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Top Google Interview Questions & Answers in 2024

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Top Google Interview Questions & Answers in 2024

Google is one of the top companies where every individual wants to work. It exhibits an award-winning company culture that makes it one of the best places to work in. It is present across 170 cities and has over 139,995 employees working with the company. We all know that it takes a bit of work to get into firms like these because of their expectations of the candidates. Sometimes, your skillset isn’t enough to get the job you want in your desired company.

So, what’s the most crucial thing you must be familiar with to crack the code? This article will take you through the journey of the Google recruitment process and the things that candidates should know before appearing for Google interviews. This article will also look at the top google interview questions and answers in 2022 to help you prepare for the next big thing. 

Google Interview Process

Google’s interview process consists of various stages:

  • The first step is screening, where Google authorities evaluate the candidate’s resume. If the profile matches their requirements, they connect with the candidate following the next steps. Ensure your skill set and qualifications are highlighted in accordance with those required by Google, increasing your chances of getting screened through the first round.
  • The next big thing is the interview process, which is further divided into seven rounds, each with a different set of questions and interview setup. The first two rounds are telephonic, where the questions are usually related to testing candidates’ problem-solving skills.
  • The next rounds of interviews are on-site, where they mainly focus on a candidate’s behavior. All these interviews are enough to get you selected for the company. Therefore, it is always better to have some pre-requisite knowledge about what questions one can expect in the interview.

Here are the top questions and answers to fuel your Google interview preparations!

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Top Google Interview Questions & Answers in 2022

Q.1 Which Google product is your favourite, and how can you fix it?

Ans. This question is subjective because a candidate may not be familiar with each product that Google owns. Here, the interviewer is trying to analyze your observations and familiarity with Google products or the “Google family”. Think about each product that you came across in your daily life. Most of the applications we use displays Google. Products such as Chrome, Gmail, YouTube,  Google Analytics, Google Ads, and many others are some of the many options. 

Once you’ve figured out which product you are going to talk about, the next step is to zoom into technical domains. Present some ideas where the company can use your expertise to improve. Remember that the interviewer is testing your familiarity with Google and your expertise that can bring value to the company.

For instance, you can choose Youtube Music or YouTube, which can give more power to customers—implementing customization, flexibility to choose between quality, adjustment with sound quality, and so on.  

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Q.2 Who are Google’s competitors?

Ans. This question stipulates your knowledge of different competitive firms that surrounds Google. Now, Google has many products, each with its competitors. For instance, YouTube music has Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, and SoundCloud. Similarly, Google Analytics is one of the most widely used tools to analyse digital marketing and related statistics. Tools like Oracle Infinity, IBM Watson, and Customer Experience Analytics are also used in place of Google Analytics.

Other competitors are Microsoft Bing, Amazon, Apple, Meta, etc. Find out how these companies can become Google’s competitors. Knowing the right insights would help recruiters analyze your research skills and potential to become Google’s valuable asset. 

Q.3: How would you monetize YouTube if ads were removed?

Ans. This is where the interview becomes slightly tricky. The interviewer is trying to understand your knowledge of innovative strategies. This question is asked especially by those who are going for the profile of Associate Account Strategist. You can give your opinion and strategies for monetizing YouTube. What content should be monetized, and how can high-quality content charge them some money? Offering in-depth insights related technical realm showcases your proficiency leading to better results.  

Q.4 What actions would you take to increase your Gmail user base?

Ans. Like the previous question, this question is also profile oriented and is asked for the role of product managers. Questions like this narrow down the options and help recruiters understand how the candidates can contribute to the position. For instance, you can talk about dividing the age group who use Gmail and then strategies your plan in order to increase your customer base. Mention your technical expertise that can tackle or improvise any situation. Based on your answer, the interviewer can understand how in-depth you can go about achieving the milestone. 

Q.5 Which Google+ tools are best for overall productivity and profile management?

Ans. Introspect this question from every angle and think about some of the best Google+ tools that can increase productivity and profile management. Here the interviewer wants to know about your knowledge of tools concerning an individual’s taste. You should talk about any specific tool in depth to make them understand how it can be useful for professionals. Some of the tools that can be used for productivity and management are– Circloscope, CircleCount, AllMyPlus, etc. 

Q.6 How would you ensure that your co-workers are obeying their roles?

Ans. This question targets the emotional quotient of a candidate. It highlights the responsibility that is an integral factor for any employee. The interviewer wants to know how attentive, honest, and responsible you are. It not only targets your responsibilities for the company but also points out your accountability for tasks that you undertake. Whether you are accountable for your mistakes or not. Sometimes, an employee needs to deliver the milestones and deliverables on time. There could be some delay in deadlines. But it is your responsibility to take accountability for what is done and tackle the situation using your skills.

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Q.7 Should Google monetize productive or routine apps such as Google docs, Slides, and sheets?

Ans. Answer this question based on your personal experience with monetized and non-monetized apps. Use the pros and cons of both sides and state your opinion. The pros of monetizing these apps are that they can increase revenue, features, and more options for customers, premium facilities, and more.

On the hind side, it can lower the customer base because only some people want to pay for something used daily. It could only enhance your revenue if the prices are reasonable. 

Q.8 What made you apply for Google?

Ans. Instead of showing off your personal preferences like big names or facilities that come with Google, highlight your skills perfect for securing your position in Google. Mention the skills that Google needs and the skills that you have. Besides some technicalities, show your EQ to the interviewer. Mention how your soft skills and hard skills combined can make you a perfect candidate for your desired position.

Q.9 How will you impact our team?

Ans. The interviewer wants to know how well you perform as a team player. How can your presence benefit the company, and what are some of the specialties in your personality that leave a good impression among your fellow employees. You can also mention some of the life instances where your presence of mind has actually made a difference. Start with some of your traits, followed by previous work experiences where you championed as a team player or leader. 

Q.10 Have you ever failed while taking a risk? What are your takeaways from those instances?

Ans. The key to successfully answering this question is to be completely honest with the interviewer. Here the interviewer genuinely wants to know about real-life situations where the candidate has taken a voluntary risk, failed, and got back up again while learning from their mistakes. Firms like Google are prone to take risks because of an abundance of innovations. They want to know whether you have the potential to take risks and rise from failures or whether you believe in playing safe all the time. 

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By now, you may know what questions they will likely ask their candidates. This article highlights the top interview questions most likely to be asked by Google. We hope these questions offer you an in-depth insight into what to expect and what you must incorporate in your Google Interview preparation.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How do you prepare yourself for an interview?

Here are a few ways you can prepare yourself for an interview. 1) Know about the company thoroughly. Do in-depth research about the firm to which you’ve applied. 2) Work on your speaking skills. Practice twice a day. 3) Think before you speak. Have a clear picture of what you are going to say. 4) Listen to the interviewer carefully. 5) Show your interest in the job without being desperate 6) Show gratitude. This speaks out your moral values and EQ.

2What are the five rounds of Google interviews?

The five main parts of the Google recruitment process include- Resume screening, Telephone interviews, On-site interviews, Hiring Committee interviews, and Executive reviews.

3Are Google interviews hard?

Google interviews could be tough for those who don’t have enough knowledge about what kind of questions they may ask. It is not tricky if you have prepared yourself well enough for the interview.

4What do Google interviewers look for?

Google looks for someone with interpersonal skills, personality traits, hard skills, technical abilities, significant work experience, and an organizational fit. All these characteristics combined can make you a great candidate.

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