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Must Read 10 PHP Interview Questions and Answers For Beginners & Experienced [2024]

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Must Read 10 PHP Interview Questions and Answers For Beginners & Experienced [2024]

PHP is one of the top-most programming languages to learn in 2020.



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Do not wait, learn PHP, and excel with PHP interview questions and answers. It is the programming language that will increase your demand for a high paid job.

PHP is a scripting language. It is perfect for creating a dynamic website and Restful API for mobile. PHP at the first stand for “Personal Home Page.” The Danish-Canadian programmer started developing PHP in 1994. He uses it to maintain his homepage. PHP grew organically as a programming language by a group of developers. At present, PHP is a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

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PHP files have extension .php and it can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code. When you execute PHP code on the server, it returns the result as plain HTML to the browser.

PHP is one of the best backend programming languages. It can give your career a great start as a backend developer. Beginners can learn PHP fast, which helps them become an indispensable part of a big company.

Why is PHP Versatile?

Developers use PHP to create web applications and sites. 

However, its versatile nature makes it eligible for the latest technology trends, such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
  • Cloud programming with PHP
  • PHP 5.3 provides Lambada support and closures
  • Build a mobile application with Zend studio

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PHP is easy to learn, powerful enough to create dynamic and interactive websites like “WordPress” and deep enough to be part of Facebook’s largest social network site.

What can you do with PHP?

  • You can open, read, write, create, delete, and close files on the server.
  • You can create dynamic page content.
  • You can process form data.
  • You can create and retrieve cookie values.
  • You can add, delete, modify data in your database.
  • You can encrypt data.
  • You can control user access.

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Find a quick way to why PHP

  • It supports a wide range of databases.
  • It runs on numerous platforms such as Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.
  • It is compatible with nearly all servers, such as Apache and IIS.
  • It provides many automation tools for testing and deploying applications.
  • Immense community support.
  • It supports both functional and object-oriented programming.

Till now, we have understood what PHP is and how it is beneficial. Once you learn this dynamic and versatile programming language, you must be eager to know how to crack PHP interview questions.

Top 10 PHP Interview Questions and Answers

php interview questions


Following are some of the most asked PHP Interview Questions

1. What is PEAR PHP?

One of the essential PHP interview questions PEAR, is acronyms for “PHP Extension and Application Repository.” PEAR is project control by the community of developers. It provides a structured library of code, promotes standard coding style, maintains a system of code distribution and package maintenance.

2. Is PHP a case sensitive language?

The user-defined functions are case-insensitive, but the variable name is case sensitive. So, you can say PHP is partially case sensitive. However, it is good practice to call functions as they are defined initially. The rest of the language is case sensitive. 

3. Explain the differences between PHP constants and variables?

                   Constant                            Variables
  • A constant is a name for a simple value or identifier. You cannot change constant value during script execution.
  • A variable store value, and it is like a name or symbol for a value. It stores values like characters, numeric, character string, and memory addresses.
  • Do not use the dollar sign ($) before constant value.
  • Use a dollar sign before the variable value to execute it.
  • The simple assignment cannot define constant. Only define() function can define it.
  • The simple assignment can define the variable.
  • A constant cannot be redefined or undefined.
  • A variable can be redefined after it gets set.

4. Define some constant in PHP?

  • Name: It defines the name of the constant
  • Value: It represents the value of the constant
  • Function: It represents the function name.
  • Class: It returns the class name as it was declared.
  • Method: It defines the class method name.

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5. Explain different types of PHP variables?

  • Integers: It is a whole number, without any decimal point. For example, 5167
  • Doubles: It is a floating-point number. For example, 4.234 or 56.1.
  • Booleans: It denotes only two values, either True or False. 
  • NULL: It has only one value, i.e., “NULL.”
  • Strings: It is a sequence of characters. For example, “Hello World.”
  • Arrays: It stores multiple values in one single variable.
  • Objects: An object is an instance of a class, and a level is a template for an object.
  • Resources: It contains references to resources external to PHP. 

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6. What is the top 10 PHP framework?

