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Top 15 Exciting Cloud Computing Projects on GitHub For Beginners [2024]

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Top 15 Exciting Cloud Computing Projects on GitHub For Beginners [2024]

Cloud computing allows you to store, manage, and process data using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet. It offers an affordable, efficient, secure, mobile, and scalable solution over the use of local servers and personal computers. There is a newfound interest in this technology around the world among software engineers, developers, researchers, and students. 

This article compiles some of the top cloud computing projects on GitHub to help you build your technical skills. It also throws light on some of the popular cloud computing mini projects with source code, and advanced cloud projects with source code as well as simple cloud computing projects with source code.

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Cloud Computing Features

According to the tech advisory firm, Gartner, cloud computing achieves outcomes with the aid of five key attributes, namely:

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  • Service-based
  • Shared
  • Elastic and scalable 
  • Metrics tracking
  • Internet technologies

Some other characteristics of cloud computing include

  • Resource-Pooling

One of the most important characteristics of cloud computing is that one single cloud computing service provider can share resources with different clients based on their individual requirements. This multi-client method can be applied in varied tasks like data storage, processing, and bandwidth-provided services. 

  • Easy To Maintain

Yet another key characteristic of cloud computing is that it can be effortlessly maintained, sometimes even with very low or zero downtime. This is because cloud computing resources are constantly updated with the latest changes that optimize their performance and capabilities. 

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  • Economical 

Cloud computing also plays a major role in the reduction of IT expenditures of organizations. In cloud computing, clients have to pay only for the space that is required, thus avoiding the burden of additional costs. 

  • Security

One of the best characteristics of cloud computing is data security. Even if any organization loses vital data, cloud computing services always have a backup available of the same. In this way, the copy version can automatically be restored back from other servers. This feature is especially useful when multiple employees work on a particular file in real-time, and a file suddenly gets corrupted. 

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  • Automation

Last but not least, one of the most advantageous features of cloud computing is its automated nature. Cloud computing services help automate installation, configuration, and maintenance tasks quite effortlessly, with the help of technologies. This essentially leads to a significant reduction in manual labor and, ultimately, less human error.

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Why Cloud Computing Projects

The scope of growth of pursuing cloud computing careers is likely to expand in the coming years. As more and more organizations transition to cloud infrastructure for their operations, the demand for IT professionals with specialization in the field will also increase. And considering the lack of cloud computing experts in the market today, the salary levels are expected to be high. A report by Great Learning estimates that India will add more than a million jobs in cloud computing by 2022. So if you are looking for some cool cloud computing Github project ideas, don’t worry we have got you covered. 

With each passing day, the usage of cloud computing projects in python is also steadily increasing. On that note, here are some of the cool cloud computing projects in python that you can check out. 

  • Multi-cloud and Cloud Federation Management
  • Cloud Monitoring and Metering
  • Cloud Security, Privacy, and Trust

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Cloud Computing Projects on GitHub

Let’s get started with the top 18 cloud computing Github project ideas mentioned in the following list.

1. Docker Curriculum

Explore the comprehensive Docker tutorial on GitHub if you are just getting started with this software platform. With Docker, you can learn to build, test, and deploy distributed applications quickly and easily. Leading global companies are embracing Docker containers as cloud, and its related technologies continue to grow. So, being familiar with its working can give you a substantial competitive advantage in the job market.

2. SMART Platform

It is a next-gen container for cloud applications. Check out its GitHub repository link here. It comes packed with several utilities and a sample app. You can also try the demo source code for running on SMART.

3. Orleans

Orleans is often called the “Distributed .NET” as it provides a novel approach to building distributed apps with .NET in the cloud era. This cross-platform framework was first created by Microsoft Research and later introduced by the Virtual Actor Model. 

Its programming model can handle highly-parallel distributed systems without posing limitations on the work of developers. Orleans builds on the developer productivity of .NET and easily scales from single on-premise servers to global applications on the cloud.

