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Top 12 Django Interview Questions & Answers for Beginners & Experienced [2024]

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Top 12 Django Interview Questions & Answers for Beginners & Experienced [2024]

If you’ve ever hung out with a software developer, then chances are ripe that you’ve come across some funny words, which is a different context that would have a completely different meaning.

From the more coherent coding and data to the rather obscure Django and java, the vocabulary of software programmers can be rather amusing. But, whether we like it or not, our world today runs on software and we can’t escape their influence.

In almost every industry, software programming is responsible for boosting efficiency and creating sustainable solutions. So, if you’re line of career has anything to do with the web and its applications, it will be prudent to familiarise yourself with the concepts of the popular software programming languages like Django or Python.

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In most of the application or customer service-oriented job profiles, you’ll find Django interview questions or Django python interview questions

While these are closely interrelated concepts, there are nuances of differences that help to have a clear idea of, especially when facing Django interview questions or Django python interview questions. Here we will discuss a comprehensive set of Django interview questions as well as python Django interview questions which will not only enable one to deal with the questions at hand but obtain an overall idea about how these programming languages work and their significance in the contemporary digital world. The performance in Django interview also impacts the Django developer salary.

Before we delve into the Django interview questions and python Django interview questions, let’s understand what Django essentially stands for. Django, however, cannot be understood in isolation of python. So it will be useful to grapple with both python Django interview questions in order to acquire a holistic knowledge of both. If you are getting interviewed for Django, it would be helpful if you had experience in django projects. Looking for ideas? Check out our Django Project Ideas and topics for beginners.

Django may be understood as a subset of python. In the context, where almost every activity of our daily lives can be performed through web applications, it helps to have a high-level web application framework. Also, learn more about Django applications.

Django provides precisely that. With highly pragmatic design and concise coding requirements, Django makes web development a breeze. It is one of the most highly rated frameworks in python. 

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Now let’s understand what Python is. With a name like that, it is hard to avoid the obvious puns on its name. But the fun fact is that the similarities don’t end there. Much like the ginormous Python snakes, this coding language might appear daunting at first glance. 

But, did you know that Pythons are nonvenomous and in some cultures, worshipped by people? Similarly, Python as a programming language is not only highly sophisticated but also can make your life infinitely easier once you’ve grappled with its basic functions. 

Top Django Interview Questions & Answers

1. How does Python relate to Django?

A simple analogy to describe the equation between the two would be an exclusive box of chocolates. If Django constitutes the box, Python would be the chocolates that actually fill the box in. In other words, Django provides the framework for web development while python is the language in which the application is to be coded.

They exist in a complementary synergy with Python’s functions and codes informing Django’s framework and the Django framework expanding the scope of use for the Python codes. In the practical context, apps like Pinterest, Spotify are important examples of the Django-Python combination. With the increasing popularity of these two, more applications are likely to adopt the Django-Python web development route. 

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2. What do you mean by functions?

Functions essentially refer to a specific set of inputs that facilitates certain predefined computation and as a result produces the desired set of outputs. In Python, there are some extremely resourceful built-in functions that can be called using certain parameters. Python also lets you create your own functions to generate the output of your choice. These are known as user-defined functions. 

Data that is passed to a function is called parameters. You usually define a function using ‘def’. Thereon, the function can be invoked by naming the particular function within parentheses. For example, to call the function, “print”, the input should be;

def my_function():

  print(“Learn Python and Django”)

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3. What are the different data types used in Django?

Broadly, the data types in Django can be classified into the following categories; numerics, boolean, strings, and tuples. Each of these data types has further classifications which can then generate particular outputs.  Over and above the built-in functions, users can also define new data types in Python.

The first step to defining a new data type would be to create an object since Python is an object-oriented language. The users may then go on to subclassify the data type.  The predominant data types of Python like numbers, lists, sets, strings, and tuples can be learned with the help of their respective code snippets. 

