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Top 10 Cyber Security Books to Read to Improve Your Skills

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Top 10 Cyber Security Books to Read to Improve Your Skills

The importance of cyber security continues to grow, with organisations having little option but to invest in new technologies and staff. This is particularly the case given the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks – with many businesses now facing multiple threats simultaneously. In response to this increased demand, several books have been written on the topic, with some proving more useful than others. While there are various cyber security books worth reading, this article highlights our top ten recommendations for anyone looking to develop their skills further.

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Mastering Windows Server 2016

As one of the world’s most widely used server-operating systems, Windows Server 2016 is critical to many businesses. Not only does it provide robust and reliable services, but it is also capable of scaling as your organization grows, meaning that it has multiple uses across the cyber security landscape. While the book covers various areas, it is particularly useful for those looking to develop their skills in virtualization and server management. As such, it would be suited to system administrators, IT architects, and other staff looking to develop their skill sets in these areas. Key takeaways include managing Active Directory and server virtualization strategies, improving scalability, and maximizing the use of PowerShell.

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Network Security Basics

Network Security Basics is a good starting point for anyone looking to develop their skills in this area. While it is focused on the fundamentals, it provides a strong starting point for critical concepts without getting too advanced. This makes it particularly helpful for those who are new to the field and keen to gain a solid understanding of the core concepts. In addition, it covers core concepts such as encryption, key management, and hashing, giving an excellent overview and grounding for those concerned with developing a general understanding of the fundamentals. Key takeaways include an overview of encryption, hashing and key management, and recognizing different network attacks.

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Introduction to Linux and Network Security

Linux is often used in tandem with Windows and other operating systems, so it makes sense to understand the basics of how it works. While Windows is the most common business operating system, many organizations also use Linux to provide robust and scalable services. This book is particularly useful for those looking to understand how Linux works and how it differs from other operating systems. It would be particularly useful for those who need to work with Linux systems daily and are looking to boost their understanding of this operating system. Key takeaways include an overview of the Linux operating system, how it differs from other systems, and how to configure it.

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Python for Networking and Network Security

Python is a powerful programming language that is increasingly used in cyber security. It is a great choice for this field, given that it is easy to learn, powerful, and flexible. This book explores how Python can be used in networking and network security, with each chapter focusing on a different implementation area. Python is increasingly being used in several areas within cyber security, including machine learning and artificial intelligence. This book is a great starting point for those looking to learn more about how Python can be used in network security. Key takeaways include the ability to program in Python to perform network security tasks and brief language history.

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Core Infrastructure Security

This book is useful for developing skills in securing core infrastructure. The book also includes topics such as securing virtualization, databases, and the cloud, as well as several other topics. It is a good choice for IT professionals in general, particularly those working on core infrastructure. It is particularly helpful for those who work in organizations that rely on the cloud, given that it gives an insight into how to secure and protect this environment. Key takeaways include an overview of the different elements of core infrastructure, how to protect them, and how to secure them properly.

Cryptography in Network Security

Cryptography is a key network security element, particularly as cyber-attacks become more sophisticated. This book explores the basics of cryptography, covering how it can be used to protect sensitive information, such as passwords. It is particularly useful for those new to the field of cryptography and looking to develop a basic understanding of the topic. It would be particularly useful for those who work in an organization that relies on cryptography to protect sensitive information, such as passwords. Key takeaways include an overview of cryptography and its role in network security.

Defending Against the Latest Attacks

This is an excellent book for those keen to learn more about the latest cyber attacks and how to defend against them. This book covers a diverse range of attacks and how they can be defended against. It provides insight into the latest trends and techniques used by cybercriminals. This makes it particularly useful for those concerned about the latest cyber attacks, particularly those in senior positions within their organization. 

Ghost In The Wires

This book provides an in-depth look into his life and his journey through the world of hacking, providing significant insight into the world of cyber security. Ghost in the Wires is particularly useful for anyone interested in the history of cyber security or in the life of a famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick. It would be particularly useful for anyone interested in the field’s history and who wants to learn more about its origins. 

Threat Modelling: Designing for Security

This book deals with significant concepts of threat modelling, a method of designing for security. This method involves breaking down the digital landscape and the assets that are contained within it. This is a great starting point for anyone concerned with designing for security, particularly those in a senior role. This book provides a good overview of threat modelling, covering how it works and ways to implement it. 

Applied Cryptography

Applied cryptography explores the basics of cryptography, including cyphers, hash functions, and public key cryptography. Authored by Bruce Schneier, this book is a comprehensive guide for modern cryptography, suitable for modern communicators aiming to strengthen security systems by building cryptographic software. 


This article has highlighted the top ten cybersecurity books worth reading. It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the cyber security landscape, given that it is evolving and growing. Reading books can be a great way to do this, particularly given the wealth of information in printed books.

However, reading books is by no means the only way to achieve expertise in cyber security. Since the nature of this field is highly technical and practical, you are advised to get hands-on practice with whatever concepts you understand from these books. 

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Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Is cyber security an important domain of work?

Yes, cyber security is an important domain of work, especially with evolving cyber threats and attacks. Cyber security has grown to be one of the most sought-after fields for organizations and engineers.

2Can freshers start working in cyber security?

Yes! The books we listed above are beginner-friendly and will give you a solid foundation to base your cyber security career.

3What kinds of businesses need cyber security?

Almost all kinds of businesses and domains of operations today require cyber security experts to help them against any and every kind of cybercrime or attack.