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Top Accenture Interview Questions & Answers in 2024

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Top Accenture Interview Questions & Answers in 2024

You must have heard about Accenture, which is one of the top IT companies in India. Accenture currently operates across five domains- Public and Health Services, Media and Technology Communications, Financial Services, and Resources and Products. 

Out of the Fortune 100 companies, Accenture has worked with 91 while bagging its position in the ‘World’s Most Admired Companies in 2022. 

With such a reputation, it becomes almost dominating to crack all the interview rounds and be a part of the company. The Accenture interview process consists of 3 rounds of interviews, where candidates are assessed and selected. These rounds include – 

  • Online round
  • Technical round
  • HR round

Each round has its difficulty level, and you must ensure that you have the required knowledge to succeed. To make the Accenture interview process a little easier, we will list the top Accenture interview questions. 

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Accenture interview questions 

Q1.  What is the difference between C, C++ and Java?

Ans. C, C++, and Java are quite different programming languages. They can be differentiated as follows –




This is a procedural coding language.It is object-oriented.This is object-oriented, but it supports primitive data types.
Supports pointers.Supports pointers.Does not support pointers.
This language is platform-dependent.This language is platform-dependent.This language does not depend on the platform.
This language does not support the concept of inheritance.Under C++, we can use several inheritances.The concept of multiple inheritances is not present in Java.
Under this coding language, you cannot create your package.You can create your package in C++.Under Java, not only can you create your package, but you can also include the classes.

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Q2. Can you explain the Memory Allocation Process in C?

Ans. This is one of the most frequently asked Accenture coding questions.

Memory allocation refers to setting aside a portion of the memory space according to the needs of the code and how it is to be executed.

There are two types of Memory Allocation Processes done in C language.

  • Static – Static Memory Allocation allocates memory at the beginning of a code. The allocated memory size was set with this system memory, and run-time memory size changes are not permitted. A stack is used for the management of memory. 
  • Dynamic – Dynamic Memory Allocation is allocating memory while a programme is running. Depending on the situation, we can specify the memory size at run-time. The data structure will be used for memory management. From heap memory, the necessary memory space may be allocated and released. The different types of functions that can be used for memory allocation are – 
    • malloc()
    • calloc()
    • realloc()
    • free()

Q3. Can you explain the function of Pandas in Python?

Ans. Pandas is a Python-based open-source software package that helps analyse and manipulate data. It offers a wide range of data formats and functions, including the ability to edit time series and numerical tables. It is regarded as one of the key tools to master since it can handle many file formats.

Pandas Python has different types of attributes –

  • axes
  • shape
  • size
  • index
  • columns
  • dtypes
  • empty
  • T
  • Ndim
  • Values

Q4. Can you describe XML?

Ans. Extensible Markup Language, also known as XML, is used to create data descriptions. XML is a flexible method for creating information formats and electronically transferring structured data across enterprises’ public and private networks.

XML is a markup language based on Standard Generalized Markup Language used to create other markup languages (SGML). The primary function of XML is to offer data formats to store data for database entries, transactions, and other purposes. Various forms of content may be produced based on XML data, including digital, print, and mobile material.

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Q5. Do you know what a Classifier in Python is?

Ans. A classifier is an algorithm that determines the class of an input element using a collection of characteristics. It often uses training data (huge datasets used to develop an algorithm or a machine learning model) to understand the relationship between input variables and class. It is mostly utilised in deep classification and machine learning.

For example – A classifier is generally used to predict or select a category according to its features. These characteristics may include appearance, colour, model, etc. A Classifier can predict the category of a car based on its colour, appearance, make, and model. A red, two-seater car of a particular make could be classified as a Ferrari.

Q6. Normalization in Database, can you explain?

Ans. The practice of organizing data in a database to reduce data redundancy and enhance data integrity is known as normalization (also known as data normalization or database normalization). We may arrange the data into tables and columns using database normalization, and we can also specify a link between these columns.

The most commonly used normalization forms are –

  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form
  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form
  • Fifth Normal Form

Q7. Explain the use of Static in Java?

Ans. If you are looking for opportunities in Accenture, this is one of the top Accenture interview questions.

