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Top 8 Reasons Why Technology is the Best Career Path

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15th Nov, 2022
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Top 8 Reasons Why Technology is the Best Career Path

Are you wondering if the tech sector is right for you? Then you’ve come to the right place. 

You’re not alone, and many people wonder the same thing. To help you find the answer, we have prepared the following list. 

Today, we’re discussing the top eight reasons why technology is the best career path for you. We have also covered how you can enter this industry and reap its multifaceted benefits. 

1. Attractive Pay

A six-figure salary never hurts. For anyone aiming to earn a six or seven-figure salary package, technology is the perfect career choice. The tech sector houses some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Apple, Samsung, Google, and others. 

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These companies are always looking for talent and thus, pay handsomely to those who fit their criteria. The demand for tech professionals is sky-rocketing because the industry is booming. 

During the pandemic, the technology sector fared better than all the other industries. It is expected to grow by 4.2% in 2021, even when there’s a pandemic raging on. When an industry expands at such a rapid pace, demand for skilled professionals increases accordingly. 

When the demand is high, companies offer high salaries to their professionals. For example, a data science manager makes $137,242 per year on average. Their pay can go up to $180,000 per year with experience and skills. 

The reason technology career attracts high compensation-

  • Highly in demand
  • Solves various industry problems
  • Helps in digital transformation 
  • Brings more productivity
  • Allows the organisation to become data-centric

Some of the high-paying jobs in technology-

  • Cloud  Architect
  • Application Architect
  • IT Security Manager
  • AI Engineer
  • Data Architect
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Mobile App Developer

2. Flexible Career 

A huge reason why the pandemic had the least impact on the tech sector is because of the flexibility tech careers offer. Thanks to the latest technologies such as video conferencing and cloud storage, the work conditions of tech professionals have become highly flexible. 

Remote work, which became widely popular due to the pandemic, is quite common in the tech industry. According to a recent study, 86% of IT developers work remotely. Moreover, nearly one-third of IT developers work full-time from home. 

This is a notable feature because it means your professional life wouldn’t get interrupted by various disruptions such as the pandemic. You can work from the comfort of your home. 

Reasons why choose a career in technology

  • Flexible
  • Work-life balance 
  • More employability opportunities
  • Higher compensation
  • Accelerated career growth 
  • Growing demand
  • Versatile

3. New Challenges

The tech sector is famous for offering new challenges constantly. As a tech professional, you’d always be on your toes, preparing for various issues while solving the existing ones. 

Technology professionals have to solve a wide range of complex problems while developing innovative solutions that best match an organization’s requirements. 

Facing new problems can serve as a learning curve for you. No matter which role you take in the tech sector, you can be certain to come across new challenges in your day-to-day work life. R Thus, a tech career is perfect for those seeking mental stimulation. 

Professionals who do not seek mundane work want to thrive and constantly seek new challenges to solve IT is an ideal career for them.

 There are numerous challenges that an IT professional comes across related to security, performance, technology and more. This is another reason  why information technology is a good career

4. Numerous Options 

There is something for everyone in the tech industry. If you’re a person who likes to work with numbers, you can become a data scientist. On the other hand, if you are interested in arts and communication, you can pursue a career in digital marketing. 

The technology sector offers variety, which is another reason why it’s worth entering. On top of that, because technology has become an integral part of modern-day operations, nearly every industry requires tech professionals to oversee their technical implementations. 

So, in this field, you can enter any area of your choice, including healthcare, finance, retail, transport, etc. From media companies to investment banks, they all require the expertise of tech professionals to help them meet the demands of the current market. 

Some of the options available in the IT field the following-

  • IT technician
  • Support specialist
  • Quality Assurance Tester
  • Web developer
  • IT security specialist
  • Computer programming
  • Systems Analyst
  • Network Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • User Experience Designer
  • Database Administrator
  • Data Scientist
  • Computer Scientist 

Industry Applications of IT-

  • Agriculture
  • Finance
  • Banking
  • Medical
  • Automation 
  • Aerospace 
  • Industrial 

5. Facilitates Growth 

An ideal career would foster your personal growth along with your professional progress. It will enable you to develop as a person, instead of simply making you fret about your office and your boss. 

In the tech sector, you’d have to work on yourself constantly. That’s because you’ll have to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and develop the necessary skills to get ahead in this industry. 

As a tech professional, you’d be constantly studying new tools and programming languages. Companies in this field are always releasing solutions that make it easier to work on projects. 

Learning new things and enhancing your skill set will also help you boost your confidence, making you a better person as a whole. Tech professionals have to develop soft skills, too, as they work in teams. Some of the skills you’ll develop are communication, leadership, teamwork, analytical skills, and problem-solving. 

The more skilled you are, the higher you’ll earn. For example, the average pay of a machine learning engineer in the US is $124,800, while those with the Scala skill make an average of $144,247. That’s a notable difference, and it doesn’t account for other skill sets.