The top 10 PHP framework are:

  1. Laravel: It is one of the prominent open-source PHP frameworks, introduced in 2011. It helps the developer in creating the most robust web application with a complex backend. A developer can also customize the web application as per their need.
  2. Symfony: It is among one of the earliest PHP frameworks and in existence since 2005. Due to many years of existence, it becomes reliable for web development. It also helps in fast app development with reusable components and module systems. Also, it requires just a small memory space.
  3. Codelgniter: It was PHP one of the best frameworks in 2019. It comes with pre-built modules that make coding simpler and app development faster.
  4. CakePHP: It is an open-source platform. This framework, with expansible architecture, allows the developer to create an attractive application.
  5. Yii: It is a backend programming framework and relatively new. It was released in 2008 and ideal for all kinds of web applications.
  6. Zend: It is an object-oriented framework. It is highly flexible and allows the developer to customize the application as per their need.  
  7. Phalcon: It is a full-stack framework released in 2012. It was written using C & Coo language and hence makes it most preferable for developers.
  8. FuelPHP: This framework was released in 2011. It supports both MVC and HMVC architecture. It is the best framework for a project that requires maximum security features. 
  9. Slim: It is a PHP micro-framework for creating API and considered one of the best. It is used to create user-friendly and straightforward small web applications.
  10. PHPixie: It is seven years old and uses HMVC architecture to create a high-performance web application. It has independent components and is easy to use.

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7. Explain the main difference between ASP.NET and PHP?

PHP is an open-source platform and runs on Linux servers.ASP.NET is paid and designed for window machines.
PHP is a combination of programming language and a web framework.ASP.NET is an application framework.

ASP.NET is compiled, and thus the website has shorter execution time. If it needs to change the site, it is complicated to re-compiled.

PHP is interpreted, and for the PHP website, it is simple to replace the code.

8. What is a lambda function in PHP?

A lambda is an anonymous PHP function. It can be stored in a variable that is passed as an argument to other functions. The lambda function that is aware of its surrounding context is called closure.

9. How can you connect to a URL in PHP?

cURL is a library provided by PHP. This library is, by default, included in the installation of PHP. cURL stands for client URL and connects to the URL and retrieves information from the page such as HTML content of the page, the HTTP headers, and their associated data.

10. What is the session and cookies in PHP?

A session is a global variable that stores information to be used across multiple pages. A cookie identifies the user. It is a small file that the server inserted on the computer. A cookie is also sent, each time the same computer requests a page with a browser.

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Fast-Track your Career with PHP

We hope the above-mentioned PHP interview questions and answers are helpful to you. 

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PHP is a dynamic and versatile programming language. It is widely used to create a web application, mobile application, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. If you see the latest technology trend and PHP extensive usage, it will be a high demand skill in the coming years. This article will help with PHP interview questions and answers.

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Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is PHP programming language?

PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language. It is easy, fast and it's free. PHP coding uses short tags, free from curly brackets and quotes. It also uses variables, conditionals, loops and many other program constructs. It can be used for creating dynamic as well as static web pages. It is used for creating e-commerce sites, blogs, forums and much more. The code is compiled on the server and then executed. Also, PHP is an evolving open-source language, which means a lot of people are working on adding new features to it. It is coded in C (for core) and Zend (for extensions).

2What is the role of PHP in web-development?

Web-development can be broadly divided into two, backend and frontend. Backend includes web services and applications whereas frontend includes HTML code, CSS, and JavaScript/AJAX. Backend development covers the server-side scripting environment. PHP is a server-side scripting language; it is regarded as the most popular language for the web development. It is a general-purpose, scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Web-developers can use PHP to create interactive web pages. They can also use it to build powerful database-driven websites with the PHP scripting language.

3What are the features of PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language developed specifically for web development, but it can be also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code is usually embedded into HTML code, but it can be executed as a standalone program. Unlike HTML code, PHP code is not a markup language and does not use semantically significant tags, but instead uses tags to delimit where the PHP code ends and the HTML code begins. It is possible to write a single PHP code that generates multiple web pages dynamically.

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