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Future of Work: What Jobs Will There Be in the Future & How to Prepare Yourself

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9th Jun, 2023
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Future of Work: What Jobs Will There Be in the Future & How to Prepare Yourself

How often do we sit wondering what the future will be like with the improving technology and automation coming our way? There is a constant fear that technology will take up human jobs ever since society has moved towards automation and technological advancements. With the world of work changing rapidly, this is the correct time to pull yourself together, let go of fear and understand the future. 

Understanding the future jobs in demand 2030 will help you deal with the idea of automation and thinking machines replacing human tasks. This blog will help you understand what the future might look like and what jobs will be there. 

What is the Future of Work?

We have come a long way with technology. In the earlier days, one had to go out to get a portrait clicked of themselves, but now with digital cameras and mobile phones, we have moved on. At one time, no one could have imagined that these fascinating vocations would eventually become obsolete and would not rank among the best jobs. 

We have advanced significantly and gained knowledge from our mistakes. Our past experiences have shown us that there may be a day in the future when self-organizing teams, automation, and outsourcing take the role of the human resources function. It’s not difficult to see a world where the competition for top talent is so intense that the most talented workers need personal agents to handle their careers. The goal is to continue being ready for future job demands in 2030.

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Digital technologies, like automation and AI, were adopted more quickly as a result of the pandemic. Companies implemented these technologies in grocery stores, warehouses, call centers, and manufacturing facilities to either lower worker density or deal with the soaring demand for goods. They also employed them to alleviate uncertainty or regulate prices.  

Four Possible Worlds of Work in 2030

Here’s a look at the 4 possible work worlds in 2023. 

The Red World – Innovations

The Red World is the ideal breeding ground for creativity, with businesses and individuals competing to satisfy their prospective customers. Those with innovative ideas can grow thanks to technology, digital platforms, and specialized and niche profit markers. Businesses adopt innovative strategies to fill these niches and personalize their offerings to cater to the needs of different consumers. 

Workforces in the Red World

  • In this world, innovation and people go hand in hand. 
  • Organizations are lean and quick, bolstered by people drawn to the next exciting opportunity. People are aware that the most in-demand abilities will yield the highest compensation.

The Red World’s Use of Technology

  • With the use of technology, strong, globally connected social “bubbles” of like-minded people can be created, enabling serial entrepreneurs to succeed much beyond their initial size.
  • Big data and technology enable the rapid development of new goods and business strategies. Companies can come up with fresh strategies to cater to specialized markets and customer preferences. 
  • Digital platforms connect employees with employers, entrepreneurs and investors, and customers and suppliers.

The Blue World – Corporations 

The Blue World is ruled by capitalism, where more is better. In the eyes of organizations, the best defense against fierce competition from aggressive new market entrants and their peers is their size and influence. 

Workforces in the Blue World 

  • Extreme skill is present everywhere. Due to the tremendous demand for exceptional individuals, businesses secure a select group of crucial high achievers by providing attractive rewards.
  • However, firms are bringing in flexible people and skills when and where needed, and workforces are getting smaller. 

The Blue World’s Use of Technology 

  • AI and automation are widely used to improve efficiency and quality, yet people are still needed. To prepare for a secure career in AI, opt for a Master of Science in Machine Learning & AI from LJMU.
  • The price that workers pay in this environment is their data, despite the enormous rewards. Data is utilized to forecast performance and identify human danger.

The Green World in the Future – Companies Care

Corporate responsibility is becoming necessary for doing business rather than just a nice-to-have quality. It is distinguished by a strong sense of social responsibility, an awareness of environmental issues, an emphasis on diversity and human rights, and an understanding that business has effects far beyond its financial results. 

Workforces in the Green World

  • The chance to work for a company they respect and whose values align with theirs attracts employees. 
  • Financial compensation is still significant as fierce competition for top talent exists. The incentive package, which has grown more creative, is a crucial instrument for luring and keeping employees. 

The Green World’s Use of Technology 

  • Technology and automation are crucial components in today’s world to save limited resources and reduce environmental harm. 
  • Travel is frequently replaced by technology, which promotes rapid advancement in communications technology.

The Yellow World in the Future – Humans Come First   

In today’s society, both businesses and employees look for greater significance and relevance in their work. Businesses that prioritize social responsibility and the community succeed and thrive the most. Workers and customers now look to firms with a social heart for significance and relevance. 

Workforces in the Yellow World

  • Technology platforms help like-minded employees find each other. 
  • Collaboration is essential, with people joining forces to complete tasks or carry out an idea for as long as it takes. 
  • Employees relate to one another due to their unique skill sets, interests, and objectives.

The Yellow World’s Use of Technology

  • By eliminating entrance barriers, opening up a global market, and offering access to crowdfunded finance, technology has contributed to the development of the thriving Yellow World.
  • It has made it possible for entrepreneurial businesses to compete in markets that were previously dominated by big corporations. 