It can extend concepts like objects, interfaces, try/catch, async/wait, etc. to multi-server environments. If you are already well-versed with single-server applications, you can use Orleans to transition to building resilient cloud services.

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4. OpenShift Origin

It is an open-source upstream project for Red Hat OpenShift. Released as OpenShift Origin in 2012, the program was renamed OKD in 2018. OKD translates to the Origin community distribution of Kubernetes. It adds development and operational tools on top of Kubernetes to offer the following capabilities:

  • Rapid application development
  • Multi-tenant deployment
  • Scaling
  • Lifecycle maintenance of teams

Visit the project link on GitHub to know more.

5. Pulumi

Pulumi can help you create and deploy cloud software with containers, infrastructure, serverless functions, and hosted services. It is a modern infrastructure as code for any cloud and language. In other words, Pulumi can automatically provision and manage your Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, or Kubernetes resources from your code, which may be written in any language. This infrastructure-as-code approach makes it one of the most preferred project topics.

6. Reflow

Reflow takes care of distributed and incremental data processing in the cloud. It is a language and runtime system that enables software engineers and scientists to write straightforward programs and then execute them in a cloud environment. The use cases of Reflow can range from managing large-scale bioinformatics workloads on cloud services to training models and analyzing data. 

7. Friend OS

Consider this project as an example of the Internet Operating System for any device that leverages cloud computing power. To use Friend OS, you only need a device connected to the internet without choosing proprietary software. It gives you the control and security to create, store, and share your data across multiple devices and access them anywhere.

With Friend OS, you are free to work independently from your local web-enabled hardware. It has a highly responsive desktop environment and client-side technologies that support all screen formats, including laptops, smartphones, and VR.

8. Cloudsuite

It is a benchmark suite for cloud services that comprises eight applications chosen based on their datacenter popularity. Real-world software stacks and setups can help you add a new dimension to your cloud computing knowledge. So, dive into CloudSuite and acquaint yourself with the best practices.

Read: Top 4 Cloud Computing Models Explained

9. HermitCore

It is a library containing a C-based unikernel. HermitCore can deliver high-performance cloud computing by extending the multi-kernel approach with unikernel features. Therefore, you get the multi-kernel benefits with a classic, lightweight, standalone unikernel. 

HermitCore is an experimental project at the RWTH Aachen University that seeks to reduce the resource demand and boot time for our computing apps.

10. Cloudskew

If you are looking for free cloud architecture diagrams, the Cloudskew project is for you. You can create AWS, GC, AZURE, OCI, and Kubernetes diagrams easily with the online editor without installing anything. You can just log in and begin drawing! 

The app offers preloaded icons, a built-in document editor, and link sharing capabilities. You can also export your creations to PNG/JPG formats or print them. 

11. Dispy

Dusky stands for Distributed and Parallel Computing Framework for Python. It offers a detailed and easy-to-follow framework that lets you create and use compute clusters. Dispy comes to your rescue when executing computations parallelly and across several processors in a simple machine, cluster, or cloud.

It is a well-suited option for the SIMD paradigm. Here, a computation gets independently evaluated with large datasets without any communication between the tasks, apart from sending intermediate results to clients. 


It offers the advantages of high-speed forensics and memory integrity. Here are some of the features of this easy-to-use and future-proof project:

  • Offensive & defensive memory
  • Find/Extract processes
  • Hypervisors in memory dumps (using micro-architecture)
  • Virtual machine introspection techniques

13. Crossplane

Crossplane allows you to manage the infrastructure of your applications directly from Kubernetes. This open-source project aims to become the best Kubernetes add-on out there. Here are are some of its capabilities:

  • Effortless provisioning and management of cloud infrastructure using kubectl
  • Publishing custom resources to be used by your applications
  • Deploying apps with Open Application Model (OAM) and a team-centric method

14. Service Fabric

This project can teach you how to package, deploy, and manage stateless and stateful dapps and containers on a large scale. You can run the Service Fabric distributed system on Linux, Windows, any cloud or data centers across different geographies and devices.

