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Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on 11 May, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

describe a time when you needed to use your imagination

The sample provided below is a part of the IELTS speaking part 2 test in which a candidate is given a task card or cue card on a particular topic, which will include key points which need to be included by the candidates in their description.

The IELTS cue card topic- Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination is immensely interesting, to say the least. Using your imagination refers to any scenario, incident, or circumstance where you had to rely on your imaginative powers and creativity to accomplish a certain task, be it getting out of trouble or getting a project completed. You can liberally tap your own experiences for this sample to lend a personal touch. Here are samples to help you practice.

Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination: Sample 1 

The question is about a time when I had to use my imagination. I will narrate a humorous yet real incident where my imagination helped me escape trouble. I was always the last bencher in my class, and we had a group of friends interested in sports news and magazines. Every day, we would sit on the last bench and browse through these magazines together, pretending to pay attention to what was being taught. 

One day, however, our Principal was on his rounds and noticed us giggling away to glory in class. He entered the room and asked us all to stand up. He then asked us the quintessential question- What was being taught in class? We were astonished, and then, to my horror, he pointed at me to answer. I had only heard one word, i.e., John Keats, being taught by the English teacher a while back. I started stuttering but then managed to pull myself together and confidently stated how John Keats was a leading poet of his time (I did not even know the period to which he belonged!), and he was known for his particular turn of phrase

I drew upon my imagination to talk about how Keats used to describe nature and its beautiful aspects, from birds to trees, and infused in them a sort of romanticism and passion that was his speciality. I made everything up. Upon hearing this, the Principal asked me to sit down and smilingly told the teacher that I was a born poet who should be nurtured. This is how my imagination got me out of trouble.

Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination: Sample 2 

The write-up seeks a description of a time when I had to use my imagination. I will narrate a humorous yet true incident where my imagination helped me escape trouble. I was always a last-bencher in my class, and we had a group of friends interested in sports news and magazines. Every day, we would sit on the last bench and browse through these magazines together, pretending to pay attention to what was being taught. 

One day, however, our Principal was on his rounds and noticed us giggling away to glory in class. He entered the room and asked us all to stand up. He then asked us the quintessential question- What was being taught in class? We were astonished, and then, to my horror, he pointed at me to answer. I had only heard one word, i.e., John Keats, being taught by the English teacher a while back. I started stuttering but then managed to pull myself together and confidently stated how John Keats was a leading poet of his time (I did not even know the period to which he belonged!), and he was known for his particular turn of phrase

I drew upon my imagination to talk about how Keats used to describe nature and its beautiful aspects, from birds to trees, and infused in them a sort of romanticism and passion that was his specialty. I made everything up from my vivid imagination. Upon hearing this, the Principal asked me to sit down and smilingly told the teacher that I was a born poet who should be nurtured. This is how my imagination got me out of trouble.

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Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination: Sample 2 

Our imagination is the lifeblood of creative thinking and experimentation. To this aspect, I will whole-heartedly agree, especially in the light of an amusing instance that I will narrate here. I am a college student with a penchant for good books, and I also love viewing YouTube videos of various countries worldwide in my spare time. I find it therapeutic and relaxing while mentally making plans to visit these places in the future when I have sufficient funds at my disposal. 

One day, there was an international expo at our college, where several leading institutions took part from foreign countries. There was a special section on Switzerland and Swiss universities. The event anchor repeatedly asked the audience whether there was anyone who had ever visited the country. My friends pinched me and promised me a full meal at KFC on their tab if I could pass off as someone who had visited Switzerland. Enthused by the prospect of a delicious meal that night, I put my hand up on a lark. 

The anchor asked me about my experiences in Switzerland. I tapped into my active imagination to answer her question. I talked about the snow-clad peaks and mountains, the cable car rides, and the beautiful skiing trails. I also talked about the green valleys and picturesque country roads wound up the mountains. I talked of quaint villages en route with delicious meals and friendly locals. I also spoke about how Swiss chocolates were perhaps the best in the world. The anchor and the audience gave me a standing ovation. I smugly sat down and gestured to my friends. Needless to say, I got the treat I was hoping for! My imagination had come to my aid in the best way possible!

Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination: Sample 3

Our imagination is the lifeblood of creative thinking and experimentation. To this aspect, I will wholeheartedly agree, especially in the light of an amusing instance I will narrate here. I am a college student with a penchant for good books, and I also love viewing YouTube videos of various countries in my spare time. I find it therapeutic and relaxing while mentally making plans to visit these places in the future when I have sufficient funds at my disposal. 

One day, there was an international expo at our college, where several leading institutions took part from foreign countries. There was a special section on Switzerland and Swiss Universities. The event anchor repeatedly asked the audience whether there was anyone who had ever visited the country. My friends pinched me and promised me a full meal at KFC on their tab if I could pass off as someone who had visited Switzerland. Enthused by the prospect of a delicious meal that night, I put my hand up on a lark. 

The anchor asked me about my experiences in Switzerland; I tapped into my active imagination to answer her question. I talked about the snow-clad peaks and mountains, the cable car rides, and the beautiful skiing trails. I also spoke about the green valleys, and picturesque country roads wound up the mountains. Moreover, I talked of quaint villages en route with delicious meals and friendly locals. I also spoke about how Swiss chocolates were perhaps the best in the world. The anchor and the audience gave me a standing ovation. I smugly sat down and gestured to my friends. My imagination had come to my aid in the best way possible. 

More Resources to Read About IELTS Cue Cards:

Describe An Ambition that You haven’t Achieved

Memorable Day in My Life

Describe A City that You think is Very Interesting

Describe Your Dream House

Describe A Time When You Were Really Close To A Wild Animal

Describe A Tradition in your Country

Describe A Perfect Job You Would Like To Have in the Future

Describe A Leisure Activity in or on the Sea

Describe A Computer/Phone Game You Enjoy Playing Since Your Childhood

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can you use your imagination?

Imagination helps us explore new ideas and things that are not always in the present or real environment. These may not even be existent. Hence, it may be used whenever you wish, right from creating something to solving a problem and so on.

Why should we use imagination?

We should use our imagination since it has a direct impact on everything that we do and also everything that we create. It also leads to several inventions, dreams, and theories. Imagination is a direct influence on everything in life if we allow our minds to explore these possibilities. Without imagination, there cannot be any innovation or creativity as well.

Important IELTS Exam Resources

IELTS Exam Overview

IELTS is required to be taken by international students and workers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language of communication. Know the complete details./

IELTS Online Test

IELTS Exam Syllabus

With the right knowledge of the IELTS exam syllabus and pattern, cracking the popular English test won’t be difficult./

IELTS Syllabus

IELTS Exam Pattern

The IELTS exam pattern encompasses four major sections, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading. /

IELTS Exam Pattern

Mrinal Mandal

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