarchy. Extending the Object, classes inherit a standardized interface, facilitating interoperability and enabling features like polymorphism and object comparison.

This pivotal superclass embodies the core principles of Java’s object-oriented paradigm, forming the cornerstone of the language’s rich class structure. Understanding its role empowers developers to harness the full potential of Java’s inheritance and abstraction mechanisms.

5. Explain the difference between ‘finally’ and ‘finalize’ in Java?
Used with the try-catch block, the ‘finally’ block is used to ensure that a particular piece of code is always executed, even if the execution is thrown by the try-catch block.

In contrast, finalize() is a special method in the object class. It is generally overridden to release system resources when garbage value is collected from the object.

Before appearing for the interview to tackle these types of java interview questions for freshers, you may refer to the below-mentioned table- 

Finally Finalize
Used for exception handling Protected method java.lang.object
It is a block. It is a method.
Can be followed by try-catch/ without it. Can be explicitly called from an application program.`
It is used to clean up the resources used in the ‘try’ block. Clean up the activities related to the object before the destruction.

6. What is an anonymous inner class? How is it different from an inner class?
Any local inner class which has no name is known as an anonymous inner class. Since it doesn’t have any name, it is impossible to create its constructor. It always either extends a class or implements an interface, and is defined and instantiated in a single statement.

A non-static nested class is called an inner class. Inner classes are associated with the objects of the class and they can access all methods and variables of the outer class.

Some of the features of an anonymous class include-

  • It is without any name.
  • Only one object is created for it.
  • It is used to override a method of a class. 
  • It can implement only one interface at a time.

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7. What is a system class?
It is a core class in Java. Since the class is final, we cannot override its behavior through inheritance. Neither can we instantiate this class since it doesn’t provide any public constructors. Hence, all of its methods are static.

These types of java interview questions for freshers 2024 are relevant and will be asked in the coming times.  Some of the features of system class include

  1. One of the core classes in Java.
  2. It is a final class and does not provide any public constructors.
  3. All members and methods in this class are static.
  4. This class cannot be inherited to override its methods.
  5. Its purpose is to provide access to system resources.

8. How to create a daemon thread in Java?
We use the class setDaemon(true) to create this thread. We call this method before the start() method, and else we get IllegalThreadStateException.

Daemon threads provide background support to non-daemon threads, allowing the program to terminate without waiting for them to finish their execution. These threads are useful for tasks like garbage collection or logging, ensuring that essential operations are managed efficiently and enhancing overall performance and responsiveness of Java applications.

Daemon threads in Java, marked by setDaemon(true), are crucial in maintaining a well-organized and responsive application environment. Unlike user threads, daemon threads don’t prevent the program from exiting once the main execution concludes. They gracefully terminate alongside the main thread, handling auxiliary tasks seamlessly.

By understanding and skillfully implementing daemon threads, developers can optimize resource utilization and enhance the overall user experience, making them an indispensable tool in Java multithreaded programming.

If you have more experience, such as ten years, these types of java interview questions for 10 years experience 2024 can be asked. 

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9. Does Java support global variables? Why/Why not?
No, Java doesn’t support global variables. This is primarily because of two reasons:
● They create collisions in the namespace.
● They break the referential transparency.

10. How is an RMI object developed?
The following steps can be taken to develop an RMI object:
● Define the interface
● Implement the interface
● Compile the interface and it implementations with the java compiler
● Compile server implementation with RMI compiler
● Run RMI registry
● Run application

11. Explain the differences between time slicing and preemptive scheduling?
In the case of time slicing, a task executes for a specified time frame – also known as a slice. After that, it enters the ready queue — a pool of ‘ready’ tasks. The scheduler then picks the next task to be executed based on the priority and other factors.

Time slicing is useful for non-priority scheduling. Every running- thread would be used for a fixed period. It is used for a predefined slice of time.

Whereas under preemptive scheduling, the task with the highest priority is executed either until it enters dead or warning states or if another higher priority task comes along.

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12. Garbage collector thread is what kind of a thread?
It is a daemon thread. It is a low priority thread running in the background.  Operating with lower priority, it discreetly works in the background, automatically managing memory by identifying and reclaiming unused objects. This integral part of Java’s memory management system ensures optimal resource utilization by freeing up memory occupied by objects that are no longer accessible.

The daemon nature of the garbage collector thread allows it to coexist harmoniously with other threads, executing its crucial role without delaying or obstructing the program’s primary functionality. This non-obtrusive yet essential thread contributes to Java’s efficiency and robustness, facilitating smoother application execution.

13. What is the lifecycle of a thread in Java?
Any thread in Java goes through the following stages in its lifecycle:
● New
● Runnable
● Running
● Non-runnable (blocked)
● Terminated

14. State the methods used during deserialization and serialization process.
Reads the file and deserializes the object.

Serialize the object and write the serialized object to a file.

15. What are volatile variables and what is their purpose?
Volatile variables are variables that always read from the main memory, and not from thread’s cache memory. These are generally used during synchronization.

The volatile variable is casted with a keyword “volatile” to signify that this variable can be changed by some outside factor. 

Some of the key features of the volatile memory-

  • It is a field modifier.
  • Improves thread performance
  • The thread cannot be blocked for being volatile in case waiting. 
  • Not subject to compiler optimisation.

16. What are wrapper classes in Java?
All primitive data types in Java have a class associated with them – known as wrapper classes. They’re known as wrapper classes because they ‘wrap’ the primitive data type into an object for the class. In short, they convert Java primitives into objects.

Some of the key features of wrapper classes in Java-

  • Convert primitive into object and object into primitive.
  • Contains the feature of autoboxing and unboxing to transform the primitive into objects and vice verca.

17. How can we make a singleton class?
By making its constructor private.

Some of the other ways of creating singleton class include-

  • Only one instance of class is present. 
  • Declare all constructors to be private.
  • Provide a static method that runs a reference to instance.

18. What are the important methods of Exception Class in Java?
● string getMessage()
● string toString()
● void printStackTrace()
● synchronized Throwable getCause()
● public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()

19. How can we make a thread in Java?
We can follow either of the two ways to make a thread in Java:
● By extending Thread Class

The disadvantage of this method is that we cannot extend any other classes since the thread class has already been extended.
● By implementing Runnable interface.

The thread class make performing operations on a thread easier by providing constructors and methods to create. It also facilitates in extending objects class and  implementing runnable interface. 

20. Explain the differences between get() and load() methods.
The get() and load() methods have the following differences:
● get() returns null if the object is not found, whereas load() throws the ObjectNotFound exception.
● get() always returns a real object, whereas load() returns a proxy object.
● get() method always hits the database whereas load() doesn’t.
● get() should be used if you aren’t sure about the existence of an instance, whereas load() should be used if you are sure that the instance exists.

21. What is the default value of the local variables?
They aren’t initialized to any default value. Neither are primitives or object references.

There are no default values assigned to the local variables. They should be declared and the initial value should be assigned  before the first use.

22. What is Singleton in Java?
It is a class with one instance in the whole Java application. For an example java.lang.Runtime is a Singleton class. The prime objective of Singleton is to control the object creation by keeping the private constructor.

Some of the features of Singleton in Java include-

  • A singleton class can have only one object or instance of a class at a time. 
  • Ensures existence of only class in JVM.
  • Must provide global access point to get the instance of  class. 
  • It is used for caching, logging, drivers object, thread pool, etc. 

Java interview questions 2024 can be frequently asked in coming times. So do not restrict yourself to one line response, rather mention of few features as well.

23. What is the static method?

A static method can be invoked without the need for creating an instance of a class. A static method belongs to the class rather than an object of a class. A static method can access static data member and can change the value of it. A static methods are accessed by their class name, rather than object of class.

One significant trait of static methods is their ability to access and modify static data members, promoting efficient data handling. It differentiates them from instance methods that operate within an object’s scope. Utilizing static methods enhances code organization and fosters a modular approach, simplifying the design and maintenance of Java programs by enabling direct class-level interaction.

24. What’s the exception?

Exceptions Unusual conditions during the program. This may be due to an incorrect logic written by incorrect user input or programmer.

This exception event occurs at an execution of a program disrupting the normal flow of the program’s instructions. There are various types of exceptions in Java such as-

  1. Checked exception
  2. Unchecked exception 

25. In simple terms, how would you define Java?

Java is a high-level, platform-independent, object-oriented portal, and offers support with high performance for building sophisticated programs, applications, and websites. Java is a general-purpose programming language that empowers developers to build rich functionality applications with their write once run anywhere (WORA) environment. James Arthur Gosling, a computer scientist from Canada, developed Java in 1991 and is popularly known as ‘Dr Java’. Today, Java has become an essential foundation for the modern IT industry.

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26. What is Java String Pool?

A String Pool in Java is a distinct place that has a pool of strings stored via the Java Heap Memory. Here, String represents a special class in Java, and string objects can be created using either a new operator or using values in double-quotes.
The String is immutable in Java, thus, making feasibility of String pool and then the further implementation via String interning concepts.

27. What is a collection class in Java? List down its methods and interfaces?

Java Collection Classes are special classes, which are exclusively used with static methods that work specifically on return collections. Java Collection by default inherit a class and have two essential features as:

  •  They support and operate with polymorphic algorithms that return new collections for every specific collection.
  • Methods in Java Collection throw a NullPointerException in case the class objects or collections have Null value. 

 These are represented and declared as Java.util.Collectionclass. 

 There are more than 60 methods, modifiers, and types of Java Collection classes. Here is a list of the topmost important methods in Java Collection Class: 

S. No. Modifier, Method, and Type Description
1. static <T> boolean addAll() This method allows the addition of specific elements to a particular collection.
2. static <T> Queue <T> asLifoQueue() This method allows the listing of the collection as Last-in-first-out (LIFO) in view.
3. static <T> int binarySearch() This method allows searching for a specific object and then returns them in a sorted list.
4. static <E> Collection<E> This method returns the dynamic view from any particular collection.
5. static <E> List <E> This method gives a return of a dynamic typesafe view from a particular list.

Here are some examples for Java Collection:
Java Collection min() Example:

 	import java.util.*;  
 	public class CollectionsExample {  
 	    public static void main(String a[]){         
 	        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();  
          System.out.println("Minimum Value element in the collection:  "+Collections.min(list));  

The output will be:

Minimum Value element in the collection: 12

Java Collection max() Example:

   import java.util.*;  
  public class CollectionsExample {  
      public static void main(String a[]){         
          List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();  
          System.out.println("Maximum Value element in the collection:  "+Collections.max(list));  

The output will be:

Maximum Value element in the collection: 90

Experienced professionals are expected to have an organised answer for these types of questions. You may choose to tackle java interview questions for 8 years experience 2024 in this manner.

28. What is a servlet?

Servlets are Java software components that add more capabilities to a Java server via technology, API, interface, class, or any web deployment. Servlets run specifically on Java-powered web application servers and are capable of handling complex requests from the web server. Servlets add the benefit of higher performance, robustness, scalability, portability, and ensure safety for the Java applications. 

Servlet Process or Execution:

  • This starts when a user sends a request from a web browser.
  • The web server receives and then passes this request to the specific servlet.
  • The Servlet then processes this request to get a specific response with output.
  • The Servlet then sends this response back to the web server.
  • Then the web server gets the information that the browser displays on the screen. 

 Java Servlets come with multiple classes and interfaces like GenericServlet, ServletRequest, Servlet API, HttpServlet, ServeResponse, etc.

29. What is Request Dispatcher?

In Servlet, RequestDispatcher acts as an interface for defining an object to receive requests from clients at one side and then dispatching it to particular resources on the other side (that may be a servlet, HTML, JSP). This RequestDispatcher has two methods in general: 

void forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) That allows and forwards the requests from any servlet to server resources in the form of a Servlet, HTML file, or a JSP file.
void include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) That has content for a particular resource in the form of a response such as HTML file, JSP page, or a servlet.

30. What is the life-cycle of a servlet?

Servlet is a Java software component that has the main function to first take the request, then process the request, and give a response to the user in an HTML page. Here Servlet Container manages the life-cycle of a servlet. Here are the main stages:

  • Loading Servlet.
  • Then initialising the Servlet.
  • Handling the Request (invoking service method).
  • Then destroying the Servlet.

 Here is a quick diagram showing the life cycle of a Java Servlet:


  • Loading Servlet

The life cycle for Servlet begins with the loading stage in the Servlet container. Servlet loads in either of the two ways with:          

  • Setting the servlet as a positive or zero integral value.
  • Secondly, this process may get delays, as the container selects the right servlet to handle the request. 

Now the containers first load the Servlet class and then build an instance via the no-argument constructor. 

  • Initialising Servlet

Next step is to use the Servlet.init(ServletConfig) method to initialise the Servlet for instance JDBC data source.

  • Handling the Request (Invoking Service Method)

Here the Servlet takes the client requests and performs the required operation using the service() method. 

