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Top 32 Microsoft Azure Interview Questions & Answers [updated 2024]

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Top 32 Microsoft Azure Interview Questions & Answers [updated 2024]

Here are some of the Azure Interview Question and Answers, which will help one to crack the interview very quickly. The answers are given in detail to help one to prepare for the interview question to crack the interview to get the job.

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Basic Azure Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain the probable cause of the disconnection of the services from the cache?

Answer: There are two categories if the client is getting disconnection, which are:

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There is some issue on the side of the operator:

  • The server has been updated
  • Automatic VM maintenance has been done
  • Deployment of cache happened in the dispatching and processing of the service
  • Standard Cache transfer has failed from one node to another.

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Client-Side Fault:

  • It has reached the maximum limit of the bandwidth
  • More time is being consumed in the bound operation
  • Network node has received some kind of transient error
  • The alteration has happened on the network layer of the client-side.
  • Auto-scaling happened at the side of the client on the application
  • Accidentally, Redeployment happened on the client application

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2. What is the difference between Proc Means and Proc Summary?

Answer: One of the top questions one can find in the Microsoft Azure Interview questions and answer is this question.

  • PROC SUMMARY: – It gives all various kinds of information and is statistics aid. All the info run simultaneously. Automatically all the subgroups are produced. There is no creation of an information outlet.
  • PROC MEANS – With the BY variables assistance, the sorting of data happens beforehand.

3. What is the function of the character analysis of API?

Answer: In the process of characterization of words, it doesn’t account for bad or good in the character analytics of API’s working. It means that the words considered are in neutral and not in some negative or positive sense in the process of working. An advanced feature is used in the process of characterization. The same advanced feature is also used in natural language processing.

4. What is the overview of Azure’s API?

Answer: Azure learning is also built with API of Test Analytics. Key Phrase Extraction Data are analyzed by using this tool. Much unstructured data is analyzed with Test Analytics. Either one 0r 0 is used in the process of running. It is also called a binomial scoring unit. A negative viewpoint corresponds to 0, and a Positive viewpoint corresponds to 1. There is no need for training and designing assistance, and this is an advantage. Users can directly control the data in this process.

5. What are the actions to be taken in the service failure case?

Answer: These are the steps to be taken in the situation of failure of service:

    1. The removal of the drive-in case is not getting replaced. One can keep the system unmounted.
    2. Make the machine online again if there is some work pending to be completed. One should keep the functions of system object storage active by making the machine online. Missing files are updated as soon as the activation is done again for the online replication instantly.
    3. When the failure happens, it can withstand it by stopping the running object services. Object services will be enabled to remain undamaged or unaffected by the crash. It means it will be able to resist the failure of the service.

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6. What are the actions to be taken in the situation of failure of the drive?

Answer: The following are the manners in which the answer should be given for this Microsoft Azure interview question. Following steps should be performed in the case of a drive failure, which are:

    1. In one scenario, The drive can be formatted and remounted after the drive is replaced.
    2. In another scenario, The functioning of object storage should be enabled without failing, and the mounting of the drive should not happen.

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7. Explain the analytics of log?

Answer: In the interview for Microsoft Azure, these types of questions can come very quickly. A particular service run after the complete requirement is provided by the Log Analytics service of operational management. In a specific dashboard, log analytics, security, and automation are manifested.

Raw data can be visualized after the enabling of the source of power data is generated. Standard, premium, and free are the three options of pricing tier in which these are introduced. Results can be exported, and on a single dashboard, data can be searched with lots of conveniences.

8. What is the SharePoint 2010’s typical architecture?

Answer: In SharePoint 2010, there are mainly three different types of design in architecture, which are:

    • Resources are fully managed and utilized by the allocation of service of the application, which is very simple to be done. Deployment is quickly done at the same time, and it is very common that in a single service, single farms are employed.
    • Multiple services are associated with a single farm. Management is the potential advantage of a single farm because of its association with various services. The application of individual services is enabled, and it is used to target more complex sites. Those sites can be complex to target service applications that are particular.
    • The uncommon enterprise farm is very much dedicated to the aids and the service. Data is feasibly isolated with the enterprise farm using automated management.

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9. What are the SAS features?

Answer: SAS has some interlinked features. Those kinds of interconnected elements are:

    1. Business analysis can be quickly delivered with higher efficiency. Worldwide distribution of manufactured products can be done using the features of SAS.
    1. Simple plots are created by breaking the intricate panels. Graphs are used in the interpretation and visualization, which are enabled by it.
    1. Various products and services can be carried out for business by using the leading analytical features of SAS, which is leading worldwide.
    1. Similar to the User access of DBMS, SAS features also provide the ability of the resources management by using user access.

