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Selenium Framework Explained – Everything you need to know

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9th Oct, 2021
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Selenium Framework Explained – Everything you need to know


Software Development is a challenging and lengthy task. However, the critical part begins after building the software when developers need to test the software for bugs or defects that impact the functioning of the software.

There are two ways in which a software developer can detect bugs in the web application. The first process is testing cases manually. However, that is a lengthy process. Moreover, it is difficult to find all the bugs in the program manually. It results in a wastage of time and resources, and the companies have to incur extra costs.

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The other prevalent process to test web applications is to use automated software. It saves time and cost for companies and also provides more accurate results as compared to manual testing. One of the most widely used automated software is Selenium Framework. Let us learn more about Selenium Framework and its characteristics.

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What is the Selenium Framework?

Selenium is an automated software that tests web applications. The Selenium framework is an amalgamation of various selenium tools that automate the web applications testing process. It reduces the time of test cycles, saving money and resources.

In simple terms, Selenium is an open-source automated software framework that tests the functioning of Java, .Net, and AJAX web applications through various software that support javascript like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera and SeaMonkey. 

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The Selenium Automated Framework is based on a script-less concept and requires minimum initial coding. It can be used on different operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Macintosh.

The Selenium Automation Framework also runs efficiently on mobiles. A distinct advantage of the Selenium Framework is that it contains several grids that simultaneously enable parallel testing of multiple web applications. Moreover, the Selenium Framework uses accelerators that make the entire process of testing web applications quick and efficient. The Selenium framework is flexible, which means that it can be integrated with other tools to produce the desired results.

The Selenium Framework Testing system runs tests that are written as HTML codes. The output is saved on a dashboard.

What are the key features and benefits of the Selenium Framework?

Here are some of the significant features and benefits of the Selenium Framework:

  1. Flexible and User-friendly:- One of the greatest advantages of the Selenium Framework is that it is open-sourced and user-friendly. This means that the users can download it as an extension on their system from the official website without any cost. Moreover, the Selenium Framework is flexible. You can install it on different operating systems such as Windows or Linux and different browsers also. It is also dynamic and can be integrated with other applications to test software.
  2. Generates HTML Reports:- Since Selenium Framework is automated software, it automatically generates extensive test results reports in HTML. The users receive this email report via mail. It helps to track and keep a record of all information. Through HTML reports, the Selenium testers can figure out and resolve the bugs in software.
  3. Multi-browser Function:- As already stated above, the Selenium Framework works on multiple browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and more. You can also run the program on multiple browsers simultaneously.
  4. Does Not Require Server Installation:- While using the Selenium RC tool, engineers require a Selenium server to execute test scripts. However, to run the Selenium Framework on a remote machine using the Selenium WebDriver plugin, we do not need to install Selenium Framework on a server because the WebDriver serves as a direct link between the automation script and the browser.
  5. Tests Software Built Through Different Programming Languages:- While testing an application or software, the developers break it into multiple fragments called units which are run through testing unit frameworks. It is one of the most crucial components of software testing. The Selenium Framework supports various programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, PHP and Scala. These languages help to build testing unit frameworks like TestNG.

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Different Types of Selenium Framework Tools

Selenium Framework is a compilation of the following Selenium tools:

  1. Selenium (Integrated Development Environment) IDE:- This tool is a Firefox plugin that helps to generate Selenium tests. It allows the testers to keep a record of their workflow.
  2. Selenium RC:- This tool is a step ahead of the Selenium IDE. It allows the developers to write Selenium tests by using various programming languages such as Java, Python, Scala, Ruby and others. We require a Selenium server to use this tool.
  3. Selenium WebDriver:- To make Selenium Framework more automatic and flexible, the Selenium WebDriver was introduced as a successor to the Selenium RC tool. Since it directly sends the command to the browser, you do not need a Selenium server with WebDriver.
  4. Selenium Grid:- This tool acts like a proxy server that enables the Selenium Framework to run multiple tests across different browsers parallelly.

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What are the job opportunities in Selenium Framework?