  • Destroying the Servlet

Now the Servlet container destroys the servlet by performing and completing specific tasks and calling the destroy() method in the instance.

31. What are the different methods of session management in servlets?

Sessions track the user’s activity after they login to the site. Session management provides the mechanism to procure information for every independent user. Here are the four different methods for session management in the servlets:  

  • HttpSession
  • Cookies
  • URL Rewriting
  • HTML Hidden field

32. What is a JDBC Driver?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) here acts as a software component that allows Java applications to communicate with a database. 

JDBC drivers have the following four types in the environment:

  • JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
  • Network Protocol driver (Middleware driver)
  • Database Protocol driver (fully Java driver)
  • Native-API driver 

33. What is the JDBC Connection interface?

Connections define the sessions between the database and Java applications. JDBC Connection interface is part of the java.sql package only and provides session information for a particular database. These represent multiple SQL statements for executing and results in the context of a single connection interface. Here are the main methods for Connections interface:

  • createStatement(): To create a specific statement object for adding SQL statements to the particular database.
  • setAutoCommit(boolean status): To define the connection of a commit mode to a false or true directive. 
  • commit(): That makes all the modifications from the last commit and further releases any database presently held by the specific Connection object. 
  • rollback(): That undoes or rollbacks all the changes done in the past or current transaction and also releases the presently held database in the connection object. 
  • close(): That terminates or closes the current connection and also releases or clears the JDBC resources instantly.

34. Name the different modules of the Spring framework?

There are multiple modules in the Spring framework:

  • Web module
  • Struts module
  • Servlet module
  • Core Container module
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Application Context module
  • MVC framework module
  • JDBC abstraction and DAO module
  • OXM module
  • Expression Language module
  • Transaction module
  • Java Messaging Service (JMS) module
  • ORM integration module 

These modules are present in groups:


35. Explain Bean in Spring and list the different scopes of Spring bean.

Beans are one of the fundamental concepts of the Spring framework in managing structures efficiently. In a simple definition, Spring Bean represents the IoC containers that manage the object forming the backbone of applications.

Scopes of Spring Bean:

 Scopes play a crucial role in the effective use of Spring beans in the application. Scope helps us to understand the lifecycle of the Spring Bean, and they have the following types.

S. No. Scope and Description
1. Singleton – By default, Spring bean scope has a singleton scope that represents only one instance for Spring IOC container. This same object gets shared for each request.
2. Prototype – In this, a new instance will be called and created for every single bean definition, every time a request is made for a specific bean. 
3. Request – In this scope, a single bean will be called and created for every HTTP request for that specific bean. 
4. Session – This scope defines the single bean use for a life cycle in a particular global HTTP session. 
5. Global-session – This scope allows a single bean for the particular life cycle for implementing in the global HTTP session. 

 Note: Last three scopes are applicable in the web-aware Spring ApplicationContext only.

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36. Explain the role of DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener.

While configuring XML based Spring MVC configuration in web.xml file, two declarations of DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener play an essential role in complementing the purpose of the framework.  

  • DispatcherServlet – 

DispatcherServlet has the primary purpose for managing incoming web requests for specific matching configured URI patterns. DispatcherServlet acts as the front controller for the core of the Spring MVC application and specifically loads the configuration file and then initialises the right beans present in that file. And when annotations are enabled, then it can also check and scan the configurations and packages for all annotated with @Repository, @Component, @Service, or @Controller. 

  • ContextLoaderListener – 

ContextLoaderListener here acts as the request listener for starting and shutting down root WebApplicationContext. So, it creates and shares the root application context with child contexts by the DispatcherServlet contexts. Applications can only use one entry for the ContextLoaderListener in the web.xml.

37. Explain Hibernate architecture.

Hibernate defines a layered architecture that empowers users to operate and perform without knowing the underlying APIs, i.e., Hibernate acts as a framework to build and develop persistence logic independent from the Database software. 

Hibernate architecture has the main four layers with: 

  • Java application layer
  • Database layer
  • Backend API layer
  • Hibernate framework layer

Elements of the Hibernate Architecture

There are several aspects and scope for Hibernate architecture. To learn more about them, you must know about the elements of Hibernate architecture. 

  • SessionFactory: Sessionfactory provides the method to create session objects that are present in the org.hiberate package only. It is thread-safe in nature, immutable, and holds and preserves the second-level cache of the data. 
  • Session: Session objects provide the interface for Connection and Database software via the hibernate framework. 
  • Transaction: Interface that aids transaction management and allows a change in the database. 
  • ConnectiveProvider: A part of the JDBC connections, it separates the main application from the DataSource or DriverManager. 
  • TransactionFactory: Represents the factory of the transaction.

38. What is an exception hierarchy in Java?

The exception defines the unwanted events that present themselves during the run or execution of the program. Exception disrupts the regular flow of the program.
Exception Hierarchy is part of the java.lang.Exception class and comes under the primary Throwable class only. Another subclass ‘Error’ also represents the Throwable class in Java. Though Errors are unusual conditions in case of a failure, still they are not handled or cleared with the Java programs.
There are two primary subclasses for exceptional hierarchy in Java with RuntimeException class and IOCException Class. 

This unwanted or unexpected event can occur at several times such as compile-time or run- time in an application.

39. What is synchronization?

Synchronization in Java defines the capability to manage and control the access of multiple threads to a particular resource. So that, one thread can access a specific resource at the present time. Here, Java allows the development of threads and then synchronizing tasks via the synchronizing blocks. 

 These Synchronized blocks allow only one thread execution for a particular time and block the other threads until the current thread exits in the block. Here monitors concept is crucial in implementing the synchronization in Java. Once the thread goes in a lock phase, it is termed to enter the monitor. Thus, locking all the other threads unless the first thread has exited the monitor.

Synchronization gives the capability to control multiple threads at any resource that is shared. Synchronization becomes usefu for reliable communication between threads as the multiple threads might try to access the shared resources at the same time thus producing results that are inconsistent.

40. What are the features that make Java one of the best programming languages?

Here are the top features that make Java for starting your learning curve in the programming world:

  • Simplicity: Java is quite simple to learn and write. Java syntax is in C++ that allows the developers to write programs seamlessly. 
  • OOPS: Java is based on the object-oriented programming system (OOPS), thus, empowering to build code in multiple types of objects with different data and behavior.
  • Dynamic: Java is a complete dynamic language that supports the loading of dynamic classes whenever and wherever required. And it also has comprehensive support for native code language such as C, C++, etc.
  • Platform Independent: Java also supports exclusive and platform-independent programming language, thus, allowing developers to run their program on their platform only.
  • Portability: Java has a reach once write anywhere approach that allows the code to run on any platform. 
  • Security: Following the concept of ByteCode, exception handling, and no use of any explicit pointers makes Java a highly secured environment. 

Java is also architect neutral with no dependency on any architecture. Strong memory management and automated garbage collection add more robustness to its environment. 

41. What makes Java enable high performance?

Use of Just in Time (JIT) compiler in its architecture makes Java one of the high performing programming languages, as it transforms instructions into bytecodes.

The JIT compiler is helpful in compiling of code on demand. The fast and time efficient features come into play because whichever method is called, only that method block gets compiled.

42. Name most popular Java IDE’s.

There are many IDE’s available in the industry for Java. Here are the top five Java IDEs that you can use to start learning this programming language today: 

  • Eclipse
  • Netbeans
  • IntelliJ
  • JDeveloper
  • MyEclipse

43. Define the main differences between Java and other platforms?

 Two main differences that make Java stand out from other platforms are:

  • Java is primarily a software-based platform, while others can be either software or hardware-based platforms. 
  • Java runs or executes on any hardware platform, whereas others require specific hardware requirements.

You may refer to the below mentioned table to understand the differences between Java and other platforms-

Java Other platforms 
Software-only platform that runs on top of hardware- based platforms. Other platforms are usually hardware software or hardware only platforms.
Java code can be developed n any OS. Other platforms do not have this feature.
Java has its own run time environment such as JRE(Java Run-Time Environment) and JVM (Java Virtual Machine) This function is missing on other platforms.

44. What makes Java have its ‘write once and run anywhere’ (WORA) nature?

Well, the one-word answer is Bytecode. Java compiler converts all the Java programs into a specific Byte Code acting as a mediator language between the machine code and source code. ByteCode can run on any computer and has no platform dependency. 

45. Explain the different types of access specifiers used in Java.

In the Java programming language, access specifiers represent the exact scope for class, variable, or a method. There are four main access specifiers:

  • Public defined variables, methods, or classes are accessible across any method or class. 
  • Protected access specifier defines the scope of a class, method, and variable to the same package, within the same class, or to that particular subclass of class. 
  • The Default scope is there for all the present classes, variables, and methods with access to the package only. 
  • The Private scope keeps access of class, variables, and methods to a particular class only. 

The access modifiers are mainly used for encapsulation. It helps to control what part of program can access the members of a class to prevent the data misuse. 

While tackling questions like such make sure to also make a slight mention of importance of  access modifiers. It gives an edge during java interview questions and answers for freshers.

Read: Java Swing Project

46. Explain the meaning of packages in Java along with their advantages.

Packages are a grouping mechanism for similar types (interface, classes, annotations, and enumerations) ensuring the protection of the assets and comprehensive name management. 

The packages are used to categorise the classes and interfaces. The categorisation is done for smoother maintenance. The packages are also useful for providing protection. 

 Here are the advantages of packages in Java:

  • Packages help us prevent naming conflicts when classes of the same name exist in two different packages.
  • Packages aid in making access control systematically. 
  • Build hidden classes to be used by the packages. 
  • Helps in locating related classes for the package.
  • Provides access protection. 
  • Reuse classes
  • Provide controlled access
  • Implement data encapsulation
  • Easy search

47. How would you define Constructor in Java?

Constructors are a special block of codes that initialises an object in the time of creation. Though it has a resemblance to instance method, still Constructors are not the method, as they don’t have any explicit return type. So every time an object is being created in the system, there is one constructor called for that to execute. If there is no constructor defined, then the compiler uses a default constructor. 

Here is a simple presentation of Constructor in Java:

public class MyClass{
   //This is the constructor

48. What are the different types of constructors used in Java?

There are three types of constructors used in Java: 

  • Default Constructor: When a developer doesn’t use a constructor, Java compiler adds a more specific default constructor existing in the .class file. 
  • No-argument Constructor: In this case, there are no arguments in the constructor and the compiler doesn’t accept any parameter, as instance variable method gets initialised with specific fixed values. 
  • Parameterized Constructor: In this case, one or more parameters are present in the constructor written inside the parentheses of the main element only.

49. What are the differences between constructors and methods?

The main difference in the constructors and methods are: 

  • Purpose: Constructors aim is to initialize the object of a class whereas method performs specific tasks on code execution. 
  • The method has return types while constructors do not.
  • In Methods, there are abstract, static, final, and synchronization while in constructors, you can’t make specific procedures.
  • You may refer to the below mentioned table for differences-

    Constructors Methods
    It is used to create and initialise the object. It is used to execute statements.
    Invoked implicitly by the system. Invoked during the program code. 
    Gets executed only when object is created.  Can be executed on beng explicitly called. 
    Name is same as the class name. Name will not be same as the class name. 
    Should not have return type.  Should have return type.

50. Explain the meaning of Local variable and Instance variable?

  • Local variables are present in the method, and the scope exists within the method only. 
  • Instance variables are present and defined in the class only with their scope across the class. 

51. Explain the meaning of Class in Java?

In Java, all the codes, variables, and methods are defined in the class.  

  • Variables represent attributes that define the state of a particular class.
  • Methods represent where business logic takes its effect. Methods include a set of statements and instructions to match the requirements.

Here is a simple example for a class in Java:

public class Addition{ //Class name declaration
int x = 10; //Variable declaration
int y= 10;
public void add(){ //Method declaration
int z = a+b;

52. Explain the meaning of Object in Java?

Objects are defined as an instance of a class only with specific state and behavior. For example, a dog with a specific state of name, breed, and colour while behavior includes barking, wagging the tail, etc. So anytime JVM reads any new() keyword then a corresponding instance will be created. An object needs to be first declared, then instantiated and finally initialized for performing further. Each object has its own identity, behavior and state.  The state is stored in fields (variables), methods (functions) showcase the objects behavior. 

53. Define the default value for byte datatype in Java language.

For the Byte data type, the default value is 0.  

54. Why is byte data type more beneficial in Java?

As byte data type is almost four times smaller than an integer, so it can store more space for large arrays. 

They can also be used in place of int, where their limits help to clarify the code.

55. Explain the OOPs concepts in Java.

OOPs, are the fundamental concepts of the Java programming language. These include abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Java OOPs concepts empower developers to create variables, methods, and components that further allow them to reuse them in a customised way while maintaining security. 

