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What are the Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming?

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What are the Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming?

Hey there! Let’s dive into the fantastic world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and uncover why it’s incredible. First, let me share the advantages of object-oriented programming (OOP programming).  

  • Troubleshooting  
  • code reusability 
  • Productivity 
  • redundancy,  
  • Code flexibility  

Now, let’s talk problem-solving. OOP equips you with tools to crack coding challenges like a pro. And security? OOP has your back with features like encapsulation and inheritance – consider them your code bodyguards. 

I bet you’re wondering which languages follow this OOP magic. Java, Python, and C++ are the cool kids in the OOP gang. They use classes as blueprints for creating specific code objects. It’s like having a recipe for coding success. 

So, why should you care about the advantages of object-oriented programming (OOP programming)? Well, it’s like having a set of superpowers in the coding world – reusability, readability, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Dive into our free courses to level up your coding game. Embrace OOP, and let’s code the future together!  

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Read the complete article to know more.

What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs)?

Object-Oriented Programming is a type of programming approach that uses the concepts of objects and classes. A program written within the Object-Oriented Programming approach will have reusable blocks of codes termed classes. These classes are further used for creating instances of the objects. Due to several benefits offered by Object-Oriented Programming, many programming languages have been developed following the gen concepts of OOP. The programming languages that follow OOP are Java, Python, and C++. Also check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition.

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A class may be defined as a blueprint for creating specific objects. Whenever a class is specified, it means that attributes are shared within the class.

Object-Oriented Programming revolves around the concept of objects. In the area of software development, Object-Oriented Programming language has become a fundamental part. Mainly with developing languages like Java and C++, software development would have been a problematic approach. Therefore, without having a clear concept and understanding of Object-Oriented Programming, software development for mobile couldn’t be carried out. Apart from mobile application development, even in web development, Object-Oriented Deprogramming has played a crucial role, mainly in developing OOP languages such as Python, Ruby, and PHP.

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The OOP uses objects in programming, the reason to use OOPs in a code is to increase the reusability and readability of a code. There are many principles that work in OOP. Such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. It provides a better programming style, as the class can be instantiated once a call has been created which could be used in any part of the application.

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Key Concepts of OOP in Java

Exploring the foundational principles of Object-oriented programming in Java is a crucial starting point before delving into its advantages.

Java is founded on the idea of objects, representing real-world entities with their own data (state) and behavior (methods). Objects stem from classes, serving as blueprints that outline attributes and functions an object will possess. Defining an object’s properties and methods through a class fosters organized and reusable code. Benefits of OOP include yielding code that is modular and well-structured.

Encapsulation is another core concept, prioritizing data protection by limiting access. In Java, encapsulation is achieved by bundling data and methods within a class. This practice conceals internal workings from external classes, safeguarding data against unintended changes. These are important benefits of object oriented programming. Access to encapsulated data relies on designated methods like accessors and mutators. Embracing encapsulation heightens code security, fosters modularity, and enhances codebase maintainability.

In Java, inheritance entails the transfer of properties and behaviors from one class to another, establishing a connection between a parent class and its multiple child classes. This hierarchical structure introduces parent-child relationships, where a parent class can have numerous children. By utilizing inheritance, our code gains a structured hierarchy, enabling child classes (referred to as subclasses) to acquire attributes and methods from a parent class (also known as a superclass).

Inheritance supports code reuse, as subclasses can expand and tailor inherited functionalities from a parent class while still inheriting shared attributes and methods. This comes under the advantages of OOP. In object oriented programming advantages of inheritance include aiding in streamlining codebases, minimizing repetition, and enhancing code clarity. Ultimately, inheritance enables better organization, reduces redundancy, and improves code readability, resulting in code that is easily maintainable and more straightforward to troubleshoot when errors arise.

Polymorphism, the fourth pillar of OOP. Benefits of OOPs is that it empowers programmers to treat objects from classes as instances of a shared superclass or interface. In Java, polymorphism enables the use of generic code, eliminating the need for explicit type checks. This allows objects to exhibit unique responses to the same method call based on their individual implementations. Utilizing polymorphism simplifies code maintenance and extensibility, facilitating the enhancement of existing code without significant alterations.

The last concept we’ll explore is abstraction, which involves the use of abstract classes and interfaces. An abstract class serves as a framework for subclasses, incorporating both concrete and abstract methods. In contrast, an interface outlines a set of method requirements that a class must implement. Advantages of OOPs is that abstraction enhances comprehension of intricate systems by breaking them down into more manageable components or modules.

