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A Complete Guide to Ethereum : Pro’s & Con’s, Use’s,& Application

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7th Feb, 2020
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A Complete Guide to Ethereum : Pro’s & Con’s, Use’s,& Application

Ethereum represents an open software platform that allows a user to develop applications, to build them, and extend the developed decentralized applications on the platform.

In November of the year 2013, Vitalik Buterin published a whitepaper Ethereum. And then following a couple of months, in January of 2014, there was a public announcement on the development of the Ethereum platform, with Vitalik Buterin, Mihai Alise, Anthony Di Iorio, and Charles Hoskinson as the original Ethereum development team.

Etherum allows people to combine without a central authority that acts as a middleman. It studies as a genuinely transformational platform with numerous possibilities to develop applications that are yet to be caught or created.

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Ethereum and Bitcoin

Although Ethereum may seem similar to Bitcoin, there are differences between the two. There are numerous notable technological differentiation points amongst these platforms. Etherum is a distributed public blockchain network. It differs from Bitcoin in their determinations and capacities. 

Bitcoins proposition is of a peer to peer electronic cash system that facilitates online payments. In contrast, etherium concentrates on operating codes for any decentralized application that is deployed on its channel interface network. The cryptocurrency on the ethereum blockchain is known as Ether. It is the fuel that runs the network. Similar to bitcoin, Ether is a currency that is put to use by people as a payment for the execution of code in the network.

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Network and processing

Ethereum is like a computing frame that empowers developers to build any application they desire on one decentralized stage.

Ethereum permits developers to build whatever interactive performances they want in their smart contracts. This function suggests that developers can create numerous distinctive applications that go ahead of anything that is ever made on the blockchain previously. This principle has permitted ethereum to eliminate much of the block to approach in creating decentralized blockchain applications.

The smart contract is an ethereum application that runs on the virtual machine of the software. It allows for the exchange of money, goods, property, shares, or anything that is of value in the network share.

The users deploy the ether to numerous self-operating self-operating machine applications in the network. These ether will follow the code protocol seriously without the chance of obstruction, downtime, or trespassing restrictions.

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The ethereum blockchain mining serves in a way that the miners work to earn the ‘ether.’ This ether is the cryptocurrency noted earlier. It is for the purpose of a trade option for the numerous decentralized applications that are generated in the network platform. The application developers also use this ether as payment for services and fees on the ethereum network.

Not only is the ether in use for transactions in the decentralized network, but also a second currency known as gas. This ‘gas’ is a transaction token that miners employ for processes. It is a requirement that acts as a forward along with every transaction in which smart contracts are used.

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Pro & Cons of Ethereum applications

The various reasons why the Ethereum is backed by multiple industry giants and used in numerous applications are as follows:

  • Ethereum’s high security, acceptance, and authenticity across the crypto universe make for the market at large to derive the different virtues this blockchain network has to offer.
  • Buterin’s enthusiastic support and participation in the environment of cryptocurrencies and transactions that occur in the network confers a high agreement of reliability to the system he originated.
  • Notable Venture Capitalists back Ethereum with the fact that it carries elements like the dApps, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), as well as the blockchain smart contracts, which make it profoundly operative and useful blockchain for work. Ethereum has accuracy and reliability in regulatory responsibilities as well, making it independent of acknowledging regulations put in place for securities.

The reasons why the Ethereum applications are not favored in an application sense are as follows:

  • A lengthy reputation of delay in the process has influenced the activity and status of the network. Ethereum has to face the new competitions that rise in the market about the developing grounds in the cryptocurrency universe.
  • There is a contemplation among the masses that there is an excessive dependence on Buterin’s fame. The extreme devotion and dependency on Buterin’s actions and the liability of what his image has led to disruptions with every censored rumor that goes around, thus affecting ethereum’s application.

