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Who Owns Quality in a Agile Scrum Team?

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Who Owns Quality in a Agile Scrum Team?

In the dynamic world of Agile development, the pursuit of quality is paramount. But the question often arises: who owns quality in a Scrum team? In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the concept of quality within a Scrum framework, explore the roles involved, and ultimately unveil who bears the responsibility for ensuring the highest standards are met. So, let’s explore to uncover the essence of quality in Scrum teams!

What is Quality in a Scrum Team?

Quality in a Scrum team encompasses a holistic approach to product development. It’s about delivering what the customer wants, maintaining efficiency, continuously improving, managing technical debt, and adhering to Scrum principles. When all these aspects align, the result is a high-quality product that meets customer expectations and stands the test of time in a competitive landscape.

Here is what you need to know. 

1. Meeting Customer Expectations

Quality in a Scrum team begins with a profound understanding of the customer’s needs, desires, and expectations. It’s not just about delivering a product; it’s about delivering the right product. This means aligning every aspect of the product development process with what the customer envisions.

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  • Functional Aspects: Quality extends to the core functionalities of the product. It ensures that the features and capabilities meet the user’s requirements and work flawlessly.
  • Non-Functional Aspects: Beyond the obvious functionalities, quality also encompasses non-functional aspects. These include performance, security, user experience, and scalability. Meeting these aspects is essential for overall satisfaction.

2. Maintaining Productivity

While striving for quality, it’s crucial to strike a balance with productivity. Delivering a high-quality product doesn’t mean sacrificing speed and efficiency. In fact, quality should enhance productivity rather than hinder it.

  • Efficient Development: Quality-oriented development practices, such as code reviews, automated testing, and continuous integration, can streamline the development process. These practices identify issues early, reducing the time spent on fixing defects later.
  • Effective Collaboration: Collaborative work within the Scrum team ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and rework. Effective communication leads to faster decision-making and smoother workflows.

3. Continuous Improvement

Quality in a Scrum team is not a one-time accomplishment but an ongoing journey. Continuous improvement is at its core, driven by the principle of inspecting and adapting. This aspect of quality is essential to stay competitive and relevant in a constantly changing market.

  • Regular Evaluation: Scrum teams regularly inspect their work through sprint reviews, retrospectives, and daily stand-up meetings. These forums allow the team to assess what went well, what didn’t, and how they can improve.
  • Customer Feedback: Customer feedback is a goldmine for improvement. Actively seeking and incorporating customer input ensures that the product remains aligned with evolving needs and preferences.
  • Experimentation: Scrum encourages experimentation and trying new approaches. This willingness to adapt and change fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth.

4. Minimizing Technical Debt

Technical debt is like a hidden cost that accrues when development teams take shortcuts or implement quick fixes to meet deadlines. It can hamper product quality and hinder future development. Quality assurance involves minimizing this debt.

  • Code Quality: Writing clean, maintainable code reduces technical debt. Developers should follow coding standards, use appropriate design patterns, and refactor code as needed to keep it in good shape.
  • Automated Testing: Implementing automated testing practices helps catch defects early, preventing them from accumulating as technical debt. It also ensures that changes to the codebase don’t introduce new issues.

5. Adherence to Scrum Principles

Quality in a Scrum team is intricately linked to the core principles of Scrum itself. These principles provide a framework for achieving and maintaining quality throughout the product development process.

  • Transparency: Transparent processes and communication enable the team to identify issues and make informed decisions. Transparency is vital for spotting and addressing quality-related challenges.
  • Inspection: Scrum encourages regular inspection of the product and the process. This scrutiny helps detect deviations from quality standards and provides opportunities for correction.
  • Adaptation: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a cornerstone of quality assurance. Scrum’s adaptability ensures that the team can respond effectively to shifts in customer needs or market conditions.

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Who Owns Quality in a Scrum Team? 

The ownership of quality in a Scrum team is a shared responsibility. While each role within the team has its unique contributions and areas of focus, the collective goal is to deliver a high-quality product that meets customer expectations. Here is what you need to know: 

i) Agile Teams

Agile development relies on the concept of collaborative, cross-functional teams. These teams consist of individuals with diverse skills, including developers, testers, designers, and more. Each member brings their unique expertise to the table, contributing to the project’s overall success. In Agile, the idea of collective ownership is essential; everyone is responsible for the product’s quality. Here’s a closer look at how different roles contribute:

  • Developers

Developers are responsible for writing code, building features, and implementing the technical aspects of the product. They play a critical role in ensuring that the product functions correctly and efficiently. For example, in a Scrum team working on a mobile app, developers would create the app’s user interface, implement the backend logic, and optimize performance to provide a seamless user experience.

  • Testers

Testers, also known as quality assurance (QA) professionals, focus on validating the product’s functionality and ensuring that it meets the specified requirements. They design test cases, perform various types of testing (e.g., unit testing, integration testing, regression testing), and report defects. In the context of a Scrum team developing a web application, testers would verify that user interactions work as intended, check for compatibility with different browsers, and ensure the application’s security against vulnerabilities.

  • Designers

Designers contribute to the product’s quality by creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces. Their work directly impacts the user experience, which is a crucial aspect of quality. For instance, in a Scrum team working on an e-commerce platform, designers would focus on creating an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing shopping interface, improving the overall user experience.

  • Scrum Masters

While not directly involved in the technical aspects of development, Scrum Masters play a crucial role in ensuring that the Scrum process is followed effectively. They facilitate meetings, remove impediments, and promote a culture of continuous improvement. In a Scrum team developing software for project management, the Scrum Master would ensure that the team’s daily stand-ups are efficient and that any obstacles to delivering a quality product are addressed promptly.

ii) Product Owner

The Product Owner is a pivotal role in the Scrum framework. They are responsible for representing the customer’s interests and defining the product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features and user stories. While the Product Owner’s primary focus is on defining ‘what’ needs to be built, they also have a vested interest in ensuring that the ‘what’ meets the required quality standards.


