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How to Debug React Native?

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2nd Jun, 2023
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How to Debug React Native?

Introduction to React Native Debugging

React Native is a popular framework that provides a user-friendly and extensive environment. It helps create visually appealing and feature-rich applications. React Native debugging systematically identifies and fixes these issues. It also ensures a smooth user experience. This comprehensive guide will explore the fundamental concepts and techniques of the React Native debugger

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Understanding the Need for Debugging in React Native

Debugging in React Native is crucial for successful app development. By embracing the React Native debugger’s features, developers can efficiently identify, isolate, and resolve issues. 

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Debugging helps pinpoint the root cause of problems, whether they involve UI glitches, data flow errors, or performance bottlenecks. Moreover, React debug tools empower developers to deliver high-quality apps. Identifying and fixing bugs early in the development process can prevent issues from reaching users and mitigate negative impacts on user satisfaction and app ratings.

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Setting Up a Development Environment for React Native Debugging

Establishing an optimal development environment is the initial and crucial step in unlocking the potential of the React Native debugger. Follow the steps below to create a seamless debugging experience:-

  • Node.js Installation: First, install Node.js, the foundational component for executing React Native code to operate your projects smoothly.
  • React Native CLI Setup: Install the React Native command-line interface (CLI) using npm to create and manage your React Native projects effortlessly.
  • Code Editor Selection: Choose a reliable code editor like the React Debugger VSCode that provides valuable features for React Native development. 
  • React Native Debugger Installation: The React Native Debugger tool is a standalone application with a dedicated space for detecting and resolving issues within your React Native applications.
  • Device Connection or Emulator Configuration: To test and debug your React Native app, connect with a physical device (e.g., smartphone, tablet) or set up an emulator through Android Studio or Xcode.
  • React Native Project Creation: Use the React Native CLI to generate a new project by executing a command like npx react-native init MyApp. This command lays the foundation for your app’s structure.
  • React Native App Launch: Navigate to the project directory, initiate the React Native development server with npx react-native start, and then deploy your app on the connected device or emulator via npx react-native run-android for Android or npx react-native run-ios for iOS. 

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Debugging Techniques for React Native

When debugging React Native applications, having a range of techniques at your disposal can significantly facilitate troubleshooting. Here are some effective debugging techniques for React Native:

  • Console Logging: Use console.log statements strategically throughout your code to log and inspect values, variable states, and error messages. It helps you track your application flow and identify potential issues.
  • React Native Debugger: The React Native Debugger tool offers features like an interactive JavaScript console, real-time state inspection, and performance profiling, helping developers diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Remote Debugging: Connect your React Native app to the Chrome Developer Tools to inspect and debug your application using the Chrome debugging interface, providing advanced debugging capabilities.
  • React Developer Tools: Install the React Developer Tools extension for your preferred browser. This tool offers a dedicated tab for inspecting and debugging React component hierarchies, inspecting props and states, and analysing component performance.
  • React Debugger VSCode: The React Debugger VS Code is a React Debugger extension for Visual Studio Code. It is a powerful tool providing seamless integration with VS Code, allowing developers to debug their React components and applications efficiently.

Debugging React Native with Console.log Statements

When debugging React Native applications with the React Native Debugger, console.log statements can be a powerful ally. To use console.log effectively for debugging:

  • Identify the suspected problematic areas of your code or areas you want to track the data flow.
  • Insert console.log statements at relevant points, such as before and after essential function calls, inside loops, or when variables change.
  • Include descriptive messages in your console.log statements to provide context to understand the output quickly.
  • Log variables and their values to track their change over time. For example: console.log(‘Variable X:’, x);
  • Use console.log statements to validate assumptions and test specific conditions. For example, you can log if a condition is met or a particular code branch is executed.
  • Pay attention to the console output when running your React Native app. Look for random values, errors, or patterns that can help pinpoint the root cause of an issue.
  • Remember to remove or comment out unnecessary console.log statements once you have resolved the problem.