  • Abstraction- This is useful for hiding internal details. It is also useful to show functionality.
  • Polymorphism- It is when an object behaves differently in different situations. There are two types of polymorphism run-time and compile-time polymorphism.
  • Inheritance- It is when an object acquires the properties and behaviours of another object. The object whose quality gets inherited is called a superclass. The object inheriting the properties is called a sub-class. 
  • Encapsulation- It is used for binding/ wrapping a code and data together in a unit. Access modifier keywords are also used in this process. 

56. Explain the meaning of Inheritance.

In Java, Inheritance is a specific mechanism that allows one class to acquire the properties (with fields and methods) of another class. Inheritance is one of the basic concepts of Java OOPs. 

Inheritance makes it possible to build new classes, add more fields and methods on the existing classes for reusing them in any way. 

  • A subclass is the one that inherits the properties of the other class. 
  • Superclass is the one whose properties are inherited.
  • Some of the properties of inheritance include-
  • Allows to create of a new class from the existing class.
  • The object acquires all the properties of the object it is inheriting from.
  • The methods can be reused of the superclass.
  • New methods and fields can be added to the current class. 
  • Inheritance in java can be used for method overriding. 

57. Explain the concepts of Encapsulation in Java?

As one of the primary concepts of Java OOPs, Encapsulation empowers the wrapping of data and code within a single unit only. Encapsulation is also known as Data hiding, with variables of a specific class hidden from all other classes and accessible with the methods from the existing class only. 

The two essential things for achieving encapsulation in Java are:

  • Declaring the variables of a specific class as a private.
  • Leveraging public setter and getter methods for making changes and viewing the variable values.
  • Some of the other properties of encapsulation include-
  • The code and data(variables) acting upon methods are integrated into a single unit. 
  • Other classes cannot access the variables that have been encapsulated. 
  • Only the methods of the class can access.

58. Explain the concepts of Polymorphism.

Polymorphism in Java allows developers to perform a single task in multiple ways. There are two types of Polymorphism in Java with Runtime and Compile time. You can use overriding and overloading methods to operate Polymorphism in Java. 

Some of the properties of polymorphism include- 

  • There are different types of polymorphism, such as Static and Dynamic. 
  • Polymorphism allows having various forms of objects, variables and methods. 
  • The behavior is dependent on the type of data that has been used in operation. 

59. Explain the meaning of interface.

In Java, we cannot achieve multiple inheritances. Here, interface plays a crucial role in overcoming this problem to achieve abstraction, aid multiple inheritances, and also supports loose coupling. Now we have a default, static, and private method in interface with the latest Java updates. 

Benefits of interface-

  • Specify the behaviour an object must implement.
  • It acts as a contract between an object and its code.
  • They help in making implementation changes easier.
  • They act as connecting points between modules.

60. What is meant by Abstract class?

Abstract classes are built with a specific abstract keyword in Java. They represent both abstract and non-abstract methods. 

Benefits of abstract classes-

  • Helps in reducing the complexity of viewing the things.
  • Increases the security of an application.
  • Avoids code duplication.
  • It increases the code reusability.
  • It has the ability to independently change the internal implementation of the class without affecting the user badly.

61. Explain the Abstraction Class in Java?

Abstraction is one of the essential properties for hiding the implementation information from the user and then representing the user functions only. For instance, when you send an SMS from one person to another person. The user gets to know only the message and number while the backend process remains hidden.

You can achieve abstraction in Java using the following two ways:

  • Abstract Class (0 to 100%)
  • Interface (100%)

62. Explain the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in Java.

Here are the main differences:                       

Abstraction Encapsulation
Abstraction aims to gain information. Encapsulation’s main aim is to contain or procure information.
In the abstraction process, issues or problems are handled at the interface/ design level. In Encapsulation, problems are handled at a specific implementation level.
Abstraction aids in hiding unwanted information. Encapsulation method applies hiding data within a single unit.
Implemented with interfaces and abstract classes. Implemented with a particular access modifier (public, private, and protected).
Use abstract classes and interfaces to hide complexities. Use getters and setters to hide data.
Objects that extend to abstraction must be encapsulated. An object for encapsulation must not be abstracted.

 63. Explain the differences between Abstract class and interface.

Abstract Class Interface
Abstract Class comes with a default constructor. The interface doesn’t have a constructor. So, no further process.
Uses both Abstract and Non-Abstract methods. Only use Abstract methods.
Classes that must extend for Abstract class need only abstract methods throughout their sub-class. Classes that extend to interface must provide implementation across all the methods.
These include instance variables. The interface presents constants only.

64. Explain the main differences between Array and Array List.

Array Array List

The size needs to be defined for the declaring array.

String[] name = new String[5]

No size requirements; and modifies dynamically.

ArrayList name = new ArrayList

You must specify an index for putting an object inside the array.

name[1] = “dog”  

There are no index requirements.



Arrays are not parameterised. From Java 5.0 onwards, ArrayLists have a specific parameterised type.

65. Explain the difference between static method and instance method.

Static or Class Method Instance Method
You must declare a method static for a static method. All methods with declaration as static come under Instance method only.
No requirements for creating objects in the Static method. The object is a must for calling the instance method.
You cannot access Instance or Non-static methods in the static context. You can access both static and non-static in the instance method.
Status methods are used to perform a single operation.  Instance methods are used to perform repetitive operations. 
The static must be accessed with a repetitive class name. The instance method must be accessed with a repetitive object name.
They are alternatively called Class Level Data Members. They are alternatively called Object Level Data Members.

66. How to make Constructors static?

Constructors invoked with the object, and static context is part of the class, not the object. Hence, constructors cannot be static and show compiler error if run or executed.

67. Explain the use of ‘this’ keyword in Java?

In Java, ‘this’ keyword represents a specific reference on the current object. There are multiple uses for this keyword for referring to the current class properties from a variable, constructors, methods, and more. You can also pass this as an argument within constructors or methods. You can also fetch this as a return value from the current class instance. You can also refer to this as a static context. 

Also Read: How to Code, Compile and Run Java Projects

Some of the uses of this keyword include-

  • Can be used to invoke the current class constructor.
  • Can be used as an argument in the method call.
  • Can be used to refer current class instance variable.
  • Can be used to invoke the current class method implicitly.
  • Can be used to return current class instance from method.

68. What is a classloader in Java? What are the different types of ClassLoaders in Java?

 Java Classloader’s main function is to dynamically load all classes into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). ClassLoaders are part of the JRE only. So every time we run a Java program, classloader loads the classes to execute this program. A single ClassLoader loads only a specific class on requirements and uses getClassLoader() method to specify the class. These classes are loaded by calling their names, and in case these are not found then it retrieves or throws a ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError. 

 Java ClassLoader uses three principles in performing tasks with delegation, uniqueness, and visibility.
There are three different types of Java ClassLoader: 

  • BootStrap ClassLoader: 

BootStrap ClassLoader represents the parent or superclass for extension classloader and all other classloaders. It has machine code that loads the pure first Java ClassLoader and takes classes from the rt.jar and also known as Primordial ClassLoader. 

  • Extension ClassLoader: 

Extension ClassLoader represents the child classloader for the superclass or BootStrap ClassLoader. It loads core java classes from jre/lib/ext, i.e., JDK extension library. 

  • System ClassLoader: 

Application or System ClassLoader are further child classes of Extension ClassLoader. It takes and loads a file from the current directory for the program that you can customise with the ‘classpath’ switch.

69. Explain the meaning of Java Applet.

Java Applet is a program that executes or runs in the web browser only. Applets are specifically designed to function and embed with HTML web pages. Applets have the capability to function full Java applications with the entire use of Java API. JVM is a must requirement to view an applet on the browser. Applet extends with the use of java.applet.Applet class.

70. What are the types of Applets?

Based on location, there are two types of Java applets as Local Applets that are stored on the same computer or system. The Remote Applets that have files on remote systems.

71 What are immutable objects in Java?

In Java, immutable objects are the ones whose state does not change after it has been created. Immutable objects are ideal for multi-threaded applications that allow sharing the threads while avoiding synchronization. Immutable objects are preferred for building simple, sound and reliable code to match with an effective strategy. 

Some of the benefits of immutable objects in Java include-

  • Safety of threads
  • Prevention of identity mutation.
  • Brings ease of caching
  • Supports referential transparency
  • Protection from the corruption of existing objects

72. What do you mean by JRE (Java Runtime Environment)?

Java Runtime Environment is the software layer that provides support for minimum requirements to run Java programs on a machine. Along with JDK and JRE, these three constitute the fundamental for running and developing Java programs on a specific machine. 

Java Runtime Environment importance-

  • Communicates between Java program and the operating system.
  • Acts as a translator and facilitator.
  • Has the ability to run on any operating system without modifications.
  • It provides an environment for Java programs to be executed.

73. What is a JDK part of?

Java Development Kit (JDK) is one of the primary technology packages essential for running Java programs. It can be the implementation from any one of the Java platforms, Standard Edition, Micro or Enterprise edition developed by Oracle for building applications on Windows, Linux, or macOS.

74. What is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is one of the three fundamental requirements for running and executing Java programs along with JDK and JRE. JVM has two primary functions; first, to empower Java programs to seamlessly run on any machine or system and second to optimise memory to deliver performance.

Java Virtual Machine features-

  • Code compatability.
  • The application can be run anywhere, as it supports (Write Once Run Anywhere).
  • Garabage Collection
  • Compile Control
  • Supports Native Memory Tracking
  • Facilitates Class Data Sharing 
  • Helps in Signal Chaining

75.What are the differences between JDK, JRE, and JVM?

Java Virtual Machine Java Runtime Environment Java Development Kit
Platform dependent with several software and hardware options available. Software layer that provides support for minimum requirements to run Java programs on a machine.

Standard Edition

Enterprise Edition

Micro Edition


Three notions as:

  • Specification
  • Implementation
  • Instance
Set of libraries + files that empower JVM on runtime. JRE + development tools
Provides runtime environment for execution. JRE represents the implementation of JVM. Software development environment.

76. How many types of memory areas are there in JVM?

There are several types of memory areas in JVM:

  • Class Area: This memory stores pre-class structures with the field, pool, method data, and code. 
  • Heap stands for runtime memory specifically allocated to the objects. 
  • Stack represents the frame’s memory with a local variable, partial results, thread, and a frame for each method.
  • Program Counter Register stores the information for current instruction with the Java Virtual machine execution. 
  • Native method Stack stores all the present native methods being used in the current applications. 

77. What is Data Binding in Java?

Data binding represents the connections between class and method, field, variable, constructors, or a method body. Java can handle data binding both statically and dynamically.

  • It binds the data to one object or more to ensure synchronisation. 
  • Allows to effortlessly communicate across views and data sources.
  • Handles binding either statically or dynamically.

78. What are the different types of data binding in Java?

There are two crucial types of data binding in Java.

  • Static Binding happens at compile time using static, final, and private methods; also known as early binding. 
  • Dynamic Binding presents at runtime with no exact information known about the right method during the compile time.

Refer to the below table for static and dynamic binding difference-

Static Binding Dynamic Binding
Occurs at Compile Time Occurs at Runtime
High speed Low speed
Known as early binding Known as late binding
Not use of actual object Use of actual object
Can take place using normal functions.  Can take place using virtual functions.

79. What is a Java Socket?

Sockets help in building communication mechanisms from the two computers via TCP. Sockets are ideally more sufficient and flexible for communications. 

Features of Java Socket-

  • A java socket point facilitates two-way communication link between two points.
  • It is bound to a port number for the TCP layer to identify the application.
  • Establish a connection between a client and a server. 

80. Explain the difference between Path and Classpath.

Both path and Classpath represent local environment variables. The path provides the software to locate the executable files while ClassPath specifies the location for .class files in the system. 

Refer to the below mentioned table to undesratnd the differences between these two-

Path Classpath
Environment variable is used by the operating system to find the executable files. Environment variable is used by rhe Java Compiler to find the path classes. 
It is used by CMD prompt in order to find files that are binary. It is used by compiler and JVMto find files that are binary.
We must place .\bin folder path We must place .\lib\jar file or directory path

81. Is there an abstract method without the use of abstract class?

No, for an abstract method to exist in a class, it must be an abstract class.

82. What is the process of making a read-only class in Java?

In Java, you can make a read-only class by keeping all the fields private. This specific read-only class will have only getter methods that return private property. It does not allow to modify or change this property as no setter method is available.

//A Read-only class in Java    
public class Student{    
//private data member    
private String institute ="MKG";    
//getter method for institute
public String getInstitute (){    
return institute;    

83. What is the process for making a write-only class in Java?

In Java, you can also make a write-only class by keeping all the fields private with the implementation of setter methods only.

// A write-only class in Java    
public class Student{    
//private data member    
private String institute;    
//setter method for institute
public void setInstitute (String institute){;    

84. Explain the way to access a class in another class in Java?

In Java, there are two ways to access a class in another class as:

  • Using the specific name: We can access a particular class from a different package by using the qualified name or import that package that contains a specific class. 
  • Using the relative path: Similarly, we can also use the relative path for that package with a specific class.