Advantages of OOPS

1. Troubleshooting is easier with the OOP language

Suppose the user has no idea where the bug lies if there is an error within the code. Also, the user has no idea where to look into the code to fix the error. This is quite difficult for standard programming languages. However, when Object-Oriented Programming is applied, the user knows exactly where to look into the code whenever there is an error. There is no need to check other code sections as the error will show where the trouble lies.

Let’s understand it by this example, your mobile you are using your phone and suddenly the screen turns white and then turned off. You infer that the reason behind this must be a problem with the motherboard of your phone. Encapsulation is the reason behind this, there is no need to go after every code in order to understand a problem.

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It is mainly encapsulation that makes the objects are self-contained. This further helps in troubleshooting and easier collaborative development.

2. Code Reusability

One of two important concepts that are provided by Object-Oriented Programming is the concept of inheritance. Through inheritance, the same attributes of a class are not required to be written repeatedly. This avoids the issues where the same code has still to be written multiple times in a code. With the introduction of the concept of classes, the code section can be used as many times as required in the program. Through the inheritance approach, a child class is created that inherits the fields and methods of the parent class. The methods and values that are present in the parent class can be easily overridden. Through inheritance, the features of one class can be inherited by another class by extending the class. Therefore, inheritance is vital for providing code reusability and also multilevel inheritance.

One of the benefits of oop in c++ is the productivity of a code. For example, under the pen class object, one person needs a blue pen class, and the other wants a black pen class. But despite these pen class objects being of different types but they do share a commonality. The commonality for them is that they both are different colour types of pens. This is one of the biggest advantages of oop in c++.

Thus, Object-Oriented Programming offers the feature of class reusability where the class that is once created can be used again. In doing so, time is saved, and the need for extra coding is eliminated as similar features can be inherited.

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3. Productivity

The productivity of two codes increases through the use of Object-Oriented Programming. This is because the OOP has provided so many libraries that new programs have become more accessible. Also, as it provides the facility of code reusability, the length of a code is decreased, further enhancing the faster development of newer codes and programs.

One of the advantages of using OOP in C++ is the productivity of a code as it not only saves time but also the possibility of errors. When a code is being put into a library, the steps for manual programming are not required. The codes can be easily accessed in these libraries.

4. Data Redundancy

By the term data redundancy, it means that the data is repeated twice. This means that the same data is present more than one time. In Object-Oriented Deprogramming the data redundancy is considered to be an advantage. For example, the user wants to have a functionality that is similar to almost all the classes. In such cases, the user can create classes with similar functionaries and inherit them wherever required.

Although redundancy by the term is not appealing here it is considered as one of the advantages of object oriented programming, the main reason is that it reduces the repetition of a mundane task. If some data is required to be used again then the data from a similar functionary can be utilised. And the efforts can go into doing those tasks which require more attention.

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5. Code Flexibility

The flexibility is offered through the concept of Polymorphism. A scenario can be considered for a better understanding of the concept. A person can behave differently whenever the surroundings change. For example, if the person is in a market, the person will behave like a customer, or the behavior might get changed to a student when the person is in a school or any institution.

In this example, it can be observed that different behaviors are shown by the same person whenever the surroundings around the person get changed. This could explain the concept of Polymorphism and its flexibility. The developers benefit through Polymorphism in the following ways: simplicity and extensibility. Polymorphism is one of the benefits of oop as it gives scope to a code to be in more than one form.

6. Solving problems

Problems can be efficiently solved by breaking down the problem into smaller pieces and this makes as one of the big advantages of object-oriented programming. If a complex problem is broken down into smaller pieces or components, it becomes a good programming practice. Considering this fact, OOPS utilizes this feature where it breaks down the code of the software into smaller pieces of the object into bite-size pieces that are created one at a time. Once the problem is broken down, these broken pieces can be used again to solve other problems. Also, the more minor codes can get replaced through the modules with the same interface having the implementation details.

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7. Security

Because of the concept of data abstraction in OOPS, only a limited amount of data is shown to the user which makes good benefits of oop. The rest data is not exposed while exposing only the required amount of data. Therefore, it allows the maintenance of security. Another set of benefits of oop in java concept of abstraction is used to hide the complexity from other users and demonstrate the element’s information as per the requirements. It also helps in avoiding repetitive code. Another concept provided in OOPS is the feature of encapsulation that allows the protection of the data in the classes from getting accessed by the system. All the internal contents in the class can be safeguarded. In Java, encapsulation is mainly used for restricting access to the class fields directly while setting all the fields of the class to private.

The code in the OOPS is easy maintenance coding due to the presence of a coding base in a central way. Therefore it is easy to create procedure code that can be easily maintained. 

