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Top 10 Business Books To Read To Become an Entrepreneur in 2024

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16th Mar, 2023
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Top 10 Business Books To Read To Become an Entrepreneur in 2024

Reading is crucial for an entrepreneur to stay updated on the latest trends, learn from the mistakes of others, and get inspired. A successful entrepreneur should read books, blogs, and magazines regularly. They should also attend conferences and seminars to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their industry.

The benefits of reading extensively as an entrepreneur are numerous. It can be a source of inspiration, knowledge, and new ideas. Reading top business books also helps them understand how other entrepreneurs have solved similar problems.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can develop analytical skills with the help of a good book. On the communication front, it helps to improve your writing skills and vocabulary, which makes you a better communicator with your team members or customers.

Our list of best business books of all time will ensure you find the right pick that fuels the entrepreneur in you!

Top Business Books for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

It is not easy to be an entrepreneur, and even more challenging to start a business. However, many books can help you in your journey. Countless books are available to entrepreneurs in the market, but one must find the ones that suit them the best. 

1. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

The Lean Startup, a top business book by Eric Ries published in 2011, urges entrepreneurs to use iterative and incremental innovation. This book teaches you how to build a successful company by focusing on the customer’s needs and wants. It is a must-read for entrepreneurs interested in launching startups and is, inarguably, one of the best business books of all time. 

2. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How To Change by Charles Duhigg

In his 2012 book, Charles Duhigg discusses the power of habits. He breaks down these habits into three components —Cues, the trigger directing your brain into a preset and which habit to use; Routine, the behavior itself; and Reward, what your brain gets for using a particular habit. Using these components, Duhigg talks about how practices work in our brains and how they are formed. He also talks about how habits can be changed by understanding their patterns.

3. Zero to One: Notes on Start Ups, or How To Build the Future by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters

Zero to One is a 2014 book about startups and how to build the future. The author, Peter Thiel, offers some insight into what it takes to create a startup from the ground up. In his book, he shares his experiences and those of other successful entrepreneurs. He also points out that there are different ways of thinking about innovation and entrepreneurship. He discusses how startups should focus on creating new things instead of copying what already exists in the market. 

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4. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms To Fail by Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen is an American academic and a Professor of Business Administration at the esteemed Harvard Business School. In 1997, he published The Innovator’s Dilemma, which explored the high-tech industry and argued that big companies could fail by pursuing small innovations rather than disruptive technologies that initially seem irrelevant to their markets. The book discusses why established companies fail to respond to disruptive technologies and market changes and how new market entrants can use that failure as an opportunity for growth.

5. Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win by Steve Blank

The Four Steps to the Epiphany is a book by Steve Blank, published in 2005. It is a guide for entrepreneurs who want to start their businesses. The book provides four steps used to create a successful business. The first step is ‘Customer Discovery’, which involves understanding the customer’s needs and wants.

The second step is ‘Customer Validation’, which involves testing the product with customers and getting feedback. The third step is ‘Company Building’, which consists of building a company around the product or service validated in previous actions. And finally, the fourth step is ‘Company Succession’, which involves preparing for when you are no longer running your company or want to sell it off.

7. Principles: Life & Work by Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the most extensive hedge funds in the world. He has been a successful investor for over forty years and has written a book about his principles. In this book, published in 2017, Dalio shares his life story and how he rose as a successful investor in the industry. He also shares the principles that have led him and his company toward success.

8. The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More by Chris Guillebeau

The $100 Startup is one of the top business books written by Chris Guillebeau, who shares his experiences building and running a small business. In the 2012 book, Guillebeau shares his experiences starting and running a small business. He talks about how he started his first company while living in poverty and how he has been able to help people around the world start their businesses. The author believes that anyone can start a successful company with as low as $100 if willing to invest time and effort.

9. How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie was a famous American author who wrote many books on self-improvement, public speaking, and salesmanship. His most famous work is “How To Win Friends And Influence People”, which has become a successful guide selling over 30 million copies worldwide.

This book discusses the importance of understanding and influencing people, which is essential for success. Carnegie shows how to make friends quickly, change people without offending or arousing resentment, win people over to your way of thinking without argument or coercion, and handle difficult people.

10. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Regarded as one of the top business books, it is a self-improvement guide that teaches readers how to change their lives with simple yet powerful habits. It is written by Stephen Covey, who also wrote The 8th Habit and Principle-Centred Leadership. Covey divides the habits into categories such as being proactive, focusing on the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking in a rewarding manner, seeking to understand first, and finally understanding, synergizing, and sharpening the saw.

11. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of the most popular books on success. The book was initially published in 1937 but has been revised many times. In this book, Napoleon Hill shares his wisdom with readers on how to become successful in life. He does this by sharing his personal story and the stories of other wealthy individuals he interviewed for the book.

How to use These Books to Become a Better Entrepreneur

A lot goes into being an entrepreneur as you bear the responsibility of setting up every aspect of your venture’s life cycle and ensuring that your product fulfills its potential in the market. We have put together the best business books of all time, which can help novice entrepreneurs to learn the ropes and extend their understanding of time beyond what they collected at college or high school.

These books are an excellent resource for entrepreneurs. They provide insights on how to build and diversify business and manage the day-to-day tasks of running a company. They offer advice on what worked for them and what didn’t so that you learn from their mistakes and find a better approach.

Final Thoughts

Entrepreneurs always look for spaces to grow and diversify. Knowing which books to read can save you significant resources. This list contains the ten best business books of all time recommended by entrepreneurial leaders to help other entrepreneurs grow and learn more about entrepreneurship-from marketing plans to business models. 

While books and educational resources are vital for your growth, nothing can match the significance of a certified degree course. upGrad’s Doctor of Business Administration, offered by Golden Gate University, promotes entrepreneurship education through an expert-led curriculum, fueling working professionals to strengthen their entrepreneurial skills further. The course offers five specializations, enabling candidates to opt for the choice best suited to their future endeavors.



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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Can anyone be an entrepreneur?

The answer is yes. Anyone can be an entrepreneur. It doesn't matter your background, where you come from, or your education level. As long as you have the right skills and experience, you are capable enough to run a startup.

2What are the best habits for a budding entrepreneur?

A budding entrepreneur's best habits are being persistent, open-minded, and willing to take risks. As a budding entrepreneur, you must stay open to learning, which will lead you only toward growth and better opportunities.

3How to handle failure effectively?

The first step to handling failure effectively is to accept it. Accepting and understanding why you failed will help you move on from the situation. The next step is to learn from your mistakes and try not to make the same mistake again in the future. Finally, if you feel down about your failure, talk about it with someone who can help you get back on your feet again.

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