85. What is Exception Handling?

Exception handling represents the mechanism to handle the exception or abnormal conditions during the runtime errors to keep the normal flow of the application. There are three different types of Java Exceptions with Checked Exception, Unchecked Exception, and Error. 

Exception handling features-

  • It is a process of responding to unwanted or unexpected events that happens when a computer program runs.
  • Helps to avoid system crashing by handling with events.
  • It is a mechanism that allows Java programs to tackle various situations.
  • There are various ways an exception can be handled such as-
  • Throwing an exception
  • Catching an exception
  • Handling an exception

86. Explain the difference between Checked Exception and Unchecked Exception.

  • Checked Exceptions are classes that further extend throwable classes except for RuntimeException such as SQLException, IOException, etc. Checked Exceptions are handled during the compile-time only. 
  • Unchecked Exceptions are classes that extend RuntimeException such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, etc. and are not handled during the compile time.

Refer to the below mentioned table to understand the difference-

Checked Exception Unchecked Exception
Also known as compile time exceptions Also known as Runtime exceptions
Propogated  using throws keywords Automatically propagated
Occurs when the chances of failure are too high.  Occurs due to programming misfunctionality.
Not sub class of run time exception.  Sub class of run time exception.

 87. Which is the base class for Exception and Error?

Here, the Throwable class represents the base class for Exception and Error.

88. Mention the Exception handling keyword in Java.

There are five keywords for handling exceptions in Java are:

Keyword Description
try This try block defines the block for placing the execution code. This try block is generally followed by the use of either catch or finally. So, they can’t be used alone.
catch Catch block’s main aim is to handle the exception. You must use this in combination with try block and then finally in the later stage.
finally Finally, block checks the important code of the program that checks whether execution is done or not.
throw The main aim of the throw keyword is to throw an exception from the program.
throws The throws keyword is mainly used for declaring exceptions and not for throwing an exception. It provides information about occurrence for exception and is applied with a method signature.

89. Explain the importance of the finally block.

Here, the finally block has crucial importance in the smooth running of the program. It is always executed whether the exception is handled or not. Finally, the block comes after the try or catch block. In the JVM, the system will always run the finally block before terminating or closing a file. For each try block present, there can be zero or multiple catch blocks, still there can only one finally block. 

Some of the other importance of finally block include-

  • Used to execute important code such as a closing file, etc.
  • Always executed regardless of exception handling.
  • Must be the last block of execution in the program.
  • Used for resource de-allocation.
  • Used to put important codes such as clean-up code

90. Is running a finally block possible without a catch block?

Yes, a finally block can run followed by either a try or catch block, respectively. 

91. Are there any cases for not existing finally block?

Finally block does not run or execute in case the program already exists or brings fatal error for aborting the process. 

92. Explain the main differences between throw and throws.

throw keyword

throws keyword

It throws an exception. It declares an exception.
Checked exceptions can’t propagate with throw only. Checked exceptions can propagate with throws.
It is followed by an instance. It is followed by a class.
It is used in the method only. It is used with a specific method signature.
There are no possibilities for multiple exceptions. Whereas in this procedure, multiple exceptions can be declared.

93. Is there a possibility for an exception to be rethrown?

Yes, if an exception exists, then it can be rethrown.

94. Explain about Exception Propagation.

The process of exception within the handling procedure is known as exception propagation. For instance, an exception is first handled at the top of the stack and then if it is not caught then the exception drops to the previous method and if not, then it goes down further till either the exception gets caught, or it reaches the bottom of the stack. Checked exceptions by default have no propagation. 

Features of exception propagation-

  • Occurs when an exception is thrown from the top of the stack.
  • In case of not being caught, the exception chooses to drop down the call stack of the preceding method.
  • In case of not being caught even then, it gets dropped even more.

95. Explain the meaning of thread in Java.

In Java, the way or flow of the execution is known as the thread. So, every program contains one thread termed as the main thread created by the JVM. Developers have the power to define their custom threads by adding and extending the Thread class using the interface. 

Benefits of thread in java-

  • Allows the program to operate more efficiently.
  • Can be used to perform complicated tasks without interrupting the other programs.
  • Can be utilised to free up the main thread.
  • Helps to breakup the tasks into smaller units that can be executed simultaneously.

96. Explain the meaning of the thread pool.

Java thread pool is a group of multiple threads that are continuously waiting for allocated tasks. Here Thread pools work under the service provider that pulls a thread from this pool and then assign them the task for a specific job. The Thread pool adds more performance and stability to the system.

97. Explain the difference between String and StringBuffer.



String class is immutable in nature. StringBuffer class, on the other hand, is mutable.
Strings are slow. StringBuffer otherwise is quite fast.
These consume more memory for creating a new instance. These consume less memory with concat strings.
Strings allow the comparison of its content, as it overrides the equals() method from the Object class. Whereas the StringBuffer class cannot override the equals() method from the Object class.

98. Explain the difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder.



It is synchronised with safety to threads. It is non-synchronised with no safety to threads.
In this, two threads have no call method. In this, two threads can have call methods seamlessly.
Lower or less efficient than StringBuilder. More efficient than StringBuffer.

99. What is the way to create an immutable class in Java?

In Java, you can create an immutable class by declaring a final class with all its members as final. Let’s take an example to understand this:

 public final class Employee{  
 	final String securityNumber;  
 	public Employee(String securityNumber){  
 	public String getSecurityNumber(){  
 	return securityNumber;  

99. What are inner classes?

Java Inner classes are defined and declared within an interface or class. Inner classes allow the system to group classes and interfaces logically making them more readable as well as easy to maintain them. Moreover, these classes can access all members of the outer class with methods as well as private data members. 

Benefits of inner classes-

  • They are used to develop readable code.
  • Provides easy access
  • Having separate classes can be avoided.
  • All the members can be accessed, including private members.
  • Requires less code to write.

100. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using Java Inner classes?

Main advantages for Java inner classes include:

  • Accessibility to all members from the outer classes.
  • Less code to write.
  • More maintenance and readable code.

 The main disadvantages for Java inner classes include:

  • Less support from the IDE. 
  • A high number of total classes. 

101. Define the types of inner classes in the Java programming language?

Inner classes have three main types: 

  • Member Inner class that specifies a class within the class using the outside method.
  • Anonymous Inner Class for extending the class or specifying the implementation of an interface. 
  • Local Inner Class to create a class within the method. 

102. Define a nested class.

Nested classes are defined or declared within a class or interface only. A nested class can specifically access all the members of the outer class with methods and private data members too. Here is a simple syntax of a nested class:

 	class Java_Outer_class{    
 	 class Java_Nested_class{    

103. Can you explain the difference between inner classes and nested classes?

All inner classes are defined as non-static nested classes. So, inner classes are part of the nested classes only.  

You may refer to the below mentioned table to understand the difference-

Inner class Nested class
Always associated with the outer class object. Not associated with the outer class object.
Do not declare static members. Static members can be declared.
Normally main() method cannot be declared. The Main() method can be declared.
Static and Non Static members of the outer class can be directly accessed.  Static members of the outer class can be directly accessed.

104. How would you define the meaning of Collections in Java?

Collections in Java are a group of multiple objects that present as one unit; primarily known as a Collections of the objects. They are also called a Collection Framework or architecture that provides storing space for objects and further manipulates design for changes. 

Here are the main functions performed by the Java Collections:

  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Insertion 
  • Manipulation 
  • Deletion

There are many interfaces and classes that are part of the collections. 

105. Which interfaces and classes are available in the collections?

Here is the list of the interfaces and classes that are available with the collections in Java. 

  • Interfaces: Collection, Queue, Sorted Set, Sorted Map, List, Set, Map
  • Classes: Lists, Vector, Array List, Linked List
  • Sets: Hash set, Tree set, Linked Hash Set
  • Maps: Hash map, Hash Table, TreeMap, Linked Hashed Map
  • Queue: Priority Queue 

106. Explain sorted and ordered in relation to collections in Java?

  • Sorted: Sorting allows the group of objects to apply internally or externally to sort them in a particular collection, based on their different properties. 
  • Ordered: Defines the values that are sorted on the basis of the values added in the collection and iterate them in a particular order.

107. Which are the different lists available in the collection?

Lists store values based on their index position with the duplication allowed. Here are the main types of lists:
Array Lists: Uses the Random Access Interface, provides order collection by the index, not sorted, and offers quick iteration. Here is an example to understand this:

 public class Fruits{
public static void main (String [ ] args){
ArrayList <String>names=new ArrayList <String>();
names.add (“apple”);
names.add (“avocado”);
names.add (“cherry”);
names.add (“kiwi”);
names.add (“oranges”);
names.add (“banana”);
names.add (“kiwi”);
System.out.println (names);

Output is as follows:

[Apple, avocado, cherry, kiwi, oranges, banana, kiwi]

With the output, you can check that Array List keeps the original insertion order and also allows duplicates. Though not sorted. 

Vector: also uses the Random-access method, are synchronised, and offers support for thread safety.

Let us understand this with an example:

 public class Fruits{
public static void main (String [ ] args){
ArrayList <String>names=new vector <String>();
names.add (“kiwi”);
names.add (“oranges”);
names.add (“banana”);
names.add (“apple”);
names.add (“avocado”);
names.add (“cherry”);
names.add (“kiwi”);
System.out.println (names);

Output is as follows:

[kiwi, oranges, banana, apple, avocado, cherry, kiwi]

Vector lists follow the original insertion order and also support the duplicates.

Linked List: It is also an ideal choice for deletion and insertion, elements are double-linked, but is slow in performance. 

Example for Linked list:

 public class Fruits{
public static void main (String [ ] args){
ArrayList <String>names=new vector <String>();
names.add (“kiwi”);
names.add (“oranges”);
names.add (“banana”);
names.add (“apple”);
names.add (“avocado”);
names.add (“cherry”);
names.add (“kiwi”);
System.out.println (names);

Output is as follows:

[Apple, avocado, cherry, kiwi, oranges, banana, kiwi]

It also follows the original insertion order and accepts duplicates.

108. What are the main differences between collection and collections in Java?

The main differences are as follows:

  • The collection represents an interface while Collections is particularly class only.
  • Collection interface provides multiple functionalities for structuring data as List, Set, and Queue. Whereas Collection class’s main aim is limited to sort and synchronise the elements of the collection. 

109. Explain the Priority Queue.

Priority Queue defines the queue interface for handling linked lists with the purpose of a Priority-in and Priority-out. Queue generally follows a first in first out (FIFO) algorithm, still you can queue elements based on specific requirements, and then we can implement PriorityQueue for customisation. With Priority Queue, it depends on the priority heap either naturally or via the comparator on their relative priority.  

Features of priority queues in java include-

  • Juggle multiple programs and their execution
  • Important to networking systems
  • Typically implemented using the heap data structure.

110. When is it ideal to use and compare the Runnable interface in Java?

When we need to extend a class with some other classes and not the threads then runnable interfaces are an ideal choice. 

111. What is the difference between start() and run() method of thread class?

The start() method adds and creates a new thread. And code in run() method gets executed in the new thread only. While run() method will execute code in the current thread only.

112. What is Multithreading?

In Java, we can execute multiple threads simultaneously, which is known as Multithreading. It helps the program to multitask while taking less memory and giving higher performance. In Multithreading, threads are lightweight, share the same space, and are quite affordable in every aspect. 

Features of multi threading in java-

  • Allows to create lightweight process
  • Multiple threads can be executed can be created in the program.
  • Saves time as it helps in running multiple operations.
  • The threads are independent, so it does not block other operations.

113. Explain the difference between process and threads.

Here the main differences are:

  • A Java program in execution is termed as a process while a thread represents a subset of the process only. 
  • Processes represent different spaces in the memory, while threads have the same address.
  • Processes are entirely independent, while threads are part of the process only.
  • Slow communication between inter-processes, while the inter-thread communication is swift. 

Refer to the below-mentioned table to understand the difference-

Process Threads
Allocate new resources each time a program is run. Share resources of process.
Generally slower than thread. Generally faster process.
Communicate through IPC. Communicate freely.
Have a separate address space. Share address space.

114. Explain the meaning of inter-thread communication.

Inter-thread communication is defined as the process that allows communication between multiple synchronised threads. Its main aim is to avoid thread pooling in Java. Communication is achieved through the methods of wait(), notify(), and notifyAll(). 

115. Explain the wait() method.

With wait() method, you can allow the thread to be in the waiting stage while the other thread is locked on the object. Thus, the wait() method can add significant waiting duration for threads. 

Here is a syntax to represent this:

public static void main (String[] args){
Thread t = new Thread ();
t.start ();
Synchronized (t) {

116. What is the main difference between the notify() and notifyAll() method in Java?

notify() method sends a signal to wake up only a particular thread in the waiting pool whereas notifyAll() wakes up all the threads in the waiting stage of the pool. 