Imagine a Scrum team developing a mobile banking application. The Product Owner, in this case, would work closely with stakeholders to determine which features are most critical to users, such as fund transfers, bill payments, and account balance checks. They must ensure that these features are not only functional but also secure and user-friendly. The Product Owner might collaborate with designers to create a user-friendly interface that promotes trust and confidence in the app’s security features.

iii) Scrum Team

The Scrum Team, as a collective entity, assumes a significant portion of the responsibility for product quality. This includes developers and testers working collaboratively to design, build, and test the product. The team collectively owns the ‘how’ of product development and, by extension, the quality of the product.


In a Scrum team working on a software project for inventory management, developers would be responsible for writing code to implement features like tracking inventory levels and generating reports. Testers would ensure that these features work correctly by conducting extensive testing, including stress testing, to ensure the system can handle high loads during peak usage times. The entire Scrum Team collaborates to address any issues that arise, such as performance bottlenecks or unexpected behaviors in the system.

Is the Product Owner the One Who Owns Quality in a Scrum Team?

Although essential in defining product features and priorities, the Product Owner is not the sole owner of quality in a Scrum team. Quality assurance in Agile is a shared responsibility among team members, and it is a collaborative effort to deliver a high-quality product.

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Who is Responsible for Quality in Scrum in Reality?

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In reality, the responsibility for quality in a Scrum team is a shared commitment that involves multiple stakeholders and team members. While everyone in the team plays a part in ensuring quality, the following parties have distinct roles and responsibilities:

1. Product Owner:

  • Defining Quality Expectations: The Product Owner is responsible for defining the quality expectations of the product, which includes setting clear quality standards and criteria. They must communicate these standards to the development team.
  • Prioritizing Quality Work: The Product Owner ensures that quality-related work items, such as bug fixes and improvements, are appropriately prioritized in the product backlog. They balance quality concerns with the delivery of new features.
  • Acceptance Criteria: The Product Owner collaborates with the team to establish acceptance criteria for user stories, helping to define what constitutes a “done” and high-quality feature.

2. Developers:

  • Coding Standards: Developers are responsible for adhering to coding standards and best practices. They write clean, maintainable code that minimizes defects and technical debt.
  • Unit Testing: Developers create and maintain unit tests to ensure that individual components of the software function correctly. These tests help catch issues early in the development process.
  • Refactoring: When necessary, developers engage in refactoring to improve code quality and remove technical debt. This process enhances the maintainability of the codebase.

3. Testers (Quality Assurance):

  • Validation and Verification: Testers validate that the product meets the specified requirements and verify that it functions correctly. They perform various types of testing, including functional, regression, and performance testing.
  • Defect Reporting: Testers identify and report defects, working closely with developers to resolve issues promptly.
  • Test Automation: Implementing and maintaining automated testing frameworks is often the responsibility of testers. Automation helps ensure consistent and repeatable testing processes.

4. Scrum Master:

  • Process Improvement: The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in process improvement. They identify opportunities to enhance the team’s practices and facilitate discussions around quality improvement.
  • Obstacle Removal: Scrum Masters remove impediments that hinder the team’s ability to maintain quality. This may involve resolving tools, resources, or team dynamics issues.
  • Facilitating Collaboration: Ensuring that team members collaborate effectively and communicate openly is part of the Scrum Master’s responsibilities. A healthy team dynamic contributes to improved quality.

5. Stakeholders (Including Customers and End-Users):

  • Providing Feedback: External stakeholders, including customers and end-users, are vital sources of feedback. Their input helps identify quality issues and areas for improvement.
  • Acceptance Testing: In many cases, stakeholders participate in acceptance testing to validate that the product aligns with their expectations and requirements.

6. Entire Scrum Team:

  • Collective Responsibility: Ultimately, the entire Scrum team collectively owns the responsibility for quality. This includes developers, testers, the Product Owner, and the Scrum Master.
  • Continuous Improvement: The team actively participates in continuous improvement efforts, regularly inspecting its processes and products to identify ways to enhance quality.

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The key takeaway is that quality is not an afterthought but an integral part of the development process. It’s a culture, a mindset, and a shared commitment that permeates every aspect of a Scrum team’s work. By embracing collective ownership of quality, Scrum teams can deliver high-value products that delight customers and remain competitive in the ever-evolving market. So, in the end, the answer to the question, “Who owns quality in a Scrum team?” is everyone in the team!

Frequently Asked Questions


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Who is responsible for the internal quality of the product in Scrum?

The Development Team is primarily responsible for the internal quality of the product in Scrum.

2Who is responsible for tracking the quality in an agile team?

The Testers and Quality Assurance professionals in the Agile team are responsible for tracking the quality by conducting various testing activities.

3Who in the Scrum team is accountable for quality?

While quality is a shared responsibility, the entire Scrum Team collectively holds accountability for ensuring product quality.

4Can the Product Owner be a Scrum Master at the same time?

It is generally not recommended for the same individual to serve as both the Product Owner and Scrum Master in a Scrum team to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

5What is the role of the Development Team in quality ownership?

The Development Team plays a crucial role in quality ownership by writing clean code, conducting unit testing, and collaborating with testers to deliver a high-quality product.

6Who takes responsibility for ROI in Scrum?

The Product Owner is primarily responsible for ensuring a positive Return on Investment (ROI) by prioritizing valuable features and maximizing the product's value to stakeholders.

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