Learn data analytics courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career.

6. Meritocracy

Many work environments prioritize seniority or age over merit. You won’t find that in the tech sector. 

That’s because companies in this industry care a lot about their results. They want people who can accelerate their growth, solve their business problems, and tackle the ever-increasing competition. Working in a meritocracy means you can get faster promotions and climb the corporate ladder quickly. 

Tech companies prioritize their efforts over other factors. The chances of finding a company that values your work over your age are higher in the technology sector than in any other. There are countless examples where companies ignored conventions in the technology industry. 

Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Google, was 47 years old when he was assigned that role. The average age of a CEO of a Fortune 500 company is 58 years old. A career in technology will enable you to accelerate your professional growth significantly. 

7. Optimistic Culture

When you’re developing products quickly and innovating accordingly, you don’t have time to stay gloomy. That’s a big reason why the tech sector oozes optimism. It’s responsible for the current startup culture we have. Many people start a career in this field because they want to make a lasting impact (like Steve Jobs did for us). 

Being around people like this changes you as it positively impacts your performance, behaviour, and outlook towards work. People who have a passion for what they do are certainly the kind of co-workers you should have. 

Entering the technology industry will help you become a part of this optimistic culture. Who knows, you might find your passion here too? 

The optimistic culture allows professionals to stay mentally healthy, thus helping to utilise their bandwidth for more productive tasks. An encouraging culture helps facilitate an environment that promotes productivity.

The scientific approach to work helps professionals in fighting challenges and help in achieving greater productivity. The professionals enjoy their workspace and indulge in innovative ideas. 

8. Home of Innovation

Do you like to come up with solutions for different problems? If so, and if you have a knack for invention and innovation, a career in technology would be perfect for you. 

The technology industry is always the driving factor behind innovations in other sectors. Currently, it influences all aspects of our lives. Take transport, for example. The inception of digital cab-hailing services such as Lyft and Uber has completely transformed the transport sector. 

Another revolutionary solution is AI assistants. You can now order groceries, find the answer to a question, or look up the lyrics of your favourite song by simply saying “Ok Google” or “Hey Siri” into your device. You don’t have to type in such stuff. 

Such innovations drive growth in other industries as they use technology to ramp up their productivity and efficiency. If you want to work on innovative solutions or things that are changing the world in real-time, you should enter the tech sector. You’d have many opportunities to analyze, develop, and test innovative solutions as a tech professional. 

There are various types of innovation such as-

  1. Sustaining
  2. Disruptive
  3. New Market
  4. Integrative

Some of the other innovations done by the IT professionals are-

  • Identification of Email Spam
  • Fiber Optics
  • Microprocessors
  • Medical drones
  • Energy producing roads

The field of IT, allows the professionals to make an actual impact in the society thus also providing higher living standards. The young professionals having apprehension “Is technology a good career path?” should be satisfied that yes, it is most definitely a promising career path. 

How to Pursue a Career in Technology?

To pursue a career in the tech sector, you’d need to pick the role you want to pursue and prepare accordingly. Be sure to get the necessary qualifications because recruiters in the tech sector are always looking for skilled and qualified candidates. 

Also, you should pick a role that matches the recent industry trends and has a bright scope. For example, one of the most popular tech roles currently is data scientist. 

To become a data scientist, you’ll need to get a certificate in data science. Completing a program in data science will teach you the basics and advanced concepts of data science efficiently. 

We offer the Executive PG Program in Data Science with the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. It’s a 12-month long online course with six unique specializations – data engineering, business analytics, business intelligence/data analytics, natural learning processing, deep learning, and data science generalist. 

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The program comes with our career essential soft skills program to help you stand out as a tech professional. You will receive 360-degree career support from upGrad’s team and learn key subjects such as machine learning, predictive analysis, and data visualization, among others. 


Now you know why tech careers are among the most highly coveted roles by millions worldwide. If you want to enter an industry that’s expanding rapidly, pick technology. From big names such as Google, Facebook,  and Twitter to new startups, the tech industry has numerous options for aspirants. Not only will it help you pursue your interests, but it will also provide you with a lucrative career. 

Do check out the course we mentioned above if you want to pursue a career in technology.


Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the three good reasons for technology?

The three good reasons for technology are- 1) Improve quality of life 2) Saves cost 3) Saves time

2What are the top three technologies to make your career in?

The three technologies one can choose to make their career in are mentioned below- Big Data Engineer Robotics Data Science

3Is technology a good career path in 2022?

Yes, technology is a very good career path in 2022. It is high paying, is highly in demand and most importantly provide good quality of life to the professionals.

4Does technology makes jobs easier?

Technology increases the productivity and efficiency of the organization, thus making the jobs easier.

5What are the benefits of using technology at work?

Some of the benefits are mentioned below- 1) Provides competitive advantage 2) Increase security 3) Help in becoming data-centric 4) Achieve accuracy

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