117. Define the main differences between sleep() and wait().

Sleep() pauses or stops the current thread progress by suspending execution for a particular duration while not releasing the lock. While wait() causes a waiting duration for a thread after invoking a notify() method for waking later. 

Refer to the below-mentioned table between sleep() and wait().

sleep() wait()
Static method Non-static method
Doesn’t release lock Releases the lock
Used to introduce a pause on execution Used for inter-thread communication

118. Explain the join() method in relation to the thread in Java. 

The join() method allows combining one thread with one of the continuous threads. Here is a syntax for join() method

public static void main (String[] args){
Thread t = new Thread ();
t.start ();
t.join ();

119. Explain the Yield method of Thread.

Yield method is a static method and does not release any lock in the threads. Here, a Yield() method empowers the current thread to a more runnable thread while allowing the other threads for keeping the execution. Thus, equal thread priority threads can run regularly. 

120. What is the Starvation stage?

Starvation is a phase when a thread fails to gain access to shared resources and is not able to make any progress. 

  • It is when the thread is not able to gain regular access to the shared resources.
  • When shared resources are made unavailable for long periods.

121. What is Deadlock for a thread?

Deadlock defines a stage when two or multiple threads get blocked forever in wait for each other. 

122. Define Serialisation and Deserialisation in Java?

Serialisation is the process for transforming the state of an object into a particular byte stream ideally suited for JPA, JMS, RMI, JPA, and Hibernate technologies. While the opposite process of changing a byte stream into an object is called deserialisation. Both processes are platform-independent, so they allow you to serialise in one platform and deserialise into an entirely different platform efficiently. 

123. What is the importance of transient variables?

The importance of transient variables lies in the deserialisation that is set to the default variables and not used with the static variables.

124. What are volatile variables?

Volatile variables play a crucial role in the synchronisation and reading from the main memory while avoiding the thread cache memory. 

125. What is SerialVersionUID?

In the Serialised process, an object is stamped with a specific version ID number for the respective object class. This number is termed as SerialVersionUID and plays a crucial role in verifying during the deserialisation process for checking the compatibility on sender and receiver, respectively. 

126. What is the process for cloning an object in Java?

With Object cloning, you can create an exact copy of the original object. For cloning to be possible, a class must have the support for cloning with the java.lang.Cloneable interface and allow override clone() method from the original object class. 

Here a simple syntax for the clone() method:

protected Object clone() throws 


 In case the clone does not implement it then it generally throws an exception with the ‘CloneNotSupportedException’.

127. Define the class that remains superclass for each class?

Object class.

128. Define whether a string class is mutable or immutable?

String class represents an immutable state. So once an object is created, this cannot change any further. 

129. How do you differentiate between StringBuffer and StringBuilder class?

  • StringBuilder is quicker than the StringBuffer. 
  • StringBuffer is synchronised while StringBuilder is not synchronised. 
  • StringBuffer offers a thread-safe environment, while StringBuilder has no thread-safe capability. 

130. What is the use of the toString() method in Java?

In Java, toString() retrieves or returns the string representation from any object. 

131. What is a garbage collection in Java?

As objects get dynamically allocated via the operator, Java system also handles the deallocation of the memory used automatically in case there are no references for the object that remains for a significant duration. This process of keeping the system free of objects that don’t have use is known as Garbage Collection in Java. The main aim of the garbage collection is to make it more memory efficient management. 

132. What is the number of times a garbage collector calls finalize() method for a specific object?

You can call the finalize() method in garbage collection only once. 

133. Define the ways to call the garbage collection.

There are two ways to call the garbage collection:

  • System.gc()
  • Runtime.getRuntime().gc()

134. Can we force Garbage Collection?

No, this is an automatic process. You can call the garbage collection method but can’t force it. Still, it does not guarantee that it would be complete. 

135. What are the different data types in Java? Explain.

Here is a shortlist to help you with data types:

  • byte – 8 bit
  • short – 16 bit
  • char – 16 bit Unicode
  • int – 32 bit (whole number)
  • float – 32 bit (real number)
  • long – 64 bit (Single precision)
  • double – 64 bit (double precision)

136. Define the Unicode.

Unicodes are a way to define international characters in human languages, and Java uses this Unicode structure to symbolise the characters.

137. Define literal.

A literal is a constant value assigned to a particular variable

  // Here 105 is a literal

int num = 105

138. Define the type of casting in Java?

In the case of assigning a value of one data type to another data type, these two may or may not be compatible and require conversion. Java will automatically convert in case of compatible data types. While if the data types are not compatible, then these must be cast for successful conversion. Casting has two basic types: Implicit and Explicit.  

139. Explain the two different types of typecasting?

  • Implicit: Defines the storing of values from smaller data types into larger data types, performed by the compiler only. 
  • Explicit: Defines the storing of values from larger data types into smaller data types that may result in information loss.

140. Why is Java considered platform-independent?

Java is considered platform-independent due to its use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java programs to run on any operating system without modification. When a Java program is compiled, it is converted into bytecode, which is a standardized, platform-neutral format. This bytecode is then executed by the JVM, which interprets it for the specific operating system on which it is running. This unique architecture enables the Java philosophy of “write once, run anywhere,” allowing developers to write applications that can be deployed across different systems without needing to be recompiled for each one.


The above Java interview questions will provide a good start for preparing for the interview. Practice your coding skills, too, though, and make sure to be thorough in these questions and their related concepts so that when the interviewer fires a Q, you are ready to win the round with your A. Oh, and don’t forget 3 (inconspicuous) breaths when you present yourself before the interviewer.

If you’re interested to learn more about Java, full-stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialisation in Full Stack Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects, and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.

All the best! Hope you Crack your Interviews !!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Besides Java interview questions, what else should you practice?

Besides technical Java interview questions, you should also focus on questions based on soft skills such as mentioning your strengths and weaknesses, the reason for working in this field, leadership skills and more. You should also develop independent projects as they will provide practical experience. You could develop mobile applications, web applications, and coding projects. The interview not only looks at your technical skills and the ability to code but also your overall personality as the companies are finding the perfect fit for the position. They can ask about your hobbies and extracurricular activities too.

2. What are the ways you can learn Java?

There are several ways you can learn Java such as YouTube videos, online courses, college, and more. You should begin with the basic syntax of Java programming after which you need to practice with what you have learned. There are hundreds of sites which offer free problems for people to solve using Java. This would help you apply your knowledge and learn how Java is used in real life. After learning Java remember to keep up to date with all the new features or technologies.

3. What are the features of Java?

Java is an object-oriented language as everything present in it is an object and it can be easily extended. Java is a platform-independent language, as when it is compiled, it doesn't need to be compiled into platform-specific machines, rather it is compiled into platform-independent bytecode. Java is a simple and secure programming language as it is easy to learn and its features allow it to develop a virus-free software or application. As Java is architectural neutral it allows Java to be portable. It is also robust as it avoids any error-prone situations.

4. What are the four key concepts in java?

The four key concepts in java include- a) Encapsulation b) Inheritance c) Polymorphism d) Abstraction

5. Which tool is best for java?

One of the tools that are really good for java include- Spring JUnit NetBeans Maven Jenkins

6. Which popular apps use Java?

Some of the top companies that use Java include- Wikipedia Google Uber Google Earth Netflix

7. What is OOPs in Java?

The OOPs concert in Java enhances the code reusability and readability through the process of defining the Java program.

8. What are classes in Java?

A class is an object constructor. It can also be called a blueprint for creating an object. A class is a category and the objects are the items within each category.

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Arjun Mathur

Arjun is Program marketing manager at UpGrad for the Software development program. Prior to UpGrad, he was a part of the French ride-sharing unicorn "BlaBlaCar" in India. He is a B.Tech in Computers Science from IIT Delhi and loves writing about technology.

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Is Python an Object Oriented Language?


Is Python an Object Oriented Language?

There’s always been a debate among programmers as to whether or not Python is an Object-oriented Programming language. Today, we seek to find a reasonable answer to put an end to this debate by understanding in depth why Python is object oriented language. However, before we pass a final verdict on the kind of programming language that Python is, you must first understand what an OOP language is. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. What is object-oriented programming (OOP)? Object-oriented programming (OOP) refers to the programming language in which the coders/developers explicitly define the data types, data structures, and also the types of functions that can be applied to the data structures. Thus, the data structures become “objects” incorporating both data and functions. In the OOP language, programs are organized and constructed around objects and not around logic and functions. This is contrary to the historical programming approach that focuses on how the logic is written rather than defining the data within the logic. What does a Software Developer do? Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps  An object is a self-contained entity that comprises both data and the procedures required to manipulate the data. In simple words, it denotes a data field with unique attributes and behaviour. Thus, the OOP model operates by interacting and invoking the properties of the various objects among themselves. Learn more about python with our data science programs. Here are the basic principles/features of object-oriented programming: Class A Class is a blueprint or outline of the object that defines the attributes and methods that hold the real functionality of the data. These attributes and methods are referred to as “members.” You can access the members according to the defined access modifiers while declaring the members. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cyber Security Career Options for Software Engineers Inheritance Inheritance refers to the relationships and subclasses between different objects that allow programmers to use and reuse a common logic, while simultaneously sustaining a unique hierarchy. In this process, the data is cleaned, transformed, and visualized by minimizing the redundancy of the code to allow for a more thorough and accurate data analysis. Objects Python is object oriented programming language where the object is connected to a state and activity. Any physical device, such as a keyboard, mouse, chair, etc., may be used. Arrays, floating-point, dictionaries, and numbers, are all examples of objects. Any individual string or number, more specifically, is an object. You may not even be aware of the fact that you have been utilising items. Encapsulation Encapsulation refers to the process of juxtaposing different elements to build a unique entity. In this process, the implementation and state of each object are privately retained inside a defined class, so that other objects cannot make changes to the class – they can only declare a list of public functions. Encapsulation or data hiding enhances code security and also prevents data corruption. upGrad’s Exclusive Software and Tech Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Also read: Java free online courses! Abstraction Abstraction is defined as the process of hiding the implementation of the functionalities and expose only those interfaces or accessing methods required to trigger the methods of the implementation class. In other words, the objects only give away those functionalities that are relevant for the use of other objects. Polymorphism As the name suggests, polymorphism refers to the process in which objects can take on more than one form depending on the demand of the circumstances. It determines the usage or meaning necessary for each execution of that object, thereby eliminating the need for duplicating the code. The two methods of polymorphism are – method overloading and method overriding. Now, that we’ve covered the basics of OOP, we can move on to the question – Is Python Object Oriented? Honestly, we cannot classify Python as strictly an object-oriented programming language. It is an intuitive, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language (supports multiple programming approaches) it that combines the features of both object-oriented programming and aspect-oriented programming. While it borrows heavily from the OOP language, it is also at the same time functional, procedural, imperative, and reflective. That’s because it is heavily influenced by a combination of many other programming languages including JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Swift, Groovy, and Go. Java, Objective C, C++, Ruby, Smalltalk, Visual Basic.NET, Simula, and JavaScript, are the few examples of OOP languages. And just like any other OOP language, Python too uses the fundamentals of OOP. For instance, in Python, Class means the same as it is for other OOP languages. Then, Python also retains the inheritance mechanism of OOP. To top that, Python can be integrated with other OOP languages like Java for developing applications in both languages that will incorporate the functionalities of both and you can call both the languages within each other to execute the application successfully. However, Python isn’t an OOP language through-and-through since it does not allow strong encapsulation. This is because its creator Guido van Rossum aimed to keep things simple and that meant not hiding data in the strictest sense of the term. Instead of encapsulation, in Python, there’s a convention for data hiding wherein you can prefix the data members with two underscores. Apart from this, Python supports all the basic features of OOP language. This answers the question, is python object oriented? So, there – mystery solved! Check out the trending Python Tutorial concepts in 2024 Advantages of Object Oriented Programming After we understand the facts to the question, is python object oriented, we must understand its advantages and why it should be used. Python is object oriented programming language, which works as a very fundamental part of the development of software, where OOP creates a class instead of just writing a program. This class contains data and its functions, all related to the customers. OOP comes with several advantages –  Re-using the code – It entails reusing certain facilities rather than continually developing them. Using a class is how this is accomplished. It can be used ‘n’ a number of times, depending on our needs. For example, in your coding, the car is your object. One of your colleagues requires a limousine car, while the other one needs a race car. While every person has a unique way of building their objects, this one is quite simple. The main object is ‘car’ while the requirements are just different types of cars. Using the inheritance technique in this example will make more sense. You can create one class, the car, and then create certain subclasses in which you can write different types of cars. What if you wish to alter every Car item, no matter what kind? This is the benefit of the OOP strategy. All car objects will automatically inherit any changes you make to your Car class. Maintenance of Code – Any programming language would benefit from this capability; it prevents users from redo work in various ways. Maintaining and updating the current codes by adding new modifications is always simple, time-saving, and a great benefit of OOP.  Productivity Increases – Less time consumption results in more work being completed, a better programmer being finished, more built-in functionality, and easier to understand, write, and maintain. A programmer using OOP may combine new software elements to create entirely new applications. It is made feasible by a number of libraries with a wealth of beneficial features. Unnecessary Data can be removed – This is a situation that develops when an identical piece of data is stored in two different places, such as two databases. One of the biggest benefits of OOP is the disposal of unnecessary data. Users can write common class definitions for comparable functions and inherit them if they require the same functionality in other classes. Security Maintenance – We retain security and provide required data for viewing by filtering out restricted data with the help of encrypting the data and abstraction mechanisms. Design Benefits – A consumer will gain design benefits from using OOPs in terms of designing and repairing things quickly and reducing risks. Here, object-oriented programming necessitates a lengthy and thorough design phase from the designers, which produces better designs with fewer faults. It is simpler to programmer all the non-one OOPs at a time when the programmer has reached certain crucial boundaries. Problem Solving Techniques – It is a good idea to break down a difficult issue into manageable pieces or individual components. OOP is an approach that excels at this behavior because it divides your software code into manageable pieces, one object at a time. The broken parts can be restored by future units that relate to an identical interface and provide details of the implementation, or they can be reused in approaches to various other issues. These advantages must be enough to understand why Python is object oriented language. Learn Software Development online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? We hope this article helped you understand the fundamentals of OOP language and where Python really stands in this respect. Also, another thing that you hopefully learnt from this piece is that a programming language can be so much more than one ‘single’ definition! If You’re interested to learn more about Software Development, check out Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU which is designed for working professionals and Offers12+ Projects & Assignments, 1-ON-1 With Industry Mentors, 500+ Hours Of Learning.
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by Mayank Sahu