Debugging React Native with React Native Debugger

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leverage React Native Debugger for effective debugging:-

  • Step 1: Install React Native Debugger from its GitHub repository.
  • Step 2: Launch the debugger, which opens a separate window.
  • Step 3: Connect your app by starting it on a simulator/emulator or a device.
  • Step 4: Use the Element Inspector tab to analyse UI components.
  • Step 5: Debug JavaScript code in the JavaScript Console tab.
  • Step 6: Monitor network requests in the Network tab.
  • Step 7: Integrate with Redux DevTools for state monitoring.
  • Step 8: Use performance profiling to optimise your app’s performance.

Debugging React Native with Flipper

Flipper is an open-source debugging tool created by Facebook that offers a range of powerful features for inspecting and debugging React Native apps. Here’s an overview of debugging React Native with Flipper:-

  • Step 1: Install Flipper on your development machine from its GitHub repository.
  • Step 2: Integrate the Flipper SDK into your React Native project.
  • Step 3: Launch the Flipper desktop app.
  • Step 4: Install relevant plugins like React Native Inspector and React DevTools.
  • Step 5: Use the React Native Inspector plugin to inspect UI components.
  • Step 6: Monitor network requests using the network debugging plugin.
  • Step 7: Integrate with Redux DevTools for debugging the Redux state.
  • Step 8: Optionally, develop custom plugins for specific debugging needs.

Debugging React Native with Chrome DevTools

Debugging React Native applications with Chrome DevTools provides a powerful debugging experience. Here’s how you can debug React Native with Chrome DevTools:

  • Step 1: Enable remote debugging in your app’s code.
  • Step 2: Launch your app on a simulator/emulator or device.
  • Step 3: Open Chrome and go to chrome://inspect.
  • Step 4: Discover your app and click “Inspect” to open DevTools.
  • Step 5: Use features like Console, Elements, Network, and Sources to debug.
  • Step 6: Set breakpoints, log messages, inspect variables, and analyse behaviour.
  • Step 7: Debug and fix issues to improve your React Native app.

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Common React Native Debugging Issues and How To Solve Them

Here is a list of errors a React Native developer may face, along with solutions:-

Blank screen or app crashes

  • Check the console for error messages or stack traces.
  • Verify that all necessary dependencies are correctly installed.
  • Review your code for any logical errors or missing imports.

UI rendering issues

  • Use the React Native Inspector or Chrome DevTools to inspect the component hierarchy.
  • Check for any incorrect styling or layout properties.
  • Ensure that data passed to the components is accurate.

Network-related problems

  • Monitor network requests with tools like React Native Debugger or Flipper.
  • Verify API endpoint configurations and network connectivity.
  • Look for potential CORS issues or incorrect response formats.

Redux state management issues

  • Debug the state using Redux DevTools.
  • Double-check actions and reducers for accuracy.
  • Confirm proper subscription and dispatching of actions.

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Best Practices for Debugging React Native

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Some of the best practices when using the React Debugger are:-

  • Use console.log statements to log relevant information and debug output.
  • Use the React Native Debugger or Chrome DevTools for inspecting UI components and debugging JavaScript code.
  • Set breakpoints in your code to pause execution and examine variables and program flow.
  • Use tools like React Native Inspector or Flipper for inspecting and analysing the component hierarchy.
  • Monitor network requests using debugging tools to identify and fix any issues.
  • Enable remote debugging for easier debugging on simulators/emulators or physical devices.
  • Use error handling and try/catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions
  • Test your app on multiple devices and platforms to identify any device-specific issues.
  • Stay up-to-date with React Native versions and documentation to leverage bug fixes and improvements.


Effective debugging is crucial for successful React Native development. Using React debug tools like React Native Debugger, Chrome DevTools, and best practices like logging, inspecting UI components, and monitoring network requests, developers can identify and resolve issues efficiently, resulting in more robust and reliable React Native applications.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What port is used for React Native debugger?

The default port used for the React Native debugger is 8081.

2Can React Native be used without Expo?

React Native can be used without Expo by creating a custom development environment.

3How can one debug React app in VSCode?

To debug React app in VSCode, you can use the built-in debugging features by setting breakpoints in your code, launching the app in debug mode, and using the debugging tools provided by VSCode to step through the code and inspect variables.

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