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22 Must-Know Agile Methodology Interview Questions & Answers in US [2024]

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22 Must-Know Agile Methodology Interview Questions & Answers in US [2024]

Agile methodology interview questions can sometimes be challenging to solve. Studying and preparing well is the most vital factor to ace an interview with scrum success. So, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on scrum interview questions as well as answers to help you gain access to numerous job opportunities.

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Keep reading to master your following Agile interview with the Agile interview questions and answers listed here. 

22 Questions on Agile Methodology for Interviews and Answers

1. Discuss the concept of velocity within Agile.

Answer: Velocity is a measurement calculated through the sum of all effort estimates based on user stories completed during an iteration. It is a way of predicting the amount of work Agile can do during a sprint and how long it will be required to finish an entire project.

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2. Discuss the benefits of Pair Programming and why it is important.

Answer: It is a process where two programmers work as a team, in which one programmer writes code while another reviews it. Both can change their roles.


  • Better code quality: As the second partner examines the code in tandem decreases the risk of making a mistake.
  • The transfer of information is straightforward: One experienced partner can instruct another about the strategies and methods.

3. Discuss the Iterative and Incremental development process of Agile.

Answer: The iterative and incremental development process is as follows:

  • Iterative Design: Software is developed and handed over to the customer in response to feedback; the software is released in cycles and sprints. If the customer requests some modifications, the development team plans for the 2-second release that can be finished in a few sprints, and so on. Example: Release 1 software is created in five sprints and distributed directly to the client.
  • Incremental development: Software develops in increments or parts. Each increment is only a small portion of the need completed.

4. What is an example of a test stub?

Answer: A test stub is a small program that emulates a particular component within the system and replaces it. Its output is identical to that of the part it is replacing.

5. What is the difference between the product backlog and the sprint backlog?

Sprint BacklogProduct Backlog
This is usually managed by the team that develops it. It contains only those features and requirements relevant to the particular sprint. It is regarded as a subset of the backlog of products. It is typically owned and managed by the owner of the project. It is more focused on the ultimate purpose that the solution is aiming for. It typically contains every characteristic of the product along with the specifications of the product. It’s a compilation of everything needed to complete the entire procedure. It breaks down each step into a sequence of steps.

6. What is the distinction between the Agile methodology and traditional methodology for Software Development?

Answer: The primary distinction between the two is as follows:

Agile Software development: It is a method of iterative development employed to create complex software. With this approach, project teams can have the flexibility to adapt and ensure that the product is in line with the client’s requirements.  

Classic Software Design: It is a linear method that is employed to develop simple software. This method is used when every process step typically occurs in a sequence. It is best suited in projects where the probability of changes is not significant in the project’s scope.

7. What is when you say agile development of software?

Answer: It is an agile software process where performance and design are the main focus. The implementation and layout phases, in addition, incorporate additional tasks such as helping to meet needs and testing into these.

In addition, it is more attentive to the expansion of coding than content. It has two development agendas:

  1. a) Group A developmental agenda:
  1. Needs integration and assessment- about one and a half months
  2. Policy design- two months
  3. The coding stage is four months long.
  4. Network integration and testing two months of network integration and testing
  5. Examine user acknowledgment-five weeks
  1. b) Group B developmental agenda:

Since this plan is ad-hoc, it is divided into multiple levels. Reduplication is the process of determining the same amount of time. When each iteration is finished, a strong product and an innovative feature should be incorporated.

8. What is a Product Backlog?

Answer: In agile teams, agile teams manage to keep their basic needs in check even after falling backward, and it’s called the Product Backlog within Scrum.

9. What is the role of product backlogs?

Answer: A) It provides a listing of new features

  1. B) It alters the existing characteristics
  2. C) It corrects the bugs
  3. D) changes the structure

10. What is agility beneficial in responding to changes?

Answer: They were adept at constructing the diversity of values shared in the context of trust and mutual respect, as well as the social values that resulted in an agile manifesto.

11. What is the purpose of standing-up meetings daily?

Answer: A daily stand-up meeting is vital for any team which teams discuss,

  1. What percentage of work has been done?
  2. What plans are there to solve technical problems?
  3. What are the steps to take in order to finish the project, etc.?

