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Top 10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

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10th Dec, 2022
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Top 10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

It is much easier to feel a controlled sense of time in today’s time. While juggling work and personal life can get overwhelming sometimes, incorporating time management skills can significantly benefit in ensuring harmony. You can easily plan and balance your time between tasks using time management tips,

Effective time management is vital for people looking forward to gaining control over tight-fitting deadlines and challenging schedules. With time management tips, one can ensure a better workplace reputation or move forward in terms of personal responsibilities.

Steps to Improve Time Management Skills

Below are some practical time management skills that can help you be up and running. These steps not only help you find a better version of yourself but also ensure that you work efficiently.

1. Organization

Organizing tasks is the process of keeping track of one’s priorities diligently, which includes tasks like keeping accounts of every little thing. One of the main steps behind understanding an organization is analyzing the routine and estimating what tasks to do first and what to do last. An organized list guides you to increase your productivity, resulting in an efficient work process.

2. Prioritization

Prioritization is a skill that requires maximum effort and time into a task or a specific set of functions. When you prioritize your goals, you make the best use of your time, thereby creating a thriving environment in your workspace and for yourself.

To prioritize tasks, you need to start with a to-do list or a planner and allocate priorities. For instance, you can develop several studies and place them under labels such as —primary, secondary and non-important. It will help you rid yourself of excessive work and reduce stress.

3. Goal setting

As the term suggests, goal setting is the process of setting objectives and aims to help you achieve your goals. It gives you a transparent idea of what must be done and helps you with things you can avoid to gain a better insight into your work.

It is easy to get distracted without goals while facing more challenges on the way. Both short-term and long-term goals are necessary. A short-term goal may include finishing an online course or creating a savings plan. A long-term goal usually focuses on a project that requires accomplishment over months or years.

4. Planning

To achieve a goal, you must devise a plan. The advantages of having a plan are many. First, planning helps you understand the nature of the project you’re hoping to take on. Secondly, planning enables you to get rid of discrepancies within. Besides, proper planning is the key to any time management skills. Planning also takes care of the time you put into accomplishing a task.

5. Delegation

Delegating tasks is a practical skill set you can count within time management skills. While working on your project, you can assign or delegate tasks to your team workers. Doing this will alleviate the stress and workload of the team members. In addition, it will also ensure that one’s time is utilized effectively.

6. Communication

As a team leader, you can delegate tasks to team members. Knowing the art of communication is key to any efficient time management skills. A good rapport in communication can work wonders for you.

Communication improves workspace interpersonal relations and helps you gain trust around your subordinates. It is also crucial in resolving conflicts. Hence, communication is a valuable asset that is rewarding in the workspace.

7. Stress management

Stress can be an overwhelming emotion when it comes to increasing work pressure. To utilize your time efficiently, you must understand how to deal with stress. Activities such as yoga, cycling, exercise, and meditation can help keep your stress under check. As an outcome, you can carry out tasks effectively without falling under the veil of stress.

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8. Flexibility

Not all people come equipped with natural time management skills. As a result of this, flexibility can be quite a difficult feat to achieve. However, if you decide to flaunt a flexible nature at work, you can effectively train yourself in time management. Before taking on a task, check your planner and see if you have any free time left. If it is a priority task, communicate it to your supervisor.

Guide To Improve Time Management Skills

Several steps can guide you towards achieving a goal or completing a task. Now that we have discussed the necessary steps one can take for effective time management, let’s move on to a broader and hands-on approach to utilizing time effectively.

  • Set goals that are achievable.

These can include pointers that tell you to complete an urgent task, learn a few lessons of a new language, or organize your closet. Remember that you can only attain your goals when you measure the time it will take you to complete a task. 

  • Schedule tasks on your organizer.

You can choose a planner of your choice. Start with your first task and assign time to it. You may not always follow the strict timings, but you can always look forward to completing a job within a short period.

  • Prioritize tasks according to the deadline.

If the task is time-based, it is vital to be aware of the deadline, without which completing the job may be a hassle.

  • Focus on a task at any given point in time.

It is essential to know that multitasking isn’t everyone’s forte. In addition, focusing on one task at a time ensures you give your one-hundred percent to a study and avoid laxity.

  • Minimize interruptions and sources of disruption.

While carrying out a task that requires most of your attention, refrain from using phones or checking notifications about emails, social media, and the like. You can also eliminate noise sources.

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  • Take short breaks in between completing a task.

Taking breaks is one of the key ways in which you can avoid burning out. It is okay not to be productive and efficient at all hours. You must know your limit and take a break if work distresses you.

  • Review your planner by the end of the day.

When you go through your planner or organizer, you can take the liberty to feel a sense of achievement. At the same time, it helps you take care of any tasks that you didn’t achieve for that day.

  • Utilize reinforcement learning.

Using this technique, you can reward your efforts in the workspace or the personal space. Reinforcement learning ensures you know the value of a task that benefits your time and effort.

Time Management Statistics

A poll conducted in 2021 shows that 18% of the US population has a dedicated time management system called TMS. Others refer to timeboxing, Eat That Frog!, and the Pomodoro technique.

12% prefer a diary or a day planner, while 6% use a particular technique that caters to their best needs. Most people use the Eisenhower matrix, an established popular time management technique. In terms of conducting time audits, 49% of people lag. In the same context, 31% conduct occasional audits, while 20% conduct these audits regularly.

Some common distractions that add to issues in time management in a professional workspace are chatty coworkers, impromptu meetings, long hours of social media, office noise, and the feeling of overwhelming emotions at work. These reasons contribute to reports of 80% of the employees feeling a sense of disengagement at work.

Some end up spending a total of 30 days per year on email management and subsequently lose focus on checking emails regularly. Due to the same reasons, 43% of employees feel stressed out. 


While time management skills teach you the essentials crucial to a growing workspace, they can also assist you with solutions to problems that can be a significant hurdle to completing a task. Keeping calm and maintaining a set of methods or techniques to solve a problem is essential. At the same time, a professional course such as an Advance General Management Program by upGrad can further enhance your skillset, leading you to bag lucrative market opportunities in your relevant field!


Karan Raturi

Blog Author
Karan Raturi is the General Manager of upGrad North America. He has also led various finance, strategy, and operations teams at Wayfair, Kurt Salmon, and IBM.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What skills do you require for effective time management?

Experts recommend skills such as Prioritization, Delegation, Multitasking, Goal setting, decision making, scheduling, and strategic thinking, among others, for effective time management.

2What are the five primary aspects of time management?

A list of 5 aspects usually works for time management. These include- Setting reminders for an upcoming task Establishing a routine Maintaining a daily planner Assigning a time limit to each task Blocking out distractions and interference

3What are the benefits of time management?

Regarding workspace, time management skills are a valuable asset for all available roles in the market. As a student or a working professional, it may help you avoid the tendency to procrastinate on deadlines and tasks. Additionally, it assists you in allocating time for several tasks.

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