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Best Way to Learn Python: Ultimate guide

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Best Way to Learn Python: Ultimate guide

Python is one of the most used programming languages in the modern world of technology. Owing to its wide usage in various fields, Python developers are sought-after in almost every industry and are compensated handsomely; Python Developer average base salary of $108,602 per year. 

Naturally, its popularity and demand have many enthusiasts flocking to acquire expertise in the programming language. But what is the best way to go about mastering Python? Are there any websites or learning resources you can leverage to master the language? 

This is a common issue faced by learners. Most python courses available online cover basics or are time-consuming and lack a proper guide to receive the best learning experience.

Therefore, in this ultimate guide, we’ll list the most valuable resources to help people determine the best way to learn Python

Why Python?

There are a lot of features in Python that make it unique and popular among other programming languages. Following are some of the key highlights of Python:

  1. It has support modules that are easy to read and understand.
  2. The codes are reusable.
  3. It is a multi-platform language that can be used in Windows Linux, and so on.
  4. Easy debugging as the user can execute each code line separately. 
  5. As Python has open-source, it can be learned at any convenient time. 
  6. The standard libraries of Python are dynamic that can be merged with any language like Java, c++, etc. 
  7. It backs programs that can be object-oriented. 

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How to Learn Python?

A common problem faced by many Python aspirants is the lack of learning resources that can provide the best mode of learning. Most of the resources are general and time-consuming. 

A vital skill required to learn computer programming is to know how to learn. The following steps will provide an insight into how to learn Python: 

  • Persistent Coding Practice

Consistent practising of codes with perseverance is the key to learn Python in the best way. It is advised to practice codes every day to strengthen muscle memory which is crucial in programming. Though every day practising might seem overwhelming, beginning with a half an hour practice every day and gradually increasing the time will not result in effective practising but also make the process exciting. 

  • A firm hold on basic syntax

Dip before diving is the thumb rule of learning. Having a firm grip on all the basics of Python syntax is mandatory before diving deeper into a chosen area of Python. This strong foundation will help in finding a way out when stuck with complex programs. 

  • Building structured projects

In-depth knowledge of basic syntax is the only requirement to start working on self-built projects. These self-built projects will help in practical learning as the acquired knowledge is put to the test. They also help in breaking boundaries and pushing the talents further. Working on self-built projects has a possibility of getting stuck and confused. To overcome this, it is better to build a structured project until complete knowledge is obtained. This helps in building projects in the desired area without any hassles or confusion. 

  • Make mistakes to learn better

It is natural to make mistakes in the initial stage of developing projects. Confusion and encounter with bugs in the program are inevitable. This makes the learning process faster and effective. The more mistakes are made, the more learning is achieved. It is vital to approach technical issues methodologically. This helps in the faster and easier identification of errors.  

  • Building own projects

After gaining confidence in building structured projects, it is now time to proceed with building projects. This helps in a better understanding of how Python works.

The pre-requisites of building own projects are strong debugging and problem-solving skills. The three essential resources that are extremely useful in creating a project are:

  • Stack Overflow: A community site where programming issues can be discussed and shared. A lot of Python-related queries can be found here.
  • Google: This is an asset to all programmers as it is fundamental in resolving errors.
  • Python documentation: A library where a lot of reference sources on Python can be found. 

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  • Push your limits

It is now time to move forward to advanced practical learning. This can be done by increasing the scope and complexity of the projects. The problems faced while creating complex projects will help you understand the different use cases of Python

  • Take a recess

The process of learning Python is mentally exhausting. It is crucial to take a break to make sure the concepts are absorbed effectively. This is particularly important in the beginning phase, where the mind is continuously fed with ideas. The widely popular method used in work balance is the Pomodoro Technique, which suggests working for 25 minutes, taking a short break, and repeating the process. Taking a recess is particularly important when encountering a bug in the project or code. The short time off will help you think better and refresh your mind. 

Coding requires dedicated adherence to rules and logic, and any slight discrepancy will break the codes. Fresh, energetic eyes and a rejuvenated mind will make a huge difference.