20 Sep'11
How to Make Most of Being A Jack of Multiple Things!


How to Make Most of Being A Jack of Multiple Things!

This is an excerpt from the e-book ‘self.debug – An Emotional Guide To Being A World-Class Software Engineer’ written by Karan Kurani. It’s a guide to increasing your skill set as a software engineer to the next level by debugging yourself and your emotions. Karan Kurani is the co-founder and CTO of DoctorC, which is the leading marketplace in India connecting consumers with easy, affordable diagnostic & lab tests. DoctorC’s mission is to make healthcare simple, transparent and affordable. Karan is an alumnus of Cornell University with an overall experience of 8+ years. He has worked with GREE as a Lead Software engineer and founded two startups Shoutt and DoctorC. Interview with Karan Kurani, Co-founder & CTO, DoctorC Here’s an excerpt from the chapter ‘Hacking Skillz – Jack of more than 1 trade’ it talks about how being average in more than 1 thing is easier and more valuable than being excellent at just 1 thing. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition  Note – This guideline is most useful for the bottom 99% of the practising software engineers. So if you are part of the remaining 1% – you can safely skip this post. There is a surprisingly easy hack that you can apply to increase your value generally in life. Pick up more skills. It sounds obvious when put on paper but there is one subtlety which makes it a “hack” in my opinion. For this point, we turn to the excellent Scott Adams’ book – “How to fail at almost everything and still win big”. Speaking about being successful, he says – “… I tell them there’s a formula for it. You can manipulate your odds of success by how you choose to fill out the variables in the formula. The formula, roughly speaking, is that every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.” He goes on to mention that the level of proficiency for a skill is not mentioned because – “… you can raise your market value by being merely good – not extraordinary – at more than one skill.” “To put the success formula into its simplest form: Good + Good > Excellent” upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp This subtlety makes it very easy to execute. You don’t need to be extraordinary, you just have to be ordinary/average. Hence, if you are an average software engineer and you have any of the skills mentioned below – Good at drawing Public speaking Managing people Have a knack to pick up people’s emotions An eye for design in product Spot problems in operational processes Shoot, edit and/or make videos Make original music Sing Writing essays/blog posts Or anything else Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Learn Software development courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. You are immediately more valuable to yourself and your organisation vs someone is who is a very good software engineer only. So if you are a software engineer who can think of product ideas and execute independently (remember you only have to be of an average skill in it) – you have more than doubled your value. Leverage that skill. What Does A Software Developer Do? Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Just like programming, it’s an adventure to delve into your own mind. You can debug yourself – this book shows you how.   If you’re interested to learn more about full stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialization in Full Stack Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know?
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by Karan Kurani

06 Sep'18
Is AngularJS Right Choice For Your Next Mobile App Development?


Is AngularJS Right Choice For Your Next Mobile App Development?

Mobiles are something that we use every day and are an integral part of our lives. Nowadays each and every person has a mobile phone in their pocket. With the advancements of technologies, one can get a mobile phone no matter how big or small their budget is. In this age of mobile phones, we consider a phone that has no apps in it as useless. We have too many apps these days on our phones. From fine dining to fitness, from shopping to scrabble, we have an app for all our moods. Mobile apps are designed in such a way that they go with our phones configuration well. Android and MAC are the two major interfaces that we have in our mobiles these days. The apps that are being developed are usually compatible with these two major operating systems. Every day more and more apps are being introduced, updated and launched in our play stores or App stores in case of MAC users. These apps are really useful. We no longer need to search the internet for things that we need, it is just a tap away. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition  Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript What is AngularJs? When Android was yet to be launched in the market, Java was the most commonly used interface in mobiles. Even now when android has taken the center stage, java is not yet abolished. It is still considered one of the most potent and user- interactive interfaces out there. AngularJS is an app that was first launched by Google in the year 2009. This app uses the same JavaScript framework. AngularJS has come a long way and it has made some very impressive adjustments in its user interface. How to Become a Full Stack Developer Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses AngularJS is basically an app that makes developing apps very easy, it helps in making super-dynamic web pages that are easy to use and easy to work with as well. We need web pages for literally everything. Every business, every start-up, every new idea that is been introduced needs a web page o promote it. Bust web pages are not too easy to work with, there are quite a few factors that need to be kept in mind before making a web page. Java is the most secure and the most optimum user interface when it comes to making web pages. Unlike Android and MAC, it has HTML support that makes the process of a web page making much easier. Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp  Learn Software Courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Uses of AngularJS AngularJS helps in extending HTML Templates, it also ennobles the users to use an advanced approach towards web page making and web page designing. Java is known for its better stability and security. AngularJS sticks to its own simple functionalities and thus is very easy to use. The modular approach makes coding easy. Also updating, testing and modifying codes for a web page is made easier with AngularJS. One can easily add AngularJS to a web page with the help of simple coding. What Does A Software Developer Do? upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Domains in which you can implement AngularJS To make sure that your web page is gaining popularity, some niches and search engine optimisation tools are to be incorporated in your web page. To make the idea known to all and gain popularity nothing can be better than a well-done web page. When you are using mobile for creating a web page AngularJS is your answer to all your questions. It will even help you develop a web app. Tips for best practices Angularjs Mobile Development app can help you with the following. Video streaming apps: Video streaming apps are really in demand right now. Apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and YouTube etc are some of the most prominent examples. User review: Market research is a very important part of developing a web page. First, you need to see what your customers really want when you know what your customers want and need them providing them with the best solutions is better and more money efficient. Travel apps: Travel apps are not very uncommon nowadays. While Android and MAC will make decent apps, the performance of a JavaScript is really difficult to top. AngularJS mobile development can help develop such sophisticated apps. Weather apps: Something that is present by default in a smartphone is a weather app. It is widely used and a JavaScript will be able to develop and manage really impressive weather apps. Social apps: In this age of social media, we can hardly come across a person who does not have a social media account. Apps like Facebook, twitter, etc. all are developed with JavaScript and thus you can too do that with AngularJS. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Everything you need ot know about Mobile App Development When it comes to developing and managing an app there are many ways one can do that. But if you are using your phones to develop a web page then AngularJS should be your best bet. If you’re interested to learn more about full stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialization in Full Stack Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.
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by Kavya Gajjar

29 Nov'18
Angular 7.0 – What is New in its new Avatar?


Angular 7.0 – What is New in its new Avatar?

The strength of a building is in its concrete pillars. So is the framework for a web application. A software framework provides a standard way to design, build and deploy applications. In a world of Java platforms, the Javascript framework was the most uttered buzzword until Angular gained importance. Now, let us see some Salient features of Angular. Angular is an Open source Javascript framework which morphed into what is called ‘Typescript’ now. Code generation and development are rapid compared to a (Javascript) JS code. The Command line prompt (CLI) has commands to build application faster. The Code is well organized as it uses components hence improves productivity A directive is a dynamic function that handles variables, if statements, and loops in HTML Angular is cross-platform hence it is independent of the browser and the operating system Angular CLI comes with testing tools that are helpful for unit testing Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition Learn Software engineering courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. AngularJS – A precursor to Angular AngularJS was the first product in the Angular series introduced by Google in 2009. It is a client-side or a front-end framework. What this means is that the code runs on the user’s browser and not on the web server. AngularJS was written purely in Javascript. This was developed to decouple the application logic, however, it was the only fairly successful and paved way for Angular with its current avatar 7.0. Is AngularJS Right Choice For Your Next Mobile App Development? Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Angular 7.0 Framework Let us understand briefly the building blocks of Angular: Module:  Basically breaks down application’s core screens logically. For example, if there is a shopping cart page, one might want to have a shopping cart module. Component: This is a section of the UI and is a ‘class’ as in object-oriented programming. This is the fundamental building block of the User Interface (UI). The component class contains the core logic for the page. ” upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); ” Components are made up of: Template: A template is written in HTML or they can be HTML files. It can have dynamic properties like variables and use of ‘if conditions’ is possible with directives. Class: Is the code for the application. The code is written in Typescript. Typescript is a superset of Javascript. Typescript is a ‘static’ type language where variables are declared with types defined. Hence errors are caught on the compilation of the program rather than being caught at runtime. Angular classes can be written in Javascript too. Components have data properties and methods.  Metadata: To identify that the class is an Angular component one uses Metadata. Metadata can be attached to Typescript using a decorator declaration. Let us walk through a simple component in Angular. Import {component} from  ‘’@angular/core’’ ; Here the component package is imported from Angular core library. @component ({     (this is a decorator declaration) Selector : ‘myapplication’   …(.this is the custom HTML tag that we use to insert the component. ) Template: ‘<h1> Hello {(name)}</h1> (name is a variable) }) export class AppComponent{       (This is the component class and ‘name’ is a property in the class) name = ‘ Angular framework’; } <body> <myapplication>Loading a sample app component here..</myapplication> </body> Data binding: A process that allows communication between the component and the view. So data is passed from the component to the view and vice-versa. There are four types of data binding. In Interpolation and property binding the data is sent from the component to the view and in event binding, the data is sent to the component from the view or the template. In two-way binding, the data travels both ways. Service: This is a class that is written for reusable code, i.e. code that can be accessed from multiple components. These classes send data and functionality across components. Service classes can also get data from a database or a js/JSON file. When one uses a Service class, the code looks organized and fragmented. Directive: Customizing HTML attributes to extend the power of HTML is a directive.  ngIf, ngFor, ngModel are directives. ngModel is responsible for, binding the view into the model, which other directives such as input, textarea or Select require. Here is a piece of code that shows how ngmodel works. <div ng-app=”” ng-init=”firstName=’John'”> <p>Input a name in the input box:</p> <p>Name: <input type=”text” ng-model=”firstName”></p> <p>You wrote: {{ firstName }}</p> </div> Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses So, firstName was initialized to ‘John’ and when one enters a new value in the text box, firstName will hold the new name entered.Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Dependency injection (DI): Classes need objects to perform a particular function. Instead of creating the objects each time in the class, the class receives the objects(dependencies) from external sources. In the DI framework following are the steps that need to be followed: Create a Service Class eg. Employeedata Register this service class with the Injector. An Injector is a container that holds all the dependency classes Declare the Employeedata class as a dependency in the class that needs it eg. EmployeeList Class What Does A Software Developer Do? Versions of Angular After AngularJS, Angular 2 was released which was a complete rewrite of AngularJS. Components got added from Angular 2. Angular 2 was not backwards compatible. Angular is made up of a bunch of packages and the Router package in Angular 3 was not in sync. Hence the Angular team moved on to Angular 4 which was released with all corrections and features with backward compatibility to Angular 2. Subsequently Angular 5, Angular 6 was released and the latest version now is Angular 7. What’s new in Angular 7.0? CLI Prompts: A change in the Angular command line prompt is that the CLI prompts the user, to select the features while running the common commands. Features like Angular routing or the format of the style-sheet and many more can be selected by the user. In the previous versions of Angular one had to remember and type the options on the prompt. Application Performance : Common errors: In this version, the angular team analyzed and removed some common mistakes made by the developers like the ‘reflect-metadata’ polyfill was included in production which is actually needed only in development. Bundle-Budgets: To improve the performance of the application, default Bundle Budgets are defined in angular.JSON. The developers will now be warned if the application bundle size exceeds a limit of 5MB and when the initial bundle exceeds 2MB. These values can be modified in the JSON file as needed. Angular Material & the CDK: The Angular component development kit(CDK) was created from the Angular Material(UI for libraries).The two new features added in the CDK are Virtual Scrolling: To load only the visible part on the screen, the <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> package provides helpers for directives that react to scroll events. So, it will render only the items that can fit on the screen. When a user scrolls through the list then the DOM will load and unload the elements dynamically based on the display size. Drag and Drop support: The @angular/cdk/drag-drop module helps free drag and drop feature of an element, reordering items in a list, moving items in a list and so on. This is done with the help of cdkDropList and cdkDrag directives. Angular 7.0 has updated its dependencies to support Typescript 3.1, RxJS 6.3 and Node 10. Improved accessibility of Selects: The native ’select’ has some performance, accessibility, and usability advantages hence using a native select element inside a ‘mat-form-field’ is a new feature in Angular 7.0. Angular elements: A small change but new in Angular 7 “Angular Elements now supports content projection using web standards for custom elements.” — This is what Stephen Fluin, Angular says. Working with partners: The Angular team has been working to partner with community projects that have been launched recently one of them is Angular Console. Angular Console is a user interface for Angular CLI. It is good for beginners and experts as it is a lot easier than prompts. There are different UI versions for Windows and Mac OS. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses A Beginner’s Guide to MVC Architecture in Java Most of the changes in Angular 7.0 are on performance improvements and bug fixing. Hence, it is the safest version to date and migrating from earlier versions is simple. Ivy is the new upcoming rendering engine that the Angular team is working on. Till then, let us wait and watch. Keep Learning! Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? If you’re interested to learn more about full stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialization in Full Stack Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.
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by Saurabh Hooda