12. What is the difference between the traditional Waterfall model and Agile testing?

Answer: Agile testing is conducted in conjunction with the development process, unlike traditional waterfall models, where testing occurs after the development.

Parallel, the agile testing process is carried out with small components, whereas with a waterfall approach, testing is carried out on the entire application.

13. Talk about Refactoring in brief.

Answer: Modification to the code without altering its function to enhance performance is referred to as Refactoring.

14. State the principles of agile testing.

Answer: The principles of agile testing are as follows:

  • Continuous testing to guarantee that the product is being improved
  • Constant feedback to make sure the product fits the needs of the business
  • Testing requires active participation from team members in jobs like development and testing.
  • The business team and user reps can be actively involved to help quickly gather input for each iteration.
  • Clear and concise code guarantees that it is error-free throughout the iteration.

15. What exactly do you refer to by Refactoring?

Answer: Refactoring is an essential process that involves the alteration or modification of the software’s internal structure with no change to its functionality or behavior outside of it. Developers alter or tweak using code to modify and enhance the structure of software. The most well-known and widely utilized refactoring technique in the agile software development process is known as Red-Green. Refactoring makes code more accessible, understandable, and tidy. The habit of constantly refactoring aids in making it easier to add and maintain the code.

16. What are Spike and Zero Sprint in Agile?

Answer: Spike: This is typically a reference to a complicated and extensive customer story within software development that can’t be determined until the development team runs an investigation with a timebox. 

Zero Sprint: The term is usually used to refer to the initial step or pre-preparation stage that occurs before the start of the sprint. It covers all tasks like setting up the development environment, making a backlog, etc.

17. What are the most viral values in accordance with the Agile manifesto?

Answer: This is among the key questions for agile interviews that are primarily included in the agile manifesto. Individuals and information, useful software, intercourse with consumers, and the alteration of response are among the most crucial values.

18. Name one of the well-known tools that can be used to facilitate rapid software development.

Answer: Atlassian Jira is a famous tool used for rapid software development.

19. Who is responsible for the management of the backlog of agile’s products?

Answer: It is the Product Holder who is responsible for the product.

20. What is the best way for an agile team to achieve transparency on the backlog of articles?

Answer: Every day, the team can work on refining the backlog with the assistance of the proprietor of the item. This allows for transparency in the backlogs. The backlogs are downloaded to check for future modifications.

21. Give examples of Quality strategies that are agile.

Answer: Some quality strategies of Agile include:

  1. Refactoring
  2. Small feedback cycles
  3. Dynamic analysis of code
  4. Iteration

22. What is a tracer bullet?

Answer: It could be described as a spike in the current architecture or the most current best practice set. Tracer bullets aim to look at how an end-to-end process would function and examine the potential.

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If you’ve read the above 22 agile methodology interview questions, you now have some understanding of the agile interview and the potentially asked agile methodology interview questions and answers. It is important to be aware of your fundamentals to crack any interview. If you want to learn about agile methodology from the best in the industry, check out upGrad’s Master of Science in Business Analytics course. This course will help you easily learn about agile methodologies in tackling interview questions on agile methodology.

You can also check out our free courses offered by upGrad in Management, Data Science, Machine Learning, Digital Marketing, and Technology. All of these courses have top-notch learning resources, weekly live lectures, industry assignments, and a certificate of course completion – all free of cost! 


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the 3 C’s in agile?

The three C’s in agile are Card, Conservation, and Confirmation. These three Cs are significant in enhancing functional efficiencies and supporting collaboration and coordination within the team toward software development or project management.

2Is it easy to learn agile?

Learning agile is a relatively easy thing. It is the mastery of it that takes time. When preparing for an agile interview, you must have a good idea about agile concepts. Adapting to agile methodology might initially seem smooth, but gaining expertise in the relevant field heavily depends on your active implementation of the agile methodology.

3What are the concepts of agile important for an interview?

The concepts which are a must for any agile interview preparation are: 1) Adaptability, 2) Efficiency, 3) Collaboration, 4) Simplicity, and 5) Disruption

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