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AWS Tutorial for Beginners Is Out. Here’s What’s In

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18th Aug, 2022
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AWS Tutorial for Beginners Is Out. Here’s What’s In

Previously, firms shared in-house servers with other enterprises to provide storage and computing services. However, with improved internet speed and business needs, large and small companies are embracing cloud computing for flexible and accessible data storage. Thanks to cloud computing, businesses can now direct key resources towards core capabilities and achieve high-level scalability.

When we talk of cloud computing, AWS is the first tool that comes to mind. Technical aspirants are keen to master AWS since most modern firms now use cloud services. Also, given the scarcity of skilled AWS personnel, there are plenty of opportunities in this domain.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) employs a distributed IT infrastructure to supply various IT services on-demand to customers.

This AWS tutorial for beginners covers fundamental and advanced topics to help beginners and experienced users acquire cloud computing knowledge. It includes a wide variety of topics, including the history of AWS, worldwide infrastructure, features of AWS, IAM, storage services, database services, etc.

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What exactly is AWS?

AWS leverages distributed IT infrastructure to make various IT resources accessible on demand. Different services are provided under AWS, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and packaged software as a service (SaaS).

What is Cloud Computing, and how does it work?

Cloud computing is a computing service that networks large groups of remote computers together to provide centralised data storage and online access to computer resources and services. The following are the different kinds of clouds:

Cloud Computing in the Public Interest

Extrinsic service providers make services and resources available to consumers over the internet in the public cloud via cloud computing.

Private environments 

These provide similar advantages as the public cloud, except organisations or third parties administer the services and data storage. The private environment primarily emphasises on infrastructure component.

Cloud Computing in a Hybrid Environment

A hybrid cloud combines public cloud computing and private cloud computing resources. Depending on the applications and data sensitivity, you can employ either a public or private cloud computing environment.

Amazon established AWS, a cloud computing platform, to help diverse enterprises use a dependable IT infrastructure while saving costs. These are some of its applications:


  • To outsource IT administration from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to small-scale businesses.
  • To give training to a dispersed workforce, a major organisation with locations worldwide might use Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • An architectural consulting firm may use AWS to produce a high-resolution depiction of a building prototype using high-performance computing.
  • A media corporation may utilise AWS to distribute numerous materials to customers globally, such as boxes or audio files, etc.

Benefits of Using AWS

  • AWS allows enterprises to benefit from standard operating systems, programming models, architectures, and databases via cloud computing services.   
  • AWS is a cost-effective solution allowing you to pay only for the resources you use.
  • You need not spend money on the upkeep and operation of data centre infrastructure.
  • AWS enables installations to be completed in a short period.
  • Using AWS, you can manage and charge your customers in real-time.
  • AWS allows easy application deployment from anywhere.


These services are based on the Pay-As-You-Go model. AWS delivers services to consumers on-demand without any upfront investments. Pay-As-You-Go allows clients to purchase services from amazon web services tutorial on an as-needed basis. These include:

  • Models for computing and programming
  • Storage of data in a database
  • Networking

What are the characteristics of AWS?

1. Flexibility

The AWS versatility allows us to choose the programming languages, models, and operating systems relevant to our needs. In addition, our ability to quickly transition apps to the cloud is made possible by AWS’s flexibility. AWS’s flexibility to leverage new technology for production is an excellent value for enterprises in this age.

2. Scalable and elastic

Scalability and elasticity are calculated in the traditional IT organisation in conjunction with infrastructure and investment. For example, when demand for computer services declines or grows, scalability refers to the capacity to scale the computing services down or up.

3. Cost-effective

The most crucial element of AWS is the cost of offering IT solutions. Cloud computing provides a scalable architecture to ensure optimal resource usage. Therefore, there’s no limit to w processing, bandwidth, and storage resources while using AWS. As a result, AWS does not demand a long-term commitment, upfront costs, or minimum upload speed.

4. Secure

Cloud computing platform AWS provides clients with end-to-end privacy and a scalable cloud computing platform. In addition, AWS incorporates security into its services and includes documentation that explains how to use the security features.

5. Expertise

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud provides high security, privacy, dependability, and scalability. In addition, AWS continues to assist its clients with infrastructure expansion through frequent updates and improvements. 

How do you set up an account on Amazon Web Services?

AWS offers a free one-year subscription you can use to experiment with and learn about AWS. In addition, you may access AWS services such as S3, EC2, and others by creating an AWS account.

  • Step 1: To begin creating an AWS account, access the following link: Amazon Web Services (AWS) home page. After clicking on the link above, fill out the required information and register for a new account. Assuming you already have a user account, you can sign in using your email address and password.
  • Step 2: Complete the information page after entering your details. Amazon uses this information to invoice, identify, and charge the customer’s account. After creating your account, you should sign up for the services you need.
  • Step 3: To use the Services, you must first provide your payment information. Amazon performs a minimal transaction against the card during the process to verify its authenticity. The amount of this tax varies according to the region.
  • Step 4: After that, initiate the identity verification process. Amazon will call back on the provided phone number to verify the number.
  • Step 5: Choose a support plan from the available options, including Basic, Enterprise, and Developer. The basic plan is less expensive and has fewer resources, making it a good choice for AWS beginners.
  • Step 6: To sign in and access the AWS Admin Console, follow the instructions on AWS.      

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AWS is a well-known cloud service company providing cloud-based services since 2006. More than 90 per cent of the firms are expected to deploy their goods and services onto a cloud computing platform by 2024. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers over 100 cloud computing services as a well-known platform. 

To gain a high-level overview of every AWS service, we recommend joining upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Machine Learning & AI — a 13-month, 4.5-starrer online course designed to impart in-demand skills like Deep Learning, NLP, MLOps, and AI strategy building. It includes 15+ industry projects & multiple programming tools, capstone projects, coding classes, workshops, and boot camps to build competent programming skills. 

upGrad provides career mentorship sessions, interview preparation, and industry-ready assessments to help students gain a competitive advantage in the corporate world.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Is AWS simple to learn for beginners?

Learning AWS can either be accomplished in a few days or take a couple of months, depending on your technical background. The amount of time you spend training for AWS will determine whether you acquire basic, intermediate or advanced knowledge levels in the cloud platform. AWS certification exam cost varies with the Cloud Practitioner test, associate-level tests or the professional-level test.

2Is there a coding requirement for AWS?

No. Getting started with and understanding AWS does not require being well-versed with coding skills or even having an IT background. One can complete simple activities on AWS without the use of code.

3What programming language is utilised by AWS?

Like Amazon AWS Management Console, most web-based programs are constructed using client-side languages like Javascript, CSS, and HTML. An AWS certification is not a guarantee of employment. Job seekers in the Cloud business should be able to demonstrate hard skills, such as programming, and relevant experience and soft skills, such as communication and collaboration, to be considered for positions.

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