10. What is the definition of SAS?

Answer: In the Interview of Azure, this question is prevalent. It is asked to check the basic understanding of the candidate about the SAS. Statistical Analytical System is the full form of SAS. It is a type of software suite which is used to perform multiple variables analysis.

Corporative intelligence, advanced analytics, data handling, and predictive analysis are very closely linked to it. The interface of SAS produced is very smooth. The smooth interface provides a solution that is clicks based and graphical-based. Some features are advanced, and those are both non-technical and technical in nature. Those non-technical and technical advanced features are user-friendly.

11. Explain the difference between a list and a library?

Answer: The library is a kind of interface which is used in storing and managing the document. Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel can be used for the creation of those documents. The items in the list are represented in the format of a table. Those tables contain rows and columns. Documents can be attached to the list, and it cannot make the document.

12. What is MOSS?

Answer: This question is very commonly asked in the interview of the SQL Microsoft Azure. One can say that Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is the full form of MOSS. But telling the complete structure is not enough in the Microsoft Azure interview question.

One should also say that it is a constitution of the platform of the portal, which is in the complete version. Creation of document, sharing of documents, and managing of the material is possibly by the user using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS).

13. What are the essential features and differences between SPS and STS?


SharePoint Team Management is the full form of STS. Management of Documents can be quickly done using SharePoint Team Management (STS). It is very beneficial for big companies to manage the documents. It also provides a moderate search engine.

SharePoint Portal Service is the full form of SPS. Multiple content sources can be easily penetrated very efficiently using SharePoint Portal Service’s search engine.

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14. What is the class which is used in the retrieval of data?

Answer: SPSite Date Query is the class using which more than one list of data can be retrieved. It gives the ability to query the data. If one needs to query across all the collections of a variety of web, then SPSite Data Query is very beneficial. Without the use of external links, data can be aggregated, which is one of the main features of SPSite Data Query. To do that function, it does the data aggregation through the SharePoint only.

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15. What is the SharePoint 2010’s feature, which is present for monitoring?

Answer: In the interview of Azure Interview Questions, One can answer this question in the following manner by saying that the logging of SharePoint 2010 is diagnostic. The data is taken, which directly indicates the system state. Information is collected and monitored by specifying a few Timer Tasks. Following are the features of SharePoint 2010, which help in monitoring:

    • Sites collections are yielded by providing the matrices.
    • Usage of search data involvement is also there in SharePoint 2010.
    • Performance counter data, timer service data, and event log data are also collected by SharePoint 2010.

16. What are the services of Resource Manager of Azure that overshadow the excellent services?


  1. Using the logic, organization, and tagging of resources is done. It helps a company in following up the billing of an organization conveniently.
  2. Resources’ dependencies are marked in between Using which one can receive the deployment’s order accurately.
  3. One can control the resources by accessing the platform of management. The access to the resources is enabled because there is a control called role-based control.
  4. Deployment is indicated by the declarative template, which is used by the user. It is enabled by the implementation of data with the service of an ARM at a pace consistently.
  5. There is no need to monitor, deploy, or manage the resources altogether at a single moment. There is no need to handle the individual data to implement the chain activities throughout the lifecycle.

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Advanced Azure Interview Questions and Answers

17. What is the difference between the powerhouse server and the repository?

Answer: The powerhouse server deals with the integration of a particular system of database repository, whereas repository servers deal with uniformity, consistency, and integrity.

18. What is enterprise warehousing?

Answer: Enterprise warehousing is the single and unsophisticated point of data that is developed by the organization globally. Thus, servers can communicate with those warehouses as a single point.

19. What Sizes are available for VMs in Azure?


  • The other small computer runs at 1.0 GHz, Memory – 20 GB, Ram – 768 MB, Low performance.
  • The small computer runs at 1.6 GHz, Memory – 225 GB, Ram – 1.75 GB, moderate performance.
  • The medium computer runs at 2*1.6 GHz, Memory – 490 GB, Ram – 3.5 GB, High performance.
  • The vast computer runs at 4*1.6 GHz, Memory – 1000 GB, Ram – 7GB, High performance.
  • Extra Large computer runs at 8*1.6 GHz, Memory – 2040 GB, Ram – 14 GB, High performance.

20. What is Table Storage?

Answer: In Table Storage, the data is stored in bulk and non-relational manner. It is an interface which uses the NoSQL data model, which gives a lot more flexibility in accessing the database in a more efficient way if compared with other Data storage models. Values are stored in a table-like manner with a table column with their values.