28 Dec'18
IntelliJ IDEA vs. Eclipse: The Holy War!


IntelliJ IDEA vs. Eclipse: The Holy War!

Batman vs. Superman, Marvel vs. DC, Windows vs. Linux, Java vs. C#, are a few examples of some eternal wars. One such battle is IntelliJ IDEA vs. Eclipse – the selection of the best Integrated Development Environment – affectionately known as the IDE. There are many IDEs in the market today for Java development – the likes of Netbeans, DrJava, and of course Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA are just to name a few. These IDEs ease the workflow of a developer by providing them with a complete and integrated environment. The support of various plugins coupled with the ability to handle large projects seamlessly makes the IDEs an irreplaceable tool in any developer’s toolkit. Learn Software development courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Today we’ll be looking at two such IDEs in depth, and taking them head to head. We’ll look at how Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA compete against each other in terms of the features they offer. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Eclipse IDE Eclipse is by far the most commonly used IDE by budding as well as experienced developers. It is supported by a large community of developers, great documentation to get you up and running, and the best part – the support of thousands of plugins to make your experience even better. Eclipse is mainly used for developing web, mobile, desktop, enterprise, or embedded system applications. It can be used open-source under Eclipse public license. Eclipse is written mostly in Java and runs seamlessly on the three major operating systems – Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Although well known for Java programming, it also supports various other languages including Groovy, Scala, and Python. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing Eclipse is capable of opening multiple projects in the same window thereby giving you control over dependencies and relations. However, regarding user experience and the ease of code completion and inspection, Eclipse falls short despite having many plugins, especially checkstyle. If you’re a rookie programmer, you’d appreciate an auto-complete feature that can show the list of the most relevant symbols applicable in your context. Eclipse falls short on that. Just for argument’s sake, we can use this point in favour of Eclipse saying it offers a better learning curve, but at the end of the day, it’s really about how easy it is to get your application up and running. Having said that, Eclipse is and will continue to be, widely used all over the globe. Let’s take a look at some of its features that keep it going despite the limitations. A Beginner’s Guide to MVC Architecture in Java Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Blockchain Salient Features of Eclipse Mylyn: Mylyn is a subsystem of eclipse for task management. The advantages of Mylyn are quite well known, but you won’t appreciate them till you use it and see them for yourself. Mylyn helps developers track their tasks in a task list view – without having to open a browser. Mylyn provides an easy way of keeping track of all the files related to your current work. Software Updates: Eclipse provides frequent and regular software updates. The ability to simply update your IDE from the console itself without worrying about dependencies, or unzipping a zipped file makes a developer’s life easier. Everything is managed through this simple dialogue: Enterprise Java Tooling: Eclipse has the best tooling to offer for JEE projects. It offers an outstanding amount of functionalities – from wizards for Web Service creation, XML editing, to excellent JSF and JPA tooling. In essence, it’s a very simple feature but is very useful. The ability to control and deploy the server of your choice is commendable. Also, if your server isn’t on the list, you’ll likely find a plug-in to support your server. Model Driven Development: The Eclipse Modelling Project offers a set of modelling tools for those using EMF or related techniques for modelling. The Ecore Tools that are used to work with the EMF models allow you to create and modify your ecore using a standard tree, or through the visual Ecore diagram editor (see below). 15 Must-Know Spring MVC Interview Questions IntelliJ IDEA IDE IntelliJ IDEA is a fully featured IDE developed by JetBrains. JetBrains is an established company and famous for the Resharper plugin for Visual Studio that is beneficial for C# development. The IntelliJ IDEA comes in two editions – Free community edition and an Ultimate edition. The free community edition of IntelliJ IDEA offers the basic features useful for developing Android and Java applications. Google’s official Android development platform – Android Studio, is also based on IntelliJ IDEA’s free community edition. This IDE supports many languages from Java, Kotlin, Scala, Android, Mercurial, Groovy, Gradle, Git, SVN, SBT, and CVS and also offers basics (yet essential) features like code completion, deep static analysis, intelligent refactorings, debugger, test runner, etc. The Ultimate Edition, on the other hand, has the most advanced set of features for developing web and desktop applications. Some of the additional features of the Ultimate Edition Supports the integration of Spring framework. Supports web app scripting languages like JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and many more. Supports web development framework like Node.js, Angular, and React Java EE support such as JSF, JAX-RS, JPA, CDI, etc Eclipse falls short in providing good assistance for code completion despite supporting many plugins. The default code compilation in IntelliJ is much faster and better, especially if you’re a newbie programmer – IntelliJ can help you improve your code. One of them is Smart Completion which provides you with the list of the most relevant symbols applicable in your current context. This as well as other completions constantly learn from your coding practices and moves your most frequently used packages and classes to the top of the list, so that you can select the right option faster. Another such feature is Chain completion which is even smarter than the Smart Completion. It lists all the applicable symbols by making use of getters or methods which makes it even faster. There are many other out-of-the-box features too which make IntelliJ IDEA a truly intelligent IDE What is Test-driven Development: A Newbie’s Guide Features which make IntelliJ IDEA a truly intelligent Version Control: IntelliJ IDEA offers the developers with a unified interface for most of the version control systems. Git, SVN, Mercurial, CVS, and Perforce are just to name a few. This single interface lets you browse the history of changes, manage branches, and merge conflicts. Build Tools: This IDE supports all the major build tools like Gradle, Maven, Gant, SBT, NPM, Grunt, Gulp, and more. These tools eventually help automate compiling, packaging, running tests, deploying, and other activities. Application Servers: It supports major application servers like TomCat, JBoss, WebSphere, Glassfish, and many more. It allows you to deploy your code onto the application servers and debug the deployed code from the IDE itself. Indexing: IntelliJ indexes the entire project when you first start it up. That way, it doesn’t need to search for files every time you need a resource (unlike Eclipse). This significantly speeds up the search process. Polyglot Support: As we’ve said earlier, IntelliJ IDEA supports many JVM and non-JVM frameworks and languages out of the box. Frameworks and languages like AngularJS, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Scala, SQL are just a few examples of the wide array of languages supported by IntelliJ IDEA. All these features make IntelliJ IDEA a clear winner when it comes to usability and user experience. However, it falls short on the number of plugins offered. Compared to 1,276 plugins offered by Eclipse, IntelliJ only offers ~700 plugins. But, this shouldn’t be a dealbreaker as IntelliJ offers a lot of new and improved features out of the box, without needing any plugin – unlike Eclipse. How to Become a Full Stack Developer upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   In Conclusion… If you’re a beginner in the field of Java development, your choice should be IntelliJ IDEA – thanks to the various beginner-friendly features it has to offer. However, if you’re looking to work on large and complex projects, and have a fair bit of expertise in Java programming, you can opt for Eclipse instead. Like with every other debate, at the end of the day it’s all a matter of preferences, but there’s no way you can ignore IntelliJ IDEA.   If you’re interested to learn more about full stack software development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialization in Full Stack Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.
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by Arjun Mathur

10 Jun'19
Python Projects for Beginners &#8211; List of 7


Python Projects for Beginners &#8211; List of 7

Learning a new language – whether it is for speaking to humans or to computers – is always a mixture of fun and challenge. Mastery is not an easy road to travel and that is why little wins along the way are so necessary for boosting self-confidence and making you preserve. The same can be achieved through projects that have a specific aim and allow you to put your new-found knowledge into practice. When learning a coding language like Python, these projects become all the more crucial as they help you firm your grip on a vast language that you will keep refining your entire life. So, where do you begin? As a beginner, which projects do you pick up that is not overwhelming but are challenging and rewarding at the same time? Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Learn Software Development online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career.   Check out our free technology courses to get an edge over the competition. The answer? Whatever you pick from the list below. What’s the number? Concepts needed: print, while loop, if/else statements, random function, input/ output This is a guessing game that the user plays with the program/computer. The program generates a random number using the random function. The user tries to guess it by inputting a value. The program then indicates whether the guess is right or not. If it is wrong, then the program should tell how off the guess was. If it is right, there should be another positive indicator. You can place a limit on the number of guesses allowed. You will also need functions to compare the inputted number with the guessed number, to compute the difference between the two, and to check whether an actual number was inputted or not.  Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Spin a yarn Concepts needed: strings, concatenation, variables, print. Things get more interesting here since strings are infinitely more complex to play with at the beginning.  The program first prompts the user to enter a series of inputs. These can be an adjective, a preposition, a proper noun, etc. Once all the inputs are in place, they are placed in a premade story template using concatenation. In the end, the full story is printed out to read some misintended madness! Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp What’s the word? Concepts needed: strings, variables, random function, variables, input/ output Similar to ‘What’s the Number?’, this name focuses on the user having to guess the randomly generated word. You can create a list from which the word would have to be guessed and also set a cap on the number of guesses allowed.  After this, you can create the rules yourself! When the user inputs the word, you can indicate whether the alphabet written appears in this particular position or not. You will need a function to check if the user is inputting alphabets or numbers and to display error messages appropriately.  Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN) Rock, paper, scissors Concepts needed: random function, print, input/ output, variables If you are tired of having no playmate, then a 5-minute stint of rock, paper, scissors with the computer and designed by you, yourself will improve your mood. We again use the random function here. You make a move first and then the program makes one. To indicate the move, you can either use a single alphabet or input an entire string. A function will have to be set up to check the validity of the move. Using another function, the winner of that round is decided. You can then either give an option of playing again or decide a pre-determined number of moves in advance. A scorekeeping function will also have to be created which will return the winner at the end.  Compute, calculate Concepts needed: functions, input/ output, variables,  This project involves building a simple calculator that can perform mathematical functions (which you decide). You can start with the basic BODMAS, and then progress to logarithms and exponents. You’ll have to keep tabs on what the user is entering and get the answer to print at the end. Whether the values in the middle of the calculation keep showing up is up to you.  upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Leap it! Concepts needed: functions, input/ output, boolean, print In this program, you input a year and check whether it is a leap year or not. For this, you’ll have to create a function that recognizes the pattern of leap years and can try fitting the inputted year into the pattern. In the end, you can print the result using a boolean expression.  Find out, Fibonacci! Concepts needed: functions, input/output, boolean, print You input a number and the function created checks whether the number belongs to the Fibonacci sequence or not. The underlying workings are similar to the above ‘Leap it!’ program.  One common theme in all the above projects is that they will help you to get your basics right. You will be the developer and the bug fixer. Not to mention, you’ll be closing working with creating and implementing a variety of functions along with working with variables, strings, integers, operators, etc. Just like 2 + 2 is the building block of your mathematics knowledge, so are these concepts, and learning about them in a fun way through building projects will help to understand and retain them more. If you are interested to become a software engineer, check out M.Sc. in Computer Science by upGrad, IIIT Bangalore, and Liverpool John Moores University which is designed for working professionals and provide 30+ projects & assignments, IIIT-B & LJMU Alumni status, 6 unique specializations, more than 500 hours of rigorous training & job placement assistance with top firms. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses
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by upGrad