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How Will Work Evolve in the Future — 10 Key Trends for the Next 10 Years

Here is an example of what work might look like in 2030:

  1. The ideal workplaces will feature a variety of peaceful locations so that employees can choose where they wish to work, completely doing away with assigned sitting.
  2. There will be fewer, smaller individual organizations. Given the abundance of collaboration opportunities, there will not be a need to establish an expensive large corporation. 
  3. There will be less hierarchy since everyone will lead. Teams will produce better work than dictatorships.
  4. There will be a strong focus on wellness. Offices will have considerably better settings thanks to bright lighting, relaxing facilities, sleeping quarters, music, and the presence of pets.
  5. A Chief of Work will determine the organizational culture. The top jobs of the future may include this position. 
  6. Wearable gadgets will direct employees to the appropriate floor when they arrive at their workplace, and the floor can be adjusted based on information from sensors.
  7. Instead of having actual desks, employees will simply park themselves somewhere and have a virtual workplace appear.
  8. In the future, all employees, regardless of rank, will use robotic assistants like Siri or Alexa to plan meetings, sort through incoming electronic mail, make spreadsheets, etc.
  9. The majority of meetings will be held amongst several teams of employees in various places, enabling seamless idea exchange and brainstorming throughout time zones.
  10. Conversations will be held informally using headgear that combines virtual and augmented reality.

Megatrends in Job Roles

Given the changing skills and employment landscape of 2030, the following job trends may be on the rise:

  • Just one out of five workers are expected to be employed shortly.
  • There may be some opportunities in the building, trades, and agricultural industries.
  • Only one in ten employees will work in occupations that are anticipated to increase in industries like education and healthcare. 
  • Seven out of ten workers are expected to be employed in positions with more future uncertainty.

Most In-demand Skills for the Future of Work

The following are the future jobs in demand 2023:

  • Advanced writing and literary, analytical thinking, mathematical analysis, and statistical skills are all examples of higher cognitive abilities. These are employed by physicians, research analysts, accountants, and authors.
  • Social and emotional skills include the capacity for sophisticated communication, empathy, flexibility, and ongoing learning. These abilities are necessary for programming, business development, and counseling. These positions are among the top professions for the ensuing ten years. 
  • Technical – This category covers everything from elementary to sophisticated IT know-how, engineering, and data analysis. These abilities in the future are likely the highest compensated.

Jobs of the Future in 2030

Here’s a look at the future jobs in demand 2030. 

  • Personal Data Brokers will ensure customers profit from their data. Prices will be set, and the broker will carry out trades.
  • Personal Memory Curators will consult with healthcare professionals and other interested parties to develop requirements for experiences in virtual reality.
  • Virtual Reality to create crucial components for clients; Journey Builder will work with experienced engineers and technical artists.

Impact of Automation

There is some disagreement about whether technological advancements will eliminate work for people or create as many jobs as they replace.

  • Initial Wave (early 2030) – Automated 
  • Second Wave (until 2030) – Supplement 
  • Third Wave (starting around 2030) – Autonomy 

In the initial wave, it is anticipated that 3% of jobs will be lost. This percentage may increase significantly in the following two waves as 30% of occupations may be automated as more and more organizations begin to adopt new technologies.

Job Interviews in 2030

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The best way to identify the right candidate for the job isn’t always through an interview, as supervisors and job seekers today would both agree. Managers frequently make decisions that could be more accurate since they rely on subjective information. 

  • AI for Personality Profiles: Businesses will increasingly use AI to develop personality profiles utilizing social media as soft skills become more critical.
  • A “Credit Score” for Skills: In the future, employers may be able to evaluate individuals’ skills based on the content they submit online.
  • Virtually evaluating job performance: VR is already being used by employers for diversity programs, training, and on-the-job evaluations.


The events that changed the workplace as we know it could not have been predicted or changed by anyone. Regardless of which job will be in demand in future and where they are physically located, people require access to resources that meet their basic human needs and should be able to succeed in a supportive environment. The leaders of the future of work will come from those that lay the groundwork for happy, productive employees and businesses that stay alive and thrive throughout transition periods. 

Frequently Asked Questions



Blog Author
Meet Sriram, an SEO executive and blog content marketing whiz. He has a knack for crafting compelling content that not only engages readers but also boosts website traffic and conversions. When he's not busy optimizing websites or brainstorming blog ideas, you can find him lost in fictional books that transport him to magical worlds full of dragons, wizards, and aliens.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What future work is most promising?

AI, data protection, gene experts/editors, mental health jobs, data broker, and augmented reality developers are all examples of promising jobs in the future. These positions are among the top professions for the ensuing ten years.

2What will support the future of work?

The creation of employment, social protection, workplace rights, and social dialogue—the four pillars of decent work—remains as important today as they did a century ago and are the key to a future that all can be proud of.

3What will work look like in the future?

The nature of the worker and the workplace will change during the next ten years. Two primary elements will determine the nature of labor in the future: Artificial intelligence adoption in the Workplace Hiring more people with both on- and off-balance-sheet skills.

4What new positions will exist by 2030?

By 2030, the following employment roles will be developed, according to LinkedIn experts: Metaverse Planner, Augmented Reality, Journey Maker, and Biofilm Installer.

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