15. Nucleus

It is a RESTful abstraction layer that unifies Platform’s essential management functions as a Service or PaaS system. The Nucleus API provides swagger schemas by utilizing Ruby and the grape framework. These are immensely helpful for documentation and client generation.

Also Read: How Does Cloud Computing Work? Different Cloud Models Explained

16. Cloud Custodian

Cloud Custodian is designed to enable users to define policies for a well-managed, secure, and cost-efficient cloud infrastructure. This rule engine is especially useful for public cloud accounts and resources. 

With the help of Cloud Custodian, organizations can manage AWS, Azure, and GCP environments to ensure efficient compliance with security and tag policies and cost management. It is a project led by CNCF Sandbox, with a community consisting of hundreds of contributors.

17. Cloudquery

Cloudquery is an open-source data integration platform that enables organizations to extract, transform and load their cloud assets. Companies can also assess, audit, and monitor the configuration of all their cloud assets. This platform has been designed especially for security and infrastructure teams.

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18. Cloud Game

Cloud game is an open-source gaming platform designed especially for retro games. What started as an experimental project to test the performance of cloud gaming has now turned into a full-fledged platform with the aim to deliver the most convenient gaming experience through the latest technology. Using this platform will enable customers to play any retro game on their web browsers directly. It is also fully compatible with multiple platforms like Dekstop and Android. 

Some popular simple cloud computing projects with source code or cloud computing mini projects with source code ideas might include cloud-based e-learning, cloud-based smart traffic management systems, and a cloud-based conversational interface. 

If you are looking for something on a more advanced level, then here are some of the top cloud projects with source code. 

  • Internet Of Things Remote Controlling and Monitoring
  • Bug Tracking In Cloud Computing 
  • Automated University’s Online Services

Wrapping up

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With this, we have described some of the top cloud computing projects on GitHub. Finding the right project in a sea of ideas can be a changing task. Hopefully, your choice will be aided with the above list of topics and explanations.

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Our course will teach you the basic and advanced concepts of cloud computing along with the applications of these concepts. You will learn from industry experts through videos, live lectures, and assignments. Moreover, you’ll get access to upGrad’s exclusive career preparation, resume feedback, and many other advantages. Be sure to check it out.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the drawbacks of Cloud Computing?

There are minimal drawbacks to cloud computing, with one notable exception: the chance of receiving poor service from the cloud provider. Choosing the incorrect cloud computing service provider might turn out to be incredibly costly for any company. Also, relying on a sole vendor's cloud SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS solutions can put all of the burdens of the IT sector's service delivery within the company in the hands of a third party. Similarly, any company contemplating cloud computing services should make sure they have thoroughly evaluated the portability, availability, and adaptability of the solutions that they are considering. They should also look at the reliability of the Cloud solution provider(s) that their company intends to use.

2What do you mean by GitHub?

GitHub is an Internet platform that leverages the use of Git, a free and open-source version control system that allows several individuals to simultaneously make changes to web pages. Since GitHub enables real-time communication, it motivates teams to collaborate in site content designing and development. GitHub allows numerous developers to work on the same project at the same time, which lowers the chance of duplicate or conflicting work and speeds up production. Developers may use GitHub to concurrently write code, track changes, and come up with new solutions to problems that may occur during the site development process. Non-developers can use it to build, modify, and enhance website content.

3Why do Cloud Developers use GitHub?

The fact that GitHub is fully free and open-source is the primary reason why cloud developers use it. This allows developers to construct and modify their applications without having to worry about fees or limitations. Second, GitHub is really quick and has excellent backup. This lowers the risk of data loss and allows developers to create projects in less time. GitHub, above all, allows several developers to collaborate on a single project. This allows multiple project team members to work on the same project at the same time.

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