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What is SHA 256 Algorithm? Functions & Applications

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What is SHA 256 Algorithm? Functions & Applications

Security is an essential and overarching necessity in today’s interconnected and digital landscape. It is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring data integrity, maintaining service availability, and fostering trust among individuals, organisations, and governments. 

In an era where technology drives innovation and global interconnectivity, security plays a vital role in protecting personal privacy, promoting economic stability, and upholding national security. This is where the significance of SHA-256 encryption comes in. As one of the most reliable cryptographic tools, it helps ensure data integrity and digital trust, which is imperative for security in our modern digital domain.

This blog is a comprehensive exploration of the SHA-256 algorithm. We’ll delve into its inner workings, its importance in safeguarding everything from sensitive documents to cryptocurrencies, and its role in maintaining the trust underpinning our digital interactions. 

What is Sha 256?

The SHA256 algorithm, which stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit, is a cryptographic hash function that plays a pivotal role in modern digital security and data integrity. A cryptographic hash function is a mathematical algorithm that takes an input (or message) and produces a fixed-size string of characters, typically a hexadecimal number. 

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It is an integral part of the SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) family and aims to provide high collision resistance with its 256-bit output.

This means it is highly unlikely for two different inputs to produce the same hash value. This property is crucial for digital signatures, password storage, and data integrity verification applications. 

A History of SHA-256 Hash Algorithms

The evolution of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) represents a dynamic journey in strengthening digital security. It all started with SHA-0 in 1993 as an early attempt to secure digital information. However, its weaknesses led to the creation of SHA-1 in 1995, which was an upgrade but still vulnerable to attacks. 

This prompted introducing the SHA-2 family in 2001, including the SHA-256 encryption. This 256-bit hash function quickly gained attention for its strong security features and became widely used in crucial areas like verifying data integrity, digital signatures, and storing passwords.

Although SHA-3 came into the picture in 2015 after a competition, SHA-256 retained its importance. SHA-3, based on the Keccak algorithm, offered a different approach to cryptography, yet the significance of the SHA-256 hash remained. It continued to play a vital role, especially in groundbreaking technologies such as blockchain, where it secures cryptocurrency transactions and maintains the trustworthiness of distributed records.

This historical journey of SHA hashing algorithms emphasises an ongoing commitment to enhancing digital security. The SHA-256 algorithm is a testament to the lasting significance of a cryptographic tool that protects data and reinforces digital confidence in our ever-changing technological world.

SHA 256 Terminology: A Brief Guide

SHA 256 is a cryptographic powerhouse that secures our digital world. Let’s unravel the key terminology that shapes its intricate dance of data protection:


In cryptographic algorithms, rounds refer to the number of iterations or cycles through which data is processed. Each round applies a set of operations to the data, enhancing its complexity and making it harder to decipher. Think of rounds as layers of security that fortify the algorithm against attacks. 

Shift Amount

Shift amount refers to the number of positions by which the bits (individual data elements) are moved during each round. This shifting adds a layer of confusion to the data, making it more challenging for attackers to predict or manipulate the outcome. It’s like rearranging puzzle pieces to create an intricate, tough pattern to unravel.

Additive Constants

Additive constants are specific values added to the data at each round in the SHA 256 encryption. These constants introduce an element of randomness and unpredictability, ensuring that the algorithm’s output remains unique even if the input is similar. Think of additive constants as secret ingredients that spice up the encryption process, preventing patterns from emerging and enhancing the algorithm’s security.

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Features of the SHA 256 Algorithm

The SHA-256 algorithm is a robust cryptographic tool, boasting features ensuring data security and integrity. Here are some key features that define SHA-256 encryption:-

  • Cryptographic Hash Function: SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function that takes an input (message) and produces a fixed-size output (hash value). This output is unique to each unique input and appears random, making it extremely difficult to reverse-engineer the original message from the hash value.
  • Fixed Output Length: SHA-256 generates a hash value of 256 bits (32 bytes) in length. This consistent output allows for efficient data comparison and integrity verification.
  • Collision Resistance: SHA-256 exhibits high collision resistance, meaning it is statistically improbable for two different inputs to produce the same hash value. This property ensures that even a slight change in the input results in a substantially different hash value.
  • Avalanche Effect: The smallest change in the input data leads to significant changes in the hash value, creating a domino effect throughout the output. This avalanche effect ensures that even minor modifications in the input yield vastly different hash results.
  • One-Way Function: SHA 256 is designed to be a one-way function, making it computationally infeasible to reverse the hashing process and deduce the original input from the hash value. This property contributes to its use in password storage and digital signatures.
  • Deterministic: Given the same input, the SHA 256 algorithm will always produce the same hash value. This predictability allows for consistent verification and authentication processes.
  • Efficiency: SHA 256 strikes a balance between security and efficiency. It offers a high level of security while being relatively fast in computation, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Wide Applicability: SHA 256 is widely adopted across various domains, including digital signatures, password storage, blockchain technology, and data integrity verification.
  • Standardization: SHA 256 is a NIST-approved standard, ensuring its implementation and security characteristics have undergone rigorous scrutiny and evaluation.
  • Resistance to Preimage Attacks: The SHA 256 algorithm resists preimage attacks, making deducing an input corresponding to a specific hash value challenging.