  • Collaborate

Knowledge can be strengthened by sharing. Collaborating with people and sharing ideas is essential for the improvement and expansion of knowledge.

The collaboration can be achieved in the following ways.

  • Being among learners: Coding in Python can never be perfected in solitude. It is learned effectively by discussing and practising with co-learners. This also widens the learning process. 
  • Teaching: It is the best way to stay in touch with the basics. Teaching can be done by participating in whiteboard interactions with Python lovers, posting videos sharing important Python coding tricks, or writing blogs.
  • Pair-programming: This is a strategy that has two people working in the same place on one task. The two people switch the tasks of driving and navigating. Driving means writing codes, and optimising navigating involves solving the issues and verifying codes as they are written. Pair-programming has dual benefits of sharing coding skills as well as problem-solving methodologies.

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Work on open-source Python projects

Python has an open-source model where the software codes are openly accessible to the public. A lot of Python libraries can be used as open projects that are open to contribution. In addition to this, there are a lot of companies that publish open-source projects. This gives an experience in working on codes developed by experienced professionals working in the company

Open-source projects are a great way of practical learning as they are reviewed by project managers who share their suggestions and comments. This also allows interacting with other Python developers

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Enrol in a Python programming course

Python is dominating the industry of technology as it is widely used in many sectors like automation, data science, machine learning, etc. To keep up with the current trend and gain knowledge from a trusted source, it is highly recommended to enrol in a Python programming course.

upGrad offers a comprehensive 12- month Executive PG Programme in Data Science that can help you master Python and leverage its applicability in data science. The course is designed for freshers as well as engineers, marketing & sales professionals, domain experts, software & IT professionals. Since it is offered online, students can benefit from one-on-one coaching from industry experts and access hours of learning content without having to quit their jobs. Here are a few other advantages of pursuing an online Python course from upGrad: 

  • The contents of the course are professionally curated to provide the best learning experience. 
  • Live lectures are held every week for doubt clarifications and optimizing the learning process.
  • All candidates get a certification of completion. This is a valuable addition to the CV. 
  • Students benefit from 360° degree career support from career guidance counsellors and experts.
  • upGrad’s learner base comprises 40,000+ students across the world, which presents an excellent opportunity to pursue networking and learn from peers.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, reach out to us!

Benefits of learning Python:

While looking for the best ways to learn Python, you should also know that it provides various career advantages. Let’s discuss the main benefits of learning Python:

  1. Efficient in Development:

Python is a programming language that is not only easy to learn and code but also accelerates the entire development process. There are various frameworks, libraries, packages, and modules available that eliminate the need for you to start from scratch.

Additionally, you can use reused codes to develop stable codes more quickly. You can focus on the logic and other essential elements of web and software development by automating repetitive operations.

  1. Interpreted Language: 

Python is an interpreted language, which means the code is implemented line by line. This is an important feature that makes it simple to use. In the event of an error, it stops the process and reports the issue. Python only displays a single error, regardless of how many there are in the program. This simplifies debugging.

  1. Extremely Versatile:

Python is highly versatile because it is a general-purpose language, so you can use it to develop a wide range of things. For instance, a web developer may use Python to build a website, and a data scientist might use it to make visualizations or modify data. 

  1. Demand for Python Developers:  

The need for Python programmers has grown by 41% globally. Undoubtedly, it offers the most promising job, and there is an increasing need for Python engineers. 

Python developer is one of the top employment options for anyone prepared to spend long hours honing programming skills. The need for a Python developer in business is essentially inescapable, given how much more valuable technological integration has become. Companies seek Python programmers to keep their front-end and back-end programming up-to-date.

  1. Supportive Community:  

Python is a programming language created many years ago, and it has a vast community that can help programmers with all levels of experience, from beginners to experts. Python has expanded quickly compared to other languages because of its community. The vast documentation, training materials, and guidelines are provided to help developers learn Python programming more quickly and effectively.

How easy is it to learn Python?

