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Management process: Defination, Features & function

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Management process: Defination, Features & function

What is Management Process? 

When asked to explain the process of management, a management process refers to the series of steps undertaken to perform any activity, tasks, business goals, and operations. These steps include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to manage any specific task, project, or business. Skilled managers or leaders should carry out the detailed process of management to ensure it fulfills the business requirements efficiently. The management process is vital for any organization or people aiming to accomplish any task or activity. The management focuses on primary outcomes and seeks ways to achieve optimum results.

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As a process, management consists of three most prominent aspects, which are as follows: 

Management is an ongoing process

The management process involves identifying and solving different problems by taking appropriate steps. It is a never-ending and continuous process. The management has the constant desire to accomplish different organizational goals. 

Management is a social process  

Since human factors are more significant than any other factors, it is the management’s responsibility to develop relationships among people to gain productivity and efficiency. Any organization cannot win through its physical, financial, and technological resources but only through its human resources.  

Management is an integrating process

Management is an integrated process that undertakes the responsibility of bringing out human, physical, and financial resources to achieve organizational goals and objectives.  

Top 5 Importance of Management

According to the management process definition, the managerial process focuses on performing tasks efficiently and effectively to achieve personal and professional goals. In every organization, there is a need for management toward smooth functioning. Without effective management, organizations cannot achieve success cannot. Some of the importance of management are listed below: 

Creating a dynamic environment  

 The management ensures that the organization is updated with the latest trends in the industry. This helps the organization to evolve with the changing times. A dynamic environment provides various opportunities to help any business improve its performance. Efficient management in any organization can help in meeting social responsibilities towards different groups, such as employees and customers.   

Achieving individual goals

The management ensures that every individual in an organization is satisfied with its growth and development. They provide their employees with a safe working environment, social recognition, and a competitive salary. Therefore we see an efficient management process helps the individual to grow both personally and professionally. 

Development of society 

Management is not only responsible for the development of an organization, but they also help in the development of society. The developed organization helps societies grow by creating employment opportunities by providing good quality products and services. 

Achieving organizational goals 

In every industry, management plays a vital role in achieving organizational goals. Managers provide resources and guidance on all matters. They come up with new ideas and strategies to help organizations to accomplish their goals.  

Improving efficiency 

Management helps improve the organization’s efficiency by including planning, directing, and organizing functions. They focus on monitoring and optimizing the business’ various rules and processes. 

Salient Features of a Management Process 

The management processes comprise the following features:

Management is a Team Effort 

Management is a function that a single person cannot handle, requiring the consistent effort of an entire team to coordinate.  Team effort encourages you in personal growth. It helps to increase job satisfaction and also reduces the level of stress among people. All the managerial tasks, such as setting goals, creating plans and policies, putting strategies into action, and monitoring success, are the result of teamwork and efforts.  

Management is Conditional 

There are numerous ways of performing a task, but the circumstances determine the appropriate method of performing it. There are times when the management makes wrong decisions due to the situation. Therefore managers should be prepared for unique and unpredictable circumstances. 

Highly Aspirational Management 

The one important component of the management process is the accomplishment of pre-established objectives. Every management process must have a purpose. They should set the goal in mind while undertaking any tasks or projects. The achievements of any organization’s leadership are measured by how well its set goals are accomplished. 

Management is Abstract 

The act of management cannot be visible, nor can it be felt by any individual. You can only observe it through accomplishments and failures. Hence management is abstract in nature. 

Management is versatile 

Management is usually concerned with how people react in businesslike situations. Various fields like sociology, economics, mathematics, psychology, and engineering contribute to the awareness and attitude required for management. It is this feature that makes management a diverse experience.

Management is an Administrative Function  

The management focuses on the administration and management of people’s activities to achieve their predefined goals. 

Management is Omnipresent

In today’s time, every industry requires an effective management system. Be it government or corporate organizations, it is the managers who execute the same vital functions. This makes a managerial process a universal concept.  

 Important Functions of a Management Process 

The management process functions can help managers focus on their efforts and achieve positive outcomes. The management process meaning comprises five significant functions. These management process functions include:  


Planning is one of the first steps in the management process. It is crucial as the entire project or business is planned. In this step, you decide which goals, strategies, and actions are appropriate. Planning also figures out budgeting, sales planning, manpower planning, the technology required, and many other aspects. Therefore planning must be thorough for any project or business.


After the planning stage, the next step is to organize the management process. In this process, the workers can coordinate together to accomplish organizational goals. To make any project or business successful, a manager must organize all the basic requirements, such as capital, machinery, technology, and people. 


This management process involves the team leader or managers. They ensure that their team members across various business functions are motivated and dedicated to work. There should be transparent communication and coordination among each team member. Lastly, it is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that team members are happy with their work.  


Staffing is an essential managerial function. The management recruits employees systematically for jobs within different teams and divisions. The primary purpose of staffing is to put the right person in the right job so that the employees are both satisfied and happy with their positions while delivering optimum results.   


It is the management that evaluates the achievement and has the ability to take action. So the manager must keep a constant track in order to assess the business process, the resources, and team performance. A manager must take quick and corrective action in case of any deviation. This stage is essential as it helps in attaining business goals. 

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Every organization should have effective management. Management as a process can be implemented on any project or business. The main concept is to plan, organize, create a team and execute the plan for the desired result. In any organization, these functions play an important role in achieving its goal and objectives. The managers are responsible for identifying the organizational goals and taking appropriate action toward their accomplishment. Various businesses are successful not due to good fortune but rather through a planned series of steps called management. 

A career in management is in high demand. Various companies need skilled managers to assist their businesses for even better outcomes. If you are interested in a course that will help you better understand the management process from scratch, we suggest upGrad’s Global Doctor of Business Administration course. 

By pursuing this course, you get the opportunity to obtain leadership and managerial learning from industry experts. This program is mainly for working professionals who want to grow in their careers and become leaders in their fields of business. 

You can also check out our free courses offered by upGrad in Management, Data Science, Machine Learning, Digital Marketing, and Technology. All of these courses have top-notch learning resources, weekly live lectures, industry assignments, and a certificate of course completion – all free of cost!


Karan Raturi

Blog Author
Karan Raturi is the General Manager of upGrad North America. He has also led various finance, strategy, and operations teams at Wayfair, Kurt Salmon, and IBM.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the basic steps in the management process?

The process of management includes steps like planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.

2What is the importance of an efficient management system in an organization?

Efficient management helps in the growth and survival of any organization. It helps to make complex tasks easier and improves overall organizational performance.

3What are the benefits of effective management within an organization?

Effective management has various benefits, such as increased productivity, team engagement, strengthened decision-making abilities, and increased adaptability.

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