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Python Array vs. List: Differences & Use-Cases

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Python Array vs. List: Differences & Use-Cases

In the world of Data Science, where handling and manipulating data is the name of the game, having the right tools can make all the difference. Python, with its powerful data structures, offers two main options: lists and arrays. These tools might seem similar at first glance—they both store data and allow for manipulation—but their differences can significantly impact your projects. By diving into the nuances of Python Array vs List differences, you gain insights that go beyond just syntax. You’ll learn when to wield the flexibility of lists, like tossing various data types into a bag, versus the efficiency and structure of Arrays, ideal for number crunching and handling large datasets. This understanding empowers data professionals to choose the most suitable option for each task, ultimately optimizing their workflows and boosting productivity in the ever-evolving landscape of Data Science. 

Arrays in Python

An array is a contiguous data structure that holds homogeneous elements, i.e., the elements that belong to the same data type. 

The following are the major characteristics exhibited by arrays in Python:

  • The contiguous nature of the array allows the data to be stored in adjacent memory locations. This makes it easier to perform operations on array elements.
  • An array in Python can be declared in two ways: 
    • Using the array module 

import array # importing the ‘array’ module

myArray = array.array(‘i’, [10, 20, 30]) # array declaration
# created array: [10, 20, 30]

Note: In the above declaration, it is necessary to specify the format code. Here, ‘i’ is a format code that stands for integer.

  • Using the NumPy module
import numpy # importing the 'numpy' module

myArray = numpy.array([10, 20, 30]) # array declaration

# created array: [10, 20, 30]
  • Array elements are ordered. Every element has an associated integer index. For example, in arr[10, 20, 30], ‘10’, ‘20’, and ‘30’ are stored at indices 0, 1, and 2 respectively in the memory.

Note: The array indexing in Python starts from 0. 

  • An array can only contain values of the same type i.e. homogeneous elements. For example,

arr[1, 2, 3]

arr[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]

An array in Python is generally used to store a list of similar items. One real-life use-case of a display can be to store the stock prices of a particular stock for a range of days. The closing price of the stock remains intact for a specific stock and day. This means that storing such details in an immutable data structure such as an array makes much more sense.

In fact, NumPy arrays are generally used to store data from large datasets in data science and machine learning. Each NumPy array corresponds to a feature in a dataset.

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Lists in Python 

A list is one of the four in-built containers or data structures supported in Python. One of the major advantages of using lists is that a single list can hold values of multiple data types. 

The following are the major characteristics exhibited by lists in Python:

  • Lists are more flexible in terms of data storage. They can contain heterogeneous data i.e., elements of different types. For example,
[1, 'hello', ['x', 'y']]

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  • Lists are also ordered, and the elements stored in a list can be accessed using their indices. Negative indices can be used to access an element from the end of the list. For example.,
 myList = [20, 40, 'hello', 'world']

# printing the second last element 



  • Lists can be easily mutatedafter the initialization of the list. To modify any value, access it using the index of the element.
cars = ['Ford', 'Tesla', 'Jaguar']

cars[2] = 'BMW'
  • Multi-dimensional lists can also be implemented in Python using the concept of nested lists. These multi-dimensional lists can be used as multi-dimensional arrays in Python.
 myArr = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 

# created 2-d array:

# |1, 2|

# |3, 4|

A real-life use-case of a multi-dimensional heterogeneous list in Python can be to store a set of product details such as product type, category, cost price, selling price, etc. Each list in such a multi-dimensional list represents a product. Since the lists are mutable, it becomes easier to change the product details whenever we want. 

If you are an aspiring Python developer, covering the basic differences between array and list in Python is a key aspect. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight onto a tabular description on Python Array vs. List.

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Know the Difference Between Array and List in Python 

Python Array vs List: Who’s the winner?