29 Aug'19
What does a DevOps developer do? Job Role, Skills &#038; Salary Details


What does a DevOps developer do? Job Role, Skills &#038; Salary Details

Of late, the concept of DevOps has taken the IT industry by storm, and for all the right reasons. DevOps is a methodology that finds its roots in both Agile and Lean approaches. It combines the best of both worlds – cultural philosophies, best practices, and tools that boost and enhance an organization’s capacity to deliver applications/services on-demand. As organizations can offer their deliverables speedily and readily, they become more competent and efficient in managing the overall business.  Speed and efficiency are the two fundamental reasons why DevOps is becoming more and more popular in the industry. As more companies are joining the DevOps bandwagon, they are driving the demand for skilled DevOps Engineers. Today, the role of a DevOps Engineer has come to be one of the most highly demanded and lucrative career options and demand for full-stack developer courses is increasing as we speak. Learn Software development courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. A DevOps Engineer is essentially an IT professional with expertise in scripting, coding, and the entire operation of product development and deployment. The role demands that one transcend the traditional barriers of software development, testing, and operations teams, and create a holistic environment for quality product development. DevOps Engineers combine in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in software development with business analytics skills to build innovative business solutions. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. 8 in-demand career options for software engineers Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses What does a DevOps Engineer do? DevOps Engineers work in close collaboration with Software Developers, System Operators (SysOps), and other production IT members to manage and supervise code releases. They must be well-versed in IT infrastructure management that is integral for supporting the software code in dedicated, multi-tenant, or hybrid cloud environments.  Check out our best online DevOps courses In a DevOps model, the development and operations teams do not function separately as ‘siloed’ units but merge together. Also, this approach to software development demands frequent and incremental changes. Hence, DevOps Engineers have to perform a wide range of functions across the entire application lifecycle – from development and test to deployment and operations. This calls for a versatile skill set that is not limited to a particular function or role.  Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps Our Learners also read: Devops engineer jobs! To successfully implement the DevOps approach, DevOps Engineers must be well-versed in the best practices of DevOps methodology, that include: Continuous Integration – This practice requires developers to merge the alterations in their code into a central repository, after which it runs the automated builds and tests. Continuous integration aims to identify and fix bugs quicker, enhance the software quality, and reduce the validation and release time of software updates. Continuous Delivery – In this practice, the code changes are built, tested, and prepared automatically for the production release. It is the successive step to continuous integration wherein all the code changes are deployed to a testing environment and/or a production environment following the build phase.  Infrastructure as Code – This practice encourages the provision and management of the infrastructure using specific code and software development techniques (version control, continuous integration, etc.). Instead of manually setting up and configuring the infrastructure resources, the cloud’s API-driven model allows developers and system administrators to work with and scale the infrastructure programmatically. Monitoring and Logging – Monitoring and logging are essential to check and measure the metrics of applications and infrastructure and see how their performance affects the user experience of a product/service.  Communication and Collaboration – DevOps encourages increased communication and collaboration within organizations. DevOps tools, along with the software delivery process automation, allow for increased cooperation between the development and operations teams by merging their workflows and responsibilities. Microservices Architecture – It is a design approach used to develop a single application as a component of small services. In this design, the individual services run their own processes while communicating with other services via a well-defined interface (usually an HTTP-based API).  Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Blockchain In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Now, we move on to the main functions and responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer. DevOps Engineers have to perform a wide range of tasks to fulfill their three core functions – coding, scripting, and process re-engineering. The primary duties of a DevOps Engineer are: Project Planning DevOps Engineers are an integral part of the project planning operation. Their skills in software development and system options, and business expertise (the risk, impact, and costs vs. benefits) allows them to foresee the project needs and resources, thereby helping them to create actionable timelines and strategies for business projects.  Product Development DevOps Engineers are responsible for developing, building, and managing IT solutions. To meet this end, they have to install and configure solutions, implement reusable components, translate technical requirements, perform script maintenance and updates, assist operations teams at all phases of data testing, develop interface stubs and simulators, to name a few. Product Deployment DevOps Engineers design and develop automated deployment arrangements by leveraging configuration management technology. This allows them to deploy new modules/upgrades and fixes in the production environment itself. Also, DevOps Engineers have to ready the new modules/upgrades for production. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Check out a career in devops Performance Management Apart from evaluating existing applications and platforms, DevOps Engineers also offer recommendations for enhancing the performance. To do so, they must also identify and develop practical and alternative solutions. Maintenance and Troubleshooting Maintenance and troubleshooting are two routine tasks of DevOps Engineers. Using strategy-building techniques, they delineate the requirements and procedures for implementing regular maintenance. Also, they have to troubleshoot existing information systems for errors and fix the same.  Essential skills of a DevOps Engineer A DevOps Engineer must have: Strong knowledge of different programming and scripting languages (Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Scala, etc.) and familiarity with basic concepts of Linux.  Familiarity in working with a variety of open-source tools and technologies for source code management. Thorough knowledge of IT operations and system admin roles for planning the entire integration and deployment process. Expertise in software code testing and deployment. Experience in working with DevOps automation tools. Strong foundational knowledge of the Agile methodology. The ability to connect to technical and business goals. Excellent communication skills and team spirit.   Since the role of a DevOps Engineer is highly demanding and versatile, the job compensates with high salary packages. The average annual salary of a DevOps Engineer in India is Rs. 6,52,296. Needless to say, the more experienced you become, the higher will be your salary. Overall, the job role of a DevOps Engineer is highly promising.   If you are interested to become a DevOps engineer, check out Advanced Certificate Programme in DevOps from IIIT Bangalore.
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by upGrad

14 Oct'19
Difference Between Agile Methodology and Scrum Methodology [Full Comparison]


Difference Between Agile Methodology and Scrum Methodology [Full Comparison]

The corporate world is a fast-paced one where project requirements, customer demands, and support functions keep changing rapidly. To keep up with the dynamic and ever-changing requirements, today, companies are moving over from the traditional (waterfall) methodologies and embracing innovative methodologies like Agile. Full-Stack software development courses are getting popular as demand is only increasing.  The Agile approach brought with it a host of benefits that were lacking in the conventional software development methodologies. In Agile methodology, testing is integrated with development, thereby contributing to the development of high-quality software. Apart from delivering high-value features within short delivery cycles, Agile also enhanced customer satisfaction and customer retention quotients.  Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition  Although the Agile approach has become widely popular in the IT and corporate worlds, not many are aware that it is made of different types of processes. For instance, there’s Scrum, Kanban, Feature Driven Development (FDD), and Adaptive System Development (ASD), to name a few. Why companies are looking to hire full-stack developers In this post, however, we’ll focus on the difference between Agile and Scrum. While people often tend to use these terms synonymously, they have their fair share of differences.  Learn Software Development Courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Agile Methodology & Scrum Methodology What is Agile? Agile methodology refers to a software development practice that focuses on the continuous iteration of development and testing in the SDLC (software development life cycle) process. Unlike the Waterfall methodology that analyzes and documents the project requirements before the development process begins, in the Agile approach, the requirements are determined as the software-development advances with each iteration. This offers scope for flexibility in accommodating the necessary changes in the requirements/priorities of the business as and when they come.  In Agile methodology, the development and testing activities occur simultaneously. It breaks the product into smaller fragments, and the work is prioritized according to business or customer value. It encourages teamwork and constant communication within teams and between teams and customers as well. As such, the Agile approach aims to bring all the stakeholders together in the product development process. Agile Interview Questions & Answers Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp The Agile Manifesto comprises of 12 principles encouraging an iterative approach to software development: Customer satisfaction is the highest priority. It is accomplished through the continuous delivery of software products in parts. It should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in requirements even in later phases of software development. Business teams, developers, and customers must regularly collaborate throughout the SLDC. Face-to-face interaction is pivotal for transparency and enhanced communication within the teams. Encourage sustainable development by maintaining a constant pace throughout the development process. Together, all teams should regularly reflect and brainstorm on how to enhance productivity to boost project effectiveness. Foster self-organization within teams to deliver top-notch architectures and designs. Offer higher autonomy to team members having greater support and trust. Deliver efficient and working software frequently within shorter periods. Measure project progress through the success of the working software. Make good design and technical excellence the primary focus of the development process. Simplicity is a fundamental tool for progress. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses What is Scrum? Scrum is a subset of Agile methodology. Naturally, it also focuses on delivering a product in stages within short periods. Rather than being a process or a technique, Scrum is a simple and lightweight framework that seeks to address complex problems (of a specific project) and deliver high-value business products.  Scrum assumes that the project requirements are bound to change or are not defined before the project development process begins. By repeatedly inspecting and monitoring working software, it aims to foster accountability, cross-functional teamwork, and progress toward a well-defined business goal. ” upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); ”   Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Roles in the Scrum framework Product Owner – The Product Owner is responsible for optimizing the work and product value of the development team. Apart from this, a Product Owner also manages the product catalog. Scrum Master – The Scrum Master is responsible for organizing daily team meetings and handling challenges and bottlenecks in the development process. Scrum Masters communicate with the Product Owner to ensure that the product backlog is ready for the succeeding sprint.  Scrum Team – The Scrum Team works in collaboration with the Product Owner and Scrum Master to plan how much of the project they can complete in each iteration. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Agile vs. Scrum: Key Differences The Agile approach is best-suited for environments having an expert and dedicated team of a few members. Scrum, on the other hand, is perfect for projects where the requirements change frequently and fast.   The Agile methodology views leadership as a pivotal role in project development. However, Scrum encourages self-organizing and cross-functional teams. While the Project Head supervises all the tasks in the former, the latter has no team leader – the entire team is responsible for the project.  In Agile, there is regular collaboration and one-on-one interactions between the members of all teams, cross-functional teams, and customers. In the Scrum framework, the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Scrum Team engage in daily meetings. The Agile approach may require lots of up-front changes in the organizational and development process. This is not necessary for Scrum. In the Agile method, frequent deliveries are made to the customer for obtaining their feedback. In Scrum, each sprint is followed by the delivery of a build to the client for feedback. The Agile method considers customer feedback highly necessary during the process, whereas in Scrum, daily sprint meetings are held for reviews and feedback.   While the Agile approach encourages to keep the design and execution simple, Scrum encourages innovation and experimentation for the same. The Agile approach considers customer satisfaction as the top priority, whereas, for Scrum, Empirical Process Control forms the core.  While working software forms the fundamental measure for project progress, it is not so in the case of the Scrum framework. These are the key differences between the Agile software development methodology and the Scrum framework. Differences aside, Scrum is essentially a subset of the Agile approach, and hence, the end goal of both is to maximize customer satisfaction through the delivery of value-oriented business products. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Overall, Agile practices/methods help create environments where the requirements are continually evolving and changing. Through a disciplined project-management approach, Agile methodology promotes and pushes the delivery of high-quality software that is aligned with customer needs. Explore more about the Agile software development, check out upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialisation in Full Stack Development.
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22 Oct'19
How DevOps Online Course Can Kickstart Your Career


How DevOps Online Course Can Kickstart Your Career

Amazon Web Services defines DevOps as ‘the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity.’ By virtue of this speed, organizations are able to serve their customers better and also stay ahead of the curve when it comes to competition. Under DevOps, the development and operations teams work together right from the development stage to deployment, testing, operations, and maintenance. Sometimes, the security and quality assurance teams also become integrated with the DevOps team. The team then uses technology and tools that help to get the work done faster because outside help is not taken or needed. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. Learn Software development courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Common DevOps practices include Communication and collaboration Microservices Infrastructure as code Continuous delivery Continuous integration Monitoring and logging Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cyber Security upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');     Why DevOps matters DevOps provides the following benefits to the organization: Speed and rapid delivery Build and release products faster. Then, fix them and make them better at the same pace. This ensures that you respond to customer needs quickly and also gain a competitive edge over them as a result. Continuous delivery and continuous integration are the cornerstones of this benefit. Increased collaboration More effective teams can be built when the development and operations teams combine. Responsibilities can be shared and the workflow can be streamlined to become more efficient. For example, the back-and-forth between the 2 teams can reduce due to the merging. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Increased reliability Thanks to monitoring and logging practices plus continuous integration and continuous delivery, application updates and iterations can be rapidly delivered. One can also know how well the performance is in real-time. Infrastructure as code and configuration management keep up the quick responsiveness of the computing resources to respond to any urgent client or product needs. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Blockchain  Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses No compromise on security With DevOps, you can get the speed and rapid delivery without compromising on security. Configuration management techniques, automated compliance policies, and fine-grained controls all help to retain control and preserve compliance. DevOps Online Certification The above are all benefits that are crucial for an organization. At the most basic level, though, it requires each person in the merged team to take full ownership of their role and step up should something extra arise. They have to step beyond what their stated role is. This makes the DevOps role truly challenging but also rewarding. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses If you are interested to become a DevOps engineer, check out IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced Certificate Programme in DevOps from IIIT Bangalore. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know?
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by upGrad

23 Oct'19