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10 Best Jobs for the Future via a Masters degree

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28th Nov, 2022
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10 Best Jobs for the Future via a Masters degree

The world is evolving at a speed where simply graduating from college may not land you a job. Everyone has a diploma and works several side jobs after graduation. As a result, a master’s degree will put you ahead of the competition. A master’s degree in computer science is a realistic choice for people interested in a career in this industry. Furthermore, several computer organizations have a variety of challenging and well-paying roles available for people with an MS in Computer Science.

Pursuing a master’s degree in computer science

Numerous colleges are offering MS in Computer Science worldwide. You can easily look up the eligibility criteria for these institutions and apply to one that provides your dream subject. Aspirants can obtain MSC in Computer Science from nations such as the United States and Canada, known for leading STEM careers and specializing in technology education.

Is a master’s degree in computer science worthwhile?

It all depends on the job path you wish to take. If you want to work with technology and innovative organizations, your MS in Computer Science degree will be beneficial. These companies always look for employees with master’s degrees in computer science to fill their employee strata. If you have an MSC in Computer Science, your prospects of finding a well-paying career get an edge over anyone with just a graduate degree applying for the same role. 

Popular Computer Science Jobs after getting a Master’s in Computer Science

A master’s degree in computer science opens up a world of possibilities and professional prospects. Companies are increasingly choosing to hire workers with master’s degrees, as this ensures greater skill, understanding, and significant experience. 

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The following are some of the professional paths that an MS in Computer Science can take:

1. Data Analyst

The data analyst role is an in-demand profession with many aspects employable in diverse businesses. As more firms are transitioning to business analytics, the demand for these professionals with an MS in computer science is growing rapidly. These analysts collaborate closely with data architects to develop new problem-solving algorithms that manage heaps of unstructured data. As a data analyst, you will work in an ecosystem that uses various tools and methodologies to build modern solutions.

2. Expert in Machine Learning

Machine learning is getting increasingly popular since artificial learning is being implemented everywhere. Companies are eager to hire workers with a machine learning experience. The role entails developing advanced logarithms, subsequently utilized to develop automation, making MS in computer science an excellent fit for this position.

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3. Scientist of Data

These individuals are skilled in managing large amounts of data and applying various potent models to reap value out of it. While studying for an MS in Computer Science, you can specialize in data science. Data Scientists oversee large data analytics projects and routinely deal with massive amounts of data redeeming potential business insights from it.

4. Blockchain Creator

With Blockchain technology creating a buzz in the global market, companies are seeking capable employees to leverage the powerful technology and apply it to ground-breaking projects. Blockchain developers are in charge of everything from research to the practical application of the technology. Following the challenging job profile, these developers are handsomely compensated. An excellent blockchain developer must comprehend the complexities of the issue, and an MS in Computer Science will help.

5. Full-Stack Programmer

Full-stack developers are in charge of programming and coding various software and web-based applications. They develop lengthy codes to generate dynamic front and back-end environments for software. Full-stack developers oversee the entire software development process, thus acquiring fundamentals and advanced concepts of both front-end and back-end.

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6. Network Designers

Network architects are in charge of constructing network channels and data communication networks. They leverage cloud infrastructure to collaborate across places and create a long-term network for individuals.

7. The Administrator of a Database

Database administrators are in charge of data storage and management while managing multiple software acquisitions. They are also responsible for monitoring database updates and putting safety procedures and other safety measures in place. This job will also require you to employ your analytical skills, which you may readily develop while getting your MS in Computer Science.

8. Software Validation Engineer

The validation expert is in charge of ensuring that a product meets its specifications. Engineers verify electronic systems and subsystems such as IP, components, electronic boards, and software in embedded systems such as drivers, etc.

9. IT Security Specialist

An IT security specialist owns fluent information security knowledge and other related network security concerns, including a thorough awareness of a wide range of cyber security threats and any other weaknesses that may harm the firm for which they work.

10. IT Auditor

IT auditors are responsible for ensuring that an organization’s information technology systems and infrastructure work as efficiently and economically as feasible. According to the tech news outlet CIO, IT auditors ensure all systems and technologies are compatible with appropriate security protocols.

How much do MSCs make?

People with master’s degrees in computer science are well compensated following the strong demand for specialists and a short supply of eligible candidates. According to Forbes, the master’s in Computer Science is the second-best master’s degree available. An excellent software engineer earns roughly $92,786 per year. Software professionals earn between $83,000 and $1,43,000 per year. Network architects are well compensated. In addition, software developers earn roughly $150,000 per year.

Best career prospects following a master’s degree in computer science:

If you wish to work in computer science, an MS in Computer Science can help you find new possibilities and advance to the top in your field.

Working with cutting-edge technologies such as big data, machine learning, data processing, blockchain, network architects, database administration, and full-stack developers is especially appealing.

The following are the finest career options:

  • Managers of Computer and Information Systems 
  • Research Scientists
  • Information Security Analysts
  • Network Architects
  • Software Development Engineers

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Earn a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the comfort of your home

Would you like to learn further about computer science and improve your skills? Enroll in a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at UpGrad in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University. The online course will train you on industry-relevant Computer Science topics such as software development languages, data structures and algorithms, DevOps, and much more to prepare you for the competitive tech industry.

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The course includes a variety of case studies and live projects with world-class academics and industry experts to brush up your programming skills for the best!

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Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What opportunities does a master's degree in computer science entail?

A Master of Science in Computer Science student can apply for jobs in government and private sectors. While the number of MS CS jobs in the government sector is restricted, there are many options in the private sector, paving the way for you to choose countless opportunities.

2Can I do a master’s degree in Computer Science when I'm 30?

Absolutely! There is no age limit for applying for master's degrees in Computer Science. Platforms like upGrad offer several master's programs specifically designed to prepare freshers as well as working professionals to obtain a master's at any age and give an edge to their career whenever they wish.

3 Can I join ISRO after completing my B.Sc. in computer science?

You can join ISRO if you have a computer science background. However, only a BSc degree will not help you. You must have at least an MSc or Ph.D. degree with significant experience and research work. Perceiving the nature of ISRO, it undoubtedly requires more skilled candidates. Therefore, try and extend your academic prowess for eligibility.

4Can I do MS after a three-year break?

Yes, you can pursue MS after a three-year break following your B.Tech or Bsc in computer science.

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