Java has a non-access feature called Static that is helpful for memory management. All objects may share static properties, and no separate copies of static elements are made when an object is formed. Static elements can be accessed directly by using the class name rather than by creating an instance of the class.

The Static keyword is often used with a block, variable, method and class –

  • Static Block – A static block aids the creation of static data objects. It is a collection of statements already included in a Java class that is only ever executed the first time the class is imported into the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
  • Static Variable – When a variable is added with the static keyword, just one instance of the variable is produced and shared by all other class objects (the same class in which the Static Variable belongs).
  • Static Method – A method is deemed static if the keyword “static” is used in its declaration. One illustration of a static method is the main() function. There are limitations to static methods, such as the fact that they can only directly access other static methods and access static data.
  • Static Class – The creation of a static class is limited to nested classes. Outer class references are not required for nested static classes. A static class cannot access the Outer class’s non-static members.

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Q8. Is it possible to implement several different interfaces in Java Class?

Ans. In a single class, it is possible to implement numerous interfaces. Java allows for multiple inheritances by including different interfaces within the same class. Every interface name is separated during implementation using the comma (,) operator.

Q9. Why are the words ‘This’ and ‘Super’ generally used in Java?

Ans. ‘This’ – The existing object in a constructor or method is referred to using the keyword ‘this’. This keyword is often used to avoid a clash between the class attributes and other parameters with the same or similar name.

‘Super’ – Superclass or parent objects are referred to using the super keyword. It is used to obtain the superclass constructor as well as invoke methods from superclass. The super keyword is most frequently used to clarify the differences between subclass and superclass with methods under a similar or same name. 

Q10. How can you achieve a run-time polymorphism in Java?

Ans. Polymorphism in Java refers to a class’s potential to offer several implementations of a method based on the kind of object it receives as a parameter.  Polymorphic Java objects are those that can pass several IS-A tests. Since all Java objects have passed the IS-A test for both their type and the class Object, all Java objects are polymorphic.

For example,  Imagine that Bank is a class that offers a way to obtain an interest rate. The interest rate, however, may vary depending on the Bank. For instance, SBI, ICICI, and AXIS Banks provide interest rates of 8.4%, 7.3%, and 9.7%, respectively.

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Input – 

class Bank{  

float getRateOfInterest(){return 0;}  


class SBI extends Bank{  

float getRateOfInterest(){return 8.4f;}  


class ICICI extends Bank{  

float getRateOfInterest(){return 7.3f;}  


class AXIS extends Bank{  

float getRateOfInterest(){return 9.7f;}  


class TestPolymorphism{  

public static void main(String args[]){  

Bank b;  

b=new SBI();  

System.out.println(“SBI Rate of Interest: “+b.getRateOfInterest());  

b=new ICICI();  

System.out.println(“ICICI Rate of Interest: “+b.getRateOfInterest());  

b=new AXIS();  

System.out.println(“AXIS Rate of Interest: “+b.getRateOfInterest());  



Output –

SBI Rate of Interest: 8.4

ICICI Rate of Interest: 7.3

AXIS Rate of Interest: 9.7

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This is one of the top Accenture coding questions during an interview.

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Accenture is considered one of the leading global companies, even better than some top MNCs. The diverse work culture in Accenture will help you accelerate your knowledge base and career growth. Any candidate who is up for a job opportunity in Accenture should be thorough with the Accenture interview process and prepare accordingly. We hope this article will help you prepare for the Accenture interview questions so that you can ace them and get your dream job.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Is the Accenture interview process difficult?

Since Accenture is one of the top companies in India, it can be a little challenging to crack the interview. However, it is not impossible. With the right preparation and knowledge, you can easily succeed in the entire Accenture interview process.

2Are there any coding questions during the interview?

Yes, every candidate applying to Accenture will be asked certain coding questions when they enter the technical round of the interview. These questions are usually based on C, C++, and Java.

3Is Accenture a good company to start a career in?

Accenture is one of the best places to start your career. If you are looking for robust and diverse work opportunities, Accenture can be the right place. They make it easy for you to communicate directly with your clients and get the best possible feedback to work on.

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