Lists need not be declared since they are inbuilt in Python.

list = [10, 20, 30]

You need to import an array module or NumPy library in order to declare an array.


my_arr_1 = array.array(‘i’, [10, 20, 30])

Data Type

A single list can contain values that belong to different data types.

myList = [40, ‘hi there’, ‘m’]

All the elements of an array should be of the same data type.

myArr = arr.array(i, [1, 0, 9])


Python list is resizeable as, during list initialization, Python initializes some extra elements.Arrays have a constant size that can not be altered.



Consumes larger space and memory for the addition or removal of elements.

Stores data in a more compact manner. 

Data Storage

Preferred for storing a small amount of data.

Preferred for storing a large amount of data

Mathematical Operations

Can not be used for mathematical operations directly.

Array elements can be easily manipulated using advanced mathematical operations. 

Display Data

Elements of a list can be displayed without loop

my_List = [1,“Dennis”,[‘a’,‘b’]]


A loop must be required for the elements of an array to be displayed.

import array  

my_Arr = array.array(‘i’, [1, 2, 3])  

for i in my_Arr:


Array vs List : Detailed Comparision

 These parameters will help you understand the difference between a list and an array in Python, with difference between list and array in Python with examples. 

Datatype Consistency 

It refers to the uniformity of data types within a particular data structure. Programming addresses whether elements stored in a collection, like a list or an array, must be of the same data type or can vary. This consideration is important in understanding the difference between list and array Python. Lists allow versatility with different types, while arrays often enforce a more rigid structure, contributing to discussions on the difference between array and linked listand their roles in efficient data management. 

 List: Python lists can contain elements of different data types. This flexibility allows for heterogeneous data structures. 

 my_list = [1, 'hello', 3.14, True] 

 Array: Arrays in Python are homogeneous, requiring all elements to be of the same data type. This ensures a consistent structure for efficient memory allocation and access. 

 import numpy as np 

my_array = np.array([1, 2, 3])  # The array enforces consistent data type (integer in this case) 

 Dynamic Sizing 

 A data structure can adjust its size during runtime, allowing for the addition or removal of elements without predefined size constraints. In the context of Python, dynamic sizing is exemplified in lists, showcasing the difference between list and array in Python as lists seamlessly adjust to variable element counts. In a broader sense, the concept is important in comprehending the array and ArrayList difference, emphasizing the flexibility and memory management of these structures. 

Dynamic Sizing in Lists (Python): 

 Lists in Python are dynamically sized, meaning you can add or remove elements without specifying the size beforehand. 


 my_list = [1, 2, 3] 

my_list.append(4)  # Dynamically adds an element 

my_list.remove(2)  # Dynamically removes an element 

Dynamic Sizing in Arrays (Python): 

 Arrays in Python, by default, have a fixed size upon creation. Changing the size involves creating a new array, which can be less efficient. 


import array 

my_array = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])  # Fixed size 

# To dynamically resize, a new array needs to be created 

new_array = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4]) 

Memory Management: 

 List: Lists use dynamic arrays internally, leading to occasional overallocation for better performance during resizing operations. 

 # Dynamic sizing with Python lists 

my_list = [1, 2, 3] 

my_list.append(4)  # Dynamically adds an element 

my_list.remove(2)  # Dynamically removes an element 

Array: Arrays have a fixed size, resulting in more efficient memory usage. The size is determined at the time of creation and remains constant. 

 import numpy as np 

# NumPy array with dynamic sizing and efficient memory management 

my_array = np.array([1, 2, 3]) 


Here, we will discuss about python array vs list performance. 

 List: Random access in lists is relatively slower because elements are not stored in contiguous memory locations. Accessing elements may require traversal from the beginning of the list. 

Array: Arrays provide faster random access as elements are stored in contiguous memory locations. Accessing elements involves direct indexing, leading to quicker retrieval. 

Ease of Use: 

List: Lists are versatile and easy to use, with built-in functions for various operations. They are suitable for a wide range of tasks without the need for additional libraries. 

Array: Arrays might require additional libraries, such as NumPy, for advanced operations like mathematical and numerical computations. They are more specialized and may have a steeper learning curve. 

 Insertion and Deletion: 

 List: Lists support efficient insertion and deletion at both ends, but these operations can be slower in the middle due to the need to shift elements. 

