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AI vs Human Intelligence: Difference Between AI & Human Intelligence

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AI vs Human Intelligence: Difference Between AI & Human Intelligence

In this article, you will learn about AI vs Human Intelligence, Difference Between AI & Human Intelligence.

  • Definition of AI & Human Intelligence
  • Comparison of AI & Human Intelligence

    • Nature
    • Functioning
    • Learning power
  • What AI cannot do without – The “human” factor
  • Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: What will the future hold?

Read more to know each in detail.

Artificial Intelligence has come a long way from being a component of science fiction to reality. Today, we have a host of intelligent machines like self-driving cars, smart virtual assistants, chatbots, and surgical robots, to name a few. Since AI became a mainstream technology in the present industry and a part of the common man’s daily life, it has sparked a debate – Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence. 

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While Artificial Intelligence seeks to design and create intelligent machines that can perform human-like tasks, one cannot help but think, “Is Artificial Intelligence sufficient in itself?”

Perhaps the biggest fear is that AI will “replace” humans and outsmart them in a few years. However, it is not entirely true. Although AI is highly advanced – now that machines can learn from experience and make smart decisions – AI cannot function optimally without relying on innately human attributes like human intuition. 

Now, let’s dig deeper into the Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence debate to understand their peculiarities and relationship.

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: Table of Comparison 

In my journey through the evolving landscape of technology, I’ve encountered numerous instances that highlight the differences and intersections between AI and human intelligence. The comparison below draws on real-life scenarios and case studies to shed light on this ever-relevant debate of AI vs human intelligence. 

Aspect Artificial Intelligence (AI) Human Intelligence 
Learning Capacity AI learns from vast datasets and can process information at unprecedented speeds. Humans learn from experiences, emotions, and social interactions, which leads to a deeper, albeit slower, understanding. 
Adaptability AI can adapt to specific tasks quickly when properly programmed. However, it struggles with unexpected changes not covered in its training. Humans excel at adapting to new and unforeseen situations using creativity and intuition. 
Error Rate AI has a lower error rate for tasks it is specifically designed for, such as data analysis and pattern recognition. Humans are prone to errors, but they have the unique ability to learn from these mistakes and improve over time. 
Creativity While AI can generate novel outcomes based on existing data, its ‘creativity’ is bounded by the data it has been fed. Human creativity is unbounded and capable of producing truly innovative ideas and solutions. 
Emotional Understanding AI lacks the ability to truly understand or feel emotions, making it challenging to replicate human empathy and social intelligence. Humans naturally perceive and express emotions, which plays a crucial role in decision-making and social interactions. 

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: Definition

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Data Science that focuses on building smart machines capable of performing a wide range of tasks that usually require human intelligence and cognition. These intelligent machines are imbued with learning from experience and historical data, analyzing their surrounding environments, and performing befitting actions.

Vendors have now been scrambling to promote their commodities via AI. This helps them to accelerate their business intensively. There are several subsets like machine learning, R, Java, and other popular programming languages.

AI is an interdisciplinary science that leverages concepts and tools from multiple fields like computer science, cognitive science, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, and mathematics. 

Read: Future Scope of Artificial Intelligence

What is Human Intelligence?

Human Intelligence refers to humans’ intellectual capability that allows us to think, learn from different experiences, understand complex concepts, apply logic and reason, solve mathematical problems, recognize patterns, make inferences and decisions, retain information, and communicate with fellow human beings. 

What makes human intelligence unique is that it is backed by abstract emotions like self-awareness, passion, and motivation that enable humans to accomplish complex cognitive tasks. Human intelligence is not just constricted to a particular pattern but can be changed depending upon the problems that arise with it. It can change substantially with the crux of the situation.

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: A comparison

Here’s a head-to-head comparison between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence:


While Human Intelligence aims to adapt to new environments by utilizing a combination of different cognitive processes, Artificial Intelligence aims to build machines that can mimic human behavior and perform human-like actions. The human brain is analogous, but machines are digital.

In Artificial Intelligence Human Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence aims to provide a style of work efficiency that will help to solve problems without any hassle. It can solve any kind of problem in the blink of an eye whereas, Human Intelligence takes a lot of time to accustom to the mechanisms with a considerable amount of time. So, to see to it, the main difference between natural and artificial intelligence is the process of functionality and the time taken by both of them.