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Smart Contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machine in Ethereum

Smart contracts is an approach for transactions that happen in the decentralized network of the Ethereum. In a smart contract approach, there is a transfer of the value in transaction or currency into a program. After this, the program runs the code, and at some stage, it validates the condition that is taken automatically. After this, there is a determination of the condition that whether the asset is to be transferred to another individual or to the one from whom it originated in the network.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a Turing comprehensive software. It delivers the manner of producing blockchain applications much more comfortable and capable than has been made earlier. Operating on the Ethereum network, this is acknowledged as a core innovation of the Ethereum. Despite enough time and memory given for the running of the programming language, one can perform its applications smoothly. Rather than the need to build a uniquely independent blockchain for every new application, Ethereum permits the construction of possibly millions of varied applications on the single platform.

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Uses of Ethereum

Ethereum applications have found improvements in the following modern purposes as well:

  • Similar to bitcoins blockchain technology and its encryption through individual codes operating within blocks and chains, the ethereum network acts as a security advantage factor to encrypt systems, thus banning hackers from breaking in with the absence of a central authoritative network.
  • Another serviceable advantage of the Ethereum is its employment in the Initial Coin Offerings. Also nominated as the ICOs or Token Sales, this is a funding process that allows users from the early-stage start-ups to create “tokens” and trade them in exchange for Ether. These tokens possess an interest in the start-up building and profit-trading applications.
  • The advantage, as mentioned earlier, also works in the payments and privacy protections from various third parties. The absence of a centralized network and the encryption in data codes make for the privacy strength and secure payment transactions across the decentralized frame.
  • Smart contracts can be employed to use for various situations, ranging from institutional financial practices in planning and reinforcing insurance and tax funding or agreements. It has also found multiple applications in the other industries, described below. 

Real-world applications of Ethereum

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Some of the original and genuine business applications of Ethereum are as follows:

  • DeFi or Decentralized finance is one of the most notable forms of Ethereum in real-world finance. It includes loans that are powered by the use of smart contracts. Users can mine the stablecoins and transactions as well as exchanges with these. This mining takes place on the decentralised platform with the help of this application. 
  • Ethereum applications can be in use by the government bodies who work in the population records. This decentralized system can help in the production of a paperless digital identification system.
  • The application is all set to transform the healthcare sector as well. It can find its suitability to work on eliminating the primary difficulty the healthcare industry faces, that is the records. Patient’s healthcare records are everywhere, and they amount to a lot of storage in memory and space. The Ethereum application is in function to make the convenience and accessibility here the game-changer.

With this decentralized platform, the patient records are made obtainable to every other location around the globe. It allows your health records to be present on every healthcare institution around the world, and this convenience eliminates the burden those institutions face.

There is a rise in careers in blockchain technology and blockchain has tremendously changed the very face of the technology industry forever.  If you’re interested to become a blockchain developer and build smart contracts and chain codes, checkout IIIT-B & upGrad’s Advanced certificate program in blockchain technology.


Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Should I use Hyperledger instead of Ethereum?

Hyperledger and Ethereum are both blockchain platforms that allow for the development of decentralized applications. However, there are some differences between the two. Hyperledger is more suited for businesses as it provides for the development of private blockchains. At the same time, Ethereum is more geared towards individual users and allows for the creation of public blockchains. Additionally, Ethereum is based on the principle of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts that automatically enforce the terms of an agreement. At the same time, Hyperledger does not currently have a built-in feature for smart contracts. So depending on your preferences, your choice may differ.

2What are different cryptocurrencies based on Ethereum?

Ethereum tokens are cryptocurrencies that are issued on the Ethereum network. They can be used to represent a variety of different things, such as assets, rights, or utility. These are cryptocurrencies that are issued on the Ethereum network. They can be used to represent a variety of different things, such as assets, rights, or utility. ERC20 are tokens that have been created using the ERC20 standard. This is a set of guidelines that allow for the creation of tokens that can be traded on Ethereum-based exchanges. Tokens on the Ethereum network have been successful in value and transaction volume.

3How effectively can blockchain be implemented in the gaming industry?

Blockchain technology could be used in the gaming industry to create a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof system for registering and tracking game items. This could be used to prevent players from cheating or selling stolen game items and could also help to ensure that players receive the rewards they are due for their achievements. Meanwhile, game developers could use blockchain to track player behavior and preferences to better understand how players interact with their games and make improvements accordingly.

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