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Data Structures in Javascript Explained: Importance, Types & Advantages

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Data Structures in Javascript Explained: Importance, Types & Advantages

Programming requires managing heaps of data to compile and implement the best techniques for efficient coding. Using sufficient memory and efficient runtime is necessary to deliver structured results. The data structure has allowed programmers to follow an organised coding pattern to make the most out of limited steps. Furthermore, understanding all forms of data structures can help improve the implementation of any programming language with access to structured data forms present in the various data structures. 

Being one of the major programming languages, Javascript is used for creating various real-time applications and graphics. Following diverse data structures have helped programmers catalyse the process, quickly solving front-end problems. It is a great way to reuse frequently implied codes and amplify the process to reach error-proof results faster.

Programmers with a thorough understanding of data structures easily accomplish data processing and calculations leading to efficient management. Data structure proficiency is also a significant factor affecting hiring aspects. A recruiter is likely to sieve beginners from experts through data structures and algorithms.  

What are Data Structures?

Data structure refers to the organised collection of large amounts of information that can be used efficiently to simplify and speed up the coding process. Data structures are created to compile similar forms of data elements in a single place to navigate, retrieve, and implement during programming. Structures help to deal with large sets of data to seek out the most relevant ones during operations.

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Data structures are essential in all forms of programming, right from processing operating systems to creating complex Artificial Intelligence projects. Data structures contain information about both the path and its destination values.

Importance of Data Structures

As data inventory gets complex with the addition of data every day, searching for the relevant one gets equally challenging. Data structure helps assemble pertinent data in readily accessible forms for greater work efficiency. Just like a phone book helps structure contact details alphabetically for easier search, data structures follow similar patterns but in multiple formats to disentangle heaps of information. 

Data structure implementation helps simplify algorithms to efficiently run in a limited time without the need to seek out relevant information from unstructured data. Learning this core part of an algorithm can save you time, memory, and effort working on any complex project.

Types of Data Structures in Javascript

Data structures are segmented following various operations and their most appropriate application for efficient results. These data structures are divided into two forms, linear and non-linear.

Linear data structures follow a sequence to structure homogeneous data elements, with each element connected to the one previous and next to it. Non-Linear data structures do not follow any sequence and the containing components connect to each other through multiple paths.

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Here are some examples of the linear and non-linear types of data structures.

Linear Data Structures

1. Queues

Queue follows a sequential order where elements can only be processed in their entered form. The data structure follows the FIFO format (First In, First Out), which stores the processing requests as they come sequentially and processes the one leading the queue. The structure processing format aptly resembles a queue, hence called the queue data structure. 

2. Arrays

An array is the most basic type of data structure, storing a collection of homogeneous data in contiguous memory locations. For example, an ‘int’ type of array is only allowed to contain integers, and no other kind of element is included in its containing location. The array enables accessing many similar types of data in one place. 

3. Stack

Stack is another linear data structure that follows sequential order to process data. For example, the processing order could be LIFO (Last In First Out) or FILO (First In Last Out), which means the most recently added element heads the list and is processed. It is also the first element to get deleted if an item is removed from the stack.

4. Linked List

A linked list is a memory-efficient form of data structure that stores data in a group of nodes. These nodes have separate data and addresses to the next node, which helps reach the elements instantly. The linked lists grow and shrink according to information consumption by a user’s requirements. 

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Non-Linear Data Structures

1. Graphs

This non-linear data structure consists of nodes (containing information) called vertices and their connecting lines known as the edges. These are interconnected to each other exhibiting solutions for real-world problems. They are primarily used for path optimisation and web analytics to exhibit relational structure. 

2. Trees

Like linked lists, trees are non-linear, relation-based data structures with root nodes to create a hierarchical structure of a tree representing multiple levels. Topmost nodes are known as roots nodes containing children nodes which refer to the relevant information connected to the node above. This format of trees simplifies the data insertion and searching process.

3. Hashtable

Also known as the Hash Map, a hashtable is a data structure used to house a large amount of information to structure it using the key-value pairing method. This complex data structure has a key or hash function related to the bucket of information called value. The searched key directly refers to the array of buckets with information and brings up the relevant value from it, examples address book to look for names.

Types of Linked Lists

The two types of linked lists data structures in JavaScript are as follows:

Singly Linked List

In singly linked lists, every node consists of a single pointer that points at the next node on the list, which means the nodes are only connected with the next value. 