4. What are the salient features of Django?

Django stands out among other programming frameworks due to its enhanced utility. Some of the unique characteristics of Django which distinguishes it from other web application frameworks are discussed here. 

  • Independent Elements- In full-stack development, often elements of a framework are dependent on the other. However, in Django, the elements are loosely connected which facilitates independent functionality. 
  • Precision- As a Python framework, Django makes achieving more with lesser codes a reality. 
  • One time development-Django lets coders develop features and functions in one go without the need to repeat the commands again and again. 
  • Speed- Due to the precision in coding and the feasibility of a one-time development, Django development is considerably faster than other frameworks. This enhances the efficiencies of web applications using Django. 
  • Impressive design- By using precise and to the point code, bereft of unwanted reiterations, the Django designs are exceptionally clean. 

5. What are some of the technical features that Django includes?

As one of the most developed web frameworks, Django consists of some of the most unique technical features. These may be classified as:

  • Admin Interface- Django’s admin interface is an important reason behind Django’s fast development and cost-effective attribute. The admin feature is a preloaded interface with its own user authentication and set of advanced features like authorization access, CMS, etc. This eliminates the need to make another admin panel and users do not require any extensive frontend. 
  • Code Reusability-In Django, developers are not required to write new applications every time. As a collection of applications, Django applications from one directory to the other with minor changes in the file settings. Therefore applications like login and signup need not be re-written. This makes Django’s code reusability much higher than the others. 
  • CDN Integration- A web application usually contains both static as well as dynamic elements. The static elements on a web platform are managed through CDN or Content Delivery Networks. Django entails an advanced CDN which facilitates quick and easy scalability depending on the user interface. 
  • Security Attributes-Django has remarkable security features and is arguably one of the most secure web frameworks available. It includes security features that prevent common security breaches. Some of the noteworthy attributes of Django are cross-site scripting protection, cross-site request forgery, SQL injection protection, clickjacking protection, and safe password hash. 
  • ORM- Django consists of an object-relational mapping layer or ORM which enables it to smoothly interact with any other relational database. 
  • Third-party applications-Django contains one of the highest numbers of applications among all other web frameworks. Some of the features are built-in hence it is also referred to as a “battery-included” framework. 

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6. Explain the architectural pattern of Django

Django typically follows a Model-View Template or MVT architectural pattern. Django becomes the interface between the user and the end resource. The user places a request which is processed by Django and then checked for in the available URL. The URL then interacts with the model and template which is then captured by Django to create an appropriate response for the user. 

Models essentially refer to the layer where data may be accessed. Django manages and validates data in this layer. 

The view is the business logic layer where the model is accessed and deferred to a corresponding template using logic. This is the connection between the model and the template. 

The template is the final layer which deals with the presentation of responses. It contains the syntax regarding how a system generated response will be presented to a user. 

7. What are the inheritance styles in Django?

The inheritance styles in Django are divided into three main classes. 

  • Abstract base classes- In this style, the data is limited to the parent class and the information does not permeate to any other subclass. 
  • Multi-table Inheritance-If an existing model is being sub-classed and each model requires a database table, then the multi-table inheritance style is used. 
  • Proxy models- Often, one requires to modify the Python level behavior of a model without changing its fields. This is when the proxy model style of inheritance comes handy. 

8. How does Django differ from a content management system or CMS?

Content Management Systems or CMS are web applications that typically manage static digital content. On the contrary, Django provides a framework to build websites. 