 Array: Insertion and deletion operations can be less efficient, especially in the middle, as they require moving elements to accommodate changes in size. 


# Creating a list 
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] 

# Inserting an element at a specific position 

my_list.insert(2, 10)  # Insert 10 at index 2 

# Appending an element at the end 


 print(“List after insertion:”, my_list) 

# Removing an element by value 

my_list.remove(3)  # Remove the element with value 3 

 # Removing an element by index 

removed_value = my_list.pop(1)  # Remove and return the element at index 1 

 print(“List after deletion:”, my_list) 

print(“Removed value:”, removed_value) 

 Ease of Use: 

 List: Lists are versatile and easy to use, with built-in functions for various operations. They are suitable for a wide range of tasks without the need for additional libraries. 

Array: Arrays might require additional libraries, such as NumPy, for advanced operations like mathematical and numerical computations. They are more specialized and may have a steeper learning curve. 

Python Array vs List: Who’s the winner?

If you are reading this section, then it means you are now quite familiarized with the difference between list and array in Python. However, you should also be aware of when to use Array or List in your program. 

This section discusses the various circumstances where you have to choose the most suitable data structure among these two.

Type of elements 

If the type of data is not predetermined, there is a collection of data belonging to multiple types. For instance, to store the record of students having entities such as name(string),  ID(integer), and marks(float), a list is a preferred choice.

If the data to be stored belongs to the same data type, then an array or a list can be preferred here. The choice will then depend on other parameters such as the size of the data, operations to be performed, and usage.

Memory Consumption

Memory consumption in lists is more as some additional space is allocated during the initialization of the list. If the data collection is relatively smaller, then a list is an efficient choice here.

Image Source: webcourses@UCF

Arrays are suitable for storing large amounts of data, as the memory consumption of arrays is more efficient than lists.

Image Source: webcourses@UCF

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Supported Operations

If your data does not require any arithmetic operations, then a list can be a better choice, as it supports better in-built functions for data manipulation.

On the other hand, arrays should be used when mathematical operations need to be performed. The NumPy module supports many advanced mathematical operations, including trigonometry and logarithmic operations.

Module to be imported 

list can be declared without importing any module or library. It can be defined just like a usual variable since it is an in-built data structure in Python. 

However, the array is not one of the default containers of Python. There are two most popular modules- array and NumPy. Each module comes with some predefined functions to manipulate and manage the data stored in the array.

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Understanding the differences between Python arrays and lists is crucial. It’s not about declaring a winner but knowing which one suits the task. Arrays excel in numerical operations, ideal for data-intensive tasks, while lists offer versatility for handling various data types. Mastering their usage enhances both efficiency and problem-solving skills. So, for those looking to advance in Python, recognizing these distinctions is a practical skill that enriches coding abilities. 

If you want to start your journey in Data Science, then enroll in upGrad’s Data Science course today. Check out the extensive collection of courses on upGrad to kick start your career.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1When to use an array over a list in Python?

Python array is preferred over a list in various scenarios:

1. Since the array in Python is more compact and consumes less memory than a list, it is preferred to use an array when a large amount of data needs to be stored.
2. It is unnecessary to use a list to store the data when all elements are of the same data type and hence an array will be more efficient here.
3. The data stored in an array can be easily manipulated mathematically whereas this is quite inconvenient with a list.

2Which is faster between array and list in Python?

An array is faster than a list in python since all the elements stored in an array are homogeneous i.e., they have the same data type whereas a list contains heterogeneous elements.

Moreover, Python arrays are implemented in C which makes it a lot faster than lists that are built-in in Python itself.

3When is a list more suitable for storing data in Python?

Python list has a great significance in data storage and can be used in multiple cases:

1. When you have various elements of different data types, you can store them in a list and can access these elements by simply referring to their indices.
2. A list can also be resized. Hence, a list is useful when you are not certain about the number of elements.
3. Lists are highly preferable when a small amount of data is required to be stored since the built-in functions of the list are quite convenient for data manipulation.

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