Some common complexities of the singly linked list include:

  • Access – O(n)
  • Removal – O(n)
  • Insertion – O(1)
  • Search – O(n)

Doubly Linked Lists

The nodes of the doubly linked list are connected with the next as well as the previous values via pointers. Doubly linked lists are able to perform some operations better than singly-linked lists due to the double-pointer method but consume more memory. 

The common complexities of doubly linked lists are the following:

  • Access – O(n)
  • Removal – O(1)
  • Insertion – O(1)
  • Search – O(n)

Types of Trees

There are various types of trees which include

  • Binary trees

A javascript binary tree is a structure where every node has up to two children. Binary trees are extremely helpful in searching, which is efficiently carried out by binary search trees (BST). The information stored in a BST is ordered in a particular manner.

In a BST, values are arranged such that every node on the left side of its parent has a value less than its parent, while each node on the right side has a value greater than its parent. 

This ordering makes BST appropriate for searching as you can easily determine if the value you seek is greater or less than the parent node on each tree level. You can then discard roughly half of the data based on this comparison and continue the search until the desired value is found. 

  • Heaps

A heap is a type of tree structure. There are two types of heaps – MinHeaps and MaxHeaps. These heaps have very particular rules. 

MaxHeaps are binary trees where the parent nodes are always greater than their children, while MinHeaps are binary trees where the parent nodes are always smaller than their children. In this javascript map data structure, there is no rule between siblings or nodes at the same ‘level’ except that they are higher or lower than their parent node.

Moreover, heaps are extremely compact, with each level containing all nodes without empty spaces. If there are new children, they are inserted into the left spaces of the tree first.

  • Trie

A trie is another type of search tree which is also called a prefix tree. The data here is stored stepwise, where every node denotes a step. The autocomplete function uses a trie to store vocabulary for quick searches. 

An alphabet is attached to every node in the trie, and the branch is used to form a complete word. Each node also includes a boolean value to indicate whether it represents the end of a string or not.

Advantages of Using Data Structures in Javascript

Assembled information can simplify any problem faced with unstructured data, and different types of data structures offer this ease in multiple ways. Let’s find out a few advantages of using data structures.

  • Data structure simplifies navigating and retrieving data from organised structures.
  • Data structures enable optimised storage without taking too much space for irrelevant data.
  • Data structures allow reusability in the long run, easing the work and time taken to accomplish it.
  •  Programmers can create their own data structures.
  • Variety in data structures allows choosing the most relevant one for better execution in relevant programs.
  • Using data structures leads to lesser inconsistencies and an error-free result.
  • Data structures can be sorted in priority order for the programmers’ convenience.
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Data structuring is a crucial part of software development. To further improve data structure skills, learners can enrol in upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Software Development- Specialisation in Full Stack Development to further enhance their software development skills.

Offered by IIT-Bangalore, the course is an excellent medium to equip learners with an industry-ready curriculum, extensively covering trending topics. The program is created under industry professionals and expert faculty to prepare learners for the working market, embedding all the right skills and knowledge. With a 40000+ learner base from 85+ nations, upGrad offers exceptional education services along with an overall experience to grow and flourish in today’s competitive industry. 


Detailed understanding of data structures can simplify heaps of programming concerns within a limited time; probably why recruiters look for suitable candidates with thorough data structure knowledge over those with limited experience. Data structures have helped programmers to develop lengthy coding processes within a limited time, proving the ease and efficiency of using data structures in their projects.


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are data structures and algorithms?

Answer: Data structure comprises various data saving formats to store data in a structured manner. Processes such as organising, processing, and keeping in the data structure are done to facilitate quick access at the time of retrieval. On the other hand, algorithms are the steps included and involved to solve any problem.

2What are the two fundamental data structures?

Answer: The two basic types of data structures are linear and non-linear data structures. The linear data structure includes data in sequential order, with each member of the structure connected to the other. The non-linear data type differs from linear and follows a non-structured data sequence to connect all data following multiple paths.

3Do all programming languages have data structure?

Answer: Data structures simplify the process of data processing with the help of sequenced data forms to keep information in a structured manner, which is why all programming languages support data structures. While every programming language includes data structures, they all use different syntax for implementation.

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