9. What are the advantages of Django?

Django has been hailed as one of the most advanced web designing frameworks which accentuate the benefits of Python and make full-stack development highly convenient and user-friendly. Some of the benefits of Django may be enlisted as:

  • ORM Support- The object-relational mapping layer of Django facilitates a bridge between the data model and the database engine. As a result, a wide array of database engines ranging from MYSQL, Postgres, Oracle, and many others can be supported. 
  • Multilingual- Django has built-in internationalization mechanisms as a result of which multiple languages can be supported. This multilingual compatibility of Django makes it unique. 
  • Framework Support- Django also has attributes that support diverse frameworks such as Ajax, RSS, Caching to name a few. 
  • Administrative GUI- Django’s bandwidth of graphical user interface makes it very easy for the users to navigate and perform administrative tasks. The easy to operate icons help the users to perform the necessary administrative activities almost instantly. 
  • Development Environment-Through Django, end to end development and testing of web applications are possible. Django is connected to lightweight web servers which make such development feasible. 

10. Since Django follows an MVT framework, what corresponds to the Controller in an MVC framework in the case of Django?

Unlike the MVT, the MVC frameworks comprise a Model, View, and Controller. In MVT, Django processes the user requests on the model and then creates the template for responses. Here there are no external controllers required. The Django framework itself becomes the controller. 

11. What is meant by the Django Rest Framework?

Simply put, the Django Rest framework enhances the features of the Django framework and makes it compatible with the applications of other frameworks. REST framework is funded by some of the most prominent tech giants and is crucial in incorporating additional benefits like optimization, serialization to Django. It widens the scope of web application programming interface development significantly. 

11. What are the most important uses of Django?

Django has transformed and upscaled any other content management system. It has diversified the traditional roles of the other frameworks. From client relationship management to advanced content management systems, from booking engines and administration and communications platforms to algorithm oriented generators, from verification and security solutions to data analysis and machine learning, Django plays a wide range of roles which boosts the ease and efficiency of web development. 

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12. What are the disadvantages of Django?

  • Complexities- Due to the diverse features of Django, on certain occasions, it may come across as cumbersome with some of the layers seemingly unnecessary. However, this is when the Django-Python combination comes to the rescue. Python lets you switch to simpler frameworks if you’re looking to develop small scale simpler projects. 
  • No WebSocket support- Although Django is a highly dynamic platform, there isn’t any scope for the real-time updates of information. WebSockets which usually help in updating real-time data is not supported by Django. 
  • Monolithic- The basic features of Django are rather monolithic. Due to the ORM features, it becomes difficult to change the internal features of the Django framework. 
  • Django ecosystems are not always easy to tune- Due to the unique structures of the Django ecosystems, not all modules of Django are easy to tune. Adding links or dynamic statistics can be painstaking. 

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Wrapping Up

If you’re interested to learn more about Django, full-stack developer languages and tools and more, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s Executive PG Program in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.


Kechit Goyal

Blog Author
Experienced Developer, Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) focused in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is Django?

Django is a free and open-source web framework, written in Python. Django rose to popularity in the beginning of a decade and it is considered as an optimal choice for developing complex and database-driven websites. Django is a high-level framework and is built on top of many great open-source projects, like Python, Http-server, and SQL-database. It follows the model-view-template architectural pattern and offers built-in support for many database engines, web protocols, and an extensible design. It brings a big library of ready-to-use functionality and includes facility to extend the functionality. It is also very easy to set up in a very short time.

2Which is better - Django or Flask?

Flask and Django were two big Python web frameworks, and in 2014, the differences between them are not as big as it used to be. Things are changing whenever there are new developments in the framework and new releases. If you want to build a quick prototype and don't have many users, then Flask would be a good choice. If you have a heavy load, then Django would be better. Flask is best used by a small team of developers. It's very clear and simple. Flask has very few components and hence is easy to learn. Django has a lot of components, which can confuse you in the beginning, but Django has tons of modules to help you out. Django has a very active community, which Flask doesn't have.

3What is an MVC framework?

MVC stands for “Model-View-Controller” and is a popular computer programming paradigm that promotes code reuse, extensibility, and separation of concerns. MVC model consists of three main parts: the model, the view, and the controller. The model is the domain specific representation of the information or data in your application. The view is what the user is presented with. The controller handles the logic and the flow of data and actions between the model and the view.

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