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Check Out PLAB 2 Dates & Syllabus for 2024-25

Updated on 09 November, 2023

Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

Did you know your application for registration with a license to practice medicine in the UK may require additional skill evidence if you apply after two years of your PLAB 2 test? This highlights the significance of the PLAB 2 examination and why preparing for it is crucial. This article will take you through the PLAB 2 syllabus, dates, its importance, and effective preparation strategies.

PLAB 2 Exam Overview

The PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) examination is for doctors who wish to practice medicine in the United Kingdom but have completed their studies outside the UK. It is a two-part examination, with PLAB 2 being the second part. 

PLAB 2 is an OSCE or objective structured clinical examination comprising 16 scenarios (8 minutes each) and aims at replicating real-life ward or consultation settings. The test takes roughly three hours, covering everything UK-trained doctors encounter on their first day of F2 (Foundation Year 2). 

The test examines the abilities of aspirants to care for patients. Examinees must read the instructions and patient information before entering each examination room (section) and completing their tasks. The PLAB 2 examination cost is between £906-£934. 

PLAB 2 Exam Dates

The examination is held at two GMC (General Medical Council) assessment centers in the UK. PLAB 2 dates are available throughout the year. Aspirants can view them under the My Tests tab at GMC Online. These dates are available only when you have cleared the PLAB 1 test. Let us now understand why PLAB 2 is important.

Importance of PLAB 2 Exam

The PLAB 2 results are essential for those who wish to practice medicine in the UK. This is the second and integral step towards obtaining registration and the license to work as a doctor in the country. 

Topics Covered in PLAB 2 Exam

Here are some of the aspects that are tested as a part of the PLAB 2 syllabus. 

1.Data gathering, technical, and assessment skills- 

History-taking, physical examination, practical processes, and investigations that lead to diagnoses. 

2.Clinical management skills- 

Formulating diagnosis, explaining concepts to patients, and creating management plans. 

3.Interpersonal skills- 

These include doctors' approaches to situations, including establishing rapport with patients, using closed and open questioning involving patients, demonstrating professionalism, and an understanding of ethical principles. 

Clinical examinations at most stations will have simulated patients. You should be able to undertake physical tests, including the breast, abdomen, hand, chest, heart, and joints, along with bimanual vaginal or rectal examinations. You should also know how to use the right equipment to examine the nervous system, eyes, and ears. 

Practical skills may include checking blood pressure, venepuncture, injecting and mixing drugs in intravenous bags, calculating drug dosage, inserting a cannula into a peripheral vein, suturing, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, investigations, interpreting ECG, X-ray and other results, taking cervical smears, interpreting respiratory function tests, and even disposing of sharps safely. 

Interpersonal skills to be examined usually include involving patients in decision-making, explaining diagnosis, treatment, and investigation, communicating with relatives and healthcare professionals, delivering bad news, offering clear prescriptions/instructions, seeking consent for procedures/post-mortem, giving advice on various aspects, etc. 

Effective Strategies for PLAB 2 Preparation

PLAB 2 Exam Guide

Top 6 Tips to Prepare for PLAB 2

The nature of the PLAB 2 examination makes practice imperative for aspiring doctors. You must use the PLAB test blueprint as a starting point before you chalk out your preparation strategy. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while preparing for PLAB 2: 

  • Check the Foundation Programme curriculum carefully and go through its content while preparing. 
  • Use Good medical practice, other interactive resources and guides, and online tools at the GMC online platform. 
  • Evidence-based practice and medical research/literature can be the two pillars of your preparation strategy. 
  • You will get only 8 minutes per scenario to showcase your abilities. Building your consultation techniques before the examination can help you utilize this time effectively. A structured approach towards consultation will help you swiftly adapt to diverse scenarios and score well in every domain. 
  • Boost your knowledge with persistent reading and watching informative videos. You can brush up on the NHS structure to understand and communicate aspects like referrals and their processes. You should also know the services available as part of your scenario management. 
  • Book mock tests and practice sessions to get helpful feedback on the techniques you use. Live mock test sessions can simulate the actual test day and help you cope with the pressure better. 

If you practice persistently and correctly, there is no reason why you cannot clear the PLAB 2 test and fulfill your desire to practice as a doctor in the UK. Remember, time management and practical skills are of great essence when appearing for this examination. 


What is the PLAB 2 exam?

The PLAB 2 examination is a part of the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) test for doctors who have studied outside the UK but wish to practice medicine in the UK. 

Who is eligible to take the PLAB 2 exam?

The PLAB 2 examination can only be taken by those who have cleared the PLAB 1 test. 

What does the PLAB 2 exam assess?

The PLAB 2 examination assesses doctors' abilities in categories like clinical management, interpersonal, data gathering, and technical and assessment skills. 

How can I prepare for the PLAB 2 exam?

You can prepare by practicing in simulated and real-world settings with timers. Go through the official guides and resource materials well before the examination. 

What is the passing score for the PLAB 2 exam?

Every station has a pass mark that uses the borderline regression scoring method. The pass mark hence changes with the station difficulty for every test. Candidates must exceed or meet the total score (adding up pass marks in each examination and one standard error of measurement) and pass at least ten stations to clear the PLAB 2 test. 

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

Pragya Sharma is a content developer and marketer with 6.5+ years of experience in the education industry. She started her career as a social media copywriter for NIELIT, Ministry of Electronics & IT, and has now scaled up as a 360-degree content professional well-versed with the intricacies of digital marketing and different forms of content used to drive and hook the target audience. She is also a co-author of 2 stories in an anthology based on the theme- women empowerment.

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