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How to Start a Career in Cyber Security in 2024?

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How to Start a Career in Cyber Security in 2024?

A hike in web-driven services has led to the rise of cyber security to strengthen its clutches. The most basic computer programs such as data storage, networking, security, and remote computing are accessible on the web, leading the chances of the cyber threat to rise simultaneously. The only way to keep web experience as safe as possible for millions of people, reinforcing a robust force of cyber security professionals is the need of the hour. 

While the tech and IT domains are drowning with eligible candidates and recruits, the cyber security sphere is yet to find ample brilliance through its candidates. Nevertheless, it is a leading career option that’s slowly gaining emergence among young professionals today. 

As the domain gains popularity, it’s essential to acknowledge current opportunities and surf through a plethora of others to find our best options in this cyber security. 

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What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the defense line against web threats faced by devices, networks, servers, and data, from malicious sources. The cyber security industry strives to offer protection from various network vulnerabilities that may result in the disclosure of sensitive information stored on the web. As digitization has sped up through the years, breaking through these networks has become easier. Illegal entities or network disruption, any of these can be the lead cause of the cyber threat, and cyber security offers protection against all such malicious attacks. In addition, cyber security measures come to the rescue for instances such as phishing, data breach, unauthorized access to a network, or misdirected services.

Importance of Cyber Security in the Current Age

Digital literacy has become both a boon and curse for the generation as malicious entities use the same tools made for digital convenience to breach through unauthorized spaces and abuse available resources. 2021 saw a great rise in cybercrime percentage across the web as malicious activities increased to a whopping 600% globally. In a special report by CyberSecurity Ventures, cyber crimes through network vulnerabilities such as malware attacks, crypto-jacking, ransomware, and various others are prone to inflict global damage of $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

The need for cyber security is more than ever as the generation continues to rely on the internet for their diversified needs. Starting a career in cyber security is likely to provide better working opportunities for young minds as a fresh, challenging, and lucrative career domain. 

Starting a career in Cyber Security

Starting a career in cyber security requires a candidate to own certain educational eligibility criterions essential to understand the intricacies of web and cyber security. Although a degree is not necessary to seek a career in the domain, it offers the upper hand to any candidate seeking the desired position. Here are some of the essentials you must follow to start a career in cyber security.

Educational background

A candidate must have a strong educational background backed by degrees relevant to the discipline. A Bachelor in cyber security or any IT discipline is essential to kickstart your career. These degrees will offer a strong foundation for your career. Master’s in the same discipline may even increase your chances of getting better opportunities. Most cyber security experts at least hold an undergraduate degree to gain experience and basic knowledge of the subject. 


Specialized certifications are on a roll these days. Many IT professionals from different fields seek a career in cyber security but lack the right skills. This is where cyber security certification courses can be resourceful. Industry certifications are an excellent way to quickly learn the cyber security workings followed by industry-specific measures. Learners can also gain proficiency in specialized subjects they find interesting. 


Cyber security is a challenging job that requires candidates to deal with sensitive information and diverse technical skills. A recruiter can only gauge your ability to put the mentioned skillset to use by going through the experience column. Enroll in training, join boot camps, participate in competitions and internships to strengthen your resume. Experienced candidates are more likely to bag positions than fresh graduates.

Career Opportunities in Cyber Security

Cyber security is a vast field with endless possibilities for candidates to explore, aim, and achieve work profiles relevant to their interests. According to a report, 3.5 million cyber security jobs are expected to be opened by 2025, which opens the pathway for millions of candidates to seek out their best job opportunities. Here are a few of the many career opportunities available in the cyber security market to claim. 

  • Information Security Analyst: Information security analysts are responsible for planning out security measures for an organization’s computer systems. They analyze trends, networks, and systems to install security systems such as firewalls for better protection.
  • Security Architect: Security architects plan and build an organization’s security framework to protect it from different network vulnerabilities by creating, implementing, and managing the security system. 


  • Ethical Hacker: An ethical hacker or white hacker is a cyber security professional who tests and penetrates networks and computer systems to check security measures. These hackers are recruited by organizations who wish to know the irregularities in their system. 


  • Forensic Analyst: Forensic analysts assist criminal cases by assessing the digital evidence or running digital tests. They find and recover lost data or any type of information relevant to the case. Moreover, cyber security forensic analysts inspect instances such as cyber-attacks or data breaches.


  • Network Security Engineer: A network security engineer runs necessary tests on the computer systems to find any possible bugs and look for potential vulnerabilities. Testing and configuring software and hardware is one of the most common ways they can help to keep up with an organization’s system and secure it. 

Skills Required to Become Cyber Security Professional

Every position requires candidates to have proficiency in skills relevant to their job description. Cyber security also requires candidates to have specific skills, which are necessary for the post. Here are some of them:

  • Logical reasoning
  • Strong Technical Base
  • Research Skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Customer-service skills
  • Team player
  • Soft skills such as leadership, problem-solving ability, management skills, and presentation skills

While these skills are necessary to step into the world of cyber security, another thing that learners can gain to kick start their career in cyber security is an upGrad certification!

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Master of Science in Computer Science is an excellent program offered by upGrad for computer science professionals to elevate their undergraduate degree to masters with an industry-ready course. Liverpool John Moores University offers learners a program to gain efficiency in specializations such as Cloud Computing, Full Stack Development, and Cyber Security. The program runs across 85+ nations to deliver excellence in the form of the most sought-after skillset.


Starting a career in cyber security is bound to serve you a thrilling job profile. Owning the right educational qualifications and skills will ensure that you bag an esteemed position and the right way to start preparing for it by searching your options. Surf through the vast world of cyber security to learn more about opportunities and various resources readily available online to catalyze your job-winning strategy.




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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Q1: Are programming languages necessary for a career in cyber security?

Proficiency in programming languages might not be the essential criteria for every cyber security job, mostly entry-level ones, but it is still essential to bag higher posts in a company. Python is one of the leading choices. Learners or professional workers who aim to achieve better positions in their job domain can learn programming languages for career advancement.

2Does cyber security require a professional degree to recruit?

While a degree is always preferred for jobs, it is not necessary for cyber security. Candidates with relevant certifications and experience can apply for cyber security jobs. Hands-on training and real-life implementation skills are mostly expected of professionals, so people looking for such opportunities are welcome too.

3Are cyber security certifications worth it?

Cyber security certifications are excellent to supplement your resume, especially if the certificates are relevant to the job profile. Certifications can offer you an upper hand in job interviews along with degrees, training, and practical experience.

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