Are you a technology geek with a keen interest in programming languages, coding, web application, software development and other similar things? If yes, then you can look for career opportunities related to the selenium framework. The job mainly entails developing the software, testing the selenium framework, and looking for bugs. Here are some popular jobs related to the selenium framework

  1. Selenium Developer- The role of a selenium developer is similar to that of a software developer. It is also called an automation developer. The primary job task is to develop and figure out web applications that can be tested through selenium. Moreover, a selenium developer also finds out tedious and lengthy processes that can be automated with the help of the selenium framework. The average salary of a selenium developer in India is around INR 4 lakhs per annum. The salary of a full-stack developer is twice – INR 8 lakhs per year.
  2. Automation Engineer- This job requires you to figure out what processes can be automated to reduce costs. You will have to install automated software, run it on databases and identify bugs. The average salary of an automation engineer in India is INR 5 lakhs per annum.
  3. Selenium Tester- The job of a selenium tester entails collecting data for running tests, creating test scripts with the help of Java, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, analysing test results and more. The average salary of a selenium tester in India is INR 4 lakhs per annum.

In-Demand Software Development Skills

How Can You Learn the Practical Application of Selenium Automation Framework?

Currently, automated Technologies are in high demand. Companies are hiring candidates who have prior experience in creating or managing automated software. You can gain practical experience and skills only when you thoroughly understand the concepts of the selenium framework and apply that learning to real projects.

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If you are keen on learning the practical aspects of the selenium framework and other automation technologies, you can enrol yourself in the Executive PG Programme in Software Development offered on upGrad. This course offers a specialisation in Full Stack Development. The best advantage of this course is that you can learn coding and programming even if you do not have a technical background. For the non-tech and new coders, upGrad offers an exclusive boot camp on software career transition.

This online program provides you with additional content on data science and machine learning. It comprises plenty of assignments and projects that will help you acquire relevant skills like building websites, software, web UI, and more. These skills can help you land lucrative jobs like backend developer, frontend developer, and UI or full-stack developer. Moreover, you will also receive 360-degree career support for jobs and interviews by upGrad.

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The need for automation technologies is likely to rise in the future. Eventually, companies will need more automation engineers to test software. In such a scenario, it is highly recommended that you take up jobs that allow you to work on a selenium framework. However, it is crucial to learn practical skills such as software development, backend and frontend development, coding and programming to get a desirable job.



Blog Author
Meet Sriram, an SEO executive and blog content marketing whiz. He has a knack for crafting compelling content that not only engages readers but also boosts website traffic and conversions. When he's not busy optimizing websites or brainstorming blog ideas, you can find him lost in fictional books that transport him to magical worlds full of dragons, wizards, and aliens.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is the use of selenium automation frameworks?

The selenium automation framework is a set of tools - Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver and Selenium RC that test web applications on multiple browsers parallelly.

2How can the selenium framework be operated on multiple browsers simultaneously?

The selenium automation framework comprises multiple selenium grids that enable the software to run tests on multiple browsers at a time. The selenium grid receives commands from remote browsers and executes WebDriver scripts. This saves time and also decreases the cost of testing web applications.

3What practical skills are required to work on Selenium Framework?

If you want to work as a Selenium tester, you should have a basic understanding of programming languages such as Java or C++. In addition to it, you should also know about Selenium WebDriver and GIT and SVN source code management tools.

4What is Selenium?

Selenium is a free and open-source test automation tool for validating web applications on a variety of browsers and platforms. Selenium Test Scripts may be written in a variety of computer languages, including Java, C#, Python, and others. Selenium Testing is the term for testing performed with the Selenium toolset. The software is a collection of tools that includes the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Selenium Remote Control (RC), WebDriver, and Selenium Grid, among others. Each piece of software is tailored to a company's specific QA testing requirements.

5What are the limitations of Selenium testing?

Because Selenium is an open-source technology, there is no specialised tech support to help users with their problems. To test desktop and mobile apps, Selenium must be combined with third-party tools such as Appium and TestNG. It also offers limited picture testing capabilities. Selenium lacks a built-in reporting and test management feature, necessitating integration with third-party tools such as TestNG or JUnit, among others, to ease test reporting and management. It may also necessitate programming language experience, as Selenium WebDriver assumes the user has some programming knowledge. Finally, security becomes a setback with this Grid because there are several Cloud-based labs in the market that provide a higher level of security.

6What are the components of Selenium?

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment), WebDriver, RC, and Grid make up the framework. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (Selenium IDE) is a recording and playback tool. It's a Firefox add-on. WebDriver and RC provide APIs for a wide range of languages, including Java,.NET, PHP, and others. Webdriver and RC are compatible with the majority of browsers. Grid is the last component. Grid allows you to distribute tests over numerous workstations so that they may be performed in parallel, reducing the amount of time it takes to execute browser test suites.

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