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Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t Like the Music Played

Updated on 27 June, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

The IELTS cue card topicDescribe an event you attended in which you didn’t like the music played can be written and spoken with a lot of flair, humor, and personal anecdotes. Remember that the examiner is not only looking for grammatical and linguistic correctness but also your ability to express yourself. What you write and speak should be comprehensible to the examiner. Hence, lending a personal touch to these cues is not a bad idea. Here are some sample cue cards to help you practice.

Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t Like the Music Played: Sample 1 

Music is integral to every festive occasion, event, and celebration. It forms the backdrop, adding its special touch to the proceedings and completing the experience. At the same time, it should be mentioned that when we visit a place with music playing in the background, it forms an integral part of our memories, especially in the realm of our subconscious mind. Contrary to this experience, I would like to mention an event where I didn’t like the music. 

It was my friend’s bachelorette, and we were a group of ten, eagerly waiting for the celebrations to begin. While we arranged the food, beverages, lighting, and venue (the terrace of another friend’s house), the groom-to-be took responsibility for the music, promising us a “surprise ahead.” We were initially excited when he sauntered into the event with a DJ friend in tow. A professional disc jockey meant pulsating music that would enliven the gathering. The DJ started with a few light instrumental pieces to set the mood. It was all going well until we heard the notes of a religious song (in its remix avatar). 

This proved to be a downer for the entire gang. We requested a song change, and he obliged. Yet, the next one was even more hideous; it was a tacky remake of a classic 90s melody. The DJ was already in his element, following it up with other horrific remixes (if you are a music lover) that were an assault on our senses and sensibilities. Yet, to our surprise, we saw that our friend (the would-be groom) was enjoying himself thoroughly. While we were disgusted with the music on offer, we kept quiet for his sake. It was an unforgettable experience above all else.

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Describe an Event You Attended in Which You Didn’t Like the Music Played: Sample 2

I have been an ardent music lover throughout my childhood and growing-up years. I cannot imagine any celebration or event without good music. While I pride myself on my musical taste, I know that one has to give in to mainstream flavors every once in a while. That is something I have learned to adjust, temporarily departing from my passion for classical music to pop, Bollywood, and other styles. I remember attending my colleague cum friend’s birthday party a few years back. 

He was someone I admired immensely for his work ethic and, most of all, for his musical knowledge. He had a splendid collection of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and many other tracks we kept hearing on loop at work. He taught us several musical nuances of classical singers and their singing styles. He was particularly fond of legend Pandit Bhimsen Joshi. Hence, upon receiving an invitation to attend his event, I was certain that the party would have the two things I appreciated the most, i.e., good music and excellent food (my friend being a gourmet). 

To my dismay, I found item numbers being played at this party. It was not that anyone was dancing. They were simply being played for cheap entertainment. I didn’t like the music; I kept wondering what had happened to my erudite and classy friend. He even came up to me and asked whether I liked the songs being played. I managed to grunt in response. Since then, this friend of mine has returned to his musical tastes of yore. We have put the event’s musical selection behind us. That day, however, the music completely put me off. As they say, even the best of us sometimes tumble into unknown territories with disastrous consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Describe various forms of music?

There are several forms of music, including the following: 

  1. Strophic
  2. Sonata
  3. Minuet and Trio
  4. Rondo
  5. Binary
  6. Ternary

There are many forms and types of music that are prevalent worldwide. Strophic, for example, is the easiest to absorb since it has a section repeating multiple times.

Is every form of music dulcet or soothing?

Music is a highly subjective aspect. Different types of music mean different things to people. For dulcet or soothing music, ambient music, relaxation music, and classical music or instrumentals are considered par for the course. Some may also experience a similar effect with lounge music. It varies from person to person.

What effect does music have on us?

Music can directly affect our mood, thinking, and perceptions. It has the power to boost endurance, concentration, memory, and effectiveness/productivity. It also helps in keeping fatigue, depression, and anxiety at bay.

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