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General Azure Interview Questions and Answers

21. What is the basis of the Azure subscription plan?

Answer: Price changes depending on the product variations. Pricing is as follow:

    • Monthly bills: Bills are priced every month as you will only be paying for the product in the month-end. No matter how much or how many times you use that service, it will be charged monthly based on the limit you choose.
    • Usage-Based Fee: This is also known as a consumption plan. Where you will be charged on the go and only be charged based on the amount you use it, if you did not use it, you wouldn’t be charged. You apply it a lot, and you will be charged a lot.
    • Trail: In the Trail period of the service client can use the full potential of the service, just to go through the service and see if it fits the organization’s needs. Azure also provides some free credits that you can use in the Azure platform.
    • Free model: Even if you trail of the service are over, but still you want to use that service without cost, you can use it. That is where the free tiers come in.

22. Difference between Windows Azure queues and bus queues?

Answer: Azure queue manages the storage system of the whole Azure platform. It has features like PUT/GET/PEEK interface that makes it more reliable.

Whereas Bus queues provide an interface between azure apps and a way of communication between them.

23. What is the DeadLetter Queue?

Answer: Dead letter queue is a part of messaging queueing that fulfills and implements store messaging. This helps developers to check for software problems and common patterns.

24. Elaborate Windows Azure platform?

Answer: Azure platform provides Paas(Platform as a Service). Where you can build anything you want without worrying about the platform and its specification, all is taken care of by Azure and provides ease of deployment of services and helps develop faster.            

25. Difference between Minimal Monitoring and Verbose?

Answer: Performance metrics are collected by verbose monitoring. Data can be carefully analyzed using verbose monitoring. In the application process, performance metrics that are collected are fed. The configuration of minimal tracking is the default.

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26. What are Blob and its type?

Answer: Blob is a storage system in Azure that can be used to store a business database or anything in a well-structured manner. It’s of two types:

    • The-page Blob
    • The Block Blob

27. What is Page Blob and Block Blob?

There is a unique ID for Every blob block. Blob has a limit of 200GB, but the default storage value is 4MB, whereas the size limit for a page blob is 1TB.

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28. What is the domain?

Answer: This is a common question asked in the Interview of Azure. A Domain is an address in the world wide web which represents the service you provide and is port that gives an access point for your service.

29. What is the fault domain?

Answer: A fault domain is a logical domain that works as if a real domain. This domain is temporary, and can’t be replaced by your custom domains. It gives an interface and valid domain for your service for use.

30. What is Domain Update?

Answer: It is like a duplicate domain that runs the service, which has no updates in it. But it is beneficial when the developer had to undergo specific updates and don’t want to disturb the running service. Hence helps to update the service without stopping the service.

31. What is the management service used in Azure resources?

Answer: Resource manager service in Azure handles all the resources and checks for the status of every support and its configuration.

32. What do you mean by roles in Azure Web services?

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Answer: This so far is one of the essential questions in Azure and commonly asked in azure interviews. A role is a tag that tells what type of service it is, either web role or worker role. A web role is a service that has to deal with -API call and network requests. A worker role is something which doesn’t have to interact with anything but mostly used for computation purpose.

With this, we have covered most of the Microsoft Azure interview questions that you will face in any interview. 

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Kechit Goyal

Blog Author
Experienced Developer, Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) focused in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why is Microsoft the most needed skill?

As per Microsoft's latest stats, they have 145 million active corporate customers. Hence, irrespective of the job description, you are bound to come across Microsoft and its accessories. The skills of working with its tools and software are simple to learn with the right training because of its ease of use, accessibility, interactivity, and adaptability across operating systems. Learning how to use the Suite will provide you with skills that you can apply to almost any job in almost any industry, and it is a quite certain way to set oneself apart from other job applicants.

2What exactly is blob storage in Azure?

The Azure Blob Storage assists you in the creation of data lakes for your insights needs and provides storage for the advent of robust cloud-native and phone applications. You also reduce costs by using tiered storage for long-term data and improve scalability for high-performance computer technology and machine learning tasks. Each blob is contained within a container. Blob storage serves as a persistent store, storing data for an extended period of time. Private, Public Container, and Public Blob are the three types. Blob Storage has the advantage of providing zone-based redundant processes. In a zone redundant, various copies of data are formed in the same zone or even across two separate areas.

3What is the variation between Public and Private IP addresses in Azure?

Public IP addresses are used for Internet communication, including Azure public-facing services. They allow Azure reserves to communicate with the Internet and with Azure services that are accessible to the public. Until you unassign the address, it is committed to the resource. When you use a VPN gateway or ExpressRoute circuit to extend your network to Azure, the private IP addresses are used for interaction within an Azure Virtual Network (VNet) and your on-premises network. Every device on the same system has its own private IP address.

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