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Django vs NodeJS: Difference Between Django and NodeJS

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Django vs NodeJS: Difference Between Django and NodeJS

Node JS and Django both are quite powerful technologies for building versatile web and mobile applications with an excellent user interface. Both are open to all and come for free without any license required. They are used in a number of big projects and have a huge web community.

Node JS is based on JavaScript and used on the client-side of web applications. On the other hand, Django works with Python applications within a framework of the deadline to help web developers build applications in real-time and more quickly. 

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As both of these technologies are equally popular and versatile, it is generally a big question to decide which one of the one to use for your upcoming project. There are several ways for an app to run on technologies. Choosing an application solely depends on the requirement of that particular app. 

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In this post, we will be drawing a detailed comparison between the two technologies – Node JS and Django. This will help you decide the option, depending upon your project needs.

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Comparison between NodeJS and Django

CharacteristicDjangoNode JS
DefinitionIt is an open-source Python-based framework for expert developers whose aim is to build computer applications in a stipulated time frame.It is an open-source framework that runs on JavaScript. It is meant for developers whose motive is to build strong APIs (client-side).
ArchitectureIt follows the MTV model template view. It helps with handling data for validating and interacting.It is a runtime environment and thus, works on an event-driven model. It runs on an operating system, maintaining a small stack of requests.
SecurityDjango is more secured and comes with a built-in system, preventing any security deficiency.NodeJS is not as secured as Django and requires manual operations in the system to manage security flaws.
PerformanceIt offers better performance, as there is a built-in house template system facilitating the execution of a required task quickly.The performance of NodeJS is also good, as it allows the web professionals with more freedom when it comes to implementations. But again, this increases the overall time required to build the application. 
ComplexityDjango is more complex, as a developer has to follow a specified path for solving problems. This system is less complicated. Here, the developer has a free hand to solve the problems as they like.
EfficiencyThis framework is more efficient and offers fast speed. And so, it is more cost-effective.This framework is easy to learn but consumes more operating time. Thus, it is a less cost-effective option.
ReputationDjango has a more solid reputation.Growing steadily in popularity all over the world, NodeJS might soon become the more preferred framework.
CommunityDjango has a reasonably active yet small community.NodeJS has quite an active community with experienced users to assist you on up-dates and customization.
Full-stack development opportunitiesDjango does not offer full-stack development.Due to its capabilities to create both frontend and backend parts of an application using only one programming language – JavaScript, NodeJS is one of the most preferred technologies for web app development.
FlexibilityThis framework offers limited flexibility and has quite strict development features.There are a variety of tools and features in NodeJS, thanks to the vast JavaScript library. You can even build JS-based applications from scratch.

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Pros and Cons of Django


  • Comparatively easy to learn
  • Offers high security, due to the built-in security system
  • Speedy web and app developments
  • Better performance level with in-built templates


  • Allows building only single-tiered applications
  • Doesn’t work well with small apps
  • Requires more understanding of the framework

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Pros and Cons of NodeJS


  • Very active and huge community
  • More libraries available worldwide
  • Easier system to follow with less complicated features
  • Developers have an open hand to execute commands


  • Non-synchronous programming makes it difficult for the programmers
  • Doesn’t work great with intensive applications, owing to the single thread system
  • Less cost-effective, as it takes more time to develop applications
  • Less secure and has security flaws
  • Low performance 
  • Less development speed

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Which Should You Choose?

Django is more useful in portraying and fulfilling the required tasks. 

Once you know the requirement, you can build real-time applications in NodeJS and use Django for maintaining all the other primary and more secure functions, such as password resets, etc. This will help a developer in making a distinguished web application quickly with the required functions. Read more about interesting web designing project ideas for beginners.

NodeJS and Django both are developing technologies and must be used, as per the specific requirements of the developer. 

There is no specific answer to the question, “Which is better – Django or NodeJS?”

You can’t follow a thumb rule approach to decide web and mobile app development using either of the technologies. Each app has a specific requirement, and every developer has their own preferences. Some may prefer Django, while others may lean towards NodeJS.

Just like there can be many ways to write a program to generate a Fibonacci sequence, there are many ways to build an app. Do not blindly follow a developer, as their workflow may differ from your requirements. You must carefully analyze and match all the characteristics of the technologies to fulfil your personal needs for app development. 

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As a professional developer, it is always good to upgrade your skills and enhance your existing knowledge. While working on one technology, it is better to learn other techniques as well to make your system more flexible and less vulnerable. 

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Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is meant by the MVT model in Django?

Django works on the MVT model. MVT stands for Model-View-Template. Here, the model refers to the database and the template refers to the user interface. The view contains the business logic. Model is responsible for dealing with data and uses object-relational mapping. View deals with the HTML and CSS content that deals with displaying something on the browser. The template provides API endpoints, configurations and dynamically handles the display of web pages. Django template language(DTL) is written in python and uses variables and tags to create templates. MVT is preferred in Django over MVC because modifications are easy and it is a loosely coupled architecture which is the fundamental principle on which Django is based on.

2What are Django's guiding principles?

The guiding principles of Django are low coupling, reusability, and pluggability. It works on the DRY principle which stands for “Don't Repeat Yourself”. Low coupling refers to the least amount of information flow and interdependency between various components in an application. In loose coupling, the changes made in one module will have less effect on other modules to which it is connected. High cohesion is also supported, which basically means how closely related the components of a class are and how they work together to serve a central purpose. Django tries to achieve maximum functionalities with minimal code.

3Is Nodejs single-threaded or multithreaded?

Nodejs is single-threaded, that is, it executes one instruction at a time in a sequence. To do this, it uses a technique called an event loop. The event loop works on the principle of doing smaller and simpler tasks first and blocking the CPU-intensive tasks for later execution. This prevents the blocking of tasks. Several threads in the background help to execute asynchronous code. Many threads are launched from a single core. A parent thread is divided into many worker threads, but JavaScript is single-threaded. The event loop helps to ensure the non-blocking of these threads and allows the worker threads to execute separately. This makes one feel that Nodejs is multithreaded, but it is not.

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