Humans use the brain’s computing power, memory, and ability to think, whereas AI-powered machines rely on data and specific instructions fed into the system. 

Besides, it takes a very long time for humans to process and understand the problems and gets accustomed to them. In the case of Artificial Intelligence proper inputs and study, it helps them to provide accurate result in the end.

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Learning power

Human Intelligence is all about learning from various incidents and past experiences. It is about learning from mistakes made via a trial and error approach throughout one’s life. Intelligent thought and intelligent behavior lie at the core of Human Intelligence. However, Artificial Intelligence falls behind in this respect – machines cannot think. Hence, in this case of the difference between AI vs Human brain, Human Intelligence has a much more powerful thinking capacity than Artificial Intelligence and can have great problem-solving skills depending on the crux of the situation.

They can learn from data and through continuous training, but they can never achieve the thought process unique to humans. While AI-powered systems can perform specific tasks quite well, it can take years for them to learn a completely different set of functions for a new application area. 

Artificial Intelligence, can learn from data and through continuous training, but it can never achieve the thought process unique to humans. While AI-powered systems can perform specific tasks quite well, it can take years for them to learn a completely different set of functions for a new application area.

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What AI cannot do without – The “human” factor

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence debate isn’t a fair one. Granted that AI has helped develop intelligent machines that can outperform humans in some respects (case in point – AlphaGo and DeepBlue), they have yet to go a very long way to match the human brain’s potential. Although AI systems are designed and trained to mimic and simulate human behavior, they cannot make rational decisions like humans.

Besides, talking about the difference between human and Machine Intelligence, Human Intelligence is the main contributing factor that has given definition to the simulations that are created in Machine Intelligence. So, the main difference between natural and Artificial Intelligence is the data that has been fed to them with the limited problem-solving skills which are offered in this regard.

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The decision-making power of AI systems is primarily based on events, the data they’re trained on, and how they are related to a particular event. AI machines cannot understand the concept of “cause and effect” simply because they lack common sense. Nick Burns, an SQL Services Data Scientist, puts it quite well: “No matter how good your models are, they are only as good as your data…”

Humans possess the unique ability to learn and apply their acquired knowledge in combination with logic, reasoning, and understanding. Real-world scenarios require a holistic, logical, rational, and emotional approach that is specific to humans. Therefore, in some aspects of the difference between human and Machine Intelligence, human intelligence seems to be much more feasible than others.

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AI vs Human Intelligence: What will the future hold?

Right now, AI is still developing and advancing. The time required to train AI systems is considerably high, which isn’t possible without human intervention. Be it autonomous cars and robots, or sophisticated technologies like natural language processing and image processing, they all rely on human intelligence. 

Human Intelligence is the one to create AI in the first place. Therefore, it totally depends upon the modifications made by human intelligence to introduce new features in AI. Therefore, to look into the age-long debate about which is better, human intelligence holds much more credibility for creating methods of Machine Learning.

Presently, automation is the leading AI application that’s penetrating the industry rapidly. In a 2018 report by the WEF, the Swiss Think Tank predicted that by 2022, AI would displace 75 million jobs globally while also creating 133 million new jobs. The new job profiles will demand Data Science specific skills like knowledge of Mathematics & Statistics and ML algorithms, proficiency in programming, data mining, data wrangling, software engineering, and data visualization.

In 2022, WEF has made several agendas of how Artificial Intelligence is the future and it will enormously help us in creating an environment with accurate data. The field has provided feasible job opportunities to people, which has helped them to turn their careers around. The field of Artificial Intelligence is now massive and has been supported immensely with the new branches to learn different components of Data Science. In comparison to Artificial Intelligence Human Intelligence is much more customisable and might not be feasible enough to solve a complicated problem as a whole.  

Today, companies using Big Data and Data Science technologies are skilled experts like ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, etc., who know the nitty-gritty of AI/ML. It is the domain knowledge and versatile skillset of such experts that create value out of Big Data. 