  • Python is labelled as a beginner’s language. Since it is a high-level language, it is easier to understand and doesn’t have a steep learning curve. Thus, it is one of the easiest languages for beginners to learn. 
  • Python has a strong resemblance to English, and hence, understanding and implementing its syntax is a whole lot easier when compared to other programming languages. Since it is close to human language, it is also easier to remember the basic syntax used in Python. 
  • As it is a high-level language, developers have a better idea of its core functioning and are able to develop efficient programs. 
  • If you have a background in PHP, Python can be even easier to master. 
  • Most of the common tasks in programming are taken care of by Python.

While it might take you a month or more to learn Python, mastering it is a whole different story. You can cover the basics and develop a grasp of if-else statements, variables, functions, etc., in a matter of a few weeks, but if you are looking to work with Python full-time, an online course is an ideal way to go. 

No matter how complex or exhausting the process of Python learning is, rest assured it is certainly worth the time and effort. 

Five prompts for learning Python:   

  • Try tutoring a beginner on how to build one of your projects.   
  • Ask yourself: Do you have the ability to scale your tool? Can it operate with more data or withstand increased traffic?
  • Try speeding up your program.
  • Imagine how you could increase the utility of your tool for more users.
  • Imagine how you might sell your creation.

Best sites to learn Python:

From the below-mentioned ones, you can choose the best platform to learn Python:

Scope of Python in the future

Python is an essential skill placed above all the other technical skills in the job market. In data analysis, it is considered as the second most important skill positioned after SQL. 

As per the TIOBE Index, Python is poised to surpass C to become the No. 1 programming language in 2021, with a mere 0.7% gap existing between the two languages currently. If that happens, it’ll be the first time in the history of the TIOBE index’s 20 years that a language apart from Java or C will be placed at position 1.

Python data skills are found relevant in many other industries besides data science. Python programming has a promising and viable future, with many top companies preferring Python developers. 

To Conclude,

Python is undoubtedly updating and evolving at a fast pace. The language is easy to understand but requires constant practice on developing projects with dedication and passion — that is the only way to master the language

Learning Python can be an exciting experience if you are driven by strong motivation. By adhering to the steps mentioned above, the complexity and mental exhaustion in the learning process can be alleviated. The great advantage of learning Python is that it does not require any previous coding experience. 

Leveraging the right resources are key to having the best learning experience. This way, you can ensure the proper guidance and motivation required for efficient learning. 

Mentorship from industry experts and exposure to industry projects helps you to apply practical knowledge to real-world scenarios and update the current demands and trends in the industry!

Let us know if you are ready to begin your Python learning journey today!


Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why is Python becoming popular?

Despite being slower than many programming languages, Python is significantly gaining popularity among other programming languages. Below are some of the main reasons why programmers are opting for Python over other languages:
Python is easy to write and understand as it is a dynamically written language which means that most of the work is done by the system.
The large collection of Python libraries makes it a highly versatile language that can be used in various fields including data science and web development.
There is a large community of Python programmers out there that constantly supports programmers ranging from rookie to advanced level.

2Which fields use Python as a primary programming language?

Python has a solution for every field. It is the most versatile language till now and has a bright future ahead. There is a long list of fields where Python is considered to be the most suitable programming language.
The major fields include Machine Learning and AI, Web Development, Data Analytics, Game Development, IoT, Application Development, and Game Development. Many sectors including the healthcare sector, finance sector, aerospace sector, and banking sector rely heavily on Python.
There are many big names that have either built their applications on Python or have completely shifted their tech stack to Python. Some of these include YouTube, Google, Instagram, and Pinterest.

3 What are the fundamental concepts that every Python beginner should learn?

Every Python beginner must have a firm hold on the following concepts to advance to the next level:
1. Conditional statements: Conditional statements along with other topics constitute the basics of Python. If, else, and elif are the conditional statements in Python.
2. Loops: Python provides two types of loops: “for loop” and “while loop”.
3. Data types: int, float, string, and numbers and the user-defined data types that are supported in Python.
4. Operators: Arithmetic operators, Logical operators, Relational operators, Bitwise operators, and Assignment operators.
5. Built-in Data structures: Python has four built-in data structures: list, tuple, set, and dictionary.
6. Functions, Exception handling, Modules.
7. Objects Oriented concepts: Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism are some of the most important Python OOPs concepts.

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