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How Does SHA 256 Work? 

Here’s how SHA 256 works in a nutshell:-

  • SHA-256 takes an input message, often a string of text or data.
  • The algorithm processes the input in multiple rounds, each with intricate mathematical operations.
  • Bitwise logical operations like AND, OR, and XOR are applied to the data.
  • Modular arithmetic and conditional statements further transform the input.
  • Shift amounts and additive constants introduce complexity in each round.
  • The cumulative effect of these operations creates a unique hash value, always 256 bits in length.
  • Even a tiny change in the input produces a completely different hash value due to the avalanche effect.
  • SHA-256’s design ensures that it’s highly unlikely for different inputs to generate the same hash value (collision resistance).
  • The algorithm is a one-way function, making it nearly impossible to reverse-engineer the original input from the hash value.
  • Its computational complexity and strong security properties make it a cornerstone of data integrity, digital signatures and secure digital transactions.

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Applications of SHA 256 Algorithm

SHA 256 has proved its prowess in safeguarding various aspects of our digital lives. Let’s explore the diverse applications of the SHA 256 algorithm:-

  • Protecting the Data Integrity

SHA 256 serves as a vigilant guardian of data integrity. It transforms data into a fixed-size hash value, ensuring that even the slightest modification in the input results in a vastly different output. By comparing the hash values of original and received data, discrepancies can be swiftly detected, making it a crucial tool in maintaining the accuracy and trustworthiness of digital information.

  • Verifying Digital Signatures

Digital signatures provide authenticity to digital documents and communications. SHA 256 plays a vital role by creating a hash value of the content to be signed. This hash value is then encrypted using a private key, forming the digital signature. Recipients can use the corresponding public key to decrypt and verify the signature, ensuring the sender’s identity and document integrity.

  • Password Hashing

Storing passwords in their raw form is risky. SHA 256 and salt (a random value) are employed to securely hash passwords before storing them. When users log in, their entered password is hashed and compared to the stored hash, verifying authenticity without revealing the actual password. This shields sensitive information from potential breaches.

  • Verifying Blockchain Transactions

In blockchain, where transparency and security are paramount, SHA 256 stands as a cornerstone. It’s used in the proof-of-work mechanism to verify and link transactions into blocks. Each new block’s hash contains the previous block’s hash, creating an immutable chain. The SHA-256 algorithm ensures the consistency and integrity of the entire blockchain network.

Is the SHA256 Algorithm Considered Secure?

Yes, the SHA-256 algorithm is currently considered secure for most practical purposes. As discussed earlier, it boasts strong cryptographic properties, including collision resistance and the avalanche effect, making it highly resistant to attacks. 

Its 256-bit output size provides many possible hash values, making brute-force attacks extremely difficult. However, as technology advances, potential vulnerabilities could emerge due to increased computational power or novel attack techniques. While the SHA 256 encryption remains robust for many applications, ongoing research and periodic updates ensure that cryptographic algorithms continue to meet evolving security challenges. Cryptographers and researchers, therefore, continually monitor such algorithms for potential weaknesses.

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The SHA 256 algorithm is a prominent cryptographic hash function in digital security. Its robustness and resistance to collision attacks make it a preferred choice for various applications, ranging from digital signatures and blockchain technology to password hashing and data integrity verification. 

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SHA-256 generates a fixed-size hash value of 256 bits, ensuring a high degree of uniqueness and irreversibility, thus facilitating secure data transmission and storage. The algorithm’s widespread adoption in various industries underscores its significance in safeguarding sensitive information and fortifying cybersecurity measures. 

As technology advances, the relevance and application of SHA 256 remain instrumental in upholding the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity in the digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is SHA 256 encryption?

SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) is not an encryption algorithm but rather a cryptographic hash function. Unlike encryption, hashing is a one-way process, and the original data cannot be retrieved from the hash value.

2How to decode HMAC SHA-256 online?

HMAC SHA 256 can be decoded online with an HMAC-SHA-256 online generator tool.

3Is SHA 256 hash reversible?

SHA-256 operates as a one-way hash function, ensuring that reversing the hash to obtain the initial data is computationally unfeasible. This inherent characteristic enhances the security and reliability of hash functions, rendering them apt for tasks like digital signatures and password hashing, where data integrity is paramount.

4Will SHA 256 be broken?

SHA-256 cannot be broken and continues to be widely used for cryptographic purposes. However, even though no immediate vulnerabilities are known for SHA-256, the potential for future developments in computing could impact its security. Hence, staying updated with the latest developments in cryptographic research is advisable.

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