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Impact of AI on the Future of Jobs

As we delve into the impact of AI on the future of jobs in 2024, I find myself deeply engrossed in understanding how this technological evolution is reshaping our professional landscapes. Drawing from my own experiences in the field, I’ve observed firsthand how AI is altering the job market: 

  • Automation’s Double-Edged Sword: AI’s role in automating tasks has spiked efficiency but also necessitated a shift in workforce skills. In manufacturing, for example, the focus has shifted from manual labor to supervisory roles, spotlighting the nuanced interaction between AI and human intelligence. 
  • New Careers Emerge: Far from merely displacing jobs, AI is pioneering new fields, like AI ethics and machine learning engineering, reflecting a new era of human-AI collaboration. 
  • Skill Shifts: The growing need for AI literacy across sectors, such as healthcare, demands professionals versed in both technology and its ethical application, bridging the gap between AI capabilities and human needs. 
  • Synergistic Workforces: Beyond the AI vs human intelligence debate, there’s a trend towards collaborative innovation, with AI enhancing human creativity and decision-making in fields like creative industries. 

Reflecting on these points, it’s clear that AI is not just shaping our future jobs but also redefining the essence of human intelligence and creativity in the workplace. 

Will AI Replace Humans? 

In 2024, the AI vs human intelligence debate intensifies, yet from my standpoint, fearing AI will replace humans overlooks the essence of our synergy. My experiences underscore that AI excels in data analysis and routine tasks, transforming rather than eliminating jobs. Consider healthcare: AI aids in diagnosing diseases with unparalleled precision, but human doctors make the final calls, blending AI’s insights with their empathy and ethical considerations.  

Similarly, in finance, AI algorithms might detect investment trends, but human experts, understanding market subtleties and human emotions, take the strategic decisions. This juxtaposition highlights not a rivalry but a partnership between AI and human intelligence. AI handles the heavy lifting of data, while humans contribute creativity, emotional intelligence, and moral reasoning. 

As we progress through 2024, it becomes evident that the future hinges not on AI usurping human roles but on how effectively we can integrate AI to amplify human capabilities. This collaborative approach promises not just enhanced efficiency but also the potential for groundbreaking innovations in every field. 

Wrapping up

The exploration of AI vs Human Intelligence unveils a landscape marked by profound differences and complementary strengths. AI is an invaluable tool shaping the industry, and automation, coupled with intelligent workflow, will be the norm across all sectors in the near future. And while AI has mastered intelligent behavior quite well, it cannot mimic a human’s thought process. So, in this case, AI has been lagging behind when competing as AI vs human brain, which can only solve problems according to the interfaces that are provided in this regard. The human brain is still the mastermind for creating different aspects of simulations and inputs that will be looked after in the AI and help in progressing the concept of Machine Learning.

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Since scientists and researchers still don’t know the mystery behind the human thought process, it is highly unlikely that we’ll create machines that can “think” like humans anytime soon. To conclude, the future of AI will be governed mainly by human abilities. It will be complemented by human intelligence and cognizance. 

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Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What AI cannot do without – The ‘human’ factor?

While AI has aided in the development of intelligent robots that can surpass humans in some areas (for example, AlphaGo and DeepBlue), they have a long way to go before they can equal the human brain's potential. Despite the fact that AI systems are developed and educated to replicate and simulate human behavior, they are incapable of making reasonable decisions. The ability of AI systems to make decisions is mostly predicated on events, the data they've been trained on, and how they're tied to a certain occurrence. Because AI computers lack common sense, they are unable to comprehend the concept of 'cause and effect.'

2What is the future of artificial intelligence?

AI is still in its early stages of development. Training AI systems takes a long period, which is impossible to achieve without human assistance. Whether it's self-driving cars and robots, or advanced technologies like nlp and image analysis, everything relies on human intelligence. Currently, automation is the most popular AI application that is rapidly gaining traction in the market. AI is expected to displace 75 million jobs globally by 2022, while also creating 133 million new jobs.

3What are the main differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence tries to create computers that can replicate human behavior and do human-like tasks, whereas Human Intelligence aims to adapt to new surroundings by combining various cognitive processes. Machines are digital, whereas the human brain is analogue. The brain's computational capacity, memory, and ability to reason are used by humans, but AI-powered computers rely on data and particular instructions provided into the system. Learning from numerous occurrences and past experiences is at the heart of human intelligence. It's all about learning from one's blunders through trial and error throughout one's life. Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, falls short in this regard - robots cannot reason.

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