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8. Code Organization

Benefits of OOP in Java is that Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) offers a significant advantage by allowing developers to encapsulate data and behavior within classes and objects. Advantages of object oriented programming are that this approach emphasizes maintaining data integrity and preventing unintended data access. By assigning distinct roles and functions to classes, developers can effectively segment the codebase into smaller, autonomous modules. This practice enhances code extensibility and simplifies maintenance tasks, ultimately minimizing the efforts and resources required for debugging and issue resolution within code blocks.

Additionally, Java provides a package system that empowers programmers to organize interconnected classes into meaningful entities. OOPs advantages are that these packages enable the creation of a hierarchical arrangement for code management and organization. When developers group classes together, it facilitates the definition of distinct boundaries, fostering a more scalable codebase. Moreover, packages facilitate both access control and visibility management of classes and their components, contributing to heightened code security and reinforced encapsulation principles.


Embarking on my software development journey, I’ve discovered many advantages linked with Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). Let me share these key benefits: 

Modular Development: I found it incredibly efficient to construct programs by seamlessly integrating standard modules. This not only saved me valuable development time but also significantly boosted my overall productivity. 

Simplified Problem Solving: OOPs allowed me to break down complex programs into more manageable, bite-sized codes. This approach greatly facilitated my troubleshooting process. 

Cost-Effective Maintenance: Embracing OOPs has notably reduced the maintenance costs of the programs I work on, leading to increased productivity. 

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Scalability: Adapting to evolving requirements was a breeze as OOP systems effortlessly scaled from smaller to larger projects, offering unparalleled flexibility. 

Concurrency: One notable advantage is the ability to handle multiple instances of the same object concurrently without interference. 

These firsthand experiences underscore the pivotal role of OOPs in the dynamic field of software development. If you share my passion for advancing your skills, consider exploring the Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialisation in Full Stack Development offered by IIIT-B at upGrad. Crafted for professionals like us, this course provides expert guidance, industry-oriented projects, and promising placement opportunities. Feel free to connect with the dedicated team for further assistance and information.  



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Meet Sriram, an SEO executive and blog content marketing whiz. He has a knack for crafting compelling content that not only engages readers but also boosts website traffic and conversions. When he's not busy optimizing websites or brainstorming blog ideas, you can find him lost in fictional books that transport him to magical worlds full of dragons, wizards, and aliens.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is the difference between C and C++?

C is a mid-level programming language that combines features of both low-level and high-level languages. C++ is another programming language that contains some features of C and another object-oriented programming language called Simula 67. C++ is an object-oriented programming language that supports classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction. On the other hand, C is a procedure-oriented language that does not support any object-oriented features. C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types and pointers and references, whereas C supports only built-in data types and pointers. Also, C follows a top-down programming approach, whereas C++ follows a bottom-up model. These are some of the basic differences between these two programming languages.

2What is meant by objects in object-oriented programming?

Objects are the first thing that comes to mind when you mention object-oriented programming. An object can be conceptualized as an instance or specimen of a particular class. Objects are mostly used to model objects in the real world for ease of programming. An object is essentially a self-contained part of the programming language, which contains properties and methods that help make a specific kind of data useful. In other words, objects can contain variables, data structures, and functions that are implemented in a program as a whole unit. When an object is defined, memory is allocated for it.

3Which is better between Java and C++?

Both Java and C++ are object-oriented programming languages with similar syntax. They are used to build some of the most powerful enterprise-level tech platforms today. However, both languages are vastly different, for which they are now always equally suitable for all kinds of projects. So there is no direct answer to which is a better programming language between these two. C++ is generally more suited for hardware-level programming because C++ is closest to machine language. Again, Java lays the foundation when it comes to Android development and building web-based and server-side apps. It is crucial to consider project requirements to decide which one is a better option.

4What are the advantages of object-oriented programming in PHP?

Faster, Reusability, Easy to Modify, Easy Maintenance, Molecularity.

5What are the characteristics of OOP?

Following are the characteristics of OOP - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Reusability, Readability.

6What are the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented programming?

Disadvantages: 1. The program size written in OOP is larger as compared to others. 2. Longer time for execution because of the bigger program size. 3. Cannot be used in all programs. Advantages: Reusability, Readability, Security, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction.

7What are object-oriented analyses and what are some advantages of this method?

It is an approach to analysing an application, system, etc. using OOP. 1. It increases product quality. It is data-centric rather than procedure centric. 2. Easy upgrade from a small to a large system.3. Encapsulation activates the hiding feature which prevents from tampering.

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